HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-24 7 Bozeman, Montana 24 June 1970 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 24 June 1970 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Present were MAyor Langohr, Commissioner Morrow, Comm- issioner Sedivy, City Manager Pryslie, Ass't. City Manager Keyes, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Mayor Langohr opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had: I The minutes of the regular session held 17 June 1970 were read and it was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Open Bids - "1970 Sidewalk Construction Program:" This was the time and place set for receiving bids for the repairing and reconstruction of miscellaneous sidewalks and curbs. Affidavit of Publication of "Notice to Bidders" was presen;fted and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the bids filed with the Clerk of the Commission be opened and read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. The following bids were then opened and read: W. D. Howells, Bozeman, Montana Schedule (1) Sidewalks $4,068.00 " (2) Curb & Gutter $3,045.00 Long Construction, Billings, Mont. " (1) Sidewalks $4,440.00 " (2) Curb & Gutter $2,850.00 The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the bids be referred to the City Engineer for his study and final recommendation on Wednesday 1 July 1970 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those vo ting No, none. Open Bids HB-436 - Seal Coating of Certain City Streets: I This was the time and place set for receiving bids for HB-436, Project No'. 212(04) Seal Coating 144,800 square yards of streets and avenues in various sections of the City as approved by the State Highway DeparbDent. Affidavit of publication of "Notice to Bidders" was presented. Three sealed bids were on file and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the bids be opened and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. The following bids were then opened and read: Bozeman Blacktop Co., - Bozeman $38,717.00 Holland Construction Co., - Bozeman 36,200.00 Long Construction Co., - Billings 38,010.00 The bids were referred to the City Engineer and the engineer representing consultant Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., to check in detail, prepare tabulations and make recommendations for the construction of the improvements. Sidewalk on Beall Street - North Fifth Avenue to North Seventh Avenue: A petition signed by nine property owners on Beall Street between North Fifth Avenue and North Seventh Avenue, requesting that the City Commission reconsider their decision to order sidewalks installed on both sides of Beall Street between North Fifth Avenue and North Seventh Avenue and exclude the repair and/or installation of sidewalks in this area was presented. Several property owners were present to discuss the proposed installation. Following a discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that they delay action on the above request for one week for additional study and inspection of the I subject area and tbe motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Application for Beer License, One-Half year - Hoffman's Dairy Store: The application for a one-half year City Beer License, together with the required fee from Thomas E. & Joanne E. Hoffman of Hoffman's Dairy Store, 230 East Main Street, Bozeman, was presented. The City Manager and the Chief of Police stated they had no information relative to Hoffinan's Dairy Store that would warrant disapproval of the application. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the above application be approved therewitb and the motion was --------- _____on _____ 8 carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; tbose voting No, none. Consideration of Bids "HB-436, Seal Coat Oiling of Certain City Streets: The City Engineers and the engineers representing Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc., having comp- leted their study of the bids submitted for the Seal Coat Oiling of streets an. alleys in various sections of the City recommended that the contract for HB-436 Project No. 212(04) be awarded to the::Holland Construction Company on the basis of their low bid in the amount of $36,200.00 contin- I gent upon the approval of the State Highway Deparcment. The City Manager concurred in the recommend- ation of the City Engineer and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the contract be awarded to Holland Construction Company on the basis of its low bid as noted above, contingent upon the approval of the State Highway Department and that the bid security of tbe unsuccessful bidders be returned to them and tbe motion was carried by tbe following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Langobr; those voting No, none. Mobil Home Regulations: The City-County Planning Board regulations on Mobile Home Subdivisions, Mobile Home Parks, Courts and Travel Trailer Parks were presented. The regulations having been approved by the City- County Planning Board were forwarded to the City commission and the Gallatin County Commission for their consideration with recommendation for approval and adoption. Following a discussion of the regulations on Mobile Home Subdivision, parks, Courts and Travel Trailer Parks, it was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that they be approved and included in the subdivision regulations for 1968 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. Exchange Club Request for Use of Old Country Club Ground for Fourth of July Display.: A request from the Exchange Club for permission to use the Old Country Club ground for their annual Fourth of July Fireworks display was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, se- conded by Commissioner Morrow, that permission to stage the Fireworks display on Sunday, 5 July 1970, I as requested be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Morrow and Mayor Laagohr; those voting No, none. Reports - Director of Finance: The City Manager commented on the report of the Director of Finance and recommended approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the report of the Director of Finance be approved and ordered filed and the motionwas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vot~ng Aye Being Commissioner Morrow, Commissioner Sedivy and M4yor Langohr; those voting No, none. Adjourn: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Morrow, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting being Commissi er Sedivy, ioner Morrow and Mayor Langohr; those voting No, none. ..... ATTEST: <,-.- 0:0 Clerk of """ ....~\, I i"1, '\''"1 \; \) ..:~ " "