HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-29 I I I 127 Bozeman, Montana 29 December 1976 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 29 December 1976, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Vollmer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy," Commissioner Vandeventer, Acting City Manager Wolf, City Attorney Berg and the Clerk. Commissioner Vandeventer opened the meeting with a prayer and the following proceedings were had. Minutes of the regular meeting held on 22 December 1976 were approved as read. Absence of Commissioner Taylor - 29 December 1976 Upon recommendation of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the absence of Commissioner Taylor from this meeting be authorized in compliance with Section 11-3245, R.C.M., 1947, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Consider Bids for Fire Truck The Commission was referred to the opening of bids for the pumper fire truck and equipment for the Fire Department. The Fire Chief and staff of the Fire Department, having thoroughly analyzed all bids submitted, recommended that the City of Bozeman accept the Apparatus bid of $64,140.00 and the Equipment bid of $9,855.00 of W. S. Darley and Company, Melrose Park, Illinois, at a subtotal of $73,995.00 less $1,500.00 for payment of Chassis on delivery to the Darley plant on the basis of their total low bid in the amount of $72,495.00, it being the lowest bid and equaling or exceeding the specifications as contained in the "Call for Bids". In concurrence with the recommendation of the Fire Chief, also concurred in by the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the City Commission accept the bid of W. S. Darley and Company on the basis of their low bid in the amount of $72,495.00, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Open Bids - Tapping Machine for Water Department Thiw was the time and place set for opening bids for the New Pipe Drilling Machine - Mueller CL-12 or equivalent for use by the Water Department. The Affidavit of Publication of the "Call for Bids" was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the bids be opened and read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. The following bids were then opened and read: AMFAC Montana Plumbing Supply Northwest Pipe Utilities Waterworks Equipment Co. Waterworks Supply $5,820.00 5,121.62 5,238.03 5,587.00 5,179.83 Upon recommendation of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the bids be referred to the Water Superintendent for tabulation and a final recommendation on Wednesday, 5 January 1977. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Open Bids - 24,000 Gallons Regular Gasoline This was the time and place set for opening bids for the purchase of 24,000 gallons regular gasoline. The affidavit of publication of the "Call for Bids" was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the bids be opened and read. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. The following bids were then opened and read: Pete's Huskey Story Distributing .4725 .4875 The bids were referred to the Water Superintendent and Director of Finance for tabulation and a recommendation. 128 Hearing Conditional Use - Dennis Rowe (Tour Ice) Intersection Story Mill Road and Bridger Canyon Road This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the request of Dennis Rowe for Tour Ice for a conditional use permit to allow construction of a new ice warehouse to be added to an existing building located north of the intersection of Story Mill Road and Bridger Canyon Road or more specifically known as Tract D of Osborne Subdivision. The Zoning Commission having held a public hearing pointed out that since the area is not in the City, curb cuts would have to be governed by county standards and recommended approval of the condi- tional use request of Mr. Dennis Rowe for Tour Ice as per the Planning Staff report with the following conditions: the landscaping and driveway be constructed as per the staff work-up. signing be limited to one (1) 100 square foot, non-illuminated, flush wall sign. seven (7) parking stalls be provided and that they be gravelled at this time, all the necessary base preparation so that paving may be easily accomplished Story Mill Road is paved. Mayor Vollmer declared the hearing closed and it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the Commission concur with the Zoning Commission's recommendation and approve the conditional use permit application for Mr. Dennis Rowe. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Hearing Zone Change - Klaas Andriesen from AS to R-3 on Two Acre Tract of Land The request from Klaas Andriesen, to consider a zone change from AS (Agriculture-Suburban) to R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) on a two acre tract of land located approximately 3/4 of a mile north of the Riverside Country Club on Springhill Road was presented for a public hearing. The purpose of the zone change would allow Mr. Andtiesen to subdivide the tract into one acre tracts. After reviewing and considering the staff report, the Planning Staff recommended denial of the request for a zone change for Klaas Andriesen. Following an extensive discussion, the City Commission concurred in the recommendation of the Bozeman City-County Planning Board also concurred in by the Zoning Commission and it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that Mr. Andriesen's request for a zone change from AS to R-3 on a two acre tract of land located approximately 3/4 of a mile north of Riverside Country Club on Springhill Road for the purpose of subdividing the tracts into one acre tracts be denied. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 1851 - Annex Wortman Property COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1851 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, SO AS TO EMBRACE AND INCLUDE A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that Commission Resolution No. 1851 annexing a tract of land belonging to Dwain Wortman and described as the north 140 feet of Tract 12, Beatty's Alder Court, a rearrangement of Tracts 9 and 10 and the north 458.8 feet of Tract 11 of Beatty's Subdivision be passed and adopted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Request for Mini Parade - Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon - 8 January 1977 A letter received from Lorrie Reid, Chairperson for the Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon requesting permission to conduct a mini parade from McDonald's to the MSU Sub Ballroom on 8 January 1977 at approximately 12:00 p.m. was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon Parade be approved with a police escort provided. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Application for Beer, Liquor and Wine Licenses The Acting City Manager presented the following applications and appropriate fees for Beer, Liquor and Wine Licenses for the calendar year 1977. 1. That 2. That 3. That with when I- I I " I t) NAME After the Gold Rush Albertson's American Legion Elks Bowl Bozeman Topper Bridger Lounge (Holiday) Buttrey's C.A.M. Inc. (Little Big Man) Ca t 's Paw Conoco Travel Shopping Ricks One Way Grocery Corner Pocket Crystal Bar Empire (Black Angus) Eagles Family Tree Inn Filling Station Haufbrau Heebs Hinky Dinky Superette Joe's Parkway J.W. Hide A Way Karl Marks Pizza Knotty Keg Little John's Bar Lundy's Landing Maverick Lounge Molly Brown Mr. Woody's New Arcade Steak House Oaks Cigar Store R & N Corp. (Baxter-Baccus and Point After) R & N Corp. (Bozeman Hotel) Ramada Inn Rocking R Bar Safeway Stores Scoop Skaggs St. George & The Dragon Super America Super Save Drug Tee Pee Gas Co. Town & Country Gro. VFW Club Valley View Golf Club Van's IGA Foodliner Village Inn Pizza :) i ) .1..h....g... :".',1 ... "i. . ;'''';;'' . BEER $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 WINE LIQUOR $400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 $100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 Upon recommendation of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the Commission approve the above applications and the motion was car- ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Gambling License - Montana Mountain Mushers - Raffle - 15 January 1977 The Acting City Manager presented an application from the Montana Mountain Mushers, along with the required fee, for a raffle to be held on 15 January 1977. Upon recommendation of the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Sedivy, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Commission approve the application for the raffle to be held on 15 January 1977, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, and Mayor Vollmer; . those voting No, none. Consider Bids for Gas Supply The Commission was referred to the opening of bids for the purchase of 24,000 gallons regular gasoline The Water Superintendent and Director of Finance, having tabulated the bids, recommended that since Pete's Huskey could not guarantee the same price at a later date the bid should be given to Story Distributing at .4875. In concurrence with the recommendation of the Water Superintendent and Director of Finance also concurred in by the Acting City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner Lehrkind, that the City Commission accept the bid of Story Distributing at .4875 per gallon. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being ..'....1 .' 1.......~..O.... .t.) Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lehrkind, seconded by Commissioner Sedivy, that the meeting be adjourned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Lehrkind, Commissioner Sedivy, Commissioner Vandeventer, and Mayor Vollmer; those voting No, none. ( DF-V<~~ ----- .&...111. VOLLMER, ::Z'~,. C- ~ , - Mayor ~ ~_..J ATTEST: p /C:~~ /~ o ...~fi/ ~ A/~ ERNA V. HARDING l \..../" Clerk of the City Commission 1/,' " I \ I'