HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-17 Bozeman, Montana 17 September 1975 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 17 September 1975, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy, Commissioner, Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, City Manager Frys1ie, Assistant City Manager Wolf, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. 1 Commissioner Vollmer opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had. Minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, 10 September 1975 were approved as read. Request to Conduct Homecoming Parade. 26 September - Bozeman Senior High A letter received from the Bozeman Senior High School requesting permission to conduct their Homecoming Parade on Friday, 26 September 1975 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. was presented. The parade is to begin at the high school parking lot and proceed up Eleventh Avenue to the Montana State University Football Stadium where it will disband. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that permission to conduct the Homecoming Parade on Friday, 26 September be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none. Proclamation: World Peace Day, 21 September 1975 - Assembly of the Baha'is In accordance with the Spritua1 Assembly of the Baha'i of Bozeman, Mayor Sedivy proclaimed 21 September 1975, as World Peace Day, in the fervent hope that the youth and adults of Bozeman will be motivated to develop within themselves those attributes necessary for the attainment of 1 peace and unity first in their local communities and eventually in the world community. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that they endorse the Mayor's proclamation as presented, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Ornnmissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Hearing, Resolution No. 1745 - Assess Street Lighting - $19.404.84 (Final Psge.) Hearing for Resolution No. 1745 on levying assessment for the Street Lighting for the year 1975 in the amount of $19,404.84 having been continued was again presented. No one appeared to protest and no written protests having been filed, Commission Resolution No. 1745 provisionally passed and adopted at the regular session held on 27 August 1975, was presented for final passage. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the resolution be finally passed and adopted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. 1 Hearing, Resolution No. 1746 - Assess Street Sprinkling - $8,788.14 Final Psge. Hearing for Resolution No. 1746 on levying assessment for Street Sprinkling and Cleaning for the year 1975' in the amount of $8,788.14 having been continued was again presented. No one appeared to protest and no written protests having been filed, Commission Resolution No. 1746, provisionally passed and adopted at the regular session held on 27 August was presented for final passage. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the resolution be finally passed 357 3r:o ~JO and adopted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind~ Commissioner Vo11mer~ Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. ~~n Bids - Rest Rooms in Lindley Park This was the time and place set for opening bids for the installation of new rest room facilities in Lindley Park. Affidavit of publication of "Notice to Bidders" was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer~ Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. The following bids were then opened and read: Bozeman Sand & Gravel Edsall Construction Tom Haggerty General Contr. Taylor Construction Western Construction - Bo zeman - Bozeman - Bozeman - Bozeman - Bozeman $14,900.00 12,790.00 14,833.00 13 , 820 . 00 15,396.00 It was recommended by the City Manager that the bids be referred to the BGS Architects and engineering staff for final tabulation, consideration and recommendation on Wednesday, 24 September 1975. Hearing, Commission Resolution No. 1747 - Intent to Create SID No. 557 This was the time and place set in Commission Resolution No. 1747 to hear protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 557 for the purpose of construction and insta1la- tion of a sanitary sewer line to serve a portion of the Bozeman Creek Annexation to the City of Bozeman. Affidavit of publication of Notice and the Clerk's mailing certificate was presented. There were no written protests on file and no one appeared to protest verbally. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that Commission Resolution No. 1747 creating Special Improvement District No. 557, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1747 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 557 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER LINE TO SERVE A PORTION OF THE BOZEMAN CREEK ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN EIGHI' INCH SANITARY SEWER AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES IN AN EASEMENT THROUGH TRACTS 11 AND 12 OF THE BOZEMAN CREEK ANNEXATION TO BOZEMAN, MONTANA. THE CON- STRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SAID SANITARY SEWER IS TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE, MANHOLES, NECESSARY WYES, AND aTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. as prepared by the City Attorney be passed and adopted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being ~issioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. ~dinance -Bo.,:.. 96Q_:",_Zone Code!m.!:ndmen.!. Ordinance No. 960 proposing certain revisions in the Zoning Commission, having been tabled for a period of one week for further study, was again presented. A discussion followed and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that action on Ordinance No. 960 be postponed indefinitely until the Commission has a meeting with the Zoning Board and the Planning Board. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. 1 1 1 Application for Cabling & Raffle License - a) TOPS 1188 - Raffle - b) Duck's Unlimited - Raffle - c) Montana Gold Dust - Add'n. card Tables The City Manager presented an application from TOPS No. 88 along with the required fee of $10.00 for a raffle license, for the purpose of holding a raffle on 23 December. It was moved by COmmissioner Lehrkind, seconded by COmmissioner Vollmer, that the 1 COmmission approve the application for the raffle to be held on 23 December, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, COmmissioner Vollmer, COmmissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. The City Manager presented an application from the Gallatin Madison Chapter of Ducks Unlimited along with the required fee of $10.00 for a raffle license for the purpose of holding a raffle on 25 September. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Commission approve the application for the raffle to be held on 25 September, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. The City Manager presented an application from the MOntana Gold Dust, 6 North Willson Avenue, along with the required fee of $500.00 for a gambling license for the purpose of operating two additional card tables. The COmmission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by I Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the Commission approve the application for the issuance of an additional gambling license for the purpose of operating two additional tables. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Approyal of Judges and Clerks for Continuation of Primary Election, Tuesday, 7 October The Clerk of the City Commission presented for the consideration of the Commission a sug- gested list of electors for appointment as judges and clerks for the primary election to be held on Tuesday, 7 October 1975, as follows: Precinct No. 1 - Hawthorne School Precinct No. 7 - Longfellow School Irene L. Bakken Cecelia A. Johnston Kathryn Agnes Miller Essie L. Peterson Blanche Irene Sweeney 619 E. Mendenhall 533 E. Mendenhall 210 N. Church 517 N. Church 530 E. Davis Lavina Chadbourne El veyra Cheney Soloma Edna Rubber Mary Lutes Barbara Mocke1 604 Dell Place 104 E. Story 725 S. Tracy 1003 S. Church 709 S. Tracy Precinct No. 2 - Armory Building Precinct No. 8 - Irving School I Anna Docken Rena F. Mart illa Marjorie Richardson Clara M. Sager Sharon Y. Tack 424 S. Fifteenth 1120 W. Alderson 606 S. Thirteenth 508 S. Tenth 617 S. Thirteenth 419 N. 313 N. 414 N. 422 N. 815 N. Black Black Tracy Tracy Black Alice Bradford Frankie R. Eagle Nina Mae Fraser Katheryn Murphy Blanche Nielson Precinct No. 3 - Court House Precinct No. 9 - Whittier School Sigrid Cox 115 N. Tenth Beverly Anderson 811 N. Seventeenth Evelyn Dahl 112 N. Tenth Ruth Arnold 2005 w. Bea 11 Melissa Hicks 101 N. Tenth Karen Brookhart 318 N. Twentieth Ka thryn Hoem 112 N. Ninth Allene Crouse 704 N. Seventeenth Jess Stovall 512 N. Fourth Elmira Jo Swanson 711 Blackmore Place 359 360 Precinct No. 4 - willson School Precinct No. 10 - Student Union Edna Crawley 214 S. Eighth Alice N. Gossack 714 S. Third Rose Mary Keenan 113 S. Eighth Mary Ho lter 1548 S. Grand Percy Mikkelson 210 S. Eighth Dorothy Kober 726 S. Third Tillie Nydem 221 S. Tenth Patricia Langohr 426 w. Garfield Jessie Zeier 202 S. Seventh Harriet Watling 504 w. Arthur Precinct No. 5 - Emerson School Precinct No. 11 - Bozeman Hbh Schoo I Myrtle Amundson 221 S. Tracy Mary Margaret Dean 1804 W. Babcock Leona Ethel Gibson 324 S. Fifth Jane Fi tch 1119 W. Curtiss Ruth Opal Gordon 404 W. Olive Ce lia French 1328 w. Babcock Ida C. Love 405 S. Fifth Roberta Jacobs 202 N. Fifteenth Beth White 807 S. Sixth Marlene Moe 1508 w. Babcock Precinct No. 6 - City Hall Precinct No. 12 - Fieldhouse Donalda Bohart 209 E. Aylsworth Paula Daws 2111 Highland Court Hazel Davis 307 S. Bozeman Helen DeGideo 1316 S. Black Mary McGuire 116 S. Rouse Betty Eng 2310 Highland Court Hellen Morrow 114 S. AyilSworth Venice Linford 1914 Springcreek Dr. Laura Nash 438 E. Mendenhall Frances Travis 2520 Springcreek Dr. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the list be approved as presented and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. HRDC - Housing A~el1cy Su~gestion Nell Avery and Bill Phillips, representative of the Human Resources Development Council appeared before the Commission to present additional information on a local housing agency. The Mayor on behalf of the City Commission thanked the representatives for their presentation and stated the Commission would further study the report and be prepared to make a decision at an early date. ,Re.2.orts The City Manager commented on the report of the Director of Public Service and the Cemetery report, and recommended they be accepted and ordered filed. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Mayor Sedivy. President of Montana Lea~ue of Cities and~owns for 1975-1976 The City Manager was happy to announce that Mayor Sedivy had been elected as President of the Montana League of Cities and Towns for the year 1975-1976. City Manager Fryslie stated Mayor Sedivy had been selected for this leadership from a great number of members and the full staff of Montana League of Cities and Towns along with all other officials will be very supportive of programs to be laid out for the coming year. Mayor Sedivy was congratulated by Commissioner Vollmer on behalf of the Commissioner for the honor that has been bestowed upon him. ~e.j.o.!!r!!m~n ! There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. 1 I I I I I ATTEST: M~ /( ~4 EDNA V. HARDING, , Clerk of the City Commission ,cL". __" '- .,------ 361.