HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-16 CC Mtg - A4. Reappointment to the Board of Ethics Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson, Deputy City Clerk Robin Crough, City Clerk SUBJECT: Reappointment to the Board of Ethics MEETING DATE: November 7, 2016 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to reappoint Chris Carraway to the Board of Ethics with an updated term expiring July 31, 2018. BACKGROUND: One term on the Board of Ethics expired July 31, 2016. One member has reapplied for another term. Ordinance No. 1726, finally adopted in November 2007, established the creation of a three member Board of Ethics. In May of 2009, Ordinance no. 1759 was finally adopted which revised 1726. According to Ordinance 1759: A. There is created a Board of Ethics consisting of three (3) members who shall serve without compensation unless the governing body provides otherwise. Members of the Board of Ethics shall not be elected officials, full-time appointed officials whether exempt or nonexempt, or City employees, nor shall they be currently serving on any other City board or commission. B. Members of the Board shall be residents of the City. C. Board members shall be appointed by the governing body. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be made by the appointing authority who appointed the member who formerly held the position which is vacant. E. Board members shall serve staggered terms of two (2) years. A member shall hold office until a member's successor is appointed. There is one expired term with one existing member reapplying. Reapplying Applicants: Chris Carraway ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Board Application 338 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 344 Form inserted: 10/27/2016 8:28:44 AM Form updated: 10/27/2016 8:28:44 AM Name: Chris Last Name: Carraway Physical Address *: 418 W Harrison St. P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (406) 551-0695 Additional Phone: Email *: chris.carraway@klarquist.com Your current occupation *: Attorney Employer *: Klarquist Sparkman, LLP 339 How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 6-10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: Board of Ethics City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 4 years If so, where ?: Board of Ethics Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: Currently Chair of the Board of Ethics and would like to stay on for one more term. Reference 1 *: Greg Sullivan City of Bozeman Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Chris Kukulski City of Bozeman Other Info: How did you hear about us?: Renewal Are You Human?: 414632 340