HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-13-16 Joint City Commission and ASMSU Minutes B O Z E M A �� �"T AS City Commission THE CITY COMMISSION OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AND ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MINUTES Thursday,October 13",2016 Mayor Carson Taylor—Present Deputy Mayor Cyndy Andrus—Present Commissioner Jeff Krauss—Present Commissioner Chris Mehl—Present Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy- Present Staff Present:City Clerk Robin Crough,Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn, Interim Community Development Director Chris Saunders, Neighborhood Coordinator Jessica Johnson, Police Chief Steve Crawford 1. Call to Order—6:01 PM—Montana State University,SUB Ballroom B Mayor Taylor called the meeting of the Bozeman City Commission to order at 6:01 PM. 2. Public Comment—6:01 PM Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Tracy Ellig, Public Comment Mr. Ellig, Executive Director of University Communications, welcomed the City Commission to the campus. He let the Commission know that if they have any questions about the university,to call on staff in the audience. Mayor Taylor closed public comment. 3. Changes to the Agenda—6:03 PM Mayor Taylor noted that Item 4 will be moved until later in the agenda when Police Chief Crawford will be in attendance. n L.,w aRel o..,,...,„tatieR(T,,..le4C..,,...c..Fe -Moved to Item 7. S. Affordable Housing Focus on Student Housing Projects or Apartment Projects in Planning or Potential Areas(Saunders)—6:04 PM Page 1 of 5 Bozeman City Commission DRAFT MINUTES,October 13,2016 Staff Presentation Interim Community Development Director Chris Saunders presented the state of affordable housing in the City of Bozeman. He distributed a map that displays affordable housing projects throughout the city. Mr.Saunders discussed the need to mobilize and fund infrastructure in the city to keep up with growth, but it is a continuous challenge. He noted the monthly and annual reports done by the Building Division if students are interested in more information. Mr.Saunders discussed current growth trends in Bozeman. He also discussed some current development projects, including the Black Olive. Questions of Staff CR Krauss asked Mr.Saunders about the status of the sewer line through the university for nearby development. Senator Killian asked why infrastructure spending is expensive for the City. Senator Campbell asked how close the City is to capacity at the Water Treatment Plant and Water Reclamation Facility. Senator Johnson asked if the City has policies regarding stormwater. 6. Walk This Way(Johnson)—6:17 PM Staff Presentation Jessica Johnson discussed the Good Neighbor Committee and the Walk This Way initiative. Ms.Johnson noted this year the initiative was a pilot program, modeled after LIC Boulder and UMass Amherst. She discussed the mixed reaction on the initiative. She discussed upcoming plans of the Good Neighbor Committee. This year they will be doing door hangers instead of the good neighbor bags. The Committee also does an off-campus living class. Questions of Staff Mayor Taylor asked if there was any data on improvements in neighborhoods on nights that the Walk This Way program was in effect. He noted that this is the first year that his political yard sign has not disappeared. Senator Falls Down asked Ms.Johnson if this will happen next year. Senator Windham thanked Ms.Johnson for the information, as students have been curious and possibly concerned. Senator Campbell asked if Walk This Way could be considered for the spring. He asked if the Good Neighbor Committee has talked about doing joint events with the fraternities and sororities. He also noted other future opportunities for collaboration including the upcoming Renter's Literacy class. Senator Falls Down asked why Ms.Johnson chose the route she did. 7. Law and Justice Presentation (Taylor/Crawford)—6:33 PM Staff Presentation Mayor Taylor presented on the joint City/County Law&Justice Center and the evolution of the project and its joint nature. County Commissioner Don Seifert discussed what's driving the project,the different Page 2 of 5 Bozeman City Commission DRAFT MINUTES,October 13,2016 entities that would be included in the center. Police Chief Steve Crawford discussed the growth of the public safety staff using the building. He noted current challenges of the current facility when it comes to public safety. He specifically talked about Victim Services and shared space with the Sheriff's Department. He also discussed the insufficient storage in the facility. Mayor Taylor discussed the cost breakdown of the project. Commissioner Seifert clarified the cost breakdown between the City and County. Mayor Taylor clarified the ballot language and the need to vote twice. Questions of Staff Senator Zoltek asked about outreach efforts for the project. Buzz Tarlowe, Bozeman attorney and member of the Friends of Law and Justice noted that the City and County can only educate, not advocate for the project. He was in attendance to advocate. Senator Falls Down asked what the completion date would be. Senator Campbell asked what buildings would be demolished and what the timeline for that would be. Senator Walker asked why the Rouse Justice Center didn't pass two years ago. 8. MSU Students'Experience with the City,Including Living in the City,Downtown Life,Late Night Bus, and Parking Issues and 9. Questions for or from MSU/City—7:05 PM Questions of the Commission/Staff Senator Zoltek asked about the possibility of a sales tax in the future. Senator Campbell commended the City on Main Street. He also discussed the road construction around campus, specific to Garfield, and its impact on students getting to campus.CR Mehl and CR Krauss responded in detail. Discussion included additional ways to notify students. Senator Killian asked how the City's Transportation Master Plan is taking into account MSLI's Bike Master Plan. CR Mehl responded in detail. He also asked about greenspace at the Law&Justice Center, as the design appears to be parking-oriented. Mayor Taylor responded in detail. Senator Johnson asked if the City has considered car sharing. Interim Director Saunders responded in detail. CR Mehl also noted alternate transportation's incentive for less impact fees. Senator Walker asked what the percentage of students are in the city.CR Krauss responded in detail. Commuter traffic has a larger effect on population. CR Mehl added. Discussion included the students' effect on voter numbers as well. Senator Falls Down commended the City for its work to commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day, Mayor Taylor discussed students' role on citizen advisory boards. Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. Emma Bodie Public Comment Ms. Bodie discussed the importance of the issue of parking. Biking infrastructure is an important focus Page 3 of 5 Bozeman City Commission DRAFT MINUTES,October 13,2016 area, as well as improved Streamline service, in addition to a car share program. Ms. Bodie also discussed stormwater runoff, and encouraged the City to look into green infrastructure. Her vision from Bozeman 40 years from now still includes getting out of the City in 10 minutes. She also encouraged the City to look at affordable housing. Matthew Baine,Public Comment Mr. Baine, a representative of Sustainability Now, discussed long-term sustainable solutions to deal with growth. He discussed increased promotion of alternative transportation. Senator Windham encouraged the public commenters to contact Kristen Blackler in the Sustainabililty Office at MSU. CR Mehl thanked the Senate for this meeting. 10. Other Topics and Next Meeting—7:26 PM Mayor Taylor requested that the Senate come back with ideas for future meaningful meetings. He thanked the Senate. CR Pomeroy encouraged the students to get out to vote. 11. Adjournment—7:28 PM Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 7:28 PM. Carson Taylor Mayor ATTEST: _;�'OF. a �2 ; & , Loll. Robin Crough <=`City Clerk Page 4 of 5 Bozeman City Commission DRAFT MINUTES,October 13,2016 PREPARED BY: c 1 dl� c Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: Page 5 of 5