HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-08 .,a42 B07.eman, Hc\n Ulna 8 November 1972 The ComTni.,ssion of the Ci.ty of Bozeman Tnet in regu1<1r session in the Commission ROOT!!, Municipal Building, 8 November 1972, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. 1)resent "lere Hayor GraboW', Commissioner Sedivy, Comm- issioner Lc'wkind, COT:'missioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, City 1'lanager Fryslie, Ass't City ~I~mag('r Keyes, ,\cting City :\ttorney O'Connell And the Clerk. Con'missioner Vendeven ter opened the me€' ting "Ii. th a prayer and tlw followi,ng proceed :l.ngs were had. Minutes of the regular l'Ieet::.ng held 1 November 1972 \.1cre approved as corrected. !i~~r. i n g ,---=1lc::.:-?_~1~~);.?_~.Ji?-.:.__._L2c~9~[n t c_~t_~ o_G H::..<;i_t:!' S I T)~~~~,__~L~_L-N (''iJi..z:~_t~t e V}e,<] Park: B-~ 5 oJ-u~..L~:.n~~_:.-JX'~!L C ~~':l_~_j~~.?J_J?_}~g_: 5l..?~ .,.' . I' 'I ' Ln1,S ~las t~(~ tl,IT!C anc~ p ace set in Comrdssion Resolution IJo. l5r:n to hee, ?rot:u;l:S ':0 the crc,~- t i.on o. '.'" J, Spcc~,81 ImprovcIT~pnt ~~,~tri"ct rtJ. 513. l\ffi.da"\~i.t yf' p~:bU.cCJl'i()n of N.,~:i(:c and Clcrl:s f"l.'IP .. 1 ~ ....... ~'.l~Gi,,1"1,ng; ccr1--1.fic,~?tJ~ st8tJng tbj1t all i-1';()pcrty OT,:ll~P'~~S ~'l<1d been noti.f~_cd as reql~i,rcd by lc1\v ~:Jere prescntt'd" The Ci ty Hanager informed the Commission that as of 5 :00 0' clock p .rJ. 7 Nlvember, there was only one protest on file '"i.t:lthe Clerk of the Commission. Follmving a short di.scl1ssion, th0 C(w!,::ission concurred i,Jith the re,:omn~cndi1tion or the Cit:y H2nn:.jCr .::~nd i.t \v<~S t:1()vcc1 JY "::~()Ir;nli",r.;s-ioncr ~)cdivy, sf:c:)I1cJcd by CO~l1fil"J.ssioncr T"ehrkind, that on :=he ~)Dsis of tl"lC' DIH.' protest not bci.nf', suffici.ent to kill the d':st:ri.ct, Corcf\';ssi.on Resolution No. l55l'::reating the dJstr~ic:t, r:'nt:fi~lcd: COl]~1ISSIOt'J 7J:~SOL1JTION NO.. 1 S~l ,\ RE;~OLlJTTC)~; C? THE CITY Cm1HT:;SION 0::<' THE CTTY OF BOZ121AN, l{ONTllNt., CnE.\TING\ SPZCIM., H1PROVEHENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOHN AS SPECTI\L IlI- P;~OVE~!ENT DIST:~TCT NO. ::18 FO-;;' 'I";'li:~ PURPOSE Of DEVELOPHENT A~'D IM- P0.CVE~lliNT OF t, PARK LPJ~A, INCLUDING CONST8.DCTION Am) INSTALLATION OF:)!\TIE~l\YE, INSTi\LLi\TION OF rL.\YGROUND E:iUIPHENT, PLANTING OF TREES ..'Ii"!]) OTHER VEGETATION, INSTM~Ll\TION OF "\J"\TER LINES AND NECESSARY ;\}'PURTENANCES l1mHETO IN TIIE NEH HYALITE VIEW SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF 130ZEf'u-\N, GALLA TIN COUNTY, 110NTANA. as preDaTed by the Acting City Attorney be passed and adopted to create Special I~~rovcment District No. 518 and the motion was carried hy the following Aye and N~ vote: those voting Aye be'ng Comrniss- toner Sedivy, Comrcdss ioner Lehrlcind, Commiss i oner Vandeventer, Conm:issioner Vollmer and .tla.yor Graben;, j Those voting No, none. ~!f:;:~.J~za.~):...~~~_Y.Le_~_. PA..d~L B.O .J',,-=- Proi,=---<;_~_~, Gr;m ~__,t'.l;E?:..~~~~:_ The BUre<Hl of Outdoor Recreation and the State Fish and Game Commission having 'lpproved the application for funds in the amount of $20,000.00 for the development of a neighborhood ?arl~ inclucl- ine the installation of p1aygrolln2 equipment, bicycle and pedcstrion pathways, irrigation systems and landscapinz, the City Manager recommended that the City enter into the Agreement by and between the State Fish and Game Commission and the City of Bozeman as presented. FollovJing a discuss ion, 1. t lvas moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commiss ioner Van<1cventer that they enter into the Agreement and that the Nayor and Clerk of the Commission be authorized and directed to sign for the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Corr.missioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~:'~l_<':".~?I__.~Y.!..~~_~__::_.:?JP_~l~~_Cl..!.: e r .;qnd S_~e r ,__ $ 3 31 ,000.00 :. This was the time and place set for the sale of bonds of Special Improvement District No. 511 in the total amount of $331,000.00 for I'Jater and Sewer Construction in Thompson's Addition No.4, a Portion of University Subdi.vision No.2 and a portion of University Subdivision. Affidavit of pU;lli- cation of Notice of the sale of the bonds was presented. The Notice of Sale of Bonds having contained an error "said hand ,;'ill bear the date of 1 January 1972" should have read "said bonds 'viII bear the date of 1 January 1973," it was moved by Commissioner Van(~eventer, seconded hy Commissioner Vollmer, that upon recommendation and suggestion from the Acting City Attorney, the recore1s show that all prospective hond buyers present agreed thatthis was in fact a typographical error. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner l..ehrkind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. The Mayor and the City Manager outlined the proceedure for conducting this bond sale and stated that the amount of bonds to be sold for this district would be $331,000.00 as advertised. Mayor Grabow announced that the City was ready to conduct oral biddIng on the bonds of Special Improvement District No. 511 in the amount of $331,000.00. The following bidders qualified by deposi ting wi th the Clerk of the City Commission the necessary bid security - I I I I I I BIDDER PEPRESENTING Gene Hufford D. A. Davidson & Co., ~nd Piper, Jaffray and Hopwood Grande & Company, Inc., Bob Bleck The lowest effective interest rate accruing to the City of Bozeman offered as oral bids were as fo 11 O\\7S : BIDDER INTEREST RATE Grande & Cornpany, Inc., 5.60% D. A. Davidson & Company) . J ff & 1:1 d)) 5.55% PIper, a ray opwoo Follmving the recommenda tion 0 f th0 Ci ty Manager, it \'Jas moved by Commiss ioner Vollmer, see- onded by Commissioner Sedivy, c:hat the bid of D. A. Davidson & Company and Piper, Jaffray and Hop- wood, being the lowest and best bid submitted, the sale of the bonds 0e awarded to D. A. DavidSon & Company and Piper and Jaffray and HOP\100d and the bid security of the unsuccessrul bidder be returned and the motion WA3 carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting L\ye being Commi8sioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Consideri1tion of Construction Bids SID No. 511: The engineers representing consulting Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., and the City Engineer having completed their study of the bids submitted for the water and sewer construction in Thom- pson's No.4, a portion of University No.2 and a portion of University Subdivision and having prepared a final tabula tion of the bids recommended tha t Util i ty Builders, Grea t fa 11s, }1c:mtana, be awarded the contract for the construction of SID No. 511 on the basis of their low 8nd best bid in the amount of $259,088.32 and that the bid security be returned to Felton Construction Company. The City Manager concurred with the recommendation of the consulting engineers and the City engineer and i'- l,;>as moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commi.ssioner Lehrkind, that the con- tract be at.;rarded to Utility Builders on the basis of their low bid as noted above and the motion was carried by the follOl-ling Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinr; Commissioner Sedivy, Commiss- ioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Hayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~~(~l1,.~~~.!:-J2.2S_l}m~!~_s.)J~~~-2J1..!_ Uti 1 i ty Eu i lde rs, Cre~_~2.!l~or ~'.<_~s:u~: i O~l-----"S 25 9 ,088. 3? : The contract documents for the construction of 'VJater and Set,;>er construction in Thompson's No. /:, a portion of University No.2 and a portion of University Subdivision as awarded to Utility Builder, Great Falls, Montana, on the basis of their low bid in the amount of $259,088.32 '""AS presented. The City Manager recommended that the Contract Documents approved as to form by the Actin;j City Attorney be approved. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the contract documents be approved and that the Hayor and Clerk or thc Comn>ission be authori7.ed and directed to sign the contract for the City of Bozeman clOd that Utility Builders be authorized to proceed with the construction and that the pledge for bid security be returned to Utility Builders and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. A tl.._~_<?E.j~!:Y.~e..l':. ~S.!::.!!.t!...!.~~~~.!--_~ M~~5pJh....? 6 - 3~tL. Nov~m be r ~9_z.:l, I nc!i~ n a r ~}~~_~~[)~lmL<l"~'::i,g_Il'::E._~~~U.Yy~ Th2 /'9th ,\nnual Conference of the National League of Cities is schedl'led l_'()'J(' !leU in IndL:m- ",polis, 1n(15.ana, 2(,-30 November 1972, and the City Hanager recommended that Cor,1:,.j8s~on('r SecHvyl!E' authori7.ul to pi.-te:1d the con<'erctlcc. It was moved by ComL-issioner Vandeventer, seconded :)y Comni~";- Loner VolhlC'r, that Commissioner Sedivy be authorized to at!:end the conference enG, it bei_ng in the Pl1:)U(' int:e!"C'st his expenses be paid out of the 2ppropriatc: fund and the mof:f'1n \-J,,,[; ci1l'ried by the follmJin('; i\ye and No vate: those voting\ye being Comnd ssioncr Vollmer, ~J Co:n:,,- iss~oner Lchr~ind, Comniss10ncr V2n~eventer and Mayar Grajo~J; ~hosc voting N0, 2one.Commissioner Sedivy Abstained. ;S,---s-,~!l~I:Lon__:._J::.-2!..Sl.~_Ya Ie, Boqrd of Ad ius tmen.t :_ ~ letter received Eron Larry E. Y~le, B member of the Board of Adjustment tendering his resi- gnation as G member of the Bozeman Bosrd of Adjustment effective 1 Decembcr 1972 was presented. ~~ \7r1S l:loved ~)y Commissioner Volh-ner, seconded by Corlmissioner Sed ;vy, ~:wt they DceC'ilt ;-,-.-!:". ,[[!lcs ce-, siEnatiOl1 with re~ret and the motion was c2rried by the ~ollowjnc ~yc end ~o vote: those votinc ~yc ::;e;~1g Gr):C"nissi,"C'r: Veilh"cr, :"'F~f';iss-;oner Sedivy, r;on~r-dssi~)T1('-r L(':\rt-i:'1'_l, ~:CF,"--i:;;:io:1:-'r '.':'nr;c"c:-,t.c'., 2,n(~ :'~.:'.yOY Gr;l:):}.~1; ~hosc vot~-~2~ ~~J":" none. It \,"' ,~~ oS ~her: ii",oved by CO:~'..~.:'l.i. s s fo-::l.C: r S c,j ~.,,"Il:r, s c cone cd ~.; y (:or.:..~-;,: i. S~):; (Y'-H2 'C 1;/ :.:.~:~(~ (,",,/(':,: t(,'~:.', t:1A ~~ ~..~.10 C 1. t Y :I~~n;qi.~J~l~ ')0: ~.nstl~1.1~tC.t1 t;J Tl()t~,fy :,Ir. Yale, th[it they h::r~,:r(: 2ccpptei,1 'di,th },~(~r:;r~t~ ~..l;~3 (~e(.:',;:;:.i..,)n not t~) 343 344 conti:1uC' ,"" ;} DOi'lrd n'er'ber of:~hc BCiClrcJ of ,\(~iust:t':cnt ,end to ('''pres" the thanh; of th(' C()m~,d".siml for the F\a;,y ;'lO'.1rs spcn'~ in order I.-hat Bozeman :pi;:),': be ;;:JCttCY place in Hh'ich to live and that the City peen.ride :\1:'. Yale Ivi th sorH' !dnd of 2 !li0l11cnt() in the vl~lY of p, certificate to express the gratitude for 2 jn~ ~c11 done End the nmtion was caryied by the followinG Aye and No vote: those '.10 ting .\yc be i,nrj COf:lnis S toner Sedivy, COtnl11iss ioner LchrJdnd, Cornr.,-i,ss :Loner Vandeventer, COfJnds sioner VollMer and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. :l:?'y'eSLc;..~__-:__S~..o n~~,~c~t_ .,_^_\~ to S ~L~':-tx_(~!1..!?;..(:J~) Q_:)_L},io_'!..~_~!~<:'E~?1.?:_ L\ reques t fro!";l the Bozen13n Jaycee:::; for permission to conduc t <1 sGfety chccl< prograDe on 1'l;:dn ;)tr.eet in front of the Courthouse 0<1 10-11 November ,vDS presented. It 1'/018 woved by Commissioner Lchrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Vehicle Safety Check prozram be approved and the ('lotion \.:as carried by the follmving Aye and No vote: those voting I\ye being Commissioner Lehr- kind, COP\r,j ss;t)11er V,mdc'ven ter, Comuissioner Vo 11~11er, Commiss :Loner Sed ivy and Hayor Grabmc1; those '10 ting tb, none. Lo lleS~~JU::..__t.?m.s._~J .Ll')::'10,- t . .~~.Cl.l{E':..s_,"__~eS:_~."!:_:._~~.~1 0 ve 1~_b~_E-~~~__p_~c:S'_rn.l).e_E_ _U>_'U.:. l\ letter received from the United Commercial Tr:welers of An:erica requesting permission to conduct? Fruit Cake Sale in Bozeman during the months of November and December 1972 Has presented. The proceeds from the sale is to go to the Retarded Childrens Fund, Fraternal Aid Fund and Youth Ac tjvi ties for (;a110tin Coon ty. It: tllas moved by Commiss inner V.:mdeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that permiss:ton be gnmted to conduct the Fruit Cake sale but that they concentrate on a shorter perl.ad to conduct the sale and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: dlose voting Aye being COlm~issioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Comm- issioner Lehrldnd and Nayor Grabau; those voting No, none. ~ a rE:1..11_~Ll).~_(:lL_to r _ Pl?_1,- t ion._gL_~~~l'!....E i (tec~t!~_ A V~;l_~- S ~~ r ~. Ri C h<1 rd s : A Warranty Deed whereby Sara P. Richards granted unto the City of Bozeman a tract of land twenty feet in width, in the North~lest Quarter or the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 2 South, RGnge 5 East, M.P.H. situated in the City of Bozeman, containing within the boundaries of the two tracts of land to he deeded for street p\1rposes to the public forever 8765 square feet or .2012 acres was presented. FollO\ving a discus sion, it \'<"as moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Warranty Deed for a portion of South Fifteenth Avenue be accepted by the City of Bozeman and filed for record tvi th the County Clerk and Recorder and the motion was carried by the fo1lO\dng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner ehrkind and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Et~l'S'E~~_:.. _.,___ The Fo1lotd_ng Reports \vere presented: Chief of Police Fluoridation The City lIanager commented on the reports and recommended approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion Has carri_ed by the folloltd.ng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy Comm'iSsLoner Lehrkind, Commissioner VAndeventer, Commissi:mer Vollmer and 11.8yor GrA1Jow; those voting No, none. r_rg2S'E!:.Y__J:.9.~<:;~l:.E:.~L(')D__~C2.!JJ~...l~).\;!.~i;:-,,\,~enuc~___:.....L)e ~n g i. ng t o~~_ 0;-: _~~~_:_ It Has moved by Commissioner Sedivy, secondedby Commissioner Lehrld.nd, that the City of nozen'an retain the property located at the site of the old sewage plant on the basis of renting the house and the motion \vas carried by the follmving "\ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. Claims: ~~.~.,~,.~.,_.- I I Clair' No's. ttllflO throu;:;h 14392 and 3001 through 3234 :Lnclusive \verc presented. The City I Manager checked the claims and found them to be true and lawful claims against the Ci.ty of Bozeman and recommended they be approved and the Director of Finance be directed to issue warrants in paYMent. It \Vas moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Comrnissioner Vandeventer, that the claims be approved end ordered filed <1nd the motion was carried by the folloHing Aye and No vote: those vat-ing Aye hcing Commissioner Lehrkind, Commi ssi,oner Vnnneventer, Commiss ;on0r Vollmer, Commissioner Sed ivy and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. I I I Band Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Garbage General Library Park Parkins Heter 1. 93 2,9%.77 360.00 1+,010.96 23,959.76 1,209.17 25,777.96 (,32.3/ PERS Planning Board Police Reserve SDS SID's Street Hater Dr. Education 2,20(,,57 3.08 2,568.95 3,939.3(, '21,695.73 5,86(,.72 10,7%.1/, 2,902.28 Total $108,803.70 !l.(l.io+l~~~~~~s..:_ There being no further business to come before the Commission at this ti.me, it '.vas moved !Jy Commissi,oner Vandeventer, seconded by Commiss:i.oner Vollmer, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vande- venter, Commiss ioner Vollmer, Commiss ioner Sed ivy, Commissimier Lehrkind cmd:Layor Grabaw; those vaUnt'; No, none. ATTEST: ~~/~~ ERNA V. lI.^,RDING, Clerk of the City C (j)~ HILLIAH E. GRABO\~, Mayor - 345