HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-05 Bozeman, Montana 131 5 January 1977 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 5 January 1977, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Vollmer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, City Manager Gesko, Assistant City Manager Wolf, City Attorney Berg I and the Clerk. Commissioner Sedivy opened the meeting with a prayer whereupon the minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, 29 December 1976, were approved as read. consideration of Bids for Tapping Machine - Water Department The Commission was referred to the opening of bids for the tapping machine for the Water Department. The Water Superintendent having thoroughly analyzed all bids submitted recom- mended that the City of Bozeman accept the Montana Plumbing Supply bid of $5,121.62, it being the lowest bid and equaling or exceeding the specifications as contained in the "Call for Bids". In concurrence with the recommendation of the Water Superintendent also con- curred in by the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the City Commission accept the bid of Montana Plumbing Supply on the basis of their low bid in the amount of $5,121.62. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehr- kind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor I Vollmer; those voting No, none. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Montana Development Corp. - Construct Metal Building This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the request of Montana Development Corp. for a conditional use permit to allow construction of a metal building on Block 2 of the Bridger Center Subdivision. The Zoning Commission, after consideration of the Planning Staff's report, unanimously recommended approval of the construction with the following conditions: l. That all uses to be located in the building first be reviewed by the Building Official for their compliance to the zoning ordinance and to the conditions of the condit~onal use permit. 2. That the building be located as close to the east property line as practical and the additional area in front of the building be used to develop more parking at a 900 angle. 3. ~ That loading doors and areas for the building be limited to the north side of the building or that the building be located on the site in a manner to provide for off-street maneuvering of large trucks. 4. That signing be limited to that suggested in this report. 5. That landscaping be developed as suggested in this report. 6. That all paving and landscaping be installed within nine (9 ) months ,1 of the issuance of the conditional use permit. Upon the City Manager's ~ecommendation, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the Commission concur with the Zoning Commis- . . sion's recommendation and approve the construction along with the above conditions. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. 1~12 Public Hearing - Zone Changes: a) R-3 to R-2 Pierre b) R-4 to R-J - D. A. c) A-S to R-4 - American Le~ion Gallatin Post #14 a&b This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the request of D. A. pierre to consider a zone change from R-3 to R-2 on the west side of South Tracy Avenue from Story Street south to Garfield Street and from R-4 to R-3 on the east side of South Tracy Avenue from College Street south to Harrison Street. I The Zoning Commission, after consideration of the Planning Staff's report, unanimously recommended approval of the zone change request in both instances. Upon the City Manager's recommendation, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Commission concur with the Zoning Commission's recommendation and approve the zone change request, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. c) This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the request of American Legion Gallatin Post No. l4 to consider a zone change from A-S to R-4 on Durston Road next to Gallatin County Rest Home to permit construction of sixty units of rent-assisted elderly housing. The Zoning Commission having held a public hearing recommended that the R-4 zoning be granted only after the property is properly annexed to the City. One abutting property owner was present for the hearing but did not specifically object to the rezoning. Rather, the discussion centered on the desirability of I written notices to individual property owners abutting property proposed for rezoning, rather than only newspaper pUblication. This type of notice had apparently been discussed on previous occasions. The City Manager and the Planning staff were directed to draft an amendment to the ordinance which would provide for individually mailed notices to property owners in the vicinity of proposed rezoning. Accordingly, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the request of American Legion Gallatin Post No. l4 be tabled inde- finitely, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. 1977 Winter Season Skating Program - Presentation by Ivan Newnham Mr. Ivan Newnham appeared before the Commission to discuss the 1977 Skating Program and informed the Commission that the persons who had volunteered their ser- vices last year are willing to do so again this year. In addition, he broached the potential problems of proper SCheduling for hockey, open skating and lessons so that there would be no conflicts between such groups. Some of the problems at the Bogert I Pavilion were also discussed. Request for Authorization to Purchase Fire Hose The Fire Department is in need of l-1/2" and 3" booster hose and the City Manager requested authorization to purchase from Superior Fire Apparatus. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the City Manager be granted authorization to purchase the booster hose from 133 superior Fire Apparatus, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 1856 - Declaring Delinquent Taxes and Certifying Same to County Clerk. commission Resolution No. 1856 certifying delinquent taxes in the amount of I $249.54 plus penalty to the Gallatin County Treasurer was presented, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1856 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING CERTAIN UNPAID BALANCES OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS UNPAID AND DELINQUENT AS OF THIS DATE, PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 594, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES xx xxx xx, AND THE COLLECTION OF ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, xx xxx" AND CERTIFYING THIS AMOUNT TO THE COUNTY TREASURER AND THE CLERK & RECORDER OF GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that Resolution No. 1856 be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting N~ none. Co~ission Confirmation of Firefighter Joel Q. Kulbeck The Fire Chief reported that Firefighter Joel Q. Kulbeck had satisfactorily completed the required one-year probationary period and recommended that Firefighter Joel Q. Kulbeck be confirmed as a regular firefighter effective 5 January 1977. The City Manager concurred in the recommendation of the Fire Chief, and it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the confirmation of Firefighter Joel Q. Kulbeck be approved and he be congratulated upon completing I the one-year probationary period. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commis- .- sioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Hayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. ~ntments by. Mayor: Board of Adjustment - Garvan Wiman and Keith Swanson City-County Planning Board - Mrs. Mike Shyne The Mayor announced the following appointment and reappointments to various City Boards as follows: Board of Adjustment - Garvan Wiman To December 31, 1979 Keith Swanson December 3l, 1979 City-County Planning Board - Mrs. Mike Shyne December 3l, 1979 To replace John Johnson It was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Commission concur in Mayor Vollmer's appointments, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commis- sioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. ~1ayor's Proclamation - Alien Address Report Month - January I Mayor Vollmer, in response to a request from the United States Department of Justice, proclaimed the month of January 1977 to be Alien Address Month in the City of Bozeman and requested that all aliens residing within the City report their addresses to the U.S. Post Office or Immigration and Naturalization Services during the month of January. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, that the Commission concur in the Mayor's proclamation and the motion was carried by the l'3tl fOllowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. ~eports: Police Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspector The City Manager commented on the following reports and recommended they be I accepted and ordered filed: Police Chief Fire Chief Building Inspector It was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to corne before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Taylor, and Mayo-rV01J.m.~,,:; those voting No, n~~y. , ( ~ ~_/ J ,,~-t::. . ~: <{ii~;'r, ~cc;. < < , . ATTEST: ;.... / / 7/> -/ I ,''-,J ",~",. /' ,....~ ,/. ~'." /<""""'[::-' ~. ,_ ."., ~, ,- 1;;; , / " J. <<K 4- ~t ~ct;__ 75' Erna V. H rding,,../" Clerk of the Citl' Commission I