HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-08 166 Bozeman, Mnntana 8 September 1971 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 8 September 1971, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Langohr, Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, City Manager Fryslie, Ass't. Manager Keyes, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Grabow opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the regular meeting held 1 September 1971 were approved as read. Request to Vacate Portion of Alley, Block E, Tracy Addition - George Hubbard: The request received from Mr. George Hubbard of the City Center Motel for the vacation of the alley in Block E, Tracy Addition within the City of Bozeman was presented following an on the grounds view of the premises and further study of the request. Following a thorough discussion, the Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Grabow, that the request to vacate a portion of the alley in Block E, Tracy's Addition be approved with the understanding that George Hubbard will deed the land for the alley to the City so that an "L" shaped alley remains open, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the resolution of intent for the vacation of the alley. The motion was carried with the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none; Commissioner Grabow abstained. Authority to Call for Bids for 8,000 G.V.W. Truck - Water Dept.: The Water Department has need for a 1972 Model Four Wheel Drive, 8,000 G.V.W. Truck at an approximate cost of $3800.00. The City Manager stated that specifications for the vehicle have been prepared. It was moved by Commissioner Grabow, seconded by Commisssioner Lehrkind, that the purchase of the Truck be approved and the Clerk of the Commission be directed to issue a "Call for Bids" for the purchase to be received and opened 29 September 1971 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Authority to Call for Bids for 4 X 4 1/4 Ton Truck - Street Dept.: The Street Department has need for one 1972 one-quarter (1/4) ton 4x4 Truck costing approximately $3200.00 and the City Manager requested authority to purchase the Truck. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the purchase of the truck to be authorized and the Clerk of the Commission be directed to issue a "Call for Bids" for the purchase, to be received and opened 29 September, 1971 and the motion was carried by the Following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Sale of Bonds: SID 503 - $24,000.00 Watermains No. 7th to No. 5th from Tamarack to Juniper: This was the time and place set for the sale of bonds for Special Improvement District No. 503. Affidavit of publication of the Notice of Sale of the bonds was presented. The Mayor and the City Manager outlined the proceedure for conducting this bond sale and stated that the amount of the bond to be sold would be in accordance with the advertisement as follows: Advertised Amount Amount to be sold SID 503 $24,000.00 $24,000.00 Mayor Langohr announced the City was ready to conduct oral bidding on the bonds of Special Improvement District No. 503 in the amount of $24,000.00. The following bidder qualified by depositing with the Clerk of the City Commission the necessary bid security. Bidder Representing Mr. Phil Sandquist Security Bank & Trust Company Mr Sandquist of the Security Bank and Trust Company being the only bidder, bid 6% as the I I I I I I lowest effective interest rate accruing to the City of Bozeman. The Director of Finance stated the bid of 6% by the Security Bank & Trust Company was acceptable. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the bonds for Special Improvement District No. 503 be awarded to the Security Bank & Trust Company and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Consideration of Construction bids: SID No. 503 Watermains No. 7th to No. 5th from Tamarack to Juniper: The City Engineers and the engineers representing Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., having completed their study of the bids submitted for the construction of watermains on North Seventh to North Fifth Avenue from Tamarack to Juniper Street and having prepared a final tabulation of the bids recommended that Diteman Construction Company, Bozeman, be awarded the contract for construction of SID No. 503 on the basis of their adjusted figure of $20,277.00. The Change Order No. 1, deleting two 8" gate valves at a cost change of $900.00 to reduce the original amount of $21,177.00 to $20,277.00 was presented. The City Manager concurred with the recommendation of the engineers and recommended that the adjusted bid with the Change Order be accepted. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Grabow that the contract be awarded to Diteman Construction Company on the basis of their adjusted bid and the bid security of the unsuccessful bidders be returned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Order to install Curbs on Main Street - Lanphear and Associates: Mr. Don Lanphear, Mr. Keith Anderson and Mr. Dewey Pratt appeared before the Commission in regard to installing new curbing on the corner of Church Avenue and Main Street and the problem of traffic control at the intersection of Main Street and Church Avenue, location of the Bus Depot and City Taxi Headquarters. The Commission was referred to its action of 8 July 1971 reaffirming the order directing the installation of the curb under discussion. Following a thorough discussion, the City Manager stated that he had thoroughly studied the matter and recommended that the Commission orders for curb installation remain in effect. The Meeting was recessed at 2:30 o'clock p'm' for an on the site inspection by the City Commission. Meeting-~econvened at 3:00 o'clock p~m. Following a brief discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Grabow, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the order to install new curbing adjacent to the property in question be held in abeyance for one year from this date to give the property owners an opportunity to resolve their operational problems. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the motion be amended to include directing removal of the parking meter and parking space presently located on Main Street in a curb opening desired for use by the City Taxi. On the motion to amend those voting Aye were Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow; those voting No being Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Langohr. Those voting Aye on the amended motion were Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Commissioner Sedivy; Mayor Langohr abstained. Proclamation; ''World Peace Day" Mayor Langohr announced his proclamation of 19 September 1971 as "World Peace'Day" in the City of Bozeman in the fervent hope that this will motivate Americans everywhere to work, each in his own way and in concert with others for the attainment of those attributes in himself, in his community, in his nation and in the world that will lead to universal peace. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the proclamation be concurred in and the motion was carried By the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No; none. Resignation - Director of Finance - J.W. Smith: A letter received from Mr. J.W. Smith submitting his resignation as Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman to be effective 30 September 1971 was presented. Mr. Smith stated that he has accepted a pOSition with the State Examiner's Staff for the State of Montana. The City Manager stated that it is with regret that he has accepted Mr. Smith's resignation. The Commission concurred with the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that they accept the resignation of Mr. Smith as Director of Finance effective 30 September 1971 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commission Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. :167 1.68 Report of Citizen Advisory Committee - Planning by Rick Mayfield: City-County Planning Director Rick Mayfield appeared before the Commission to present a report of the Citizen Advisory Committee Planning. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Grabow, that the minutes reflect that the Commission received the report and that they express their thanks and appreciation to the various members who have given so much of their time and effort in preparing the report. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those being Aye voters Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Langohr. Resolution No. 1480 - Assessing Street Lighting 1971, Hearing 15 September - ~;16,473.21: Commission Resolution No. 1480 levying assessment in the total amount of $16,473.21 for the various lighting districts for the year 1971 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LEVYING AND ASSESSING LIGHTING DISTRICT MAINTENANCE AND ELECTRICAL CURRENT COSTS FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 11-2252, R.C.M., 1947 It was moved by Commissioner Grabow, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the resolution be provisionally passed and adopted and Wednesday, 15 September be set as the date for the public hearing and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 1481 - Special Tax Levy for Sprinkling Districts, Hearing 15 September - $6,359.29: Resolution No. 1481 levying the assessment in the total amount of $6,359.29 for street sprinkling and cleaning for the year 1971 was presented, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASS- ESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN STREET SPRINKLING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT OF THE COST OF SPRINKLING STREETS WITHIN SAID STREET SPRINKLING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1971. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the resolution be provisionally passed and adopted and Wednesday, 15 September 1971 be set as the date for public hearing and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Reports: The following reports were presented: Fire Chief Building Inspector Police Judge Police Chief The City Manager commented on the reports and recommended the approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the reports be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Claims - for August 1971: Claims 11446 thru 11709 inclusive and 848 thru 1006 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: 1, 791. 32 832.63 2,050.46 25,248.43 694.90 5,845.57 786.68 2,158.86 6.78 3,347.70 SID's 26,143.02 Street 5,091.31 Water 5,526.50 Driver Ed. 1,010.80 Cem. Per Care 45.00 N. Sew. Const. 4,335.18 P.L. & P. 15,000.00 SID Revolve 13,047.19 Police Res. 2,262.70 115,225.03 Band Cemetery Garbage General Library Park Parking Meter P.E.R.S. Planning Board SDS The City Manager commented on the claims and found them to be true and lawful claims against I I I I I I the City of Bozeman and recommended they be approved and the Director of Finance be directed to issue warrants in payment. After examination of the claims and checking against the claim register, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Grabow. that the claims be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy. Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Request to Conduct Parade - 25 September 1971 - Gallatin Shrine Desert Patrol: A letter received from the Gallatin Shrine Desert Patrol requesting permission to conduct a parade along Main Street on September 25. 1971 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Grabow, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that permission to stage the parade as requested be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Grabow, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Adjourment: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy. Commissioner Grabow. Commissioner . d and Mayor Lan oh ; those voting No, none. 00 ATTEST: ~~