HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-08 282 August 8, 1979 Bozeman, Mt. 59715 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, August 8, 1979, at l:15 O'clock p.m. Present were Mayor Sedivy, Com- missioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, City Manager Gesko, Ass't City Manager Smith, City Attorney P1analp and the Clerk. Commissioner Vandeventer opened the meeting with a prayer whereupon the minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, August 1, 1979, were approved as submitted. Open Bids - Three (3) four-door Sedans for Police Department This was the time and place set for opening bids for the purchase of three four-door sedan cars to be used by the Police Department. The affidavit of publication of the "Call for Bids" was presented. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the bids be opened and read. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vande- venter and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. The following bid was then opened and read: Rolfe & Wood, Inc., Bozeman 3-1980 Dodge Aspen 4 door sedans $21,459.00 Rolfe & Wood, Inc., did not figure the trade-ins of present vehicles. Following discussion, the Commission concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the bid of Rolfe and Wood, Inc., it being the only bid submitted, be referred to the Chief of Police and City Staff for evaluation and a recommendation to be made to the Commission on Wednesday, August 15, 1979. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Bozeman Lion Club - Permission for Greater American Entertainment Corporation to sell tickets for a show to present to children on September 4, 1979 at Willson Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Ken Beltz of the Bozeman Lions Club was present in regard to selling tickets for a chi1drens show to be presented by the greater American Entertainment Corporation on Sept- ember 4, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. at the Willson Auditorium. Mr. Beltz asked that the license fee for the permit be waived. He was informed that this could not be done. A license fee of $100.00 must be paid before receiving the permit to sell the tickets. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Commission approve the request of the Bozeman Lion's Club to sell tickets for the Cinderella show contingent upon receiving a permit and upon all rules and regulatins being met. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Bond Sale SID 598 - Paving improvements - Northwood Drive - Wheat's Subdivision $l50,OOO.00 The City Manager advised the Commission that according to the Affidavit of Publication this was the time and place set for the bond sale of Special Improvement District No. 598. The Mayor and City Manager outlined the procedure for conducting the bond sale and stated the amount of bonds to be sold would be the same as the advertised amount. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that the City proceed with the bidding. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. There was no one present to bid orally. The Clerk of the Commission advised the Commission tpat there was one sealed bid. The bid of Grande & Company of Seattle, Washington was opened and their good faith check as prescribed by the Notice of the Bond Sale was presented. Grande & Company of Seattle bid 8.45% plus $15.00 I I I I The City Manager recommended that the City of Bozeman accept the bid of Grande & Company of Seattle in the amount of 8.45% plus $15.00. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the sale of bonds for SID No. 598 in the amount of $150,000, be awarded to Grande & Company of Seattle in the amount of 8.45% plus $15.00, it being the only and best bid submitted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commis- sioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Consideration of Construction Bids - SID 598 - Paving Improvements - Northwood Drive, Wheat's Subdivision - Long Construction - $122,443.00 Morrison-Maier1e, Inc., consulting engineers determined that the natural sub-grade material on the east half of Nickles Drive is significantly better material than initially anticipated in establishing the street design section. Therefore, they recommended that the 12 inch thick- ness of 4 inch minus select borrow be omitted from the typical roadway section between sta. 5+60 and sta. 14+01. This proposed revision in the roadway section will reduce the bid of Long Construction from $135,703.00 to $122,443.00. Therefore based on the proposed reduction in the roadway section, Morrison-Maier1e recommended that a contract in the amount of $122,443.00 be awarded to Long Construction Company. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the engineers, also concurred in by the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that Long Construction of Billings, be awarded the bid on the basis of their reduced bid and upon them being the only bidder. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commis- sioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Public Hearing - Conditional Yse Permit - Melvin G. Anderson - establish Mobile Home space for caretaker on an M-1 site located west of u.S. 10/1-90 interchange at Bear Canyon I This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Per- mit for Melvin G. Anderson. The applicant seeks approval to establish a mobile home space for a caretaker/owner resi- dence on an M-1 site which is allowed through the Conditional Use Permit process. The site is located on Lot 6, Bear Creek Subdivision, just west of the U.S. #10/1-90 interchange at Bear Canyon. The Planning Director presented the staff report which recommended approval subject to the condition that the applicant screen all outside storage areas as required under the Zoning Code with a solid fence at least six feet in height, not to protrude into the 20-foot required front yard. This requirement shall be satisfied prior to the use or occupancy of the mobile home. The applicant shall submit a design for the fencing plan, to include proposed materials, to the Planning Staff for review and approval from the County Sanitarian as the exact location of the septic system needed for the mobile home prior to the occupancy of the mobile home. The City Manager asked what conditions were attached by the Planning Staff. The Planning Director stated the Planning Staff recommended the following conditions: 1. The applicant screen all outside storage areas as required under the Zoning Code with a solid fence at least six feet in height, not to protrude into the 20-foot required front yard. 2. The applicant receive approval from the County Sanitarian as to the exact location of the septic system needed for the mobile prior to the occupancy of the mobile home. I 3. The applicant shall submit a final site plan indicating the exact location of the screened outside storage area for dismantled mobile home vehicles or other materials used in conjunction with the business. Final site plan shall reflect all other conditions as stated by the Planning Staff and City Commission before the use of the mobile home is instituted. The Commission expressed concern over the mobile home being used directly for this partic- ular use by the applicant. Commissioner Vandeventer inquired as to whether the mobile home would be removed if the present business were sold or if a different use were instituted. The Planning Director stated a condition could be attached whereby the mobile home would have to be removed if the business were sold or ownership changed. Commissioner Vande- ., Lv0 2B4 venter strongly suggested that it be a condition to remove the mobile home if the business were sold or ownership was changed. The Mayor declared the public hearing closed and a decision will be made on Wednesday, August 15. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Montana Industrial Development Corporation - construct building on Block 2 - Bridger Center Subdivision - Roller Rink I This was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit for Montana Industrial Development Corporation. The applicant seeks to add a roller skating rink within a building that received a conditional use permit approval on January 5, 1977, that allowed construction of a building on Block 2 of Bridger Center Subdivision. The Planning Director presented the Staff report which recommended approval subject to six conditions. The City Manager explained that the conditional use was for the establishment of a Roller Rink. There being no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the conditional use permit, the Mayor declared the hearing closed and a decision will be forthcoming on Wednesday, August 15, 1979. Commission Resolution No. 2089 - Intent to Create SID 615 - Sewer Instal1tion - Burrup Annexation - Public hearing August 29, 1979 Commission Resolution No. 2089, declaring the intention to create SID No. 615, for the Sanitary Sewer Trunk installation on Highway 10 along the Burrup Annexation, as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2089 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT NO. 615 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AND APPURTENANCES TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROP- ERTIES AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN EIGHT (8) AND (12) INCH SANITARY TRUNK AND THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES ON HIGHWAY 10 ALONG THE BURRUP ANNEXATION, ALL IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. I THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER TRUNK SHALL INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, IN- STALLATION OF SEWER TRUNK, NECESSARY WYES, SERVICE LINE STUBS, MAN- HOLES, AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCE THERETO. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that Com- mission Resolution No. 2089 be passed and adopted, and August 29, 1979, be the date set for public hearing. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Consideration of System 34 - IBM Computer System The City Manager informed the Commission that sometime ago the City had placed an order for the System/34 IBM computer. He further advised the Commission that the time has come to make a decision before the computer is built. The City leases the machine now being used by the City for $1,775.00 per month and on October 1, 1979, the lease price will increase to $1,833.00 per month. For just $53.00 more per month, the City can obtain a System/34. The System/34 would be the equivalent of having two System/32's, plus.... The System/34 is at least twice the computer the System/32 The Mayor felt this discussion might take three or four hours and suggested that a special meeting be held for this purpose. The other Commissioners felt as the Mayor did. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab ,seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that a Special Meeting be held on Tuesday, August 14, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. is. I Evaluation of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., engineering contract - Amendment #6 Mr. T.H. Thomas of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., appeared before to present a breakdown of the engineering costs incurred on the Environmental Protection Agency project to date along I.; , .::..u...: I with an amendment to their original Agreement. Amendment No. 6 increases the contract amount to $70,000.00. Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. submitted an itemized statement to the staff, of all the time and costs incurred to date which is $61,793.00. The reason for suggesting $70,000.00 is that the EPA may want additional data. If additional data is not necessary, the only amount the City will pay is the time involved in the project to be determined at the time it is finally approved. Jim Cummings of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., showed the Commission what has been involved in this project in the last eighteen months. Mr. Thomas stated that out of the $61,793.00, $10,518.00 is out of the pocket expenses. The majority of this amount is for outside consultants. Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., had four different individuals all with PHD's who provided input which went into the plans, all of which were requested by EPA. Mr. Thomas advised the Commission that they submitted a month by month break down for the summary which was done month by month. The time sheets for all of the costs have been substant- iated. The additional amendment to the Agreement will be sent to EPA for review and they will pay 75% of the cost when they approve the final sewer facilities plan. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that the Commission approve Amendment No. 6 not to exceed seventy-thousand dollars, with the exception that the final payment may be adjusted with Owner's approval to reflect the work actually accomplished. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Com- missioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the Commission approve payment of $61,793.11 less 10% to Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Mr. Thomas also brought up the work that was done in connection with the suit against the City by EPA for non-compliance of a discharge permit in the amount of $8,046.00. The Com- mission instructed Mr. Thomas to submit his bill through former City Attorney Ben Berg, who is handling the case for the City. Proposed amendment to Dog Ordinance The Commission acknowledged receipt of the proposed amendment to the dog ordinance and recommended that it be brought up for further discussion on Wednesday, August 15. Approve plans and specifications - SID 608 - paving Figgins 4th - $374,000 paving E. Garfield Street between Tracy & C.M. Railroad - $30,000 - Bid opening August 29, 1979 - Bond Sale September 5 I The City Manager recommended that the plans and specifications for SID No. 608 paving Figgins 4th, and SID No. 614 paving E. Garfield Street between Tracy Avenue and Chicago, Mil- waukee Railway as prepared by Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc., be approved. Upon recommendation by the City Manager, it was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the plans and specifications be approved as presented. Also that the Clerk of the Commission be authorized and directed to publish a "Call for Bids" for the construction of SID No. 608 and 614 with an opening date of August 29, 1979. The Clerk of the Commission was also authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the sale of bonds in the amount of $374,000 for SID No. 608 and $30,000 for SID No. 614 to be received September 5, 1979. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Consideration of firms to conduct annual City Audit The Commission advertised for eligible firms to conduct the annual City Audit. Interviews were conducted with the firms interested and a joint venture proposal was received from two auditors. The City Staff having reviewed the various audit proposals recommended a joint venture audit proposal submitted by Ve1tkamp, Dore & Company and Holmes & Turner. The City Manager said the City has an option to select a private firm to do the audits ?pc. '_ vO subject to Department of Communi.ty Affairs approvaL It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the Com- mission approve the joint venture audit submitted by Ve1tkamp, Dore & Company and Holmes & Turner. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Com- missioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Request to Authorize Domestic Well at Landfill I Potts Drilling Company agreed to extend his period sixty days, until the City knew whether or not it would be operating within its budget. The Bid was for $6,688.00. The City Engineer and the low bidder estimate we can save as much as $1,600 from this bid, given certain favorable circumstances. The City Manager recommended that the Commission approve the bid of Potts Drilling for this landfill well. It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that the Com- mission accept the bid of Potts Drilling in the amount of $6,688.00 it being the lowest bid and meeting or exceeding specification in the "Call for Bids". The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Request from Downtown Merchant's Assn. - Conduct Downtown Fun Fest 8/18/79 A letter received from Jim Zimbric of the Downtown Merchants Association, requesting per- mission to hold a Downtown Fun Fest, was presented. The Downtown Merchants hope to have some local non-profit organizations to man booths along the sidewalks between Rouse and Willson Avenues. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the Commission approve the request for the Downtown Fun Fest, and that a deposit of $100.00 be charged to in- sure cleaning up the area. The $100.00 deposit will be returned upon recommendation of the Commission. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I Official designation by Commission of Sourdough Trail A short discussion was held in regard to the official designation of Sourdough Trail. Commissioner MacNab suggest that a decision not be made until there is some clarification of the creek. Establish Revenue Sharing Hearing Date - Public hearing August 29 It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that Wednesday, August 29, 1979, at l:l5 o'clock p.m. be the date set for a public hearing for the purpose of establishing the use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for the current fiscal year. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Application for Beer License - U.P.S. Picnic August ll,1979 at Bogart Park The City Manager presented an application from United Parcel Service along with the required fee for the purpose of obtaining a beer license for a picnic to be held on August 1l, 1979, at Bogart Park. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the license be granted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. I Change Commission meeting from Wednesday, September 12, to Tuesday, September 1l, 1979 It was moved by Commissioner Vandeventer, seconded by Commissioner MacNab, that since the Montana League of Cities and Towns Convention is to be held in Bozeman from September 12 thru the l5th, the Commission Meeting be changed from Wednesday, September 12, to Tuesday, September 11. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No votes, those voting Aye being Commis- ,.'\ . Lv sioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Acknowledge & file reports - Director of Public Service - Police Court I The City Manager commented on the report of the Director of Public Service and the Police Court report and recommended they be acknowledged and ordered filed. It was moved by Commissioner MacNab, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the reports be acknowledged and ordered filed. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Com- missioner Vandeventer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the City Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Vandeventer, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Vandeventer, Commissioner MacNab, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor Sedivy, those voting No, none. .".-7 ...?~ G~ -- ~ cL:j~ -- / EDMUND I ATTEST: ~? d' Z~. ./ ..... 10 /.>~. .. J ERNA V. HARDING, CtERK OF C SSION I