HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-14 I I I 2 Door Coupe from nolfe & Wood, Inc., be approved Rnd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No '10 l~e: those voting Aye be ing Comndssioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sed ivy, Commiss toner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. being the best quote suhmitted and that it be p!1i.d 01\t of the General Fund Resc:;.."ve. 1t (U1S moved by Commissioner Vollme1:, seconded by Comm:Lssioner Sedivy, that authority to purchase the 1973 Duster L{ea~l.::L~esolution No.~l.?6~-,_1~.t:!;nt t.Q..J;:rr:-ate SID 520, North Twentieth Avenue This was the time and place set in Commission Rsolution No. 1563 to hear protests to the crea- tion of Special Improvement District No. 520. Affidavit of publication of Notice and the Clerks mailing certificate stating that all property owners had been notified as required by lal'] h'ere presented. The City Manager informed the Commission that as of 5:00 o'clock p.m. 12 March 1973, there were no protests on file and no one appeared to verbally protest the creation of the district. The commission concurred \'7i th the recommendation of the C-i.ty Manager and it was moveu by Comm- issioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that they table Commission Resolution No. 1563 for a peri.od of onc \veek for further consideration. The motion ~vas carried by the follovling Aye nnd No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~12.~!.:?_I,"..Lty to---,~~r.chase Build; ng Inspec t! on Vehicle - $2,038.60 The Building Inspector has need for a vehicle and the C;ty Manager requested authority to pur- ,'hase a 1973 Duster 2 Door Coupe in the amount of $2,038.60 as quoted by Rolfe & Hood, Inc., it none. No, none. H('a~2:..~<lnt!_ Cc)t1s~,geratif)n, Ch:mge 7,cming Portion lVestlake Property This was the time and place set by Notice for the public hearing concerning the proposed zoning change from "B" residence to "MB" motor bus iness zone, a trac t of land 533 fee t in wid th Eas t and lVes t adjoining Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 1 and Lots I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 2 of Westlakes Second Subidivision. Affidavit of puhlication of Notice as required by law was presented. Following a thorough discussion and in concurrence with the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the matter be tabled for a period of one week at which time it ~ill be brought in for consideration and a final decision made. The motion (vas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissi.oner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy & Mayor Granat"; those voting No, Minutes of the regular meeting held 7 March 1973 were approved as read. HC8..f..~E..LJ\esoJ~~ i ~1...l'!.Ji..<?...:.....L~..f:0lL_Jn ten t to Y,1 ca te P_ortion 0 f Bi rch S tree t . ~Ord inanee 926 -:-......YnC<l ting, This vIas the time and place set in Commission Resolution No. 15n2 for hearing protests to vac- ating a portion of West Birch Street and the circular turn around on the East side thereof. Affidavit of publication of Notice was presented together with signed acknowledgement of service of notice from the atmer of all abutting and adjoining property. There \vere no protests on file and no one appeared to protest verbally. Following an extensive discussion and in concurrence with the recon~end8tion of the City Manager it h'as moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the records show that there were no protests and that they table consideration of Ordinance No. 926 for a period of one week in order that the subdivision plat of the Westlake property be developed in final form. The Commission also inc-Hcated that the following should be a part of the subdivision. 1) Oak Street should be dedicated with a full arterial 90 ft. width in its entirety within the subdivision. 2) A master plan in accordance with subdivision regulations and current state statutes should be filed with the Bozeman city-County Planning Board to insure that Oak Street will ultimately be dedicated so that it can be developed between Rouse Ave. and 7th Ave" primary concern in this instance being a firm indication that all of the necessary dedication from the Westlake property will ultimately be made for Oak Street. 3) It is the preference of the City of Bozeman that park requirements be met through dedication rather than cash in lieu of land. For this reason it is requested that your department and the Planning Board examine the Westlake property and make a recommendation as to where park land can best be located. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting had. The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session lVednesday, 14 March 1973, at 1:15 0' clock p.m. Present were Mayor GrabO\'l, Commissioner Sed ivy, Commi.ss ioner Lehrkind, Commiss loner Vnacleventer, Commissioner Vollmer, City Manager Fryslie, Ass't. City Manager Keyes, Acting City ^ttorney O'Connell and the Clerk. Commissioner Vancleventer opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were Bozeman, Montana 14 March 1973 388 389 La~e_ Subd..i?1-sL~D__::..X0rk Development Program ^ letter received from Jack Newkirk, President of Board of Directors of Lake Subdivision Assoc- iation requesting authority to manage and develop a parl~ area on Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Subdivision No.2 of Lake Suhdivision Has presented. FolIO\.7ing a discussion and in concurrence ~-Jith the recoramendation of the TIoard of Public Re- creation also conC:llrred in by the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded ~JY Connniss :Loner Lchrkind, tha t they approve the Lake Subd i vis ion Park Deve lopmen t & Ea in tenance as fo llm,1s I a) The development of a park in Lake Subdivision in accordance \dth a park plan prepared by R. E. Mayor, Landscape Architect. b) That the Board of Directors of Lake Subdivision Association be authorized to manage and develop a park area on Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Subdivision No.2 of Lake Subdivision and that they be authorized to collect and disburse thp funds. c) That the Board of D5rectors of Lake Subdivision be commended on their efforts in developing the park aree. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye heing Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehddnd, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Heyor Grabmv; those voting No, non"". Iedeya!_ Reven~ Sharil!lL!lan Public Law 92.512, 'Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Government and known as Federal Rev- enue Sharing was passed by the Congress and signed into law by the President on 20 October 1972. The City Manager having discussed the Federal Revenue Sharing and having reviewed suggestions from the various City departments and Citizens as to how the City of Bozeman's allocation in the approximate amount of $l~O,OOO per year of Federal Revenue Sharing might be effectively expended recommended tha t the City Commission adopt and es tab11sh the fo11m.,ing pdod ty lis ting as the plan for use of Federal Revenue Sharing for the City of Bozeman allocations Ear the five year period 1972-1976 inclusive subject to such changes as might become necessary. Secure a site for, construct and equip, a fire department substation Implement traffic control measures and devices as deemed necessary to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow within the city. Construct and equip a central City Shop Facility with vehicle stor- age and maintenance. Develop a detailed plan for development of unimproved Park Lands of the City. Purchase of equipment for effic:ient prunning and care of street, park and cemetery trees. Procure and install a building to house the Sanitary Landfill attendant and tractor. The Commission concurred \vith the recommendation of the City Manager and it ~vas moved by Comm- issioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that they adopt and establish the plan for use of Federal Revenue Sharing for the City of Bozeman allocations for the five year period 1972- 197~ subject to such changes as might become necessary and the motion was carried hy the following AJ€ and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commiss ioner Vandeventer, Commiss- ioner Vollmer, Commi.ssioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. !.'\s~cept~llc:.e of_Gi.L~_to City - Land for Fire Sub Station From Mr. & Hrs. El!L.9ne Gx:E.i~E. ^ warranty deed whereby Eugene Graf, Jr. & Genevieve S. Graf granted unto the City of Bozeman as a gift a tract of land located in the West onehalf of the South\.,est Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, M.P.M., for the purpose of providing a site upon which a new Fire SUbstation can be constructed was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the \\Tarranty Deed be accepted and filed. Mayor Grabow on behalf of the City Commission expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Graf, Jr., for their conveyance of the parcel of land and instructed the City lIanager to address a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Graf thanking them for their generous gift. The motion was carried by the follmving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Grabmv; those voting No, none. AU1:.!:9._~i~0 Att:,,,,:Ed Arson School - Firefighter Ed Helch A letter received from Fire Chief Roey requesting authority to send Fire Fighter Ed Welch to the fourth annual school conducted by the State Department of Public Instruction and the State Fire Marshall's Office in Helena, Montana, on 21-25 May 1973 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lerhkind, that authority for Ed llelch to attend the Arson School be 1. I 2. 3. If. I) . 6. I 390 granted and, it being in the public interest his expenses be paid from the general fund and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. G~J~\.}_~)lutl1ane Soc::ic ty Pro..Rram Several members from the Gallatin Humane Society Program were present to present a proposal whereby the City Commission would recommend that the City Hanager and the Police Department waive the pound fee on all dogs that have been impounded without a license. Following a thorough discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that they waive the pound fee for all stray unlicensed, ownerless dogs for a period of six months or until 1 September at which time the proposal will be again placed before the Commission for a review of the pound fee. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. 0>>1 i cat i.?2l for .~ e r _ L ice r~_-::_F..:::!:~i1L)'.!e (:'...l...nn An application for an on premise beer license along with the appropriate fee from the Family Tree Inn \v8S presented. The City Manager stated that he knew of no reason to deny this application and recommended approval thereof. It ~Jas moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the application be approved and the Director of Finance be instruct~~d to iss1l'e the license and the motion tvas carried by the follotving Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commiss- ioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Re~_stJo~'\nnf,'2'2.~iop. aloElLSou~~ Church Avenue A letter received from Paul K. Dudley requesting that certain property on South Church Avenue and designated as Tract 31 in the Northeast Quarter, Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M. be annexed to the City of Bozeman for the purpose of connecting to the City Sanitary Sewer System was presented along with a letter from Mr. Alfred Abelin of 1326 South Church Avenue request- ing the annexation of lands along South Church (Sour Dough) for the purpose of connecting to the City Water and Sewer Line was presented. Fo1low~ng a discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the City Manager be instructed to acknovJledge both Mr. Dudley and Mr. Ahe1in's letter and develop an annexation proposal for lands along South Church Avenue that can be realistically and readily served by the City Utilities, sewer as well as water. The motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye a.nd No vote: those voting ,'lye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commiss- ioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrl~ind and Hayor Grabotv; those voting No, none. ~~l'o rt s __ The City Hanager commented on the report of the Director of Public Service and it \\l3S moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Clmmissioner Sedivy, that the report of the Director of Public Service be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vo11me:t:', Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner- Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~.':lJ.~~_.!?T_:i. ve :'..11:. S . U .:_JttJ1l~..t~:...pe par t~(>:D.!::J..___Tue sd ~L~ M1.l rCJ2.J 9 ?} ^' request from the Montana State University Athletic Department tor permission to conduct CJ func1 drive on Tuesday, 20 }jarch 1973, was presented. It \'Jas moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commis1'doner Lehrkind, that permission to conduct the fund drive be granted and the motion ,vas carried by the fol10~Jinp, Aye and No vote: those voting Aye bt~ing Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner T,ehrJdn(l, Commissi.')tler Vandeventer, COl11miss ioner Vollmer and Mayor CrabOlv; those voting N0, none. )3.2_':~~m':'E__/\.~0.t;_l1J.b1Y..J'1 0 ._21..._ 0 J:'.d e r:_~.~-A'~.~21 bow . for G i r !.~-=--_~~~~~J0 0 r py s t r.2.l?~ T a lL~::l~J}-1-~1 rc h 19J1 A letter received from Hrs Robert Pal1gh, Mother Advisor or the Bozeman Assembly No. 21, Order of Rainbov! Girls, requesting permission to conduct a 'Shamrock for Dystrophy' Tag Sale on Saturday, 17 March 1973, from approximately 10:00 o'clock A.M. to 2:00 o'clock P.M. was presented. It t-las moved by Commiss i.oner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, tha t the reques t to hold the fund drive be approved and the motion waS carried by the fo11ovJing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beins Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Comm:i.ssioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind and NByor Grabm7; those voting No, none. I I I I ~clj~~J rEE~ n t There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the follm.;ring /\ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and H9yor Grabow; those voting No, none. ATTEST: I I 391