HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-06 58 SPECIAL MEETING Bozeman, Hontana 6 November 1970 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in Special Session pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-3249, R C M., 1947, and Section 2.08.060, Bozeman Municipal Code at the Office of the County Commission in the Gallatin County Courthouse on Friday, 6 November 1970, at 8:00 aclock A. M. Present were Mayor Langohr, Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy, City Manager Fryslie and the Clerk. I Canvassing Vote of General Election: The purpose of the special meeting was to canvass the vote of the General Election held on Tuesday, 3 November 1970, for City Commission: Tabulation of El ec tion Returns: Under the provisions of Section 11-718, R.C.M., 1947, and this being the first legal day after the Clerk of the City Commission had received the returns of the General Election held Tuesday, 3 November 1970, the Clerk of the City Commission aided by the City Commission proceeded to canvass the returns. The results of the canvass were as follows: S'lVJ.OJ. ~I ~ liB 131 ~Ij [~ ~~~q q ..... \0 asno4P1ald. Z co ...::t l"'"l N LJ'"\ ..... ...::t co N N ..... ..... ...;t . l"'"l ,.-- LJ'"\ - ~I 0\ IS I 0 0\ l"'"l ~ I 100405 4g1H ~olua5 1 ..... ...;t 0'\ N N ..... ..... ..::I' I ~ 15 I ~ -- ~I 0\ 0\ co L_ UOlun uapn~s 0 ..... \0 0\ N ..::I' . l"'"l r-... ~l r-... q M q I 0 \0 100l{OS ~al~~lq~ 6 r-... LJ'"\ co 0 0 co cq N ..... l"'"l \0 . \0 --.,,- r-... -- ~I r-... l"'"l .... l"'"l co r-... 1- 100405 gUl^~I 8 ...::t l"'"l r-... co 0'\ LJ'"\ l"'"l N .... N If'\ . N r-... ---- ~I l"'"l ~ I;: I~ I .... -:t 1- 100405 ~olla}guo'1 L 0 l"'"l N l"'"l \0 . I -:t r-... N 100M 0 I ~ I 0 .... lleH kn::> 9 l"'"l .... 0 .... ..... \0 l"'"l ~~~~~- N . co r-... --.-"'.'-- ~I \0 N 0'1 r-... 0\ ..... 10040S uos~am3 ~ 0 0"1 .... l"'"l ..... 0 l"'"l N N N \0 . IJ"\ r-... --- ~I to l"'"l \0 Ir-... ~I l"'"l L 1004:>5 uosllH1 +J 0 l"'"l 0 r-... LJ'"\ N .... .... ..... . If'\ -- r-... co r-... \0 IN..... ~I r-... asnoH ~~no::> f: 0 r-... co \0 r-... 0"1 \0 .... .... .... N . \0 r-... --- - 0"1 .... 0 0\ ..... co co gUIP11nS ^~owcrV Z ..:t N ..... ..... ..... ('1 N I ...::t ..... ..... ..... N M . LJ'"\ r-... ~I --- ~,,\_- 0'1 I co 0 ...::t I -:t 0 L 1ool{oS au~oq~~eH 1 ...::t -:t ..... 0 LJ'"\ co ..... ..... ..... N M . r-... r-... --- ga ~ H 0 H Z p::: ..... r-... ~ I:l:'l H 0 3 .. 0"1 ~ ~ ~ tf.l I ..... 0 f@ ~ ...:l Z I > t.::l t:J H ..r::: t>l < 0 >.. t-I ~ if ~ ~ ~ U) p.., H l\1 Q) ...:l~ . ...:lO C\l ~ H ~ "" ~ ~ta t:J ~ <> ::r.:: u u (/J :c . Eoo4 ~ Z H H ~ Q) ~~ ~ ~ CI.l ~ Otf.l H U) Z =' > I ~z w Q) u ~ W E-l 0 tf.l H . CI.l 0 U ~ .--I Z H ...:l S W ~ ga I-< II 0 ...:l p::: H l\1 M ~ H < . ~ ~ p:: ..c :3 u u :3 u It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that William E. Grabow and James W. Vollmer be declared elected commissioners for a three year term, beginning 4 January 1970, and that the Clerk of the City Commission be instructed to issue a certificate of election to each I person elected and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Adiournment: There being no further busioess to come before the Commission at this time;' it wss m~ by Comm- issioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the speCia~ting of"he, City Co isrion be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No v~ : those ot)ng Aye beln~ Comm- issioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those vat ,,\g 0, {':00-1 / IJ / \ J~ ~I if!: I \,(;Jif1f /1F\ ,((v ATTEST: ./ DON\)\ . LANGOHR; JR~, C~ayor V c) .-- .....;;: J /{,> . /"i',/ . , ,/. ," I /_ 'H.<~' / . //, ,-;(>t-~.<~=,. Clerk of tihe Ci ty eonlmission