HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-16 CC Mtg - C3. Task Order 4 with HDR for Stormwater Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Frank Greenhill, Stormwater Program Technician Kyle Mehrens, Stormwater Program Coordinator Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Stormwater Waste Facility Design Services MEETING DATE: December 19, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement - Task Order 4 with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the design of the City’s Stormwater Waste Facility. BACKGROUND: The Stormwater Division advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Stormwater System Improvement and Low Impact Development Design Services in 2015. Staff selected HDR Engineering, INC. and DOWL as the most qualified and executed a two-year task order based Professional Services Agreement with both consultants. The City Commission approved the Professional Services Agreements, and the City Manager proceeded to sign both contracts on November 16, 2015. Staff utilizes the selected consultants to complete stormwater related engineering services on an “on call” basis. Requested services include, but are not limited to, design work, soil testing, survey, and construction administration. Once Staff selects a consultant for a particular project, an individual task order, scope, and budget, is prepared and presented to the City Commission for approval and ratification from the City Manager. Attached is a copy of the partially executed Professional Services Agreement - Task Order 4 with HDR Engineering, INC. for the design of the Stormwater Waste Facility, a project approved in the 2017 Fiscal Year Budget. The City requires a Stormwater Waste Facility to remediate current debris collection, storage, and disposal issues associated with reoccurring stormwater and wastewater infrastructure maintenance. The Stormwater Waste Facility will be adjacent to the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant and include the following components:  A stormwater debris disposal bay designed to manage solids and liquids generated from stormwater field operations and system maintenace;  A commingled sanitary waste disposal bay designed to manage solids and liquids generated from wastewater field operations and system maintenance;  A secure storage area for potentially contaminated waste generated from unplanned pollution events; and  An equipment and vehicle wash station. Staff reviewed the Professional Services Agreement - Task Order 4 and found it to be commensurate with the work proposed. 10 UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: A budget of $47,290 is required to perform the scope of services negotiated in the attached Professional Services Agreement - Task Order 4. Adequate funding exists within remaining FY17 stormwater professional design service allocations and the project’s approved budget. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement for Stormwater Improvement Projects Professional Services Agreement - Task Order 4 Report compiled on: 12/13/2016 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 1 of 8 Exhibit A - Scope of Services Introduction The following scope of services is to provide engineering services to the City of Bozeman (COB) for the Stormwater Waste Facility (SWF) Project. The proposed project is the first facility of its kind for the COB to treat stormwater waste. This project will be located in the existing IP Cells to the west of the City’s Municipal Waste Treatment Facility. The COB would like to use the existing lined pond to the north as the discharge point for the proposed SWF. It was indicated that the Municipal Waste Facility will no longer use this pond in the future; therefore it is assumed that the entire capacity of the pond will be available for the liquid discharge from the SWF. The following document outlines the assumptions, understanding of the work, and deliverables for work associated with the SWF Project. Note that construction administration is not included within this scope of services. An amendment to this scope of services will be required if construction administration is requested to be performed by HDR. Project Schedule The project schedule is set with the goal that construction of this project will take place during the spring or summer of 2017. A COB provided survey of the site will take place prior to Design Notice to Proceed (NTP), and design is anticipated to be completed in 2016. Assumptions: • NTP will be received by HDR prior to September 23, 2016. • COB will provide requested materials and review comments in a timely fashion as presented in the assumption sections for the following tasks. Scope of Services Task 1: Project Management and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services Description of Work: The scope, schedule, and budget will be monitored so that the project moves forward in a timely manner. Each deliverable will be reviewed to ensure accurate, high-quality, and dependable work products. Sub Tasks: 01.01 - Project Management & Coordination of Work This task includes project management services during the entire life of the project, including: • Monthly Invoicing and Monthly Reports • Project Delivery Administration: Budget & Schedule Controls 22 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 2 of 8 • Kickoff meeting to establish communication protocol, project understanding, available data, project schedule, etc. 01.02 - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services • Review of each deliverable according to HDR’s quality management procedures. • Quality Assurance/Quality Control is integrated into each deliverable’s budget. Assumptions: • Project management effort is a function of the project duration and is based on the schedule included with this scope of services. NTP is anticipated in September of 2016, with participation assumed to be completed at the submittal of final design. Additional project coordination or an extended project schedule may require a contract amendment. Deliverables: • Monthly invoice and project status updates. Task 1 Budget: • $2,170 Task 2: Preliminary Design and Layout Description of Work: Site specific data will be gathered from both existing sources and site visits. The data will be reviewed to understand the site constraints and analyze the feasibility of this site. HDR will prepare a preliminary design for COB review HDR and the COB will have teleconferences, as needed, to discuss communication, project goals and expectations, project progress and to have COB deliver existing site information. Sub Tasks: 02.01 – Site Civil and Utility Survey A topographic and utility survey of the site (the IP cells to the Existing Ponds) will be provided by the City to determine the existing topography and locations of existing underground and above- ground utilities. The data generated for this effort will be used for both the Preliminary Design Teleconference and full design. 02.02 – Geotechnical Evaluation The City will provide existing geotechnical evaluations for the IP Cell site. It is assumed that this information will be adequate for design. In the event that additional information is needed, the City will provide additional geotechnical reports for the site. It is assumed that no geotechnical reports will be needed for the existing ponds that will not be modified; however, the ponds will be used as the ultimate discharge location for the facility. 02.03 – Waste Stream Characterization 23 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 3 of 8 The Engineer will review reports, studies, data, and information previously completed for other utilities. HDR will review the available data and literature on the composition and volume of the projected waste stream including potential waste composition, potential contaminants, and any potential for hazardous material handling requirements. 02.04 – Treatment Analysis After reviewing available data, HDR will conduct a preliminary analysis of stormwater sediment treatment alternatives. The analysis will identify and evaluate options for onsite treatment of stormwater sediment and make recommendations for a preferred alternative for COB to carry forward to the design phase. HDR will evaluate viable options for onsite treatment and disposal of stormwater sediment. HDR will also examine issues of constructability, operation and maintenance of the treatment facility, system flexibility and ease of expansion. HDR anticipates conventional on-site solids handling. This would be similar to the sediment facilities that exist in Washington State (City of Everett, Pierce County, City of Spokane, and Spokane County). The facility would include a tipping floor, drying area, multistage effluent treatment, and separation of potentially contaminated wastes. Options will be discussed with COB during the Preliminary Design Review Meeting. 2.05 – Site Analysis After reviewing available facility operations data provided by COB, waste stream characterization data, and treatment options, HDR will work with COB staff to identify preliminary location in the IP Cells area for the proposed stormwater sediment facility. The site will be identified based on potential size of the treatment facility, potential discharge options, proximity to other area infrastructure (i.e. water and sewer systems), accessibility, and buffer zones. This will be part of the Preliminary Design Review Meeting. 2.06 – Preliminary Design Review Meeting HDR will meet with the COB via a 2-hour teleconference to discuss the recommended alternative of the project and determine if design work should commence. It is anticipated that the exact extents of the project will be determined during this meeting. HDR shall compile available data, review and analyze this data in order to determine what if any additional data is required to develop the conceptual design alternatives. HDR will prepare and present design options to City personnel during a teleconference. The meeting will be used to make decisions on project features to be carried into design phase. Options to be considered include: • Asphalt vs. concrete; • Ecology blocks vs. poured in place concrete; • Number of hot bays; • Storage needs; • Inclusion of a wash station; • Solids treatment alternatives for drying; • Facility layout; 24 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 4 of 8 • Additional items that arise. The design engineer will attend the teleconference remotely while the project engineer will attend in person at the COB offices. 2.07 – 35% Design, QC, and Review Meeting All information received will be reviewed to understand the site characteristics and project constraints. Using the information compiled and the Preliminary Design Review Meeting, the Engineer will prepare a preliminary schematic design (35% Design) for the proposed improvements. Preliminary schematic design will be delivered to COB for review and approval. • Develop Preliminary Design Documents: Preliminary design documents will include a plan view, typical section(s), and a preliminary engineer’s estimate. • 35% Design Review Meeting: HDR will meet with the COB to discuss COB comments concerning the preliminary design, and to discuss specific contract and construction requirements to be included in the specifications. The Project Manager will meet with the City in person and the Project Engineer will join the meeting via teleconference. The meeting is expected to be no longer than 2 hours. Assumptions: • The COB will provide existing site information such as as-built and utility drawings, if available, free of charge to HDR. • COB will provide available data to HDR within 2 weeks of NTP. • COB will provide a survey of the site, free of charge to HDR within 3 weeks of NTP. • COB will provide additional geotechnical information for the site, as needed and free of charge to HDR. • Design goals are to separate and treat waste streams from stormwater Vactor truck activities and include the following assumptions: o The COB has $150,000 budgeted for the facility. If these funds are not adequate for a full build out, HDR will design the facility to be phased so that it may have the first phase designed and constructed for the budgeted amount of $150,000. The need for phasing will be evaluated with a 35% Design Cost Estimate. o The City produces 40 cubic yards of stormwater solid waste in nine months of operations. This will vary from year to year. Consideration for additional solids will need to be considered in the design. o Operations are not expected to increase over the next five years. o COB has one Vactor truck and it produces 4-5 loads of liquid waste prior to dumping the accumulated solids at the end of the day. o COB only anticipates one Vactor truck will dump at a time with a subsequent hour between the next truckload. 25 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 5 of 8 o Based on the provided information from COB – it is anticipated that current operations will produce 3,000 – 4,000 gallons of liquid waste per day. o Street sweepings will not be accepted at the facility. o A separate wash station for trucks will be included for washing a Vactor truck out. o The facility will be operated 80% of annual work days. o COB has requested a minimum of three hot bays to be available on site that will include separated bays with manhole lids and vaults. o The facility will be uncovered. o No additional support facilities are required. o The existing IP cells will be used for this facility. o The existing large pond will be evaluated for use by the facility for the liquid discharge and evaporation of the waste stream. • COB will provide review comments within 1 week of receiving documents. Deliverables: • Preliminary Design PowerPoint presentation • Meeting Minutes from Preliminary Design Teleconference (PDF copy) • 35% Design Documents (PDF copy) Task 2 Budget: • $17,520 Task 3: Final Design Description of Work: HDR will finalize the construction drawings, specifications, and Engineer’s estimate Sub Tasks: 3.01 – Finalize Documents HDR will complete final construction drawings to include revisions based on COB comments on the preliminary design documents. Assumptions: • Design of utility relocation (if necessary) is not included • Contract documents are not included. The COB may include general contract documents with the drawing set. All notes for the design of the facility will be included on the drawings. • COB comments to Preliminary design documents will be incorporated into the Task 3 deliverables. Deliverables: • Construction drawings: 100% • Engineer’s Estimate (for 100% Design) 26 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 6 of 8 Task 3 Budget: • $15,100 Task 4: Additional Facilities Description of Work: HDR will incorporate the following facilities into the 35% and Final designs and cost estimates. Sub Tasks: 4.01 – Vehicle Wash Stations Vehicle Wash Stations will be evaluated to accommodate multiple City vehicles including the two City Vactor trucks (Stormwater and Sewer). During the Preliminary Alternatives Discussion Meeting, the City decided that two vehicle wash stations would be adequate. The water line to the south of the IP cell will be used. HDR will design a service line to the IP Cell. The cost estimate will have this facility item identified separately. 4.02 – Sanitary Operations HDR will design the Stormwater Facility area to be capable of treating comingled wastes from the stormwater system, pipe breakage events, and sewer pipe cleanout activities. In addition, HDR will include a Phase II design to be included as part of the design set. Phase II will be considered a future phase for the City to construct in the event that a future sewer line expansion is capable of connecting the Phase II area and would result in separating the stormwater and sewer waste streams. This effort will include a cost estimate for the 35% and final design. Assumptions: • Design of utility relocation (if necessary) is not included. • Contract documents are not included. The COB may include general contract documents with the drawing set. All notes for the design of the facility will be included on the drawings. • COB comments to Preliminary design documents will be incorporated into the Task 3 deliverables. Deliverables: • Construction drawings: 35% as part of Task 2 deliverable. • Engineer’s Estimate (for 35% Design) as part of Task 2 deliverable. • Construction drawings: 100% as part of Task 3 deliverable. • Engineer’s Estimate (for 100% Design) as part of Task 3 deliverable. Task 4 Budget: • $6,340 27 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 7 of 8 Task 5: Geotechnical Services Description of Work: As a subconsultant to HDR, Pioneer Technical Services, Inc. will perform the activities outlined below: Sub Tasks: 5.01 – Investigation and Laboratory Testing. Perform a geotechnical test pit investigation and laboratory testing. Pioneer will excavate four test pits along the road alignment (approximately 1 test pit every 550 feet), each to a depth of 5 feet. The excavation work will be subcontracted to a local excavation contractor. For each test pit, Pioneer will record as-built material lift thicknesses, visually classify the soils in the field, and collect soil samples for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing will likely include moisture content, gradation, Atterberg limits, and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The CBR test is a penetration test that evaluates the mechanical strength of road subgrades. 5.02 – Typical Section Design. Using laboratory data, the existing road typical section dimensions, and anticipated traffic volumes, Pioneer will design a typical section for a flexible pavement and/or aggregate surfaced access road. Pending geotechnical investigation results, Pioneer anticipates reutilizing and/or modifying the existing road section. Specifically the task will include the following: a. Establish subgrade resilient modulus based on laboratory testing. b. Use Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) layer coefficients to determine the as- built Structural Number (SN). c. Use AASHTO criteria to determine required SN for the proposed road. d. Provide recommended typical section(s) and applicable geotechnical/earthwork recommendations and specifications. Task 5 Budget: • $6,160 Project Meeting Summary The following formal project meetings have been included in the scope of services: 1. Task 01 – Project Kickoff Meeting 2. Task 02 – Preliminary Design Review Meeting 3. Task 02 – 35% Design Review Meeting Anticipated Schedule of Drawings • Cover • Legend and Notes • Demolition (Including Phase II) • Site Plan (Including Phase II) • Grading Plan 28 Scope of Services | Stormwater Improvement Projects TASK ORDER NUMBER 04: STORMWATER WASTE FACILITY December 13, 2016 8 of 8 • Grading Plan Phase II • Drainage Plan (Including Phase II) • Utility Plan • Utility Notes and Details • Plans & Profiles • Typical Sections 29