HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-10 I I I Bozeman, Montana 10 January 1973 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session Wednesday, 10 January 1973, at 1:15 o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor Grabow, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commiss- ioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, -City Manager Fryslie, Ass't. City Manager Keyes, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Lehrkind opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the regular meeting of Wednesday, 3 January 1973, -were approved as read. Authority to Attend Montana Fire Chief Meeting, Chief Huber and Ass' t. Chief Hoey - Billings 12-14 Jan.: The Montana State Fire Chief's Meeting is scheduled to be held in Billings, l2-14 January 1973, and Fire Chief Huber requested that he and Ass't. Fire Chief Hoey be authorized to attend the meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that Fire Chief Huber and Ass't. Fire Chief Hoey be authorized to atten the -meeting and, it being in the public interest their expenses be paid from the General fund and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Authority to Purchase 2000 feet Fire Hose - $2,790.00: The Fire department has a need for 1000 feet Ii" and 1000 feet 3" fire hose in the estimated amount of $2,790.00. Following recommendation by the City Manager, that the purchase of the fire hose be authorized as an item of the 1972-1973 budget, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, sec- onded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the above purchase be approved and that the Fire Chief be author- ized to place the order for 2000 feet fire hose in the estimated amount of $2,790.00. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commiss- ioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 1554, Intent to Create SID 519 - Pave Mendenhall & Lamme - 10th to 11th Hearing 31 January 1973: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1554 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 519 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLING AN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING, CONCRETE INTREGAL CURBS AND GUTTERS, NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO, ALSO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY STORM DRAINAGE PIPE, INLETS, MANHOLES, DITCHES AND ANY OTHER APPURTENANCES TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM ON WEST MENDENHALL STREET AND WEST LAMME STREET BETWEEN TENTH AVENUE NORTH AND ELEVENTH AVENUE NORTH LYING IN SPRINGBROOK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. prepared by the Acting City Attorney as directed by the City Commission was presented. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that Commission Resolution No. 1554 be passed and adopted and that Wednesday, 31 January 1973, be the date set for public hearing and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 1558, Intent to Create SID 521 - Water & Sewer, Circle Drive Westridge Hearing 31 January 1973: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1558 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 52l FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES TO SERVE THE AD- JOINING PROPERTIES MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A SIX INCH WATER LINE AND APPURTENANCES ON THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF CIRCLE DRIVE AND ON A PORTION OF SPRING CREEK DRIVE AS LOCATED IN WESTRIDGE, A SUBDIVIS- ION OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE WATER MAIN TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, CAST IRON WATER MAIN, VALVES, FITTINGS, HYDRANTS, SERVICE LINE-STUB, PAVING REPLACEMENT AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER MAINS SHALL INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACK- FILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER MAINS, NECESSARY WYES, MANHOLES, SERVICE LINES AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. prepared by the Acting City Attorney as directed by the City Commission was presented. In concurrence with the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehr- kind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that Commission Resolution No. 1558 be passed and adopted and that Wednesday, 31 January 1973, be the date set for public hearing and the motion was carried 363 by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~mission Resolution No. 1559, Intent to Create SID 522 - Pavi~ Circle Drive Westridge Hearing 31 January 1973: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1559 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 522 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING AN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE PAVING, INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERS, NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO, ALSO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY STORM DRAINAGE PIPE INLETS, MANHOLES, DITCHES OR OTHER APPURTENANCES TO STORM DRAINAGLE ON CIRCLE DRIVE AND A PORTION OF SPRING CREEK DRIVE IN WESTRIDGE, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTHERLY ONE HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, M.P.M. AND BEING A PORTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. prepared by the Acting City Attorney as directed by the City Commission was presented. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that Commission Resolution No. 1559 be passed and adopted and that Wednesday, 31 January 1973, be the date set for public hearing and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Chan~e Order No.5, SID 502 - To Adjust Quantities;.. Change Order No.5 on SID No. 502 as prepared by Thomas, Dean & Hoskins Inc., to become a part of the original contract for construction of improvements in the project describedwas presented as follows: I 364 Description of Change Order No. 5 - Item No. I - Final Adjustment of as constructed quantities. Increase in Contract Price - $2,585.89 The City Manager concurred with the engineers and recommended that Change Order No. 5 be accepted and approved as presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Change Order No. 5 be approved and the City Manager be authorized to execute these documents on behalf of the Citymd the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Reports: The following reports were presented: Police Judge Chief of Police I Librarian Fluoridation The City Manager commented on the reports and recommended approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commiss- ioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Claims: Claim No's. 14572 thru 14774 and 3397 thru 3529 inclusive were presented. The City Manager checked the claims and found themm be true and lawful claims against the City and recommended they be approved and the Director of Finance be directed to issue warrants in payment. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the claims be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Police Reserve $ 2,482.80 SDS 3,733.07 SID's 100,494.11 Street 5,252.83 Water 19,052.80 Balance $169,821.05 Band $ 1,23 Library $ 1,605.88 Cemetery 418.51 Park 2,463.44 Cemetery Susp. 120.00 Parking Meter 361. 52 Garbage 5, 172.85 P.E .R.S 2,231.46 General 16,265.33 Planning Bd. "10,165.22 I Ad iournment: There being no further business to come before the commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vande- venter, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner ayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ATTEST: , C-/ . / C)/:' d' 6//;!<,j /' rrr d'.df:':-.r:!<. Erna V. Harding, Cl~rk of Comm.