HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-11 Consideration of Construction Bids - SID 608 Paving & Storm Drain Figgins 4th SID 614 Paving & Storm Drain Garfield between Tracy & Chicago, Milwaukee Railway I 318 September 11, 1979 Bozeman, Montana 59715 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Mun- icipal Building, September 11, 1979, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy, Commis- sioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, City Man- ager Gesko, Ass't City Manager Smith, City Attorney Planalp, and the Clerk. Commissioner Vollmer opened the meeting with a prayer whereupon the minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, September 5, 1979, were approved as submitted. Decision - Victory Powell - R-3 to R-O, area located at corner of W. College & South 16th extending north on College to County Law and Justice property I The decision on the request of Victory Powell for a zone map change from R-3 to R-O, having been delayed for a period of one week, was brought before the Commission for a decision. Following discussion, the Commission concurred withfue recommendation of the Bozeman Zoning Commission, also concurred in by the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the Commission deny the request for a zone map change from R-3 to R-O. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, those voting No being Mayor Sedivy. Negotiation on Bond Sale for SID 608 - Paving & Storm Drain - Figgins 4th $375,000.00 Mr. Bob Bleck, President of Grande & Company, Seattle, appeared before the Commission regarding the Bond sale. Mr. Bleck explained the A and B bonds. He said it was the only way they could compensate for the risk they would have to take. Mr. Bleck negotiated a bid of 8.95% on the $375,000 bond issue. Upon recommendation of the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the sale of the bonds for SID No. 608 in the amount of $375,000.00 at 8.95% be awarded to Grande and Company, Inc., of Seattle. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., consulting engineers having reviewed the bid for SID 608 and 614, Paving and Storm Drain improvements, found them to be correct. The 608 project would be awarded based on the low bid submitted in the amount of $312,915.00. Due to the project fund limitation on SID 614, it could not be awarded based on the bid of the contractor in the amount of $32,268.50. In discussion with the contractor, modifications and elimination of some items, negotiation of reduction in bid price (three items) by the con- tractor, and the city street and alley fund picking up the cost of the railroad removal and replacement would bring the project within the funds available. The SID 614 bid was $32,268.50. With deletions of four minor items totaling $1,411.50 and a negotiated reduction for three items totaling $925.50 this award could be made for $29,931.50. From this amount the city street and alley fund would be asked to participate in the amount of $4,931.50 to cover the railroad track removal and street replacement. Therefore, they recommended Long Construction Company be awarded the bid subject to their low bid in the amount of $342,846.50, it meeting or exceeding the Notice in the Call for Bids. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the engineers, also concurred in by the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that Long Construction Company be awarded the bid on the basis of their negotiated bid. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I Decision - Mt. Ellis Academy, Conditional Use Permit - construction of l,800 sq. ft. building to be used as bakery The decision on the request of the Mt. Ellis Academy for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a building to be used as a bakery, having been delayed for a period of one week, was brought before the Commission for a decision. Following discussion, the Commission concurred with the recommendation of the Bozeman Zoning Commission, also concurred in by the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the Commission approve the application for a conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. Signing shall be limited to one flush-mounted wall sign not to exceed the height of the building. Said sign shall not be externally illuminated nor blinking, flashing, or animated. Said sign shall not exceed a sign area of fifty square feet. I No mobile, portable, or temporary signs shall be used on the site. No external lighting apparatus shall be attached to signs used in conjunction with the pro- posed use. All signs to be used in conjunction with the proposed use shall be clearly dimensioned on the final site plan. 2. A final site plan containing all conditions, corrections, and modifications recommended and approved by the City Commission shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit for this project. The final site plan shall show the following: A. Provisions for five parking spaces. The plan shall also indicate a twenty foot front yard setback area for the building frontage from the existing drive. This front yard area shall be shown on the final site plan as being landscaped with a low-profile vegetative ground cover not to exceed two feet in height at matur- ity and/or an earthern berm. This required screening shall be at least two feet but not more than three feet in height. The screening design shall include at least one tree per fifteen lineal feet of public or private street frontage, planted on fifteen foot centers. So as to minimize potential vandalism, the required view-obscuring screen shall not have a continuous frontage, but shall contain intermittent breaks of at least six feet, but not more than ten feet in length. The individual segments of the screening shall not be less than fifty feet nor more than eighty feet in length. However, where a specific lot frontage does not permite full com- pliance with this requirement, these dimensions may be reduced or modified so that the intent of this requirement can be satisfied. I B. All landscaped areas enclosed by permanent concrete or asphaltic curbing at least six inches in height to prevent vehicular traffic across landscaped areas. C. The loading dock should be relocated and shown in an area separated from employee/ business parking. D. Complete description and details for the garbage enclosure area. E. All landscaped areas shall be enclosed by permanent concrete or asphaltic curbing at least six inches in height to prevent vehicular traffic across landscaped areas. 3. All on-site improvements (i.e., paving, landscaping, etc.), shall be completed within twelve months of issuance of a building permit. 4. All parking spaces and ingress/egress areas thereto shall be paved. 5. The conditional use permit shall be valid for a period of only one year following institution of the use and shall be submitted to the City Commission for renewal at that time. Failure of the applicant to satisfy all conditions within the designated time period may be grounds for terminating the conditional use permit. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Decision - Zone Code Amendment - Greyhound Bus - allow transportation stations as permitted use. Relocate the present Greyhound Bus Lines operation from the B-3 district to a site within a B-2 zone. I The decision on the request of the Greyhound Bus Lines for a Zone Code Amendment to allow transportation stations as a permitted use within a B-2 zone, having been delayed for a period of one week, was brought before the Commission for a decision. The City Manager suggested that if the site on North Seventh could be acquired, the bus company be given a conditional use permit to operate in a B-2 zone. The City Attorney asked if the applicant considered initiating the Conditional Use appli- cation for a B-2 zone for that site in order to be on the September Zoning Commission agenda. The City Manager felt that the proposed use might be better determined as a conditional use rather than a permitted use in the B-2 district as there could be potential sites within 0~~ No, none. I 320 or adjacent to established residential areas. He suggested that the applicant begin the procedure for a conditional use permit for the September Zoning Commission meeting and the matter be delayed for a period of one week. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer that the decision on the request of the Greyhound Bus Lines be delayed for a period of one week. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commis- sioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting Decision - Zone Map Change - Planning Staff - remove "T" zoning designation from RS-l zoning districts Having delayed the decision for a Zone Map Change for the Planning Staff for a period of one week, it was brought before the Commission. Removing the "T" zoning designation from RS-l owning districts would, in no way, change the basic RS-l zoning requirements for these districts. What this action would do, however, would free both Zoning and City Commission agendas from miscellaneous items that can be appro- priately handled through the Building Inspection Department. Also, it would spare the appli- cant needless delay and expense. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the request to remove the " T" zoning designation from the zoning districts as previously described in the minutes of September 5, 1979 be approved. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Decision - Zone Code Amendment - reconsider Chapter l8.69.2l0 new Addition Having delayed the decision on the request for a Zone Code Amendment for a period of one week, it was again brought before the Commission. The City Manager felt that a zone code amendment to require central water and sewer installation in zones which allowed development at normal urban type densities would be advantageous. He suggested that where City expansion and/or annexation would be likely, this code amendment would facilitate consistency in sewer and water system design. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Commission approve the zone code amendment which makes central sewer and water installation mandatory in developments within the three-mile zoning area. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, I none. Commission Resolution No. 2099 - Create SID 615 - Sewer Installatin Burrup Annexation Commission Resolution No. 2099 - creating Special Improvement District No. 615, sanitary sewer trunk installation as prepared by the City Attorney, was presented, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2099 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 615 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AND APPURTENANCES TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DES- CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN EIGHT (8) AND (12) INCH SANITARY TRUNK AND THE NECES- SARY APPURTENANCES ON HIGHWAY (10) ALONG THE BURRUP ANNEXATION, ALL IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER TRUNK SHALL INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, INSTALLATION OF SEWER TRUNK, NECESSARY WYES, SERVICE LINE STUBS, MANHOLES, AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO. I It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that Commis- sion Resolution No. 2099, creating SID No. 615, be passed and adopted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commission~r Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2097 - Intent to annex Allison Property - Hearing October 17, 1979 . 1~' ,~ UL~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2097 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY, TO ANNEX A CON- TIGUOUS TRACT OF LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED. I It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that Commission Resolution No. 2097 declaring the intent to annex a tract of land located in Section 24, T2S, R5E, M.P.M., be passed and adopted, and Wednesday, October 17,1979, be the date set for pub- lic hearing. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2098 - Prescribing form & terms - SID No. 598 to provide for such revolving fund Commission Resolution No. 2098 whereby the City of Bozeman agrees to issue orders annually authorizing loans or advances from the revolving fund to the extent funds are available and to provide funds for such revolving fund as prepared by Mike Mulroney of Luxan & Murfitt, was presented, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2098 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO STATUTORY PROVISIONS, SETTING OUT THAT THE CITY COUNCIL UNDERTAKES AND AGREES TO ISSUE ORDERS ANNUALLY AUTHORIZING LOANS OR ADVANCE FROM THE REVOLVING ACCOUNT TO THE EXTENT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE AND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR SUCH REVOLVING FUND BY MAKING TAX LEVY AND LOANS AS THE COUNCIL DETERMINES NECESSARY. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that Commission Resolution No. 2098 be passed and adopted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I Attorney General's opinion - re two and one-half percent of their bid price to the submitted bid The City Attorney requested an opinion from the Attorney General on whether a city in its bid specifications require that bidders with places of business outside the city add an addit- ional two and one-half percent of their bid price to the submitted bid. The Attorney General's opinion is that a city may neither require that all bidders with places of business outside the city add an additional two and one-half percent of their bid price nor add such a surcharge itself to the submitted bid. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the City Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, thoss voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I ATTEST: