HomeMy WebLinkAbout16- Petition - Let's Not Subsidize Food-Retail Trucks Downtown - Vant Hullis Not Subsidize Food/Retail Trucks Downtown We, the undersigned, urge City Commissioners to forbid mobile merchants (Food/Retail Trucks) from using our scarce on -street parking to operate -their ,businesses. Like stationary businesses, they should operate on private property. Food Trucks are a danger to the health, safety & welfare of the many who enjoy Historic Downtown, the heart of our community. Signature, Then Print It. Too ---------------Address (Volunteer to help, Phone # 1. 2. 5a 7. 8 AI 17. 14i -71 19. 12. 14.. 15.1 (0, 9t W 8 W, C, of 5`1`75-5 16. A 4 AI 17. 14i -71 More info? Please volunteer to onthersiomnturp..0 Mary V9nfUj1d1 AMARAQ -A41-1111 19. More info? Please volunteer to onthersiomnturp..0 Mary V9nfUj1d1 AMARAQ -A41-1111 Let's Not Subsidize Food/Retail TrkltsDo WwonIT We, the undersigned, urge City Commissioners to forbid mobile merchants (Food/Retail Trucks) from using our scarce on -street parking to operate their businesses. Like stationary businesses, they should operate on private property. Food Trucks are a danger to the health, safety & welfare of the many who enjoy Historic Downtown, the heart of our community. Signature, Then Print It, Too -®-------------Address (Volunteer to help, Phone # 1 L �IJ?���- �l,✓�� ire ..�� �7rr' �� �- �. . 3 4. 5e_ 6. 7. 8. 9.- 10.9 11. 13. L'111m) 4) 1 1 . 16. 17. 18. 19. -jx\ More info? ca�ro�Js Q V &V�i_ qV,Ii 4(1. I;_,i,,B 5�9 ��►��9. Pease volunteer to gather ci¢n�tnrac`i Mery V�..t A»11 .�n 1Q4n Let's Not Subsidize Food/Retail Trucks Downtown We, the undersigned, urge City Commissioners to forbid mobile merchants (Food/Retail Trucks) from using our scarce on -street parking to operate their businesses. Like stationary businesses, they should operate on private Property. FoodTrucks are a danger to the health, safe & safety welfare of the many who enjoy Historic Downtown, the heart of our community. Signature, Then Print It, Too --------- Address (Volunteer to heli, Phone #) 1. 20 3. t 6. 10. 11� 12. 13. 14� 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. JOOLN ,Ara-) Lt� YRO�QAn _L � More info? Aease volunteer to gather signatures? Mary Vant Hull. 404-1R69. c451-3121 W Eet's Not Subsidize Food/Retail rucks Downtown. We, the undersigned, urge City Commissioners to forbid mobile merchants (Food/Retail Trucks) from using our scarce on -street parking to operate their bus*messes. Like stationary businesses, they should operate on.private property. Food Trucks are a danger to the health, safety &,welfare of the many who enjoy Historic Downtown, the heart of our community. Signature, Then Print It, Too ---------------Address (Volunteer to help, Phone # 1 11 -.&- A _; \ � A I I U- 14- Lfi Z_ Jeav, 06Q S 5 13`7 5 � 4 t= R ek 6 )tir- 9 06, -s�4, qu 7o �C6 — P u-2,65 A S02eavy, 14- -_e -7 iAl AlMAQjCQ -AC-1 1-111-1 Let's Not Subsidize Food/Retail Trucks Downtown We, the undersigned, urge City Commissioners to forbid mobile merchants (Food/Retail Trucks) from using our scarce on -street parking to operate their businesses. Like stationary businesses, they should operate on private property. Food Trucks are a danger to the health, safety & welf�re4f the many who enjoy Historic Downtown, the heart of our community. Signature, Then Print It, Too ----------- — -- Address (Volunteer to help, Phone 2. 3. 4.- A2I/A r AVY 6.- 7. 8. Z, C-0 9. 10. 12, 90 U 12. 13, 14. fj L 15. 16. 17. is. 'DO(E W"- -V',- UVV\ Allo- Food/Reta" Trucks on -Street WijU Destroy Downtown Main M U wwwswwle.s.aQ"k?llagarilaa/ialL`e® SvQ� \I �(%� *� aowsloawse• aoeeeeos b 15 LJ► No —1000 00* •weesolea�oeooeeoll.......eeees �' ' �1�y�+\ (\/`�—�{�l�((j% �swf.w000 GO* oi0®e6oq OL•®/O/ w 4 i.ww Oiww0e eee0e0 e0ieelf e!•woo !!/!e. 00 0 0 Meis ii.OwOl {ys •• Q...l.l.e/PePPP/. / •ob�asloloer s®e!1•!• e000 i'l .�eYl ore• e.P.......elease woo .®!0!•!0.00 0 /00�00ei 00!000//l lr Owe OfsiiesOii wgii• iewasgir®giiweeleoeoes eiise ieaq wlewgsesgw.se erose s owe salelsersesrerr/rer ........... iiieiwwwiieiwe •!®• swswiosgo.iaeerw�®C.L�`�r+';�1 /y&y��s�aias®wws.asoir ®se®�!e•�'�1_'s rc_ry3��� •aa jv o"" I.seaeeo...... ie ..... /�����v1eP•elleelof 0101 • ♦ 000 ��— � 62A rocU(e r� ......... ie0 0!100 .-`...' ....1:. �.:. r f.. l ...:.:..1... 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Patricia Henry, (daughter of Ken & Mary Bryson 2. Andrew Dawkins (son of Mike & Kathy Dawkins) 3. Loren Acton, needs no introduction 4. Evalyn " It " S. Faye Boom 6. Peter Brown 7. Tamala Powell 8. Jean P. Powell 9. Alanna Brown 10. Pat Simmons 11. Jim Brown 12. Sue Higgins 13. JoAnne Troxel 14. Sally Dickinson 15. Angela Mueller, long-time homeowners in Bozeman 16. Pete Sawyer ` 17. Richard Gillette 18. Phyllis Bock 19. Robert Nichol 20. Sue Harkin 21. Lynn Paul 22. Patricia Prey 23. Alicia Smith 24. Kaye Levitt (wife of Jack) 25. Walnita Russell 26. Nan Pizitz 27. Linda Reishus 28. Joanne Jennings 29. Glenn H. Lehrer 30. Johanna Prindiville 31. Maxine Pogreba 32. Jarvis Brown 33. Diane Elliott 34. Carol J. Stahl 35. Bruce Garley 36. Dorothy Eck 37. Angie Anderson 38. Jeff Benson 39. Barbara Benson 40. Gerald A. Nielsen 41. LaVonne Nielsen 42. George Mattson 43. Beverly J. Mattson 44. Sherry Pepper 45. James Pepper 46. Carol Flaherty 47. Jerrold E. Johnson 48. Margaret Johnson 49. Jamie Chisdak 50. Mary Dalla Betta 51. Victor Dalla Betta 52. Duane S. Catlett 53. Jean M. Catlett 54. William Glass 55. Tracy Glass 56. Steven D. Durban 57. Valerie Hemingway 58. Karen Day 59. John H. Day 60. Gail Richardson 61. James Salter 62. Samuel J. Rogers 63. Jean Maclnnes 64. Carol Anderson 65. Bruce Barnhart 66. Joan Chadwick 67. Richard W. Cdrne' 68. William J. Quinn 69. Jeff Rupp 70. Chris Rupp 71. John Hunt 72. Patricia D. Henry 78. George M. Henry 74. Gonnie Siebel 75. Carrie Gaffney 76. Marjorie Smith 77. Sahara Devi 78. Heather Campanella 79. Mark Campanelli 80. Frances McLean 81. Jack 0. Pollari 82. Tad Weaver 83. Jen Watson 84. Marcia Youngman 85. Anne Barnaby 86. Mary Armstrong 87. M. Mark Miller 88. Norman Eggert 89. Doug Loneman 90. Heather Adams 91. Brandon Adams 92. Tad Weaver 93. Westen Parsons 94. James Schmitt 95. Richard Aungier 96. Ed Stafman 97. Catherine Courtenaye 98. Richard C. Young 99. Janet K. Young 100. Cheryl Eiholzer 101. Marc Hoza 102. Patricia Simmons 103. Sarah B Dickinson 104. Beverly Fowler 105. Joshua C. Dickinson