HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-07 fi1 MIlJU'I'ES OF SPECIAL MEETInG OF THE CITY C0l1MISSION Bozer1an, f1ontana. 7 .January 19711 This being the time designated by law (Section 11-3249, R.C.I1., 1947, and Chapter 2.08 of the Bozeman Municipal Code) for the organization of the City Commission in accordance with results of the regular municipal Election held G TIovember 1973, the City Commission met at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Non- I day 7 January 1974, in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, for organization purposes and the transaction of unfinished business. Present were Hayor Grabmr, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehr- kind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, City Manager Fryslie, Assistant City Manager Keyes, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Vandeventer opened the meeting with a prayer and the followinr, proceedings were had: A~.9_rA~E_tz~?-j:.JoIL.of ..~~9_0l!lE.!.:L~~i on : 'l'his was the time and place set by Hontana Dtatute for the reorganization of the City Commission as per the results of the Regular Municipal Election held in 1971 and 1~73. Retiring Hayor Hilliam Grabow having concluded all unfinished business to be brour;ht before the Commission at this time, ex-- pressed his appreciation for the support given to him by Commissioners Sedivy, Lehrkind, Vandeventer and Vollmer and commended the Hanager's office and Department Heads and Staffs and also expressed his appreciation for their efforts during his term and then turned the Mayor's gavel to incoming Hayor Edmund P. Sedivy. Commissioners James W. Vollmer, Carl Lehrkind III and Robert A. Taylor having qualified for a new four year term were then seated as City Commissioners. I Mayor Sedivy Sr. reviewed a SUMmary of the City's outstanding accomplishments obtained under Mayor Grabo,r's leadership and concluded by presenting him with an engraved Plaque as a token of appre- ciation for his splendid services during his term as City Commissioner and l1ayor. Mayor Sedi v:r then stated that he expected to continue the program in any way contributing to the "Betterment" of the City of Bozeman. Ad.J5?~_!:.;!.!n~_t..:._ There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it 'TaS moved by Com- missioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and lJo vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Grabow; those voting No, none. '~' ~ ,_' /,,/' A J:~~ ..._~'~' ..' ro.' "~ :'~ ,~/ ~-r/'" ,0t'. I< , /' . EDI1UHD p( SEDIVY, SR(~ ATTBST: ------- (-------- - - -- --~------ - /(~L E~1~J?HiR~~f~~, -~/~/--.------ Clerk of the City Commission I