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BOZel'.lan, H0ntana
lr: S ep tel'lher 1970
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in resular session in the Commission Room, Municipal
Building, 16 September 1970, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Presen t were Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy, City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Berg and the Acting Clerk.
Commissioner Morrow opened the mee ting ~li th a prayer and the following proceedings were had:
Minutes of the regular session held Wednesday, 9 September 1970, were read and it was moved by I
Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the minutes be approved as corrected and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy,
and Commissioner Horrow; those voting No, none.
~;2.sen<:..e otl!QY..<:l.r_LaJ~gohr: lCl Sep l:en.llJ.!:..E.) 970:
In concurrence with i:he recommendation of the Ci ty Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Morrow,
seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the absence of Mayor Langohr be authorized in compliance with
Section 11-3245, R C.M., 1947, and that Commissioner Sedivy be designated to act as President Pro
Tempore of the Commission and the motion was carried by the following Aye 8nd No vote: Those voting
Aye being Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
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Ord inance No. 900 prepared by the City Attorney repealing the City Municipal Code pertaining to
tavern closing hours was presented, en ti tled:
In concurrence with the recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Morrow,
seconded by Cor;lmissioner Sedivy, that Ordinance No. 900 be passed and adopted and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner l1orrm'1. Commissioner
Sedi.vy and those votinp; No, none.
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City Manager Fryslie requested authority to purchase two 2" water meters in the amount of I
$535.00 and thirty 3/L~" \-1ater meters in the amount of $1,050.00 for the Hater Department. I t tUl s
moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that authorization to purchase the
meters as requested be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those
voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Morrow; those voting No, none.
R~q~:..~!:._S.9 Hold Pnrad~_:- Ho.ns.~2.!) St_~_~~_Univcrsi"!y.___Band D,"Iy"-=- lO~Q.<;:tober 1~}0:
A le t ter received from D . Carl Lobitz, Director of Bands at Montana State University, requesting
permission to conduct a parade on Band Day, 10 October 1970, was presented. It was moved by Commissi.on-
er Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that pennission to stae the parade as requested be granted
and the motion \'1as carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner
Sedivy and Commissioner Morrowj those voting No, none.
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A letter received from Mrs. Gene Hoffman, Bozeman Council of Camp Fire Girls, reques ting per-
mission to hold a Candy Sale, 7..l!f November 1970, \'18S presented. In concurrence with the recommend-
ation of the City Manager, it \-'as moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Con~issioner Morrow, that
811thorization to hold the Candy Sale be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
no vote: Those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Morrow; those voting No, none.
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Acting Mayor Sedivy proclaimed the week of 17-23 September 1970 as "Constitution Week" within
the C'ty of Bozeman rnarld.ng the one':'hundred eighty-third anniversary of the adoption of the Consti-
tution of the United States of America. It was moved by Commissioner l-1orrow, seconded by Commiss-
ioner Sedivy, that the Actinz, Nayors proclamation as requested by the Daughters of the Aplerican I
Revolution be endorsed and l:he motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye
being Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those vo tinfj No, none.
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Acting Hayor Sedivy proclaimed Saturday, 19 September 1970, as "Red Heart Tag" day as requested
by the l~omen of !~he Hoose. It \"las moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Comrnissioner Sedivy, that
the proclamation as requested be endorsed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote:
Those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow and Commissioner Sedivy; those voting No, none.
Change Order No. 3 - Sanitary Sewer, Felton Construction Cg., $1,052.00:
Change Order No. 3 on the New Sanitary Sewer Construction, F.W.P.C.A. Project No. Mont-125, prepared
by Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. , to become a part of the original contract for construction of improve-
ments in the project described was presented as follows:
A. Description - Change Manhole Nt). 31 from Type C to Special drop manhole.
Rebuild 18 feet of existing 21" sewer line
B. Purpose - To eliminate splash in manhole No. 31 - rebuilding
I existing section of out flow line in bad condition
C. Cost - Total increase to contract $1,052.00
The City Manager concurred with the Engineers and recommended the Change Order No. 3 be accepted
and approved as presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Comrniss ioner Horrov}, that
the Change-order be approved and the'Iayor and the Ac ting Clerk of the Commission be all thodzed to
sign for the City and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Horrow ans Hr'l:Mr T F1-g""hr; those voting No, none.
.Constrnction Estimates and payments: Waste Water Treatment Plant:
The certificate of engineers of Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc. , on the Waste Water Treatment
Plant, WPCA Project Mont - 125, stating the construction has been partially completed was presented.
The City Manager concurred in the recommendation of the engineers and recommended partial payment
be authorized. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that as re-
commended, the construction estimates be authorized and the Director of Finance be directed to issue
warrants in payment as fo llows :
Detweiler Bros., Inc. - $102, SOIL 94
Felton Construction - 79,276.12
Thomas, Dean & Hoskins - 1.,606.46
The motion was carri.ee by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner
Morrow, Commissioner Sedivyaml Bilk): l..lugQl.r; those voting No, none.
The following reports were presented:
Cashier Fluoridation Cemetery
I The City Manager commented on the reports and recommended the approval thereof. It was moved
by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Comrniss ioner Morrow, tha t the reports be approved and ordered
fUed and the motion was carried . . . . .
R~'-E.2Et: - Convention International Fi.re Chiefs - Seattle, Jnck Huber, Fire Chief:
Fire Chief Huber reported on his attendance at the International Fire Chief Convention held in
Seattle, Washington, 6-13 August 1970. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commission~r
Sedivy, that Chief Huber be commended on his report and that the report be approved and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and NIII)....Io l.:ALlgulu. j those voting No, none.
~\d jOl1rnmen t:
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by
Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Horrow, Commissioner
Sedivy and ~hose voting No, none. / i,'
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