HomeMy WebLinkAbout16- Task Order 1 - Leland Consulting Group - Economic Development and Corridor Revitalization Services in the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal DistrictLeland Consulting Group Economic Development and Corridor Revitalization Task Order #1 Bozeman Midtown Scope of Work Following is the scope of work for the Leland Consulting Group team for the Midtown Corridor Revitalization Strategy. The attached budget represents a not-to-exceed cap based on the proposed scope and other assumptions. 1. Identify Projects and Nodes The LCG team will review the prior plans for the Midtown Corridor with staff to verify key sites and projects to pursue. The entire consultant team will participate a site tour as all aspects of site development, real estate strategy, and parking are integrated. It will be important for the team to gain an understanding of engaged property owners and barriers to redevelopment. LCG will work with staff to arrange meetings with key stakeholders and the urban renewal board. In addition, the team will meet with City staff to determine public infrastructure improvements that may be planned or are possible for the area. The intent of the plan is to identify key projects that will inspire redevelopment throughout the entire Midtown area. Therefore, we believe that as part of this process it is important to clearly articulate the vision for the corridor so it is clear what type of investments are needed and the desired type of redevelopment throughout the entire area. Articulation of the vision will be established within this task. Once a vision has been articulated, the team will identify key investments, projects, and locations that support the vision and can act as a catalyst for redevelopment. Additional work in this task will be to set up a baseline TIF model for later use in the process and to identify incentive tools and programs to support investment in the corridor. Deliverables: • Site visit for meetings with stakeholders and tour of corridor with summary of event • Prepare a refined node plan of strategic investment areas and opportunity sites that identifies recommended development programs for each and necessary public infrastructure improvements based on the articulated vision • List of incentive tools and benefits and weaknesses of each • Initial review of existing TIF funds and commitments 2. Schematic Design and Phasing Strategy Building off Task 1, the team will identify three to five sites that will activate development within the district. The number of sites will be determined based on property owner interest, development readiness, and the budget required to complete each analysis. For each site, a schematic design identifying a development concept will be prepared. These designs will include site layouts, building massing concepts, and required infrastructure improvements. The designs will provide enough information to convey the intent of the development, impact to the vision of the district, and projected costs related to the development. The cost estimates will be a high level estimate based on square footage, including building improvements, site, and landscaping. This level of costing will allow for the development of a real estate pro forma to convey the market timing for redevelopment and identify potential financing gaps. If possible, at least one site will be analyzed at a finer grain of detail if it is determined to be likely developable in the very near term. It will be necessary to align this task with the parking management plan, as parking is a critical component in determining the viable redevelopment of a site. Furthermore, it may be determined that some form of parking investment may be necessary infrastructure for urban renewal consideration. As part of this phase, the project team will convene a developer roundtable discussion to review the node locations, schematic designs, and feasibility analysis for each site. This roundtable would allow the project team to present their initial findings and development concepts to a group of development interests who would in turn provide feedback on the concepts. Revisions to the schematics would be completed as necessary. The schematic designs and infrastructure improvements will be used to prepare a recommended phasing strategy for redevelopment and necessary infrastructure projects. A TIF cash flow analysis will be prepared to align with the infrastructure investments to determine how they can be financed. Once a draft improvement and finance strategy is developed, the team will review with key City staff. Deliverables: • Three to five schematic site/designs (one per each identified site) with cost estimates • Three to five pro formas for the identified sites • One site visit for developer roundtable meeting and meeting with staff to review draft phasing plan • Infrastructure and TIF cash flow phasing plan 3. Parking Management Plan Rick Williams Consulting will develop recommendations for revising existing parking requirements for new development in the Midtown Corridor. The work will include a complete inventory of the on and off-street parking system. This work will be supported in several ways: through review of right-sized parking efforts in other peer cities, data sampling in Bozeman, a best practices review of Bozeman’s current parking policies, and code for new development (as it relates to this study area). Findings from the analysis will become the basis for the development of new policy and code standards for parking that are supportive of new development and consistent with the City’s vision for this unique corridor. Task elements include: • Create an inventory of on-street parking in surrounding neighborhoods. Develop an inventory of existing off- street parking assets within the commercial corridor. • Conduct a peer review of up to five comparable cities to evaluate parking policies and related code language that may be applicable to Bozeman (e.g., parking minimums and maximums, shared parking, commercial, and mixed-use parking requirements). The consultant will work with the City to identify appropriate peer cities for review). • As necessary (with input from the City) collect parking utilization samples of multifamily and mixed-use commercial sites within the Bozeman area to assess current local parking demand for specific land use configurations. • Review existing code and policy provisions that may create impediments and barriers to new development and/or limit opportunities to minimize parking need (e.g., accessory restrictions, barriers to shared use, etc.). • Draft recommended parking development code revisions that support the desired commercial and residential development profile for the Midtown Corridor. • Prepare draft ordinance for Bozeman City Commission consideration for parking standards and requirements as identified in the final report. The ordinance will be prepared in accordance with the City of Bozeman standards and include specific language to be added, modified or deleted within the existing Unified Development Code. This task will also include attendance and presentations to applicable review boards and the City Commission. • One site visit to assemble the on- and off-street parking inventory. • Up to two meetings by RWC Principal to deliver findings and recommendations (as determined by the City). Deliverables: • On and off-street parking inventory summary • Code and Policy Review of Bozeman’s Municipal Code • Peer city case studies – parking code/policy review and comparison • Findings and recommendations for new code and policy standards. • Final report incorporating all previous deliverables into a single document 4. Final Action Plan and Vision The LCG team will compile the above information into a concise action plan that clearly outlines priority projects and programs that should be carried out by the urban renewal agency. Incentives and other programs to support the planned projects and that would be carried out by the urban renewal agency will also be identified. Proposed programs and incentives will be presented with enough detail to be legislatively adopted by the agency as its work plan. A draft plan will be presented to stakeholders. Once approval is attained, a final document will be prepared. Deliverables: • Draft Action Plan • Meeting with staff, urban renewal board, and key property owners • Final Action Plan Phase/Task GEL P y s z k a Z a h a s A s s o c i a t e P a r k s W a t e r t o n S c h a r f D a v i e s E n g i n e e r D e s i g n e r E a t o n A r c h i t e c t W i l l i a m s R o n c h e l l i C o l l i n s F o r e m e n Hours Budget $165 $180 $130 $175 $135 $165 $165 $90 $80 $150 $105 $175 $145 $120 $40 Task 1: Identify Projects and Nodes 120 20,190$ Meeting with Stakeholders and Tour Corridor 18 16 16 6 16 72 10,590$ Refined Node Plan 12 2 4 18 2,880$ List of Incentive Tools 16 4 20 3,360$ Analysis of TIF Funds 2 8 10 1,760$ Expenses $800 $800 1,600$ Task 2: Schematic Design and Phasing Strategy 347 46,300$ Schematic Site Design and Cost Estimates 2 8 12 4 16 44 20 25 78 209 24,190$ Pro Formas 2 8 30 40 5,670$ Revisions 2 2 10 12 26 2,850$ Infrastructure and TIF Cash Flow Phasing Plan 2 4 40 46 8,050$ Meeting with Staff on Draft Plan 12 4 4 2 4 26 3,940$ Expenses $800 $800 1,600$ Task 3: Parking Management Plan 270 36,905$ Review Background Materials 6 2 2 2 - 12 1,870$ Parking Inventory - On and Off-Street - 12 12 24 48 4,140$ Data Collection and Data Entry - 8 8 24 40 3,080$ Data Analysis and Existing Conditions Memo (presentation option)10 7 7 28 52 4,725$ Peer Review - Case Studies 8 16 16 - 40 5,640$ Management Strategies Memo (presentation option)4 16 6 6 32 5,050$ Final Report (presentation option)2 16 7 7 32 4,985$ Development Code ordinance preparation 10 10 1,350$ Public meetings 4 4 540$ Expenses $1,900 $1,225 $950 $1,450 5,525$ Task 4: Final Action Plan and Vision 64 11,120$ Draft Action Plan 20 8 28 4,740$ Meeting with Stakeholders to Review Draft Plan 8 4 2 4 18 2,580$ Final Plan 16 2 18 3,000$ Expenses $800 800$ Total Hours 122 56 30 52 54 4 16 54 20 35 114 52 58 58 76 801 Fee Budget $20,130 $10,080 $3,900 $9,100 $7,290 $660 $2,640 $4,860 $1,600 $5,250 $11,970 $9,100 $8,410 $6,960 $3,040 114,515$ Expense Budget $2,400 $1,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,900 $1,225 $950 $1,450 Total Budget $22,530 $11,680 $3,900 $9,100 $7,290 $660 $2,640 $4,860 $1,600 $5,250 $11,970 $11,000 $9,635 $7,910 $4,490 Budget Summary Fees $104,990 Expenses (e.g., travel)$9,525 Total Budget "not to exceed"$114,515 Total by Phase Bozeman Midtown Corridor Revitalization Strategy LCG RWC Hours by Staff SS / A&E LELAND CONSULTING GROUP