HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-16 CC Mtg - C2. TPL Recognition Statement for the Story Mill Community ParkDonor and Partner Recognition Statement Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Carolyn Poissant – TOP Design and Development Manager Mitch Overton – Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park MEETING DATE: November 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Donor Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park and authorize the City Manager to sign the Statement BACKGROUND: Resolution No. 4517 approved the allocation of Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) bond funding in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for the acquisition of park land and the development of the Story Mill Community Park. A Memorandum of Understanding with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) delineating financial and in-kind contributions and a purchase and sale agreement for the property were approved in December 2014. The Donor Recognition Statement (Attachment A) memorializes an understanding between the City and The Trust for Public Land regarding various aspects of donor and partner recognition pertaining to the Story Mill Community Park project, including: 1. Recognition of TPL and the City 2. Logos 3. Accepting Naming Gifts 4. Changed Circumstances, Re-naming, and Removing Names 5. Standards 6. Donor Recognition Levels 7. Application and Modification The Trust for Public Land has indicated that the fundraising goal for this project is nearly satisfied. They have raised 83 percent of their campaign goal with $1.8 million left to raise over the next 18 months. The exact amount of contract award will depend on the bids, but TPL is prepared to enter into a construction contract so as to break ground on schedule next spring. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Funding of future street right-of-way improvements for Story Mill Road and East Griffin Avenue, beyond that which is required for Phase I improvements. 62 Donor and Partner Recognition Statement Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 ALTERNATIVES: As Directed by Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: Approval of the Donor and Partner Recognition Statement provides additional procedural support for The Trust for Public Land’s substantial fundraising efforts, which are contributing over $9 million to the project. ATTACHMENTS: Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park Report compiled on: November 2, 2016 63 Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 Story Mill Community Park Donor and Partner Recognition Statement The Story Mill Community Park (“SMCP”) is a 60-acre natural-area park located in northeast Bozeman, intended to serve Bozeman and the greater Gallatin Valley community. SMCP is being developed jointly by The Trust for Public Land (“TPL”) and the City of Bozeman (“City”). SMCP will be owned and operated by the City and, as such, is and will be subject to the rules, regulations, policies, and processes of the City. TPL is an independent, non-profit public benefit corporation, and has entered into an agreement with the City to manage the design and construction of SMCP. As part of this effort, TPL is conducting a campaign to secure privately-raised funds to supplement the City’s Trails, Open Space and Park bond monies, as well as other funds, which are financing the design and construction of SMCP. Donor recognition at SMCP is intended to reflect the comprehensive and invested community input that has created SMCP. TPL and the City will be positioned as the key partners in SMCP, with other financial supporters of SMCP receiving appropriate recognition as described in this Statement. Several key features of SMCP will be offered as opportunities for specific donor recognition at leadership levels of $50,000 or more. In addition, all donors of $10,000 or more will be recognized in a central feature of SMCP such as a donor wall. The form that donor recognition takes will be designed to complement SMCP’s natural design and community appeal. This Statement summarizes the guidelines and procedures that TPL and the City have agreed to for recognizing donors at SMCP. 1. Recognition of TPL and the City TPL and the City shall be recognized for their roles as the co-lead developers of SMCP, including mention in appropriate print materials and on-site signage. TPL’s logo or logotype will be included with the City’s logo on all appropriate recognition and interpretation signage at SMCP. TPL shall also be recognized with the Entry Plaza naming opportunity. 2. Logos No corporate logos, brands, insignias, or direct advertising text may be used as part of any name association or naming opportunity feature at SMCP except for TPL and the City as provided for above. At the joint discretion of the City and TPL, the financial or other support of non- corporate organizations and entities may be acknowledged with logos or logotype on select interpretive signs and associated materials at SMCP. 64 Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 3. Accepting Naming Gifts All gifts solicited and received by TPL for SMCP that are eligible for a naming opportunity at SMCP must meet the requirements of TPL’s Gift Acceptance Policy, a copy of which is attached to this Statement and hereby incorporated by this reference, as well as the provisions of this Statement. Any gift offered to and accepted by TPL which qualifies for, and is explicitly identified as being made in anticipation of a naming opportunity must be memorialized in a written agreement signed by the donor and TPL. 4. Changed Circumstances, Re-Naming, Removing Names Once named in recognition of a donor, features of SMCP will retain that name indefinitely unless and until such time as there is a substantial change in circumstances, such as the removal of the named feature from SMCP. In such cases, the donor will receive appropriate continued name recognition in connection with another comparable feature of SMCP as determined by TPL and the City in the spirit of the donor’s original gift. TPL will make every reasonable effort to notify donors in these instances. TPL and the City reserve the right to refuse any requests by a donor to change the name of a SMCP feature once the name is in place. For any name change request to be undertaken, the donor must pay all costs related to executing the requested name change. Naming opportunities shall be limited to the name of individuals or entities that exemplify the attributes of integrity, character, and leadership consistent with the highest values of TPL and the City. The City and TPL may jointly agree to remove a donor’s or honoree’s name at any time if these values are not met. 5. Standards The SMCP Master Plan shall include a City-approved Donor Recognition Plan detailing standards for the design, materials, placement, and installation for all donor recognition features at SMCP, which standards shall ensure consistency with other signage and the design of the SMCP in general, complement the surroundings, and ensure that donor recognition features do not interfere with the use, enjoyment or aesthetics of surrounding SMCP amenities. Signage shall be placed in a prominent location near the applicable SMCP structure or feature. Materials used in donor recognition features shall be of high quality, vandalism resistant, and able to withstand harsh environments. TPL shall provide the City with the original artwork and fabrication specifications for all donor recognition features for City approval. The selected name of any structure or feature shall appear in all officially-produced maps or representations of the SMCP, in press releases, public announcements or other publicity that refer to the applicable named structure or feature. The City will maintain all such signage and will replace or repair signage damaged or destroyed by vandalism or through natural causes such as fires or floods. Donor recognition features shall be designed and installed along with the construction of SMCP and shall be paid for with funds being provided by TPL for the design and construction of 65 Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 SMCP. All donor recognition features shall be the property of the City, and the maintenance, upkeep and replacement of such features shall be the responsibility of the City. 6. Donor Recognition Levels Specific donor recognition features shall be available based on pre-determined levels of donations. Donors in each giving category will be provided with donor recognition choices according to the order in which their gifts were received or pledged. The chart below describes the breakout of anticipated levels of donor giving that will merit naming recognition for specific features of SMCP. These levels and the corresponding SMCP features are subject to change by the mutual agreement of TPL and the City. Naming Opportunity Level Gift Amount Naming Opportunities Example Park Feature Lead $5 million+ (at least 50% of goal) One Story Mill Community Park Center Second Tier $1 million+ Up to two Signature Playground, Nature Sanctuary (Span Bridge) Third Tier $500,000+ Up to three Amphitheatre, Grand Lawn, Homestead Pavilion Fourth Tier $250,000+ Up to five Observation Hill, Pond and Overlook, Entry Promenade, Tot Lot Play Area, Community Pavilion Fifth Tier $100,000+ Up to eight River Walk, Reunion Pavilion, Teaching Garden & Edible Food Forest Trail, Family-Friendly River Access Area, River Confluence Accessible Platform, Climbing Boulder and Trail, Labyrinth, Dog Park Sixth Tier $50,000+ Up to eleven Fitness Lawn, Trestle Bridge, Fishing Access, Bird Blind (2), 66 Donor and Partner Recognition Statement for Story Mill Community Park Bozeman City Commission – November 14, 2016 Bond Street Gate, Spur Trail Gate, Picnic Pavilion (2), Confluence Trail, Bridger Connector Trail Donor List All gifts greater than $10,000 Unlimited Central wall, tiled floor, engraved railing, or other feature 7. Application & Modification This Statement shall apply only to SMCP, and is in no way intended to be, not shall it be construed to be controlling on any other City-owned property, park, place or amenity. This Statement may be amended in whole or part only through the written agreement of TPL and the City. For all actions requiring City consent, approval or concurrence under this statement, such approval, consent or concurrence may be given by the Director of the City of Bozeman Department of Parks and Recreation. By signing below, TPL and the City acknowledge and confirm that this Statement reflects their joint understanding and agreement with regard to the handling of donor recognition of features at SMCP. The Trust for Public Land City of Bozeman By: _____________________________ By: ____________________________ Title: ____________________________ Title: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date ____________________________ Approved as to form: _________________________________ City Attorney 67