HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-11 254 Bozeman, Montana 11 Sep tember 19(J8 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City hall Building, Hednesday, 11 September 1968, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy, Commis~;ioncr Langohr, City Manager Cutting, Ass' t. Ci ty Manager Frys lie, Acting Ci ty Attorney Angel and the Clerk. Commis~;ioner Sedivy opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the regular session held It September 1968, Here read andit was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion \v<1s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Connnissioner Langohr, Commiss ioncr Sedivy and Mayor Morrow; those voting No, none. Aut h () t~ i t Y t: 0 . i\ t ten,] .. !f"6~ t h~ i\12.E:~_ \~. LI n t~'2-::1~~~_l~~__S;.9_r::- f €.Y S'.0_s:.~...(~L_}:~UL!.~U_E1LQi.f!:!:i <!_~_~L"2}":_~?~._S ~E.~~I!.ll? (' r~.2-~& ...u_ n... ..~- -.... ..- ..____n___ ._n. -- '-il(l_'::~.::.or~L___~~~~c~0E:.._)~~\.~.i.~5]..!;~~J5_.._~.rl..sJ?E_~~~:..() Y_.Q~)2:_a];_d.._J~~~_r.:EiyJ;~ : The 46th Annual Business meeting of the International Conference of Building Officials is sche- duled to be held 23-27 September 1968, at the Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas, and the City Manager r.e- commended that the City Building Inspector. Mr. Don Barrick, be authorized to attend the conference. It vlas moved by Commi.ssioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that, it being in the public interest, the City Building Inspector be a\lthorized to attend the conference and his expenses be paid out of the Ccncral fund and the motion was carried by the foll0win['; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langohr and Mayor Morrow; those voting No, none. A~_tJ"~o r il~L_t~S~..};~':l:.c.5;i:_~~~_._~~.~cJ~~C__tl~<]ll!.E.'=-E_t~_ _J:~E1'2-:o...:'0-!.ll.(~_~..~_]L. :~; 8 L!...Q9_...::...~~t e ~__D e P..:~E_t}11 e n.~ ; The Hater Department has need for a "Hacher" (Tamper) and the City Manager requestcd authority to purchase the "Hacker" Tamper at an approximate cost of $875.00. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, [;cconded by Commissioner SE'divy, that the purchase be authorized and the motion ,vas carried by the follmvi.ng Aye and N0 vote.: those voting Aye being Commissioner Langohr, Commiss ioner Scd ivy and M8yor MorrO\v; Those voting No, none. ~____........ ...? 0 f .Y.Q.:~~!,-. f o_~.j1!!+_Q.qJ..q 0 'L ..Qg3..'!..e~'~~~~, f) r~!_.l'le ~?..!.l]:~":_.~_p;"~.E.'": .t:.~5)!:~..l.Q." _S_c..:J?~. e_n~~:~.(:.~:~._..l_~_~~~._.-__~~~L ~_~~ : of the Special Election held in r the City on Sept- ember 10, 1968, to vote upon 00.00 Revenuc Bonds of the City, together. holding are exami.ned, fi 1 ed . [l,.u t ~o r :~J:._~_Q...}:~L1." c 1':...a3~]~9.~0_Jll0~_E'.:E~__.~~ eke t s LJ\J2J)..r.o?5..~.}~~~~_~ lz....::i2_~~(L :!:~Q.:. A request from the City Band for authorization to purchase Band Blazers in the approximate amount of $980.00 ,'las presented. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the purchase of the band blazers in the approx5..nlate amount of $980.00 be authorized and the motion ,vas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Langohr, Commiss ioner Scd i.vy and Mayor Morrow: those voting No, none. !:?. e t: i;..!;.. i~~J..().J.;.. 5_E(:.~.~~_~J}~;-..<~..v_~::.1.?:':':...~.J~ L f:'!:.E..~Y_~.J<:.).E.._~_~~.~~_~~?.C.~':~_~'1.0)~}..~-=-__<2..!..~~_Y ~~l a ;:~~~._~Y.~_:~..~~:l.cL_~~o \1 t: h ~!orl_~.92.~_ :._.Q!2_~".~f.:2-_~.__.~L.gi }\(?~J:.55~_Cl: A petition signed by Douglas R. Drysdale and for Ralph K. Aaker, Co-Partner requesting the creation of a Special Improvement District for the extension of the water and sewer mains on East Cleveland Street, East Garfield Street and East Lincoln Street and South Montana Avenl1c was presented. Follmving a discussion, it Has moved by Commissioner Sedi.vy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution initiating a Special Improvement Dis- I I I I I I trict for the extension of the water and sewer mains on East Cleveland Street, East Garficld Street, and East Lincoln Street and South Montana AvenuE' and (:he t;~otion was carried by ':l1c follm"ling Aye and No votc: those voting Aye being Commissioner. Sedivy, ComTl1i ssioner t<mgohr and ~fayo-r Mor.roH; those voting No, none. _S~!l'!"~_fi_~__?L__1{g)~S::!;_ ...LO_J::..__~g_I_{:Q_Q.L(2..Q.O~_Q.Q.__B-~Yc n u e J}g!~~~0~_~':C;.;.1_~~~: ___ ~}E_(:_1=-!:..~~_r~.J_Q..._~_~:_'p~_~::!.1~::_J,___1_9.0_iL--=--_S"e::: ~_g.f> __~))'_~-i_tE~r: : The City Clerk prcsc'1tcd the n,:"lIrns of the Special E:c:'~~iDn :ic1c1 in anc1::o~: the City Cl'l 10 3eptemlx:: 1963, tn vot-c 11?on the question of issui';g $1,!100,000.00 Revenue Bend:; of tbp City, together \!ith proofs of thp due' call, notices and \101(11n['; of :i2id clccti.nTl, all ~)[ -,:hie]) arc C:-<-:'1'- incd, aoproved and ordered filed. b"" b" 0\ ..--< J.N3:8 tl3d . 0\ 0 \D (') r-- 00 -.:t r-- 0\ - - - - - - cu 0 C") " S '1 V J. 0 J. C".' 0 -.:-J'" ....:r 0\ .. .. .. N lf1 ..--l ..--l ct:) ;)~;nol{Pl 31-d Zl \D N \.D Cf) ,1" lf1 lf1 \D '" ..--< -l< -.:r q:ih.H ..--< -.;t ..--< '-C 100l{;)8 .l.o'fuas 11 ..--< \D '" 0\ '" -.:t N l..r~ . '3 PHI uO'~ un 0 0 If'1 lf1 luapn1S 01 o.D (""1 ..--< -.:r ...... " ..--< ..--< <,,", -l< co lf1 '" C'l l"- . 100l{;)S .w"p :11 qt1 6 1.0 00 l"- lf1 r-- lf1 .-~ N ..--< 100lPS 2u1-i\..lI lf1 co 0 ex) . 8 0 or. '" ex) ..--l \D ..--l ..--< '" \D [>1011 <:lJ '3uo1 r-- r-- ':::. -l< 1 amps L ..--< 0 " N -.:j- \0 ..--< lf1 N ..--l ...::1" kn8 l"- \.Cl r--. (<", 11l:?l-l 9 lf1 lf1 ..--< r-- Cf) N <:'J ..,j- N r-- '" 0 lomps uo~ualUa ~ ..--l " C".) Cf) 0\ 1.0 ..--l ,......{ N " 0" ...... \C r-- "[ OotpS llo~'11H1 '? \.D 0" '" N <t C"~ ..--l '" -l< l"- co (') N \0 . asnOH :j.1no:J S -.::t If., lf1 0 '" " ..--< N -l~ ,~ ~IUI Pllng '\..lOUUV 0 r-- 0'> r-- '-C Z ('"', '" -..j- Cf) N (') " r-- 0 Cf) co ,.....i [OOlPS OU.:Lol{:IJ'\elI 1 \.D ('"1 -.:r r-- N '" . en Z 1:-.' p::: 0 U t~l I-~ 0 ~"J E-i E-i 0 ~) 0 u 0 tr\ C ::.-:~ t'1 . ('"J n~ ....1 0 ,......{ ~ 0 ~cl 0 I IfJ ~.1' H p, f2 .. ,.J Z ~ 0 Z ..--< C <(~ 0-' Z 0 {.,',:- 0 H en H ~ ....:::-1 p~ H Vl H H H I 0 ~ tcJ Z U ....1 ~'3 7- H ~ ::) ~ <1; p., :;>- 0 ",..... (/) H (j) t-o-1 t~l ~ 0 H p.~ ?; U ",..-1 :> < p~ <r: <: 0 ~ [J) E-' 0 C/) ~< H ~ 0 p~ t'-J P t>-4 W P4 I <r: p.. '0 or' o :0- J ..--< -l' Therenpon Commissioner Sedivy, introduced the following resolution ann moved its adoption 255 256 COMMISS ION RESOLUTION NO. 138 J RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF REVENUE BOND ELECTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, as folloHs: 1. Thi.s Commission docs hereby find, determine and declare that the special election held in and for said City on September 10, 1968, to vote upon the question of issuing $1,400,000 Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, was in all respects duly and legally called, held and conducted, and returns thereof thereof have he en made and filed in accordance v:ith law. 2. That all, but only, the duly registered electors of said City whose names appear upon the last completed assessment roll for state and county taxes as taxpayers upon property \vithin the City wcre permitted to vote thereat, and that the results of said election were as follrms: Designation of Precinct Number of Qual i Hed Voters Shmm on Precinct Register Ballots Unmarl:ec! , 81'oi lcd, and Defective Ballots Voted For Issuine; Bonds Ballo ts Voted Ae;ainst Issuing Bonds 1. 2 3 If 5 f:, 367 330 !;I1,8 %9 612 257 617 605 565 t~60 {fl. I 3lfO None One One None None None OnC2 None Onc None One None 30 37 53 91 1l.7 56 107 158 83 130 6Lf 52 1,8 If9 52 36 33 17 If!: 30 73 15 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1+34 1,008 3. The question of issuing said bonds and improving the City's Sewer System Hith the proceeds thereof is hereby declared to have carried by more than the requisite majority, and this Commiss ion is hereby authClrized to proceed, and shall procecc~ \vi th the making 0 [ said improvement and issuance of said revenue bonds. Passed by the City Commis:;ion and approved by the Hayor this 11th day of September, 1968. c.:> ATTEST: (:;/A_ Clerk Approved: Signed by: R. Harry Morrm,] Hayor ';/ /'-;7/ #. If / ~~. A..GM of thE' CitY)J'Ommission The motion for the adoption of the foregoing re~,olution Has duly seconded by Commissi.oner Langohr, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted AYE: Commissioner Scdivy, Commiss loner Langohr and Mayor Horrow, and the following voted No: none, whereupon said resolution ,vas declared duly passed by a majority of the who1c number of members of the Commi~)sion, and the Mayor being present affixed his sir;nature thereto in approval thereof and the City Clerk attested her signature thereto. State of Montana ) )S5. County of Gallatin ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of Bozeman, Hontana, hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes and the re- solution therein set forth \-lith the original of such rr.inutes and resolution on file and of record in my office, and that the attached is a full, true and correct copy of said resolution and of the minutes relating thereto. TilITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 11th day of September, 1968. r;:/ // Cff / &/G~ P ~--;"~...... Clerk of the Citj1:./Commission I I I 11,l1thori_SL_t_O~!2;:::J1E~c~-,~1?1 j~~.:...iforms : $550..00: The police department has need for police uniforms in the approximate amount of $550.00. It \Vas moved by Co~miiisioncr Langohr, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, tllat 811thori?ation be granted to purchase the police uni forms in the approximate amount of $550.00 and the motion \,'as carried by the fo llovdng Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye being Commissioner Langohr, Commissioner Sed ivy, I and Mayor Morro\V; those voting No, none. Authoritv to Purchase 28 3/{1." \Jatcr Heters: A.Q..eroximate $1J7'j.QO: ----.----.....-,'_~,____~.:..L_~,.._~._~._"'_~..,~~.._~__~_.~_.__,____,__.~,.~.__.~__.~~ _~~._~~__.___._~ --~___ The water department has need for an additional supply of 3/4 inch \Vater meters and requested authority to purchase twenty-eight meters at an approximate cost of $975.00. It Ha,; moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the purchase be authorized and the motion \Vas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langohr and Hayor Horrow; those voting No, none. f.1::.9~'~~a.T;:l~~ t.~~'?:2-:_~_~' C~~~~~t-,~~t=.Lo.::....~'J e E:'_~~~I.~_----=---l 7 - J]_1>9 t e.::n b~E._l-,2.6 ~~ :. Mayor R. Harry MorrO\v announced his proclamation of the \veek of 17-23 September as "Const:i.t- ution Heck" within the City of Bozeman marking the onc-hundred eighty-first anniversary of thc adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention and to accord official recognition to this memorable anniversary and to the patriotic exercise that will form a notevlOrthy feature of the occasion. It was moved by Commissioner Langohr, seconded by Comn'- issioner Sedivy, that this proclamation of the l1ayors be endorsed and the motion was carried by the follm-Jing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Langohr, Commissioner Sedivy I and Hayor Morrow; those voting No, none. Ij~l.<1_.!_..~' c e p ~~~,=-~__se E_",=-.!.l? 0~._1" a c ~}_L~ i e s_~~"_~ ID 1!~~_~?.9.--:._"_~cl~a_U_CLc: n ::.~-r:.l!!-=..~.2:_0--.!.1 : The certificate of the engineer of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins and Associates on Special Improve.. mcnt District No. 470 stating that the construction of Kirk Park Devclopment Improvements, Rest Room Facilities, in Special Improvement District No. 470 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, has been completed in accordance \Vith the terms and stipulations given in the plans and sped ficatiolls was prcsen ted. The Ci ty l1anager concurred in the recommendation of the Engineers and recoTIln:e'lded tha t the proiect be accepted and Einal payment be authorized. It 1;1as t:love,1 by :::or~n~is;;ionCL Sedivy, seconded by CO':TImissioner Lango}lr, that as recommended, the project be ac::cptec1 .'H: completed and the Director ,)f Finance he directed to issl1e W3rrants in p<1)'r'.cnt: of same anr1 ~:le :'":oti.,.1'l. \Je\S caroce: by the follo~li'1g Aye and No Vote: those voting Aye ~)cins CO:l1::,:'.ss:.oncr ;.Jcdivy, CY1"rii".:Ji:)ncr I..ango!-cr 8nd ~fayor Morro,-;; ~hose voting No, none. Fin a l. i:"~1_C~ ..P_~?PE.~_.. .~~:a_~_~~_()_~_~.~DJ..~X ~j5: c t_ ~__ H B 4 2___~E~j~ ct.. 1'1 o_~?}:_~__01J_J:~)_rI1L__g_(J.!..l:~.t_J;~1~.'_,=--L?_r~ : --~---_.._----~. .... . .- T:"lC' ~j ty l>~.Qn.9.ger i.nEomed the CODlmission that the 'work ~.laving b~t~!1 con'l)1.ctccl, ;:1~ c.nncnrrcG. 1.:1 t.he re(~,o!1:mcnJa~ian ~:)f the City Engi.nccr t.l~at, the c.OT"1.tract of the I.Jong CQn~tru('.ti.()l1 Comp9nyr ::01"-& 'IB-42 Fun~s, Project ff212-(Ol), Seal Coat Oiling be accepted 33 completed in accnrd3nre with the I plflnS 2nd specifications, contingent Ilpon acceptance by tbe Stale Eight'Ie:' DE'p':l1~!-"'Cf'I. and final quantities be certificd to the Hl7,hway Department for payment. Fo1.1.ovdng di.scussion, i.t \vas moved by Commissioncy Langohr, scc()ncccl by Com~1issioner Srcivy, that t'H' contr'::l!:t of the Long 8onstruction Company for rro;cct HB-',2, P:cojcct no. 212-(01), Seal Coat Oiling, be accepted as completed, contingent upon the accepta'lcc by the :~tote lli[,!r,:::-:y DCr':?'Tt- n1cnt and thAt final payment to l'he contractors be n::commended and t'lt:' motion Has (~a"1:icd by the coJ1mving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner tangohr, Commis:;ioner Se(~i":' :md HaycH NOTrO'.vi those voting No, none. 257 258 .~9_~_~rr.~~D_. ...~g_I~i:_~E_Ji.~;~~_J?_(~l~(:)gJ._:.__..}~(C_<1~15'_~J.~_t~2:5?}~.c3__~).1:.~~.E.:.P~~2..~_E'___~~:.t~~_aL~_JJ__J33.E..~~~.!!!.b(' J:_~.9 61.}. : A written request from Reid Robison, Student Body President of Bozeman Senior High School, for permission to stage a "Snake Dance" on Main Street on Friday, 13 September 1968, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. \Vas presented. The r,hief of Police stated that to his knmJ1edge, the event \v'oulcl not create a traffic problem and the Police Department had been asked for an escort on Main Street and the Ci ty l'I~lllager recommended the reques t be granted. It vas moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langol1r, that permission to stage the event be granted and the motion Has carried by the followi.ng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being CO'tllmissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langobr and Hayor Morrovl; those voting No, none. .~~E9_~_~:~.. r:g r_i\tl_~ll_!';_~ : The following reports were presented for August: Building Inspector Cashiers Report Director of Finance (July) The Ci.ty Hanager commented on the reports and recommended their approval. It was moved by Commissioner tangohr, seconded by Commis[-;ioner Sedivy, that the reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion Has carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Langohr., Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Morrow; those voting No, none. Claims: Claim No's 1470 thru 1526 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: General S tree t ~vater 8DS Library Planning Board pa r1, $!+ , 030 . 75 990.85 1,27!1.9!f 1,075.51 107.99 29.60 5!:0.57 Cemetery Band Harbage Parking Meter Cemetery Suspense SID's Perm. Care $ 188.38 980.00 2{1.5.22 117.08 150.00 22,581.35 50.00 $32,362.2!+ The City J:1anager commented on the claims and found them to be true and la\oJful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommended they be approved and the Director of Finance be directed to issue warrants in payment. After examination of the claims and checking against the claim register, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that the claims be approved and the motion \.,as carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Comm- issioner Langohr and Mayor Morrow; those voting No, none. L e_~"~!":!!_ _--=---}~:.::r)_J~~' is sin g .AEl). :1:"5' c i ~LL 0 n~L!~_J.~,=-~_'!:..~_~~~c.r:..._~:!.~.. E l_c~~'_~.i 0 n : It '.las moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Langohr, that a,letter be addressed to appropriate ne\v$ media expressing the deep appreciation of the City for the extensive news coverage given and the several fine articles published in regard to the proposed Sewage Dis- posal plant Project, and also the M.S.U. Professor, Mr. Richard Milledge, President of the Gallatin Sportsman's Club and Represen ta tive R. B. HcCulloch, all of vlhom contributed subs tantially to the success of the $1,400,000 Revenue Bond Election held on 10 September 1968 and the motion was carried by the follmdng Aye and No vote: those voting /\.ye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Langohr and Mayor Morrmv; those voting No, none: ~(l_.t~_~!~Tl.~ : There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it vias moved by Commissioner Langohr., seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the meeting be adjour.ned ancl the motion '/las carried by the folloHing Aye and No vote: those voting .\ye ioner Sedivy and Mayor MorroW, those voting No, none. being Co A .....~~ Langohr, r,ommiss- ATTEST: I I I