HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-16 3. C) i.1. t..J~ Bozeman. Montana 16 July 1975 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. Municipal Building. 16 July 1975. at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy. Commissioner Vollmer. Comm- issioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor. Commissioner Lehrkind, City Manager Fryslie, Assistant City Manager Wolf. City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Vollmer opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had. Minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday. 9 July 1975. were approved as read. Storm Sewer Easement - Lot 1. Block 9. FiKgins Addition An Easement and Right of Way Agreement by and between Montana National Bank. Trustee and the City of Bozeman for the purpose of installing. operating. using. repairing. replacing. maintaining and removing a storm sewer upon and across Block 9. of Figgins Addition to the City of Bozeman and consisting of thirty (30) feet in width and lying fifteen (15) feet on each side of the Center line of Lot 1 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer. seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer. that the Storm Sewer Easement Agreement be entered into by the City and that the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission be authorized and directed to sign for the City of Bozeman. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none. "Call for Bids" - SID No. 547, Trunk Storm Drain. Durston Road, No. 11th to No. 18th Ave - $70,000.00 SID No. 553. Storm Drain. Langohr Ave.. Portion Westridge - Figgins Addn. - $100.000 Plans and specifications covering the proposed improvement in Special Improve~ent District No. 547 for installation of trunk storm drain on Durston Road from No. 11th Avenue to No. 18th Avenue and Special Improvement District No. 553 for construction of storm drain on Langohr Avenue and a portion of Westridge Drive in Figgins Addition as prepared by Thomas, Dean & Hoskins. Inc., consulting engineers, was placed before the commission. Upon recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the plans and specifications as presented be approved and that the clerk of the commission be authorized and directed to publish a "Call for Bids" for the construction of Special Improvement District No. 547 and 553 with an opening date of 6 August 1975 and to advertise for bids for the sale of the bonds in the approximate amount of $70.000.00 for SID No. 547 and $100.000.00 for SID No. 553 to be received on 13 August 1975 and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, Commiss- ioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Reports - Police Judge The City Manager commented on the report of the Police Judge and recommended approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor. seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the report of the Police Judge be approved and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor. Commissioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vollmer. Commission- er Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Open Bids - Bleachers for Recreation Complex This was the time and place set for opening bids for the installation of bleachers at the Recreation Complex. The affidavit of publication of the "Call for Bids" was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind. seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the bids be opened and read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Sedivy;,_ those voting No. none. The following Bids were then opened and read: Concrete Specialties, Box 614. Bozeman. Montana Intermountain Construction (Bleacher Installation) Bozeman. Montana The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer. seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer. that the bids be referred to the engi- neers Morrison-Maierle. Inc.. 330 East Mendenhall. Bozeman. Montana for their study and final re- commendation on Wednesday. 23 July 1975. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor. Comm- issioner Lehrkind and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none. Discussion of Bozeman Creek - Mr. & Mrs. Folda & Lyman Bennett of Bennett and Bennett Attorneys Lyman Bennett of Bennett & Bennett Attorneys at Law. 24 West Main Street. appeared before the $18,960.00 22.000.00 I I I I I I Commission on behalf of the Stanley J. Foldas of 105 North Davis, Belgrade, Montana, to request that a suitable barricade be erected and maintained on the site that their daughter fell into the creek and drowned. The erection of the barricade would alleviate others from the same tragic dis- as ter. The City Manager recommended that the decision to erect a barricade be taken under advisement to consult with the City Attorney and the City Engineering staff. Commissioner Vandeventer requested that the engineering staff be instructed to obtain the names of the property owners of property bounded by Babcock Street, Mendenhall Street. Rouse Avenue, and the Range Hotel. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind. seconded by Commissioner Vollmer. that the Commission concur in the City Manager's recommendation to take the erection of the barricade under advisement to consult with the City Attorney, and that a letter be addressed to Mr. Bennett when a decision is made. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commiss- ioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Sedivy; Public Liability Insurance - Dick Fish (Agent) Dick Fish of Waite & Company and agent for Public Liability Insurance for the City of Bozeman was present to advise the Commission that the Public Liability Insurance policies are to be cancelled as of 17 July 1975. He also stated they are prepared to duplicate the Public Liability Insurance. Following a discussion. it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer. seconded by Commissioner Vande- venter. that Dick Fish be authorized to proceed with duplicating the Public Liability Insurance policies and that the City of Bozeman be prepared to pay a greater premium and maintenance charge. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vol1mer~ Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind. and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Requests for Abatement of Sidewalk Orders The following property owners requested a sidewalk variance as set forth in full: One Year Extension: Mrs. Malcolm Story 521 NorthLRouseAAve. 4ZZ West amme ve. Bozeman Convalescent Home 309 North Fifth Avenue Mrs. William Noyes 405 North Willson Avenue Mrs. Ellen Logan 216 North Wallace Avenue Ralph Murray 505 North Tracy Avenue Donald Peterson 325 North Montana Avenue Sam C. Powell 311 North Church Avenue Anita Saunders 437 North Third Ave. William Moore 304 North Church Ave. Two Month Extension: David Lockie 509 E. Frid ley One Year Extension - Thomas Buckmaster - Provided that he patch one square and replace 212 No. Church total walk next year. A thorough discussion followed and it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer. seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the Commission concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer, also concurred in by the City Manager. that the above applications requesting a sidewalk variance be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, COmmissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time. it was moved by COmmissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind. that'the meeting be adjourned and the motion waS carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor. Commissioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. . ATl'EST: (J /~ / _ :,~~/ / "t/7 ERNA- V. HAIIDING, Clerk of the City Commission 325