HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-21 392 Bozem<1n, Mon tan"l 2l21aJ:ch 1973 The COl'1miss ion of the Ci ty of Bozeman me t in regular sess ion llednesday, 21 March 1973, at 1: 15 0' clock p.m. Presen t ~vE're Hayor GrabOl'), Commiss ioner Sed ivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commis sioner Van- deventer, Commissioner Vollmer, City Manager Fryslie, Ass't. City Manager Keyes, Acting City Attorney O'Connell and the Clerk. Commissioner Vollmer. opened the meeting w-fth a prayer and the following proceedings were had Minutes of the n"gular meeting of lif March 1973 ~'7ere approved as read. g_'2~t,}!lUa_t i,?~_o f ~!es .~.l~k~J?_~9.P_ert.~~i()ns It was determined by the Commission that since the action of the final plat of the 'destlake prop- erty had not been received from the City-County Planning Board Ordinance No. 926 remain Tabled. ~~~~.2.L~sJ..g.r.:..J~e S~) Iu t ion No.J 567, .. erE'a ting S In 52~1L..::....."pav~_ Nor tj-\ Tw~n tie t~'\venU(~ as prepared by the ,/\'cting City Attorney ~v<1S presented. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that Commission Resolution No. 1567 creating Special Improvement District No. 520, paving North Twentieth Avenue from Hain Street to the north line of West Beall Street and on G portion of !,.Jest Heall Street, be pnssed and adopted. The motion vJa~, carried by the follov!:Lng Aye an(l No vote: those voting Aye being Comr:lissioner Lehrld_nd, Commjssioncr Vandeventer, Cot'1missior:.er Vollmer, Com\11issioner Sedivy and H<1yor Grabow; those voting No, none. cm1MISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1567 !\ RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COMHISS ION OF TIlE CITY OP BOZEH1\N CRE:\TING ;\ SPECIAL IHPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOVJN AS SPECIAL TMPROVEHENT DISTRICT NO. 520 OF THE CITY OF BOZlMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRU- CTING AND INSTALLTNG AN /\SPH/\LTIC CONCRETE PAVING, INTEGRAL CONr,RETE r.URI3 .i\ND GUTTERS, NECESSARY i\PPURTENANCES THERETO, ALSO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY STORH DP~INAGE PIPE, DITCHES, INLETS, tftJ\NllOLES AND OnTER APPURTENI\NCES TO TIm STom1 DR...t\INAGE SYSTEH ON NORTH 20TH AVENUE FROH MAIN STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF vJEST BEALL STREET AND ON j\ PORTION OF \mST BEALL STREET 3EGINNING AT THE HEST LINE OF NORTH20TH AVENUE TO /'\ POINT 1.17 FEET \'lESTERLY THEREFROH. Hea ring ,___~.?!llmL.:.~ s iOl!...Jl~~S(~~t ior.~ No. -1-)6 5_L.J n~.E..l:.._!:.?_c;r~_,,:.~E' S~D52 3, Wa Ler HZ\:'-I~ North 19th l\venue ~.~l2!12_J:.::~~Lon JlL'S 0 1 u tj~~_N 0----:.-) 5 6 ~1.___~L:.~a_~Lr:r.L....:'DJL...:~:.:2.;. This ~\7as the tiwe and place set in COnlll1ission Resolution No. 1565 to hear protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 523. Affidavit of publication of Notice and the Clerk's mailing certjficate stating that all property owners had been notified as requred by law were presented. There were no written protests on file and no one appeared to protest verbally. The City Manager recommended that Commission Resolution No. 1568 creating Special Improvement District No. 523, entitled COMMISSI CO~J:HISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1568 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMHTSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, HONTANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNrn~N AS SPECIAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO .'123 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND IN- STALLATION OF A WATERMAIN AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A SIX INCH CAST IRON WATERMAIN AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES ON TIlE ENTIRE LENGTH OF NORTH NINETEENTI{ AVENUE LYING BETWEEN BEALL STREET AND DURSTON ROAD. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE WATERMAIN TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, CAST IRON WATERMAIN, VALVES, FITTINGS, HYDRANTS AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO. as prepared by the Acting City Attorney be passed and adopted. It was moved by Commissioner Van- deventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that Commission Resolution No. 1568 creating SID No. 523 be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Comrniss ioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commis s ioner Sed ivy, Commiss ioner Lehrldnd and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. HeaJ_in~.El1missjon Resol~~.tLon No. ~566, Intent tn, Create SID 524,__ ~')a_ter ~_~~(,w~..E.-girc1e .Drive ~omm ~~~L.c:..1! Re s 0 ~ u t i2!l~_~~..JJ 6 9, .._<;::_~_e_a_!:i..r:.~..EJ_I?.,~~?_~ This was the time and place set in Commission Resolution No. 1566 to hear protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 524. Affidavit of publication of Notice and the Clerks mailing certificate stating that all property owners had been notified as required by law were presented. The City Manager informed the Commission that of 5:00 o'clock p.m., 19 March 1973, there \Jere no protests on file and no one appeared to protest verbally. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1569 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEHAN, MONTANA, CREATING A SPECIAL UIPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOhTN AS SPECIAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 524 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND IN- STALLATION OF A Hi\TERMAIN AND SANITARY SEVIER HAIN AND APPURTENANCES TO SERVE 'ITlE ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLffivS: A SlY INCH WATER LINE ON THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF CIRCLE DRIVE AND ON A PORTION OF SPRING CREEK DRIVE FROM THE EAST LINE OF LOT 15 I 1 I I 1 I OF BLOCK If OF WESTRIDGE WESTERLY TO THE lIEST LIHITS OF SAID HEST- RIDGE SUBDIVISION. AN EIGHT INCH SANITARY SEWER LATERAL ~ffiIN TIlE ENTIRE LENGTH OF CIRCLE DRIVE AND ON A PORTION OF SPRING CREEK DRIVE TO SERVE LOTS 15 THROUGH 17 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK 4 IN WESTRIDGE A SUBDIVISION OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. TIlE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE HATERMAIN TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, CAST IRON 1~ATER- 11AIN, VALVES, FITTINGS, HYDRANTS, SERVICE LINE STUBS, PAVING REPLACE ~ffiNT^ND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SANITARY SEHER MAIN SHALL INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL BEDDING MATERIAL, INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN, NECESSARY WYES, SER- VICE LINE STUBS, MANHOLES, LAMPHOLES AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. as prepared by the Actin13 City Attorney ~v8S presented. In concurrence \d.th the recommendation of thF' City Hanager, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the resolution be passed and adopted to create Special Improvement District No. 524 and the motionwas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor GraboVl; those voting Nn, none. 12.!.!;~.ce 11cE:)enburK..i:_}unjo,!=" Tschache, - Pe ti Lion Reques t!.:..ng Cn:a ti?.E-,~~ial Improv,=,m~,nt DiB tric t Pavement Construction: A letter received from Mr. Bruce Mecklenburg on behalf of Lovefald & Hec1,lenburg and Junior Tschache owners of land to the south of the present construction on U.S. High\vay 191 petitioning the City Commission to contemplate extending West Babcock Street from 19th Street proceeding west- erly and then southerly to College Street, a portion of the Si1me apparently heing designated as 23rd Street was presented. They also requested the creation of a spetial improvement district for the purpose of paving for related items in connection therewith over and across side streets in the above. Mr. Hecklenburg and Mr. Tschache agreed to dedicate sufficient easements and right-of-Hays as may be required. The Commission conr:urred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it \-laS moved by Comm- i_ssioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that they acknmvledge receipt of the reques t and instruct the City Engineer and the Acting City Attorney to take the proper action to affect the project and initiate the district and that Mr. Mecklenburg and Mr. Tschache convey unto the City the necessary right-of-ways. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Hayor Grabovl; those voti_ng No, none. ~\1a~~ Order No.1 - SID 51h.J,\later and Sewer for Block 3, Thompsons lith Ad~"":"""':28,022.53 The Change order on SID 511 prepared by Thomas, Dcan & Hoskins, Inc. ,'-0 become a part of the original r:ontract for construction of improvements in the project described was presented as follows: Description - The Construction of an 8" PVC Sanitary Se~-ler Line and (,II Cast Iron Water Main and six 8" X 4" Hyes and two If'' Sani tary SeHer Services and four 31L," Hater Services. Cost - Estimated - $8,022.00 add. !\ctllal Cost to Destrict Hill ;H;; based on unit bid prices in or.iginal contract. The City Manager concurred ':11th the engineers and recommended that Change Order No.1 be accepted and approved as presented. It ~7as moved by Commissioner Lehr~'J.nd, seconde(] by Con:miss:oner Vande- venter, that the Change Order be approved and the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission be authori~ed and rlirectod to sign for the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Comrr.issioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. I_~2lal---R}at - Fjg&i~\dd~ti()n The final plat of the Figgins Addition was presented along vdth favorable recommendation of thp City County Planning Board. The park requirements were satisfied by a deed for additional park land \vest: of Graf's Third Additi..on. Follovlng a c1i.scussion, the Commission concurred vith the recommenJation of the City County Plann- ing Board, also concurred in by the City Manager and it vas moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconc1eJ by Commissioner Vollmer, that they approve the final plat of the Figgi.ns Subdivision and accept the par+ dedication and that the City i:laneger he authorized and directed to sip;n the' rlat ctS the Director. of Public Service and the motion was carried by the folloVlingyc and No vote: those voting Aye being Comrdssioner Vrmdeventer, Commi.ssioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Comf'~:LssLoner Lehr1,ind and Hayor Gra~ow; those voting Nn, none. F i-.!~~...I,'la.E..-__::_~F~.:~~pg tOE....;'\dd j t !_on The final plat of the Remington je,ddition was presented along vlith the recommendation of the City County Planning Board that the plat be approved with the completion of par~ dedication by Mr. Dennis 393 394 Blackketter. The City Manager advised the City Commission that he had negotiated '.vith Mr. Rlack- ketter and that Mr. Blackketter has prepared a check payable to the City of Bozeman in the amount of $2,500.00 in lieu of park requirements to go into the Park Land Trust Fund. Follo\,7ing a discussion and upon the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Comm- issioner Vollmer, seconde0 by Commissi.oner Sedivy, that they approve the final plat of the Remington Addition and that the City Manager he allthorized and directed to si~n the plat as the Director of Public Service and that the City of Bozeman accept the $2,500.00 cash in lieu of park land. The motion was carried by the follo\ving Aye and No vote: those votinr; Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Conl1T1iss ioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commiss ioner Vandeventer and Mayor GrabOlv; those voting No, None. ~inJI plat G~rdner Par~ Subdivision I The final plat of Gardner Park Subdivision was presented along with the favorable recommendation of the City County Planning Board. Following discussion and noting that the plat conformed generally with the master plat of this area, the City Manager recommended that the plat be approved aspresented. It was moved by Commi.ssioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the plat be approved as recommended and that th~ City Manager be authorized and directed to sign the plat as the Director public Service and the motion was carried by thefoll0\i7ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. In~5~!"lo_c:":l L.t~&.1.:eet!len t - Joint Commu_ni tY_J~S:S:.!~ t lop. Dep~}"J:.r!~~'.g.__t_ An interlocal Agreement among School District No.7, Gallatin County and the City of Boz.eman to create a Joint Community Recreation Department was presented. The Trustees of School District No.7 and the Board of County Commissioner of Gallatin County have previously executed the Agreement. The Board of Public Recreation having recommended approval of the Interlocal Agreement the City Manager recommended that the City of Bozeman enter into the Agreement to create a Joint Community Recreation Department. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Vnndeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the City enter into the Agreement with School District No.7 and the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County to create a Joint Community Recreation Department and that the Hayor and Clerk of the Commission be authorized and dir- ected to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye heing Commissioner Vnndeventer, Commissioiler Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkine1 and Iifayor Grabm,,; those voting No, none. 1 ~t!..l t :i. Po rp ol!...~:. p ~::Jl).J:i.J);..? i e c t The proposed Joint Multi-Purpose Paving Project \"as presented. Tt was determined that a top priority recreation facility need in this community ,.]as to be multipurpose paved areas located strategically throughout the community. The Board of Public Recreation having recommended approval of the project, the City Manager recommended that the City of Bozeman enter into the Joint Multi- Purpose Paving Project ,.tith the School District. It Has moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that they approve the Multi-Purpose Project and authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to sign the Grant application for Bureau of: Outdoor Recreation matching funds for the Joint Multi-Purpose paving play area .<md the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye heing Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Comm- issioner Vandeventer and Mayor Grabm,,; those voting No, none. rIa ~~"~~-,,~J?~:.~.J. f j:.:::_a_!:..i2..~ SID _No ~...213 _-:...9~.2:~Con 1?~~.~23~ij.~_lJ:._..!.'\ p r ~" 1, S a I e <?D!?}!~2..LJ 15 t 09~O_:..2Q._ 25 1', P r i I Plans and specifications covering the proposed improvement in Special Improvement District No. 523 for the construction of t\7atermains on North 19th Avenue lying between Beall Street and Durston Road as prepared by Thomas, Dean & Hosld.ns, Inc., consul ting Engineers was placed before the Comm- ission. In concurrence tvith the recommendation of the Consulting engineers the City Manager re- commended that the plans and specificati.ons as presented be approved and that a call for constru- I ction bids and sale of bonds for SID No. 523 in the maximum amount of $15,000.00 he authorized. It was moved by Commiss 'oner Sed ivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the plans and specifica tions he approved and the Clerk of the Commi.ssion be authorized and directed to publish a "Call for Bids" ror the construction of Special Improvement District No. 523 with an opening date of 11 April 1973 and to advertise for bids for the sale of the bonds in the approximate amount of $15,000.00 to be received 25 April 1972 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. !~~L~~~()Ei..~L~~()~~~~_~d_Monta~~_Recreation Confer_ence, Missoula,.5-7 ,~l, A.G. \~h~tc & D. .~.Oi-tll11112. Pac:.i:..f~c Northwest District Rec. & pmk Con~erence,_ 28 ,\pr~~.2 H<1Y, A.G._Ji~L~e The Montana Recreation and Park Association have scheduled a conference to be held in Missoula I 5-7 April and the Recreation Director i\. Glen White and the Park Superintendent D\-lain Hortman have rcquestpd allthorization to attend this meeting. The Pacific Northwest District Recreation & Park Conference is scheduled to be held in Seattle 28 April 1973 to 2 May 1973 and i\. Glen White requested authorization to attend the conference. It Has moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that\. Glen Uhi te and Dwain Wortman be authorized to attend the Montana Recreation Conference and A. Glen \vhite be authorized to attend the Pacific Northwest District Recreation & Park Conference and, it being in the public interes t their expenses be paid from the park fund and the motion ~'l.?S carried by the follm7ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrklnd, Commir-sioner Vilndeventer, Cornm5ssioner Vollr.ler, Commiss'oner Sedivy and Mrtyor Grahm,,; those voting N0, none. Rc\)orts .........,:.A:_~_.,__ The folloHfng reports were presented. Cemetc17 Director of Finan~e \.Jater Collector The City Hanager commented on the above reports and recommended Elpproval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Vandev:nter, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis s ioner Venc1even ter, Commis sioner Vollmer, Commiss ioner Sed ivy, Commi.ss ioner Lehrk.ind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. 1l<::_~n" s~_.._J?2_~~--=---Y_a rc:_~.J:!.<:.9_n S j~c;~~t.Y i ng S ton - $ 2 , 000_. 00 In compliance with Chapter l~ of the Bozeman lfunicipal Code, ~hc sign ~on~ o~ P3rco NeOD Company, Liv:i.ngstoD, '.I<'IS presentu1. The City Hanap,er stated the llu5Idi.n,,; Inspector had -.:-econm.ended approval of the Bond and the [\cting C:i.ty .\ttorncy had approved the bond as to form. It ':Jos ::loved uy Cor.lldss- 1 ioner 'follmer, seconded by Comt1dssioner Sedivy, that the :,ond of the :)orco Neon Company be approved And the motion ~las carried by t!le follm-ling I\ye and No vote: those V01.:1.ng 'lye l)cing Commissioner Vollt~er, Commis sioner Sed ivy, Commissioner Lehr!dnd, Commiss ioner Vandeven ter Am1 Heyor Gra:)Q\V; those voting No, none. ~.El~ca_t:..l:.c:?E..l~~J!_~.':?_1:"_J~_Lcense - ~ittl(2_"!.:UL Men Pizza ~n application received from Larry Anderson of the Little Big }~n Pizza for an on the premise ;)eer license along \"ith the Elppropriate fee I"as presented. The CLty Manar;er stated that he knev of no reason to deny this Application and recommended that the Commission approve !~hC' application for the beer license contingent upon the approval of the State License. The Commission concurred I.d. th the recommendation of the City lIanager and I t ~vas moved by Comm- lssi.oner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the application be approw.d contingent upon presentation of the State Beer license and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye be'ing Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrldnd, CommissLoner Vnndeventer, Comm- issioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~~u 0 t~EE!~}lt:.. TherciJeing no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it 'Jas moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the meeting be ac1;ol1rncd and the motion Ivas carried by th(' following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye bei.DS Commis~3ioner Lehrkin,l, Com'nissioner V"'ndeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and 1:Iayor Graholl; those voting No, none. I {/){~/.L([~t \ (, & -J-nv' HILLIAH E. GRABOH, t ayor ATTEST: (-.;' ..-./' ;f" ~ "" ......~(... ERNi\ V. HARD Clerk of the Commission 395