HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-23 213 Bozeman, Montana 23 October 1974 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Bu ild ing , 23 October 1974, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, City Manager Fryslie. City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Vandeventer opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had. I Minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, 16 October 1974 were approved as read. Hearing, Conditional Use Permit, Charles Schlegel - Automotive Shop North Rouse Avenue & Bridger Drive This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider a recommendation of the Bozeman City Zoning Commission regarding an application from Charles Schlegel for a conditional use permit to build a 48' X 100' structure on Tract 4 of May's Tracts, said property being located on North Rouse Ave- nue near the intersection of North Rouse and Bridger-drive, to be used as an automotive shop. The Bozeman City Zoning Commission, having reviewed the application, recommended that a condition- al use permit be granted for an automotive repair establishment. Mr. Schlegel was present to answer any questions. Upon recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, se- conded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that they approve Mr. Schlegel's Conditional Use Permit to build a 48' X 100' structure to be used as an Automotive Shop. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor. Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Proclamation - American Education Week, 27 October to 2 November 1974 Mayor Sedivy proclaimed the week of 27 October to 2 November 1974 as"American Education Week" and urged all Bozeman citizens, young and old, to seek involvement in the numerous facets of the education system in Bozeman and to re-affirm their interest in the aims and achievements and needs of the school age youth. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the proclamation as requested be endorsed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No. none. I Application for Gambling Licenses: a) New Arcade Steak House - Bingo The City Manager presented an application from the New Arcade Steak House. 6 North Willson Avenue, along with the required fee for a gambling license for the pur- pose of operating one Bingo Game for a period ending 30 June 1975. The Chief of Police, having investigated the application, was not aware of any reason to deny the application. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager. and it was moved by Comm- issioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that they approve the application for the issuance of a Gambling License to the New Arcade fpr the purpose of operating one Bingo Game. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. b) B:P;O.E. #463 (E1kst - Card Tables (2) The City Manager presented an application from B.P.O.E. Elks Club No. 463 along with the required fee for a Gambling License for the purpose of operating two card tables at 105 East Babcock Street for a period ending 30 June 1975. The Chief of Police, having investigated the application, was not aware of any reason to deny the application. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that they concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the application for the issuance of a Gambling License To the Elks Club for the purpose of operating two card tables. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: Those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. c~ V.F.W. Club - Bingo I T e City Manager presented an application from the V.F.W. Club, 240 East Main Street, along with the required fee for a Gambling License for the purpose of operating one Bingo Game for a period end- ing 30 June 1975. The Chief of Police, having investigated the application. was not aware of any reason to deny the Application. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commiss- ioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that they approve the application for the issuance of a Gambling License to the V. F. W. Club for the purpose of operating one Bingo Game, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commiss- ioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. 2111 Request for Variances to Sign Code: a) RCI Realty - 616 West Mendenhall Street b) Veltkamp & Dore - 211 North Grand Avenue a) A letter received from Rainbow Sign. Inc., requesting a height variance on a Self-contained flush mounted electrical metal channel and plastic sign to be installed for the RCI Realty located at 616 West Mendenhall Street was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the request for the variance to the Sign Code be approved. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and I No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer. Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehr- kind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none. b) A letter received from Raymon E. Dore, of Veltkamp, Dore & Co., requesting a variance to the Sign Code to enable them to erect a wooden directory sign at 211 North Grand Avenue was presented. Upon concurrence of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Comm- issioner Lehrkind, that the request for the variance to the Sign Code be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commiss- ioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No. none. Lease to Humane Society of Gallatin County - 1 Acre of old City Dump for Animal Shelter A proposed Lease between the City of Bozeman and the Humane Society of Gallatin County for the purpose of erecting a structure to be used as a dog pound for the humane care of animals at the pre- mises situated in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin. State of Montana, and described as follows: Beginning at a point 50 feet west and 2100 feet south of the center of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, west 210 feet; thence north 210 feet. thence east 210 feet, thence south 210 feet to the point of beginning, comprising approximately one (1) acre of land was presented. Mr. Nick Nixon and Mr. Carl Isaacson were present to explain the proposed Lease and to express their anxiety to begin construction of the new building. Following a thorough discussion and upon recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer. that action be delayed on the proposed lease, but that they authorize the Humane Society to proceed with the construction of the building. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, I Commissioner Vollmer, Commissoner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. ---- . Intent to Create SID No. 549 - Curb & Gutter and Storm Drainage - ,.",'- "' Babcock St. Black to Rouse Avenue COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ---- -,- A resolution prepared by the City Attorney, as directed by the City Commission was presented for discussion. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer. that they table consideration of the resolution of the City of Bozeman declaring it to be the intention to create a special improvement to be known as Special Improvement District No. 549 for the purpose of Curb and Gutter and Strom Drainage construction on East Babcock Street between South Black Avenue and South Bozeman Avenue in the City of Bozeman, Montana. for further study. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vande- venter, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Application for Retail Wine Licenses: a) Little John's b) Karl Marks Pizza & the Next Door Saloon The City Manager presented an application and the appropriate fee for a six month Wine License for Little John's located at 515 West Aspen Street and an application for Karl Marks Pizza and the Next Door Saloon located at 1003 West College Street and recommended approval thereof. Following a discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Taylor. that they reduce the City Wine License charge to $100.00 per year to conform with the Mont- ana State Law and instruct the City Attorney to draw up the necessary Ordinance to be presented to the Commission. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being I Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor. Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. It was then moved by Commissioner Taylor. seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind. that the applic- ation for the Wine License in the amount of $50.00 for Little John's and Karl Marks Pizza and the Nest Door Saloon be approved and the Director of Finance be instructed to issue the Retail Wine lic- ense, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commiss- ioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. 215 Reports: The following reports were presented: Director of Finance Director of Public Service Cemetery Water Collector The City Manager commented on the reports and recommended approval thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind. seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the reports be approved and ordered I filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commiss- ioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer. Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. Certify Examination of Depository Securities In compliance with the provisions of Section 16-2618, R.C.M., 1974, Mayor Sedivy and Commiss- ioner Vollmer proceeded to examine the receipts of Depository Bonds and Securities held by the Dir- ector of Finance as security for City funds deposited in Bozeman Banks. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer. seconded by Commissioner Taylor. that the securities be approved and a list of these be set forth in full in the minutes of the meeting,and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner LehrkindJ Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. DEPOSITORY BONDS & SECURITIES As of September 30, 1974 -------------------- RECEIPT NO. TOTAL AMOUNT FIRST NATIONAL BANK - Bozeman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 20,000.00 Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: BE-l, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. F-74, 5-7/8%, due 12-31-74 HI0874 20,000.00 I BE-l, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. F-74, 5-7/8%, due 12-31-74 HI0883 20,000.00 State of Calif, St. Constr. Pr., Ser. M, 3.40%, due 7-1-84 Hl1558 20,000.00 BE-l, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. D-76, 6-1/4%, due 11-15-76 H11559 30,000.00 State of Maryland, Hosp. Constr. Loan, 1964, Ser. Z, 3.10%, due 3-1-82 H13078 30,000.00 State of Vermont, Highway Bd., 3.60%, due 6-1-81 H13080 30,000.00 State of New York, Housing Bd., 1-3/4%, due 11-1-79 H13149 40,000.00 Sta$e of Oregon, Vets Welfare Bd. Ser. XXII, 3.60%, due 1-15-81 H13150 30,000.00 Sta~e of New Hampshire, Cap. Improv. Bd., Univ. of N. H., 1965, 3.40%, due 3-1-81 H13151 30,000.00 State of Calif., Vets~ Bd., ActO' 1962, Ser. GG 3.40%, due 10-1-81 H13152 30,000.00 BE-I, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. A-75, 5-3/4%, due 2-15-75 H14599 200,000.00 St. Board of Educ. Ex., Office Regents, Montana Univ. System, M.S.U., Rev. Bd., Ser., 1970,6.00%, due 1-1-75 H14761 10,000.00 6.00%, due 1-1-76 H14762 15,000.00 Bozeman Hi. Sch. Dist~ of Gall. Co., Bldg. Bd., 3.00%, due 7-1-77 H14765 15,000.00 BE-l, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. A-74, 5-3/4%, ,due 11-15-74 H14825 50,000.00 BE-l, U.s. Treas. Notes, Ser. A-79, 6-1/4%, due 8-15-79 H14827 100,000.00 State of Wisconsin, G.O.Bd. of 1970, Ser. C, 6.70%, due 6-1-80- H15824 100,000.00 Baltimore Co., Maryland, Balt. Co., Oper. Bldgs. Bd., 6%, due 10-1-78 H15994 50,000.00 State of Louisiana Hwy., Constr., & Impr. Bd., Ser. 1971-G, 4.60%, due 12-15-78 H15995 85,000.00 Anne Arundel Co., Maryland, G.O. Bd., Sch. Constr., Ser. 1970, 6.50%, due 11-1-79 H15997 50,000.00 Co. of Pima, Arizona, G.O. Ref., Bd., Ser. 1973, 5-1/2%, due 7-1-83 H27389 50,000.00 I St. Brd. of Education, Florida, Cap. Outlay, Ser. 1974-A 5.20%, due 1-1-94 H27452 75,000.00 5.20%, due 1-1-92 H27453 100,000.00 BE-1, U.S. Treas. Notes, Ser. F-76, 5-7/8%, due 2-15-76 H27498 110,000.00 City of Bozeman, G.O. Bd., 4.70%, due 1-1-90 H27513 45,000.00 4.80%, due 1-1-91 H27515 45,000.00 4.90%. due 1-1-92 H27516 45,000.00 State of Wash., G.O. Bd., Ser. A, 5.60%, due 4-1-89 H27597 165,000.00 Hi. Sch., Dist. #7, Gallatin Co., Sch. Bd., 7.00%, due 7-1-78 H27673 100,000.00 21G RECEIPT ,NO. TOTAL AMOUNT Co. of Cuyahoga, Ohio, Justice Center Bd., Ser. 2, 4-7/8%, due 10-1-89 H27799 100,000.00 Co. of Allegheny, Penn., G.O. Bd., Ser. C-20, 5-1/4%, due 11-1-89 H27800 100,000.00 Montgomery Co., Maryland, Comm. Co11. Bd., 5.90%, due 6-15-85 H27801 100,000.00 Anne Arundel ~o., Md., G.O. Bd., Roads & Bridge I Ber. 1971, 6%, due 12-1-80 H27802 100,000.00 State of Oregon, Vet. Welfare, Ser. XXXV, 5%, due 8-15-87 H27803 100,000.00 Fairfax Co., Virginia, Sch. Bd., Ser. 1970 B, 6%, due 11-1-80 H28159 50,000.00 St. of Hawaii, G.O. Bd., of 1971, Ser. V, 4-3/4%, due 9-1-82 H28160 50,000.00 Mass. Hsng., Fin. Agcy., Hang. Prj. Bd., 1972, Ser. A, 5.25%, due 4-1-84 H28161 50,000.00 St. of Oregon, Vet. Welfare Bd. Ser. XXXV, 4.75%, due 8':';15.,85 H28162 50,000.00 County of Hennepin, Minn., G.O. Hosp. Bd., 4.80%, due 2-1-86 H28163 50,000.00 St. of Oregon, Vet. Welfare Bd.. Ser. XXXVI, 5.60% due 3-1-88 H28164 50,000.00 $ 2,510.000.00 FIRST SECURITY BANK - Bozeman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 20,000.00 Trusteed with United Bank of Denver: St. of Mont., Ex. Officio Reg. Mt. Univ. Syst., 4-5/8%, due 1-1-86 3819 15,000.00 Chouteau Co.. Mt., SDU44, Bldg. Bd., 5.60%, due 12-30-57 3820 13,000.00 5.50%, due 12-30-86 3822 13,000.00 5.20%, due 12-30-84 3823 2,000.00 Chouteau Co., Mt., Hsd U111, Sch. Bldg., Bds. 5.60%, due 12-30-87 3824 18,100.00 5.50%, due 12-30-86 3825 18,100.00 5.20%, due 12430-84 3826 18,100.00 I Lewis-Thurston Co., Wash., Cent. Jt. SDU401, G.O. Bds., 3-5/8%, due 4-1-77 3949 25,000.00 Kenai Pen. Borough, Alaska. Gi'wO.: Sch., Bds., 5.70%, due 5-1-83 3951 25,000.00 New York, City, N.Y., G.O. Bds., 5%, due 5-1-77 4445 20,000.00 Missoula Cty., Mt., Airport G.O. Bds., 5.20%, due 7-1-81 4446 14,000.00 Alaska, Gtr. Anchorage Area Bor., G.O., 5.25%, due 2-1-85 5016 100,000.00 Trusteed with Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis: Gallatin Co., Mt., Sch. Dist. U44, Belgrade, Sch. Bldg., 4.10%, due 1-1-77 3032 5,000.00 4.00%, due 1-1-76 3033 5,000.00 4.00%, due 1-1-75 3034 5,000.00 Lewis & Clark Co., Mt., Sch. Dist. U1, Helena, Sch. Bldg., 6%, due 6-1-76 3778 6,000.00 State of Alaska, 1972, Bd., Ser. A, 6%, due 2-1-84 4069 100,000.00 St. of New Jersey, Public Bldg., Constr., Ser. I, 5.50%, due 3-1-82 4071 100,000.00 State of Minnesota, 6%, due 9-1-81 4072 100,000.00 New York State. 5.00%, due 2-1-85 4460 100,000.00 New York Job Development Auth., 5.10%, due 3-1-~8 4461 100,000.00 Connecticut Bond, 4.50%, due 10-1-80 5017 100,000.00 State of Hawaii, 5%, due 2-1-79 5018 100,000.00 Waco Texas Housing Authority, 4.50%, due 8-1-86 5019 35,000.00 4.50%, due 8-1-85 5020 30,000.00 Virginia, Minn., Housing & Re-deve1opment Auth., 4.50%, due 4-1-99 5021 35,000.00 4.50%, due 4-1-2000 5022 35,000.00 Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Menneapo1is: mSi Treasury Bonds of 1980, 3-1/2%, due 11-15-80 H10274 40,000.00 $ 1,197,300.00 I MONTANA NATIONAL .BANK - Bozeman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 20,000.00 Trusteed with Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis: Three Forks Hi. Sch., Dist. UJ-24, Gal. & Broadwater Cos., 5%, due 1-1-89 H14237 10,000.00 217 RECEIPT NO. TOTAL AMOUNT Sch. Dist. 11, Silver Bow Co., Mont., Sch. Bldg. Bd., 4%, due 7-1-85 H14238 15,000.00 Co. of Mineral, Mont. Co. Hosp. Bd., 4.50%, due 12-15-84 H14239 13,600.00 Sch. Dist. #3, Ravalli Co., Mont., (Hamilton) Sch. Bldg. Bd., 5%, due 1-1-86 to 1-1-88 H14240 45,500.00 Sch. Dist. #3, Lewis & Clark Co., Mont. Sch. Bldg. Bd., I 4.70%, due 12-15-86 H14241 16,000.00 Grade Sch. Bldg. Dist. #11, Powell COi"(Ovando), Mt. Sch. Bldg. Bd., 6%, due 6-4-75 H26028 1,000.00 6%, due 6-4-76 H26029 1,000.00 6%, due 6-4-77/89 incl. H26032 13,000.00 City of Polson, Mont., G.O. Bd. of 1970,6%, due 1-15-75 H26034 1,875.00 City of Polson, Mont., G.O. Bd. 1970,6%, due 1-15-76 H26036 1,875.00 6%, due 1-15-80 to 1-15-90 incl. H26040 31,875.00 St. of Hawaii, Gen. Obl. Bd. 1969 Ser. P, 5.20%, due 3-1-88 H26356 10,000.00 Co. Commissioners, Prince George's Co., Maryland, Publ Sch. Bd. 1969, 6%, due 6-1-76 H26357 25,000.00 st. of California, Under the Vet. Bd. Act 1956, Ser. Q., 3%, due 10-1-81 H26361 9,000.00 Co. of Hudson, New Jersey, Road Bd. 1970, 7.30%, due 10-1-84 H26363 5,000.00 City of Boulder, Mont., G.O. Bd., 4.71%, due 2-15-76/87 incl. H27659 50,400.00 St. Mary's Glacier Wtr. & San. Dist., Co. Clear Creek, Colo., Wtr. Bd., Ser. 1969,6%, due 7-1-76 H27757 5,000.00 6%, due 7-1-78 H27758 5,000.00 6%, due 7-1-81 H27759 10,000.00 Town of Ennis, Mont., Swr. Constr. Bd. 1966, Ser., 4.45%, due 9-1-76 H27764 6,250.00 4.45%, due 9-1-77 H27765 15,250.00 4.45%, due 9-1-78 H27766 6,250.00 4.45%, due 9-1-79 H27767 6,250.00 4.45%, due 9-1-80/86 incl. H27768 43,750.00 Co. Madison, Mont., Sch. Dist. #5, Sch. Dist. Bd., 5%, due 11-1-76 H27769 2,500.00 5%, due 11-1-77 H27770 2,500.00 I 5%, due 11-1-78 H27771 2,500.00 5%, due 11-1-79 H27772 2,500.00 5%, due 11-1-80/87 incl. H27773 20,000.00 SD #3, Lewis & Clark Co., Mont., Sch. Bldg. Bd., 4.70%, due 12-15-75 & 12-15-85 H28328 30,000.00 Co., Mineral, Mont., G.O. Hosp. Bd., 4.5%, due 12-15-83 H28329 12,600.00 Sch. Dist. #1, Sanders Co., Mont. (~lains) Sch. Bldg. Bd., 4.75%, due 12-15-75/87 incl. H28332 24,000.00 Plains Hi. Sch. Dist. #1, Sanders Co., Mont., Sch. Bldg. Bd., 4.75%, due 12-15-75/87 incl. H28330 42,000.00 BE-1 5-3/4% Notes E-76, due 5-15-76 H28340 100.000.00 "$ 597,475.00 WESTERN BANK OF BOZEMAN - Bozeman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 20,000.00 Trusteed with First National Bank of Minneapolis: Federal Home Loan Bank, 7.20%, due 5-25-76 4360 150,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank, 7.875%, due 8-25-75 4586 100,000.00 7.80%. due 8-25-76 4586 50.000.00 7.50%, due 7-20-77 4586 o 000.00 370,000.00 This is to certify that we, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, in campliance'with the provisions of Section 16-2618, R.C.M., 1947, haye this day certifred the receipts of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, the Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis and the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle for the Depository Bonds held by the Director of Finance as security for the deposit for the City' of Bozeman funds by the several banks of Bozeman and approve and accept the same pursuant to the examination made by Mayor Edmund P. Sedivy, Sr., and Commissioner James W. Vollmer. Signed by: Edmund P. Sedivy, Sr., Mayor I James W. Vollmer, Commissioner Milt Vandeventer, Commissioner . Robert A. Taylor, Commissioner Carl Lehrkind, III. Commissioner 218 Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commiss~0ner Lehrkind, that the meeting be adjourned, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye I being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Sedivy; those voting No, none. ATTEST: G /~L' 0<J.1!ct---' ... -. JI. .~t; ERNA V. HARDING t7 Clerk of the City Commission I I