HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-24-16 CC Mtg - C9. Task Order 2 to BMX Park PSA Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: David Fine, Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: Authorize Task Order #2 with Sanderson Stewart for the Westlake BMX Park Master Plan MEETING DATE: October 24, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Task Order #2 with Sanderson Stewart. BACKGROUND: The Midtown Urban Renewal Board (MURB) is collaborating with the City Parks Division on improving the BMX Park as a significant Midtown corridor asset and as a regional attraction to draw residents and guests into the district. The goal is to create and then implement a BMX park master plan. This project has three features. First, it improves a public park as an amenity for the corridor. Second, it will function as an incentive for future infill residential development. Improvements made to the park by the District will be logged in a “park land bank” and developers can apply against the banked improvements for their park land dedication requirement. Third, in the long run, quality amenities will attract investment to the corridor. This action approves a task order to have Sanderson-Stewart work with the Parks Division to complete a master plan for the park. FISCAL EFFECTS: This task order has a total value of $23,800. Funding was included in the FY 2017 Budget for the Midtown Urban Renewal District. The cost of the master plan will be split between the Parks Division and the MURB with the MURB funding $13,800 and the Parks Division funding $10,000. 103 ALTERNATIVES: As recommended by the City Commission. ATTACHMENT: Sanderson Stewart Task Order #2 LINKS: Midtown Urban Renewal District Work Plan and Budget for FY 2017 Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for a 3 year term contract 104 Task Order Number 02 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Architectural and Engineering Services in the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal District Term Contract 2015-2018. This Task Order is dated , 20____ between City of Bozeman (City) and Sanderson Stewart (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Economic Development Specialist Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Associate Principal SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for Task Order No. 1 is detailed in the attached Midtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order No. 2 8/30/2016. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $23,800. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Contractor By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: 105 Midtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order No. 2 8/30/16 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for a master plan for the Westlake BMX Park located on the southeast corner of Tamarack Street and North 5th Avenue. This work is to be done as a part of the Midtown Urban Renewal District term contract for architectural and engineering services. We understand the project generally includes working with the City of Bozeman Parks Department, the Midtown Urban Renewal Board and key stakeholder groups to develop a master plan for the park. The intent of this work is to create a concept-level master plan design of the park that can be used to prepare cost estimates, coordinate improvements with park user groups, establish funding sources, and establish priorities for the park uses. The master plan will be developed with input from the Parks Department, a project stakeholder group and two public meetings. Specific phases and tasks are identified below: Scope of Work – Westlake BMX Park Master Plan: Phase 1 – Project Initiation This phase will consist of initiation and planning tasks including scoping, contract preparation, meetings, and dialogue with the City of Bozeman in order to evaluate and refine the park program, project objectives and budgets. All project management tasks, client meetings and coordination of tasks beyond project initiation will be allocated to remaining project phases. Phase 2 – Topographic Survey and Base Mapping A detailed topographic survey of the park and immediate vicinity will be conducted. This survey will include boundary and adjoining right of way, control information, setting control as needed (for future implementation) and all pertinent existing conditions. The public and private utilities will be located prior to survey via one-call for inclusion in the base map. The base map drawing will be prepared in AutoCAD format. Digital and hard copy of completed base map will be furnished to the City of Bozeman and the Midtown Board, if desired. Phase 3 – Concept Park Master Plan This phase will develop a concept plan for the park based on previous master planning efforts, needs of existing user groups, and a review of the existing Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) Master Plan to ensure compliance. The concept park master plan will be a plan view at 1” = 20’ scale, color rendered and provided for exhibit in electronic and hard copy format. A meeting with the project’s key stakeholders will kick-off the concept planning. These stakeholders would include the Gallatin Valley BMX, Dirt Concern, Midtown Urban Renewal District, Parks Department staff and others. The purpose of the meeting would be to identify future needs, common elements and potential conflicts. It is anticipated that the concept master plan will include the following elements: 106 a. BMX track area b. Small playground c. Restroom building (CXT, Inc.) d. Dirt Concern Free Style area e. Community Garden f. Children’s Memorial Area g. Additional landscaping h. Stormwater detention generally indicated, no calculations, reports, etc. i. Paths and sidewalks j. Street trees k. Parking for +/- 30 cars with code required landscaping areas shown l. 24’x24’ picnic shelter m. Relationships between existing and proposed uses within the park. n. Connection to Aspen Street o. Relationship to adjacent land uses p. Concept grading showing generalized contours q. Other items identified in the first public meeting and directed by the City of Bozeman. Sanderson Stewart will attend up to four meetings with the Stakeholder group and up to two public meetings organized by the City of Bozeman Parks Department. It is understood that these meetings may be combined for efficiency and to avoid duplicity. The City of Bozeman will stage and document all meetings, furnish research, and review for compliance all aspects of the conceptual masterplan document. Phase 4 – Final Park Master Plan This phase will involve refining and adding detail to the concept park master plan based on the collective information and input garnered from the preceding phase. The final park master plan will be color rendered in exhibit format. Sanderson Stewart will attend the presentation made by Parks Department staff to the City Commission for their review and approval of the master plan. The Parks Department staff will attend and present at all other City review meetings, including the Development Review Committee (DRC) and the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (RPAB). Phase 5 – Cost Estimates and Phasing This phase will involve preparing a phasing plan for the park improvements and cost estimates associated with the individual phases. A plan showing the recommended phasing of improvements will be prepared with the identified phasing based on priority of improvements, available funding, stakeholder funding, and coordination with other activities. High level cost estimates will be prepared for all phases. The cost estimate for Phase 1 improvements will include a higher level of detail to aid in preliminary scope, budget and design. Scope of Work for this project does not include: • Design of park master plan improvements • Meeting exhibits/graphics beyond overall master plan • Stormwater calculations, pond/pipe sizing, report • Wetland delineation and permitting • Geotechnical surveys, analysis, testing, reports of any kind • Any fees for application and review of project(s) • Construction administration • Construction staking or surveying of any kind • Other items not specifically listed in phases 1-5 above 107 Fees and Billing Arrangements: Task Fee 1. Westlake BMX Park Master Plan $23,800 Total $23,800 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $23,800. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. Project Schedule: The anticipated schedule for this project consists of the final master plan and presentation to the City Commission within 6 months of the notice to proceed. 108