HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-30 - I I I ... ~. .- '" , .,..... ~ "",,' . ". r_ ~ ~ 13 Bozeman, Montana 31 0 cto ::,er 1973 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session vTednesday, 31 October 1973, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Hayor Grabow, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrldnd, Commissioner Vand- eventer. Commissioner Vollmer, City Manager Fryslie, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Sedivy opened the meeting with a ~rayer and the following proceedings were had. Minutes of the regular meeting held i<Tedne s day , 211 October, were approved a,s read. !!eari~Commission Reso1.~tion No. 1618~.9,.E.!:j)_o.Mh..Ap.E~_B:..tJ,Q.n~.P2_.,-1.:_ During the regular session of the City Commission held on the 3rd day of October, 1973, the Commis.- sion regularly passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 1618 declaring its intention to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include sixty-nine acres, more or less, to be knmm and de- signated as the Bozeman Creek Annexation No. 1 to the City of Bozeman. This being the date set for public hearing as set forth in said Commission Resolution No. 1618, af- fidavit of publication of notice and the Clerk's mailing certificate stating that all }1ro!,erty owners had been notified was presented. The City Manager presented protests filed with the Clerk of the City Commission and signed by property owners. A number of property owners were also present to discuss the annexation, answer nuestions, and affirm their written protests to the annexation. Following considerable discussion, the Commission concurred with the recommendation of the Ci tv !~anar:er and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrl:ind, that the annexation of an addi- tion to be known as Bozeman Creek Annexation No. 1 be taken under advisenent for a neriod of one .reek and the motion was carried by the follo.ring Aye and No vote: those voting A~re beinr Commiss:i.oner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, and ~-~ayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~9]l1l11iJ3 s i on Re sol uti on No. 16 3l_L.Ig~_Jl}:.__j;2..-.9re at~..2 II)_2 31.t...,.:.!T.-~t .~!"_.1!ai n_ E.i!~J1_f\'y!=p.}l~':_':-_.:T}lp~.!'!=!_~9__013E-_...::. !.!_~fl.!ing, 28 No,,!~b~-T_,)2Ti A RESOLUTION OF THF CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZET'~J\1r, HONTA.NA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZU-T.A.N, MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVU1ENT DISTRICT TO BE KNmrrT AS SPECIAL :p,L PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 534 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTIONr.,lID IN STALLATION OF A HATEmlf.AIN Jl1m APPURTENANCEfJ TO SERVE THE AD,TOINING PROPERTIES AND HORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOHS: A SIX INCH VJlTEID-1'AIN FROM N. 7TH AVE. EAST ON HEHLOCK 'ill NORTH FIFTH A Vl<:NUE, JllI EIGHT INCH \"TATERHAIN FROM THE INTERSECTION ()F VACATED JUNIPER STREET AND NORTH FIFTH AVENUE NORTH ON NORTH FI17TH TO HEHLOCK THEN EAST ON HEHLOCK TO THE READ,TUSTMENT OF NORTH FI:::'TH, THENCE NORTH ON NORTH FIFI'H TO OAK STREET, A THELVE INCIi HATEPHAIN ON OAK STREETI' FROM NORTH FIFTH AVm.fim TO CONNECT HITE THE EIGHT INCE HATERHAIN EXTENDING EAST FROM NORTH fJEVENTH AVENUE. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE HATERMAIN TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL. BEDDING MATERIAL. CAST IRON HATER-- ~ffiIN, VALVES, FITTINGS, HYDRAlTTS, SERVICE LINE STUBS, PAVING RE- PLACEMENT AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commis-. sioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that Commission Resolution No. 1631 be passed and adopted and 28 November 1973 be set as the date for public hearing and the motion was carried by the following ~ve and No vote; those voting ~ye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vollmer, and ~1ayor Grabow~ those votinf; No, none. .9.9mmisj3ion Resolution No. 1632 -. Intent to C:re~te SID 535 _- Pav~~J:..~'2..tc?"r.m .PIEn 'L.lTernlg_c:t_.!2g~_e_"t_-::-_..:~_tfth_ to Seventh Avenues Hearing 28 November 1973 ----_.._.,_...__._---~..--,._....,~._-_._._._.._..._-,- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, 14 TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL Itf.PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 535 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING AN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE PAVING, INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTETIS, NECESSATIY APPURTENANCES THETIETO, ALSO CONSTRUC-.. TIOJIT AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY STORP DRAINAGE :r.'IPE INLETS, MANHOLES, DITCHES OR OTHER APPURTENANCES TO STORtI DRAINAGE ON A PORTION OF WEST HEMLOCK STREET IN THE NORTH SEVENTH ADDITION AND WESTLAKE'S FOURTH SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE SOUTHE~ST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TmmSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, H. P . !of., AND BEING A PORTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. I as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the Cit~r r.1anager and, this being the case, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that Comm.ission Resolution No. 1632 be passed and adopted and 28 November 1973 be the date set for public headng and the motion "\'Tas carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting ~re being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and ~1ayor Grabow; those voting No, none. ~.2..J11E1ission. Re_~2J:Eti_<2-.J?.Eo~_1633 -. Intent to Create SID 536 - Pave e~ Storm Drain Oak St. -- Fifth to Seventh P- ven u_~=~ I{etg.=~Eit~jJr ]J2x~e!!b~i-='i9'f3--~- -. ......-.----"-----.------.---------.-.,..-. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEM)lJI, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, 110NTAnA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IH.- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 536 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING MID INSTAJr LING AN ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE PAVING, INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERS, NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO, ALSO CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY STORr~ DRAINAGE PIPE INLETS, MANHOLES, DITCHES OR OTHER APPURTENANCES TO STORM DRAINAGE ON A POR'2:'ION OF IllEST OAK STREET BETWEEN NORTH FIFTH AVENUE AND NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE IN i{RAT" " LAKE'S SECOND SUBDIVISION, HESTLAKF.' S FOURTH SUBDIVISION AND vlFST- lAKE'S ANNEXATIOn. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. I The Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager and it ',ras moved by CommJs-" sioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that COMmi.ssion Resolution No. 1633 be passed lU"Jd adopted and 28 November 1973 be the date set for public hearing and the motion .Ta,s carried "hy the fOllm-rinp; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Van<leventer, COl"'.missioner Vollmer, Commissioner Se<livy, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Grabo"T; those voting No, none. V!triance to Buil_ding Codc:_..:- R. Evans, <T_ewel_e.r. A letter received from Robert Evans, Jevreler, requesting a variance to alloy: them to install a ne.T awning at the jevelry store so that the frame is approximately 8 1/2 feet from the side',ralk was pre-. sented. Following a discussion. the Commission concurred with the recornrnendation of the City Manager and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the ve,riance to install a new awning at the R. Evans ,1 ewelry store located at 121 East ~1ain Street "he approved vith the condition that the bottom of the awning be not less than 8 feet above the sidewalks and the motion ,TaS carried 1.lY the fOllowing Aye and No vote: those voting Ay,e being Cormnissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Com- missioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, and !1ayor GrabovT; those voting No, none. .Q.onf}.l1.!)-at1.2!L of Police Officer - Theodor~1-eckner as. J3.ep:ulaF_l'oli_~Office.!. The Chief of Police reported that Police Officer Theodore E. Leckner had satisfactorily comnleted I the required six month probationa2Jr period and recommended that Officer Leckner be confirmed as a regular officer of the Police Department effective 1 November 1973. ':f1he City ~1anap:er concurred in the recommendation of the Chief of Police and it Has moved b~r Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Conmdssioner Vandeventer, that the confirmation of Police Officer Leckner be annroved and that he be conp:ratulated on completing the six month probationary period and the motion "Tas carried by the follmring )lye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner I I I 15 Vollmer, and Hayor Grabow; those voting No, none. AppgiIl~E.l~!l!.._.5?+:f_l"E~~!'!:.tl~C),+~_k..~_-_.1.!.un~2Jl'_al_ Ele<?+!.~5?p.+,_ .?_.lJ_()y'e!Tl.b_eT_J:.,97 ~_ The Clerk of the City Commission presented for the consideration of the Commission a sugp;ested list of electors for appointment as judges and clerks for the municipal election to be held on Tuesda~r, 6 November 1973, as follows: Set forth in full: Precinct No. 1 - Hawthorne School -"-,--""~.,-"_. ..............._,--------,_..,-"--,-~~-~-"~,._, -"~,~,....... E'..!'_e_c~_n..c_t_ JT9L T.- _JJol}g!.eJ:..lp!!.?Sp-_()Q.J,. C~celia A. Johnston Irene L. Bakken Essie L. Peterson Blanche Irene Sweeney Kathryn Agnes Hiller 533 E. Hendenhall 619 E. Hendenhall 517 N. Church 520 E. Davis 210 N. Church Lavina Chadburne Elvira Cheney Carol Best Hazel Davis Cecelia Johnston 604 Dell Place 104 E. Story 306 Lindley Place 307 S. Bozeman 1~08 S. Black f.T_~C?.~E..~:t_1L~1_:_AI"!Il-9TY_.J3Eil.9:i n..E PresJP.9:t_.EQ.~"_..~. .-. JIyi.Dg..~?2hoo-l Rena F. Hartilla Mildred Bennett Clara H. Sager Marjorie Richardson Jewell Fisher 313 N. Black 11 E. Villard 422 N. Tracy 414 N. Tracy 901 N. Black Sarah Anderson 610 <:' Thirteenth ~. ) . Violet Hillson 611 s. Fourteenth Judy Sherman 709 s. Twelfth Harvey Kinch 715 s. Fifth Dorothy Kenck 1317 w. Alderson !,_r_'?_l? i nc~_" N o_~J__=..y_()~.!th_o_u!l~_ I'!.~~cJ_n_c:t-_.!1".o_._ .2_ ...~_~1P-At-:tJ~.!.J2..c}~().Q;L Jessie Smiley Melissa Hicks Laura L. Kennedy Elizabeth Olson ,Tanice E. Lewis 317 H. Hendenhall 101 N. Tenth 707 H. Hain 122 N. Ninth 601 vi. !!endenhe,ll Eleanor Yde Ruth Ellen Arnold Addie L. Lux E1M.ira Jo r:;"ranson Emma Scheytt !no N. Eleventh 2005 H. Beall l~ll 1,T Ninth 711 Blackmore Pl. IlIa N. Fi fth Precinct No. 4 - Willson School .....-.--- ,-~-''','---'-------...._.-----._~---,-~-~ -'-,"-~-,~"-, ,.,. Precinct lTo. 10 - Student Union Hargaret t.1ikkelson 210 ~ Eip:hth '-'. Edna Crawley 214 C' Eighth L}. Percy !1n..kelson 210 s. Eighth Jessie Zeier 202 Silo Seventh Ida c. Love 405 co Fifth t..J. Ruth Axtell Scharff 1215 co Third ~,,) . Harriet "Hatling 501~ \'T. Arthur Claire Hall 1110 s. Hillson .To Ann Klare 1430 S Fifth Patricia D. Langohr 1~26 H. Garfield :P.T.f;!~cJE.c::.:tl!9_~_.5_:_..:Eln~~!_sp_n~~S_c'p'g_o..:t,. :p!,~s;.~p._c~.1Lo_~~.;L~.::~P().:?;~p1!l!1_ ]{.igsl-}. Helen Creasy 311 s. Third ~1yrtle .Amundson 221 s. Tracy Alice N. Gossack 714 8. Third Soloma Edna Hubber 725 s. Tracy Dorothy Kober 726 s. Third Birdie Cutting 107 s. Tenth Tillie Nydam 221 s. Tenth Rose Hary Keenan 113 C' Eighth . , . Barbara Arnin 1115 u Curtiss " . Alice Bradford 11211 c::: Fifteenth L.. . Precinct No. 6 - City Hall .,' ,_.,'....._.---~- ,............'~,_...._,._,-"',-, ,-""~,._.,."',~_...........,...,-_."...".'. Precinct No. 12 - Fieldhouse _.'._,.' ',_"_,,, .', .,',_, ~" _' '." ',_ '.."'W" _' " ~ .,' _'.._ '_. _ ~,',_,'.' ~,._"'_,.~ Hary McGuire 116 <" Rouse Jane Drain 1317 R. B1ack d. Laura Nash 438 E. Hendenhall Paula Dmrs 2111 Highland Court Arline Hall 505 N. Church Lucille H. Gillam 109 vTestridge Dr. Hellen Morrow 114 SA -"-:,rlsworth Helen DeGideo 1316 C"' Black ~,J . Helen Locb'lood 1207 E. Curtiss Bartha Drysdale 11+08 C"' Black ~.) . It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the list be approved and the motion was carried by the following ~ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, and M~ror Grabow; those voting No, none. !?Tggl~l:!~ign ,~..9~.p-I"ir~vleek .=_~-:l-.9_Bovemyer+J27J_.,. Mayor Grabow announced he had issued a proclamation designating the week of 2-10 November 1973 as Camp Fire Girl Week in recognition of the importance of the Camn Fire Girls' organization, and urged everyone to generously support this organization in their endeavors. The commission concurred with ~1ayor Grabow and it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner 8edi~r, that the proclamation proclaiming the week of 2.-10 November 1973 as "Camn Fire Girl" "reek be endorsed and the motion was carried by the following Ave and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind. Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Grabo"r; those voting 16 No, none. ':1:.91'1 CS S~.l!~_,_~~'p'or.! The Final Report of the TOPICS having been completed '.ras presented. Following a thorough discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that they accept and approve the TOPICS report and recommend its approval to the Highway Department, the motion was carried by the followin~ ~ye and No vote: those voting Aye being Com- missioner Sedivy, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Vollmer, and t1ayor Grabow; those voting No, none. P~t i t iQp._=_..BJ_cl!~!...~~_I_rl:_s~~}-J;_~~i_()_n_ __Q.n__~h_~__~q~t_l!.,,~Js.~_,,_qL,}'~e_s.~t.~~J_n_r,,-i;p~~~~., A petition signed by several property mmers requesting that side"ralks be installed on the south side of West Main Street was presented. Following discussion, the Commission instructed the City Manager to acknowledge receipt of the petition. A.clJ 9E!:P!!!_~.Il~:_ There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the meetine; be ad,journed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting ~ye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Hayor Grabow; those votinp: No, none. ATTEST _..~~f!~~._~~.~.! ~_____________._.._._._ F.RNA V. HARDING Clerk of the City Commission I I I