HomeMy WebLinkAbout16- Easement Agreement - Help Center - Private Well in Van Horn Subdivision PLATTED After recording,please return to: Robin Crough,City Clerk 263371V City Of Bozeman Page: 1 of 4 1 1/10/2016 04:07:24 PM Fee: $28.00 121 N.Rouse Charlotte Mills - Gallatin County, MT MISc Bozeman,MT 59771 11111111111111111111111 IIII IIIIIII illill IIII Jill IIIII Iiill IIIII Iilllil III IIIII 111111111 Jill EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PRIVATE WELL The City of Bozeman,a self-governing municipality operating pursuant to its Charter and the laws of the State of Montana,with offices at 121 N.Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59771,GRANTOR, in consideration of one dollar($1.00)and for other good and valuable consideration,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,grants to the Help Center,Inc.,a 501-c-3 corporation with offices at 421 E.Peach Street,Bozeman,MT 59715, GRANTEE,an easement for use of and access to an existing water line and well across a 10-foot wide strip of land in Gallatin County,Montana,which is located on the following described property: LOT 1 of the AMENDED PLAT of TRACT B-1 of AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION (E-39-B)AND LOT 4A OF AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION(E-39-C),LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA The easement is more particularly shown on the AMENDED PLAT of TRACT B-1 of AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION(E-39-B)AND LOT 4A OF AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION(E-39-C), attached hereto as EXHIBIT A,which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR warrants that it is lawfully seized and possessed of the property described above, and that it has and will forever defend the title of this property against the claims of all persons. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTORS. The GRANTEE agrees to give GRANTOR notice in writing forty-eight(48)hours prior to accessing the easement granted herein except when(1)such access is made by foot or(2)exigent circumstances exist making prior notice infeasible. Grant of Easement for Well Access to Help Center,Inc. Page I After recording, lease return to: Robin Crough,City Clerk City of Bozeman 121 N.Rouse Bozeman,MT 59771 If at any time GRANTEE voluntarily ceases to use the well or water line described herein for a period of more than two years,the easement granted herein shall terminate and be of no further force or effect. GRANTEE agrees to release,defend,indemnify and save GRANTOR,its agents,representatives, employees and officers harmless from any and all claims,demands,costs,expenses,damages and liabilities for injury,loss or damage to any person,entity or property resulting from or occurring in connection with GRANTEE's use of the easement granted herein. The terms,covenants,and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs,executors,administrators,personal representatives,successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Dated this�day of r,2016. C(IT�Y�O�F HBO E N HELP CENTER, INC. By: Chris A.Kukulski, City Manager BY TITLE: Grant of Easement for Well Access to Help Center,Inc. Page 2 After recording,please return to: Robin Crough,City Clerk City of Bozeman 121 N.Rouse Bozeman,MT 59771 STATE OF MONTANA ) )Ss. GALLATIN COUNTY ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on ► ,2016,by Chris Kukulski,known to me to be the City Manager of the City of Bozeman. PEARL MICHALSON = Nolmy Pi.iulic ., Printed Name:'� �,� �•�; �o, Q� -•NOTARI,q G for the state of Montana 1� lssn = Residing Lit: Notary Public for the State of Montana _* SEAL Q= Bozeman, Montana Residingat: 1 ,o-Zem OF ... March My Commission Expires: M Commission Expires: 3 is 2o March 10,2020 Y p STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. GALLATIN COUNTY ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,2016,bydi/J44�a Oy,)d, known to me to be the EKr-.e-(kjj jo�—f]> r:Eeof Help Center,Inc. A,T,,,,,.�, VI0KIE A fiePSLI€ _�- `V Notary Public Printed Name: L e OTAH/qi.*for the State of Montana Residing at: Notary Public for he State of Montana SEAL; Belgrade, Montana Residing at: I /1qG� /y! My commission Expires: My Commission Expires: July 15,2015 d i i Grant of Easement for Well Access to Help Center,Inc. Page 3 f L' I'. AMENDED PLAT OF TRACT B-1 OF AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION(E-39-B)AND LOT 4A OF AMENDED VAN HORN SUBDIVISION(E-39-C), LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA Ot1NBHS4 TRACTRJ;Udip—lrc.,M IATft❑D.F➢nvm o PIIRPOBE TO RGVtLTN A-N—BOfNDARYBETTb E N2LOTSNA PNTTEDBUDDTVL410N CERTIFICATE OF SURYEYOR tPA°C A LECALD-CIUF1'[ON I,1M1e Undenlpn°d.Ryan J..Dca,Proleaalonvl Lond Surveyor,d°nmMy nrllfy that tnl°ov f-1 A he.t of lend being Tract B-t of Amended Van Nwn subdlNelan(E-JB-BJ and Lo!9A Am.ntl,d SubtllWvlen, u yed tler my dlrecl vupwlclon,and pi°Ited the vv AN N�grB ,oven on Me.1, ppgnylnq Plat nd° d—Ilt,d In dance IM the W.one'ol Me of Amended Von hip Sd.th."'(E-JB-C),located In lhv Soulhwovl One-0uarter of Monland SubdlNalon nd Plalting Act,Seelbnv]D-3-IDI through)S'tho P,A.C.I.end o.oD C Callallln Llounty,nAlc1^t3e ulh.Rona•5 Eaet.P,Inclpal MerlEivn Manton,,CIIy of B.xeman. !hv Bozeman Nunlelpel Code. �A (MC° sold tract of Iona being 3.21,crv,,along wIM and s,bj..t to any evbtI,g moment.. DATED IN,_doy of 20_ w 4 � S1fE'4158'E �S 'p4 CEv �' •�' 2 O.Yaf Ryan J.D•. ive� P$ EXCLURGTFROF ONIDMPTION PROM SUBDIVISION REVIEN'AND EXCLUSION FROAI D3.Q.RCVIEIV' Monlanv Rv91etmtlon No.32875Ls uo'[ �M19d ti�NsnA P)sae•do..c uvor (a),c.dlly IM1ot M.puroo.e or tM..urwy In to r<Ioveta a em a bovndaryulme CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE n uRutY usndy " belw,n to s..g pnp,rll..,Thcrelore,lhle u,w le acampt hom roMew as v bdNlvl.n (M)SBT22'f2'E 151 g]' v Canaan!to S.ctlan TB-J-2o>GI(d),MCA. antl III......,Munl.lpel Coda I further We,M,unE,119ned mortgage..,tlo hereby loin In a,do,*,vent to Me de,,?;d plot, na i ti Mat Lot Z shown hereon,le eadv of from reNaw b ih.Montane Depertmeo/e/ v r 84.00' r er ty y eng re peelire Ilene,lel,lme a b, .W le.,,portion al old Nooses w EnMronmanlal Du9Bly pursuant to A.R.M.I].JB.BDS(2)(()and lot 1,,hom,h.r0on,I, Dainp platbtl Into rootl.,awn n,poke'e ether public uen v d tledl,*t.d to lhv ue o! n R a�i mb ee Cl ev A.R.M.d hom rni,w by Ma Montana Department of GNro,m,ntel 0ooky punuanl to lh.Dubuc forever. f 0.' .M.1].38.E05(2)(b). DATED thl._day of 2D— cex 0LOT 2 DATED MW d,y or ,20__ yA1t`RNoo col.,b,. Lnemg I,.umue. camµ°o unum aupuc smai w I xe ''r[ _ tAsaNT w[n >2�° 58]LT l0'E n (alpnaturv) BY: A.up (a ml.a eemel seal.ar Mamma 7 NBT'2J16.9 Ile: Cunt f Callatln 1B.pY a v+brw spp•,dlv'w Y v Gn thle_d.y or talon slot,of ) unde,m_d,a Notery PUDIIa Im the Stet.of emenony a,*emea County vl ee L.�eratlon,+e<uletl lh.wlMlnnln,trulmant,°ndb°61.11,dged to my loot euah Corp ton fa'wut Axo wARrt ux[ .v -' On Mle doy of 2D�before my Me IN eWTNE55 a oEREDF,I haw hornnto.et my hand and ahead my Notarlol Seal tho do, y vppnre vntl Poor nni above vents,. LOT 2,�AG2D IN °nNi19°PLi o)2J'prW a-ol—d.a Notary Public Ix the Stela vl per.on,ll d known to m,to be the or the ins°11.1bm�De.rlbee m m.wltnm mehameal..e e,xa.wleeg.a le m. N hey er.cubtl M,,a etery PUDIIc Ix It.slow of IN WITNESS WNEREOF.I hnv hereunto eel my h.nd and an-my Natarlel Seel the doy ana year nni above wnetn. (Printad Nome) p ey Notory—ft mr ene sole.or R..mb9 of _ My evmml.,lon evplrev C LOTI (NI-d a, W Y4J acn Realding R CERTIFICATR OPGOVERNING BODY I, Dlroctar of Ce—It D°v°lopm°nl,do S My comminlon.vplr•e hereby cartlly tout the vccom anylnp Amandad Plat M1av been duly revlvw•d,and has taco DATED fhb doy of 20__ found I. cantor,*tv the reguPem.nle of h.SubtllNolen and Piotting A.I.Sectlonv >e-J-IOt through>6-]-B2'J,MCA,and the 0°iom°n Munlclpoi Codo. t IPA ly(�St1 e�� �'� OTY Dr B0zEMAN (� DATED thb_d,y of 20_ r-lv'1 I�I\ v.qw '��~ By Director al Lammunity D.wlapmmt (printed name) Ile: CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 19w,ryN (thla) I. Director o1 Publlc Won,,Clly of Box•mon. 1ryt Ant stale of ) Monlone,da h.nby enllty Mot tM1.aeeompvnyn9 A,.—Plat hoe Dean duly evamin.q end how found the aem !o cantor,*to Ma Ion,Dee revs IL end M1areb^acc,*t the i ):•, me t.m ne nl�oI eeeemn tar th.pubk,u m ny.,d en a a..h.we n Me SyT'' county of ) DIa<°o,nD.1,p.ay.m e.to.u.h u... On MI. doy of 20—b•fc,mo.My DATED Ihle_day of 20� undanlpn.d,a Notary PUDIIc fa Nv State of panoneliy.......d Lwh �Q am known to to by Iha f the 4� Clay of Bowman who•n v b vub.clpaE to env wlMln Intrumanl antl Ilk nowletl9•d to m lhdl they enculad the come. Dl,t-or of P,Wic ftY, City of Bov,men,Menton° IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto vet my hand and dfn..d my Nvkrlal A01 the day (M)Nam"Wi SW im.55' R-,DDD ,ntl year not above wrlttan. d L-TOA1 CERTIFIGTE OP CO11N1Y TRIrASllRER � @)xevY 2a w 1sa.v A-33'pT Notary P.Dllc I.,the Slat.of a, Trenu.er of Callatln Lounl„,Monte,,.de moby certify Mat the--.no,plat M1a.been duly evaminetl,d t II ro _ (Print.d Nam.) poropeartyd texas°ntl.p..l,l v • tv°sensed and IeNed m the Tend!/o be.ubdlNd.d 7F Reeidlnp al DA—IN. doy of My aomminlon eeDlrn RELOCAMONOFOOMIIIONBOUNDARYNOTE T,e.eurer vl Callatln County g LEGEND CRRTIFICATEOr C[.ESKANDRECORDER Th,ore°that le b,inp r,moxetl Irom area tree!of rnortl old folnetl wIM another tract of PROPEPtt LINEcord I.not Ibvu°tact of,cord,saltl ene shall not to awlloble ae a nl.nnc.1a 1 1. Gerk and R.,*rd•r of Gollob,,County, J LOT USE devcdpllen in any wb.,puent reei properly innvler abler Me InlNol Nan.fer ev.acldtad Monlpnp,do herby c.rtlly Nat the f—RV,9 loam,*.,!we.Ill,d In my ofncv.fth at a ABJOINING PROPERTY USE area I,°Includ.tl°wIM°or nclud,d fromdaEllelnlnp tncty o(e,cerC.I,do.ulbod,unlv,e.ale a rd.Eo10 aAm.nd.E van Nem suGdlN.lon Dada,*.,!Ne. R.c°de of 3 ------ EASEMENT LINE Y the Cl-and R.....,Callolln—,I,Menton°. ABET TABU —EC LINE 0 40 SD 12. X AREA OF LOT 4A 3.4]acre, b FOUND MONUMENT AS NOM SI AREA OF LOT 1acn. O SET W REBAR WITN 2'AWMINUM CAP(32117515) SCALE 1 INCH-AO FEET G..°ntl R....do, AREA OF TRACT B-1 0.48 acre rpc YELLOW PLASEc CAP Fj AREA Do LOT, D 4R earn. (M) MEASURED DASTS O1tFARN'G,CWNRDMA°T15 TOTAL AREA 3.91 cola' P) RECORDED gxs b APvo Iip�m TM[worli�AwA BHEEF A p .—AR,ma. pa crvuemm�..na �' 1 nxl mmAxc^'A,brm AR[cnlwxo.lxlrnxAnpxu Im. C.ola�nlca/Enpine.nlnq .f I Ic 'y"s'6 y,,,,o„M L dSurvpYlnD i�+ui6°�.