HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-16 CAHAB MinutesCommunity Affordable Housing Advisory
Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:00am, City Commission Chamber – 121 N.
Rouse Ave.
A. 08:03:59 AM (00:00:06) Call meeting to order
New member added to the board.
Sharon Southard – Present
David Magestrelli – Present
I‐Ho Pomeroy – Present
Sean Mallony – Present
Melvin Howe – Present
Kevin Thane – Present
Brian Guyer (last name?) – Present
Anders Lewendal – Present
Hattie Baker – Present
Brian Lameres ‐ Present
B. 08:04:47 AM (00:00:54) Changes to the Agenda – No changes
C. 08:04:54 AM (00:01:01) Public Comment – No Public Comment
D. 08:05:08 AM (00:01:15) Minutes – June 8, 2016
David Magestrelli moves to approve
Kevin Thane seconds
Approved unanimously.
E. 08:06:05 AM (00:02:12)
Action Items
1. Youth Shelter (HRDC representative) – Jackie Haines – Economic Development
for HRDC begins presentation.
Ms. Haines begins discussing what classifies youth as homeless and the need in our community.
Provided information on the youth they are currently serving and goals of the program.
08:14:13 AM (00:10:19) Ms. Haines discusses the cost to run the program and what it would cost to
expand service delivery.
08:14:46 AM (00:10:53) Ms. Haines is requesting $10,000 from the affordable housing fund to expand
their funding allowing them to expand the program.
08:15:33 AM (00:11:39) Kevin Thane question why this is the first time they are hearing about it. Ms.
Haines responds that they wanted to test the program before a lot of public attention. In addition for
the security and privacy of the youth.
Kevin Thane questions how long they have been housing the youth. Ms. Haines responds that they have
been housing youth since about November.
08:16:40 AM (00:12:46) Kevin Thane questions the process for selecting youth for the program. Ms.
Haines responds in detail on where they are referred from.
08:17:30 AM (00:13:37) Kevin Thane questions if there is any intent to expand beyond Bozeman. Ms.
Haines responds that they are welcome to serve Belgrade youth and would like to service the Gallatin
County as a whole. Issues arise with transportation to and from school.
08:19:06 AM (00:15:13) Kevin Thane questions how this youth shelter can expand. Servicing 6 seems to
be a “drop in the bucket”. Ms. Haines responds in detail. She recognizes that 6 is a small number, but
they need to start somewhere.
08:21:14 AM (00:17:21) Kevin Thane questions if there will be independent sources of funding after
their 3 years of $10,000 ($30,000 total). Ms. Haines responds that she hopes in 3 years they will more
fully establish the program.
08:21:52 AM (00:17:58) I‐Ho Pomery questions difference between homeless and homeless youth. Ms.
Haines explains that homeless youth cannot access many of the resources because they are under age.
Discussion between I‐Ho Pomeroy and Ms. Haines regarding the service abilities of the shelter and
I‐Ho Pomeroy questions the need for a homeless shelter year round
Ms. Haines states that building awareness and community support would be helpful, in addition o
funding support. Getting support for these kids now reduces the need later in life. They are more likely
to become contributing citizens later in life.
08:28:01 AM (00:24:07) Brian Guyer questions how the program works and how long they plan to stay in
the home and how they can find their own housing. Ms. Haines explains the system.
Discussion continues regarding services provided.
08:30:48 AM (00:26:55) Hattie Baker questions what happens when they are at full capacity, how can
they help them. Ms. Haines stated that because they are flying under the radar they haven’t really had
to turn anyone away
08:32:26 AM (00:28:32) Kevin Thane questions the legality of housing an underage youth. Ms. Haines
states that when the youth is homeless, they do need parental consent, but it’s typically easy to get.
08:33:15 AM (00:29:22) Sean Mallony questions if they are looking to expand to another facility to
house more youth. Ms. Haines explains that they don’t want to expand too quickly and have the
program fail.
08:34:25 AM (00:30:32) End of questions for the presenter
08:34:35 AM (00:30:42) Public Comment – No public comment
08:34:42 AM (00:30:49) Brought to the board to for motion, discussion and vote.
08:35:24 AM (00:31:30) Kevin Thane moves to recommend to the City Commission to provide $10,000
for the next 3 years to establish and build a youth shelter.
Second by Sean Mallony
08:36:09 AM (00:32:16) Ms. Lameres states that we can only look at the current year
08:37:05 AM (00:33:11) Mr. Thane amends the motion to suggest that we contribute $30,000 out of
this years budget to be used over the next three years for supporting a youth shelter in Bozeman.
Sean Mallony Seconds
Clarification by Brian Lameres on the motion.
Discussion among board members about how to allocate the funds – whether it be one chunk of
$30,000 up front or $10,000 for the next three years, which would require them to come back. In
addition discussion about where the funds should come from and what the “emergency fund” was
intended for.
Vote: Board Unanimously approves.
F. 08:52:47 AM (00:48:53) FYI/Discussion
1. 08:52:56 AM (00:49:02) HRDC Projects (HRDC representative) – Heather Grenier
from HRDC begins presentation of updates of what the HRDC is doing.
She recommends adjustments to the code to remove minimum home size of 800 sq ft and that they
notice a discrepancy with allowed size of townhomes.
Advises the board that they have not identified a location for cabins previously discussed in Bozeman.
08:56:46 AM (00:52:53) Kevin Thane questions if she would recommend that we remove the 800 sq ft
minimum. Ms. Grenier states that yes, she supports it defaulting to building code. Mr. Thane also thinks
they should remove the requirement for lot size as well. Ms. Grenier agrees – flexibility would be nice.
08:59:56 AM (00:56:02) Kevin Thane states that he’s been hearing that Community Development would
be flexible, so he’s hopeful that things would be flexible.
2. 09:00:37 AM (00:56:43) UDC Language Suggestions (Lewendal) – Mr. Lewendal
discusses the impact of regulation on the cost of a home and whether we should be making
suggestions during the update. He suggests there be ways to allow for changes as time
09:02:59 AM (00:59:05) Kevin Thane states that he hopes their voices would be heard with regards to
changes they suggest. He feels their voice should be heard regarding the lot size and minimum home
size. He’s curious how to make a formal recommendation without this being an action item.
Mr. Lameres states that the board could write a letter to submit on behalf of the board.
Mr. Malony feels that removing the lot sizes would allow for more interesting development.
Clarification was made that the recommendation was for development as a whole, not just for
affordable housing.
09:06:19 AM (01:02:25) Mayana Rice advises the board to attend the UDC advisory board meeting. They
could also submit a comment to staff.
Kevin Thane states that staff should take the recommendation back in addition to CAHAB attending the
next UDC Update meeting and be included in the updates for the UDC.
Mayana Rice discusses the phasing of the UDC Update.
3. 09:09:09 AM (01:05:15) Adoption of the Ordinance 1952 AH Deadline Extension
(Rice) – Mayana Rice updates the board that the deadline has been extended as of Monday
8/8/16. The goal was not to push it down the road, but to allow timef or changes in code to
impact affordable housing.
4. 09:10:11 AM (01:06:17) Cottage Housing Example / Substandard lots
(Rice/Thane) – Mayna Rice begins discussion on how to use substandard lots. Ms. Rice
brought in an example of a recent project presented to the City for Cottage Housing. There
are still lot requirements, but no requirements within the cottage housing development.
Discussion with board about how to make existing structures work within the cottage housing
developments for infill projects.
09:16:22 AM (01:12:29) Anders Lewendal questions if there will be variances allowed to allow for some
projects to work. Ms. Rice explains that variances are not something they typically go to first, but
instead they look at possible flexibility within the code first.
09:18:15 AM (01:14:21) I‐Ho Pomeroy questions the requirement for 1,000 sq ft for one structure. Ms.
Rice explains. Ms Pomeroy states that she thinks smaller homes and lots are something we should be
focusing on.
09:19:52 AM (01:15:58) Kevin Thane states he wants to clarify that reducing minimum lot size does not
mean he supports getting rid of setback requirements. He also wants to clarify that with this program it
has been stated over and over again, that variances would not be needed for flexibility. The director
should be permitted to make those changes.
09:21:52 AM (01:17:59) Anders Lewendal states that some people want smaller homes and there is a
demand, it’s just hard to get a loan to build those.
09:23:05 AM (01:19:12) Kevin Thane states that substandard lots not just be addressed through cottage
housing and affordable housing, but on a larger scale. He states there are areas that are substandard
and smaller than what can typically be developed, so they can’t do anything with them. He feels it is
usable land and we should find ways to make them work for development.
09:26:19 AM (01:22:25) Mr. Lewendal states he feels that they should send a few members to speak for
CAHAB at the next UDC Meeting.
09:28:14 AM (01:24:21) I‐Ho Pomeroy question how to make some smaller lots that are intended to be
“parks” but look like abandoned areas more useful.
5. 09:29:29 AM (01:25:35) Affordable Housing Brochure Draft (Rice)
Mayana Rice presents a brochure/post card that was put together that they are hoping to distribute to
the development community.
09:30:48 AM (01:26:54) Hattie Baker questions if this is draft and if she can share it with her
organization. Ms Rice said this is an initial image, but she can share.
Mr. Lewendal states that he thinks it is a great idea and many developers don’t know the program
exists. He also suggests it get distributed through SWIMBA. Mr. Lewendal also states that condos are
affordable, but they are not being included in the affordable housing program and it can impact
developers negatively if they don’t include these types of projects.
Sharon Southard explains the hold up with regards to the project not qualifying for FHA.
6. 09:35:07 AM (01:31:13) Property Tax Reduction (below 60% AMI) (Thane)‐ Mr.
Thane begins discussion on reducing property taxes for home owners who rent to
individuals in the 60% AMI category.
7. 09:36:23 AM (01:32:29) Update on City Land for Affordable Housing (Thane) –
Mr. Thane states that the use of city‐owned land is moving forward. He is reaching out to the
right departments and boards to make this happen.
09:37:41 AM (01:33:48) Anders Lewendal comments that he thinks we should reach out to property
owners who have undeveloped land to see how we can encourage them to use that for affordability.
G. 09:39:42 AM (01:35:48) Adjournment –
For more information please contact Alicia Kennedy at akennedy@bozeman.net
This board generally meets the second Wednesday of the month at 8:00am
Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require
assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 582‐3232 (TDD 582‐2301).