HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-16 CC Mtg - C3. Project WET PSA for Education Pilot Project Commission Memorandum Report To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Jessica Ahlstrom, Water Conservation Technician Lain Leoniak, Water Conservation Specialist Kyle Mehrens, Storm Water Coordinator Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works Subject: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Foundation to develop and implement an expanded education pilot project in Bozeman Public Schools that provides training workshops to community educators on water topics, develops lesson plans and online resources, and integrates those lessons into the Bozeman Public Schools curriculum so that those educators can reach children with objective, experiential, science-based water education. Meeting Date: November 14, 2016 Agenda Item Type: Consent Item Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Project WET Foundation to develop and implement an expanded pilot project that provides training workshops to community educators on water topics, develops lesson plans and online resources, and integrates those lessons into the Bozeman Public Schools curriculum so that those educators can reach children with objective, experiential, science-based water education. Background: In an effort to engage young people within the community the project will focus on implementing customized lessons and activities that present complex concepts related to watersheds, water conservation and storm water to educators via lessons plans that are locally relevant, accessible and positive experiences for young learners. In an effort to reach more young learners with these objective, experiential, science-based lessons year after year, the project will also focus on integrating the developed lesson guides and online resources into the Bozeman Public Schools Next Generation Science Standards at the appropriate age level. The project advances the educational objectives of the Water Conservation and Storm Water Programs and is one of the six minimum control measures required by the City as part of the 68 MS4 permit process to demonstrate the development and implementation of Best Management Practices and measurable goals for public education and outreach on storm water impacts. Project WET is a non-profit organization based in Bozeman that provides action-oriented water education programs for students and teachers worldwide. They are the only organization in North America with the skills and expertise to provide training workshops to educators on water topics so that those educators can reach children with objective, experiential, science-based water education. The services to be provided by Project WET utilize lesson plans that have been perfected over many years in numerous countries making them highly unique and effective. Activities and booklets present complex concepts related to water conservation, storm water and watersheds to educators via lessons plans that are relevant, accessible and positive for young learners. The project is comprised of the following tasks: (1) Activities Development (2) Partnership Development and Teacher Workshop (3) Providing of materials (4) Classroom Implementation (5) Continued Metric Development (6) Convening Focus Group (7) Curriculum Integration (8) Webpage Development and Maintenance Alternatives: As suggested by the Commission. Fiscal Effects: Total project costs to the Water Conservation and Storm Water Programs shall not exceed $7,550.00. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement Scope of Services 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ATTACHMENT A Scope of Services Project WET Foundation Bozeman Water Education Expanded Pilot Project I. Introduction This document outlines the tasks to be completed by Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Foundation, (hereinafter “Contractor”) for the Bozeman Water Education and Outreach Pilot Project for the City of Bozeman, Department of Public Works (hereinafter “City”), 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 between September 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017. II. Description The City requires an organization with the skills and expertise to develop a pilot project that provides training workshops to educators on water topics so that those educators can reach children with objective, experiential, science-based water education (hereinafter “project”). The project will focus on the refinement of materials and implementation of activities and booklets that present complex concepts related to watersheds, water conservation and storm water to educators via lessons plans that are relevant, accessible and positive experiences for young learners. Goals: The City will use the project to start a critical conversation with local teachers and students about: (a) Where Bozeman’s water comes from, how it is used and where it goes; (b) Impacts to water quantity and quality as a result of those uses and precipitation events; And (c) The power each of us has to ensure that there is water in sufficient quantity and quality for us and all of the other species who depend on these water supplies. Objectives: To enable the City to accomplish its goals, the project should achieve the following objectives: 80 (a) Expand upon existing partnerships and establish and develop new partnerships with local public education institutions; (b) Edit, revise, and finalize the customized Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide based on teacher and City feedback; (c) Submit the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide as a supplementary curriculum offering for teachers in upper elementary and middle school; (d) Work with the City of Bozeman and Bozeman Public Schools Curriculum Director to integrate the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide as a base resource into the Bozeman Public Schools Montana Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) at the appropriate age level; (e) Develop a dedicated program webpage to host resources for the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide including but not limited to Student Copy Pages, links to maps, and additional local action project ideas for teachers to engage in; (f) Provide customized watershed, water conservation and storm water education workshops for local teachers; (g) Facilitate implementation of classroom units pertaining to the aforementioned focus areas in local classrooms; (h) Measure program effectiveness; (i) Share results and highlight successes and lessons learned for continued future expansion. Topics to be covered in the project include but are not limited to: (i) Bozeman Watersheds: a. Description-Water Cycle b. Habitats c. Protection d. Restoration (ii) Water Conservation a. Value of Water b. Water Uses/Conservation Practices c. Environmental Benefits d. Positive impacts to water quality (iii) Storm Water a. Detailed Description b. Sources of Pollution c. Environmental Impacts 81 d. Preventative Practices The Tasks outlined below represent a complete proposed Scope of Work. At its discretion, City will authorize individual tasks and/or sub-tasks. The Contractor shall prepare a Work Plan and schedule for each task or sub-task which will be submitted to City. III. Proposed Scope of Work The proposed scope of work is intended to provide a means in which to develop and introduce customized, science-based activities related to watersheds, water conservation and storm water in upper elementary and middle school classrooms on or before June 1, 2017. The project is to be of such a quality that it can be integrated as a base resource into the Bozeman Public Schools Montana NGSS and expand City’s student education and outreach campaigns relating to watersheds, water conservation and storm water. Contractor will work with City to develop metrics for key stakeholders in order to measure the project’s effectiveness and determine form and substance for future projects. All work product generated as a result of the project shall be provided to City and in a format that allows for City’s future use and distribution. Task One: Activities Development Contractor shall edit, revise and finalize the customized Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide, based on teacher and City feedback, in digital form. This shall be completed on or before November 7, 2016. Task Two: Partnership Development and Teacher Workshop In coordination with City, Contractor shall implement the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide via teacher training workshop with new upper elementary and middle school teachers as well as participating teachers from previous pilot years on or before December 31, 2016. Task Three: Provide Materials 82 Contractor shall offer Project WET children’s activity booklets (e.g., Conserve Water, Storm Water, and Watershed Protection) to teachers on the dedicated program webpage on or before March 31, 2017. Task Four: Classroom Implementation Contractor and City shall facilitate the implementation of the activities in the pilot classrooms to observe and document teachers’ and students’ levels of engagement with the activities. This task shall be completed on or before June 1, 2017. Task Five: Metrics Development In consultation with City, Contractor shall refine the series of metrics used to evaluate key stakeholders at various stages of the process to determine the effectiveness of project development, teacher training, classroom implementation and changes within stakeholder groups in knowledge, beliefs and attitudes about local watersheds, water conservation and storm water impacts and management. This task shall be completed on or before March 1, 2017. Task Six: Convene Focus Group Contractor shall convene the year three pilot teachers as a Focus Group on or before June 1, 2017. The Focus Group will provide activity suggestions and edits, share student reactions to the activities, offer ideas on how to scale up the program, indicate what additional materials will best enhance the Educators Guide and answer other questions. Task Seven: Curriculum Integration Contractor shall submit the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide as a supplementary curriculum offering for teachers in upper elementary and middle school on or before September 30, 2016. Contractor shall work with the City of Bozeman and Bozeman Public Schools Curriculum Director to integrate the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide as a base resource into the Bozeman Public Schools Montana NGSS at the appropriate age level. Task Eight: Webpage Development and Maintenance Contractor shall develop a dedicated program webpage to host resources for the Bozeman Water Conservation and Storm Water Management Educators Guide including but not limited to a digital copy of the Bozeman Water Conservation and 83 Storm Water Management Educators Guide, Student Copy Pages, links to maps and additional local action project ideas for teachers to engage in prior to June 1, 2017. Total project costs shall not exceed: $7,550.00 84