HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-11 33 Bozeman, Montana June 11, 1980 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, June 11, 1980, at 1:15 o'clock p.m. Present were Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, City Manager Gesko, Acting City Attorney Johnson, I and the Clerk. Commissioner Mathre opened the meeting with a prayer whereupon the minutes of the regu- lar meeting held on Wednesday, June 4, 1980 were approved as submitted. Absence of Commissioner Stiff - June 11, 1980 It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the absence of Commissioner Stiff, from this meeting, be authorized in compliance with Chapter 7-3-4319 M.C.A. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Survco, Inc. - construction of convention center located on a portion of Block 3, Tange's Addition This was the time and place set for the public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit requested by Survco, Inc. The applicant seeks a conditional use permit which, if granted, would allow the construc- tion of a convention center having 220 guest rooms, a 200 seat restaurant, a 250 seat lounge, and a 1,000 seat banquet room. The total building area equals 69,502 square feet. The off- street parking requirement of 500 spaces was established by the Board of Adjustment, with the condition that setback, landscaping and loading zone requirements of the Bozeman Area Zoning Code be conformed to. The Planning Director gave a brief summary of the staff report which recommended approval subject to conditions. The Planning Director further advised the Commission that various details and problems have been corrected. I Ray Center, representative of Survco, Inc., found no disagreement with the recommended conditions. The City Manager expressed some concern over the size of the center. Following discussion, the Acting Mayor closed the hearing and a decision will be forth- coming on Wednesday, June 18, 1980. Bond Sale - SID 616 - Paving Koch from South 20th to 23rd - $90,000. - SID 617 - Paving Alley in Block C, Original Townsite- $30,000. - SID 620 - Paving portion Blackmore Place - $14,000 The City Manager stated that according to the affidavit of publication, this was the time and place set for the bond sale of Special Improvement District No. 616 - paving Koch Street from South 20th to 23rd Avenue in the amount of $90,000.00, Special Improvement District No. 617 - paving Block C Alley, Original Townsite in the amount of $30,000.00, and Special Improvement Dis- trict No. 620 - paving a portion of Blackmore Place in the amount of $14,000.00. The Acting Mayor and City Manager outlined the procedure for conducting this bond sale and stated the amount of bonds to be sold for each district would be the same as the advertised amount. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the City pro- ceed with the bidding of SID No. 616. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. The Clerk of the Commission advised the Commission that there were no sealed bids. I There was no one present to bid on the bonds for Special Improvement District No. 616. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the City pro- ceed with the bidding of SID No. 617. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner ~1athre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. The Clerk of the Commission advised the Commission that there were no sealed bids. She further advised the Commission that Jack Brant and Phil Sandquist, President of First Security ~.~ --_.,-_._~~ ~ - ,. 34 Bank, had presented their good faith check as prescribed by the Notice of the Sale for SID 617 in the amount of $1,500.00. Oral bidding began and the final best oral bid was from Jack Brant of Bozeman in the amount of 7.0%. The Director of Finance recommended tha the City of Bozeman accept the bid of Jack Brant of Bozeman in the amount of 7.0%, it being the lowest and best bid submitted. I It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the sale of the bonds for Special Improvement District No. 617 in the amount of $300,000.00 be awarded to Jack Brant in the amount of 7.0%. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the City pro- ceed with the bidding of SID No. 620. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. The Clerk of the Commission advised the Commission that there were no sealed bids. Howard Nelson presented his good faith check in the amount of $700.00 as prescribed by the notice of the Sale for SID No. 620 in the amount of $14,000.00. Howard Nelson bid 10.5% The City Manager recommended that since there is only one property owner, the bid be deferred for a period of one week. The Commission concurred in the recommendation of the City Manager, and it was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the City Manager be directed to negotiate for the sale of the bonds for SID No. 616. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commis- sioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Public hearing - Commission Resolution No. 2187 - extend boundaries to be known as Sebena I Annexation During the regular meeting of the City Commission held on May 7, 1979, the Commission regUlarly passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 2187 declaring its intention to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include a tract of land known as the Sebena Annexation and containing approximately 2.8 acres. This being the date for public hearing as set forth in said Commission Resolution ~Io. 2187, affidavit of publication of Notice and the Clerks mailing certificate stating all prop- erty owners had been notified as required by law was presented. The pUblic hearing is to be continued for a period of one week in order that a full Commis- sion will be present. Award construction bids - SID 617 - Pave Alley - Block C, Original Townsite The consulting engineers reviewed the bids submitted on Special Improvement District No. 616, 617, and 620, and recommended the award of SID No. 616 to Long Construction Company based on their low bid of $75,675.00. The consulting engineers recommended the award of SID No. 617 to Big Sky Paving in the amount of $23,709.80. SID No. 620 presented a minor problem with the low bid submitted. The construction bid is approximately $600.00 over the budget. However, after discussion with the contractor and the City Engineer, the consulting engineers feel that minor adjustments can be made to four items and still provide the necessary improvements to city standards within the budget. There- fore the consulting engineers recommended the award of SID No. 620 to Long Construction Company based on their bid of $12,390.00. A change order as a part of the contract award deducting I approximately $600.00 will be required. FOllowing discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Big Sky Paving be awarded the bid for paving SID No. 617 in the amount of $23,709.80, it being the lowest bid submitted and equaling or exceeding the speCifications in the "Call for Bids". The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. --_._-~-~---~~-- 35 Awarding the bids for the construction of SID No. 616, and SID 620 is contingent upon the successful negotiation of the sale of the bonds. Award bid - Mini-pumper fire fighting unit The Commission was referred to the opening of bids for the mini-pumper fire fighting unit for the Fire Department. I The Fire Chief and staff having thoroughly analyzed all bids submitted advised the Commis- sion that the low bid did not meet the specifications contained in the IICall for Bids". The City Manager advised the Commission that the low bid did not meet the specifications on two relatively minor items, the third factor involving the low bid is probably the four- month delivery date. The City Manager further advised the Commission that the second low bid met specifica- tions, and has 25 items which are a distinct advantage, and things which perhaps could have been included in the specifications. He further advised the Commission that to add these items to the low bid (disregarding the two items which do not meet specifications) would cost more than the difference between the two lowest bids. FOllowing discussion, the Acting Mayor declared a recess to give the Acting City Attorney a chance to review the two bids. Recess: 2:10 p.m. Reconvened: 2:20 p.m. Having reviewed the two bids, the Acting City Attorney advised the Commission that the low bid of Superior Fire Apparatus of Helena, Montana did not meet the speCifications. He recom- mended that the Commission accept the second low bid of O'Donnell Fire Service of Billings, Montana, in the amount of $32,695.00 since their bid met or exceeded the specifications con- tai ned in the "Call for Bids". The mini-unit is to be installed on a Dodge Chassis. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission accept the bid of O'Donnell Fire Service of Billings, on the basis of their bid in the amount I of $32,695.00, it being the second low bid and meeting or exceeding the specifications con- tained in the "Call for Bids". The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Decision - Conditional Use Permit - Ronald Milledge - construct 5,521 square foot warehouse The decision on the request of Ron Milledge for a Conditional Use Permit, having been delayed for a period of one week, was presented for a decision. The City Manager reviewed the proceedings from the week of June 4, 1980 and indicated that there were several major concerns associated with this request. 1. Interpretation by the City Commission as to whether or not the proposed use is considered a light manufacturing use or a building contractor's establish- ment. 2. Is the requirement on the subdivision plat that a 601 easement on the east property line should be left undisturbed and is therefore not available for such things as parking. The Planning Director reviewed the finding of the Zoning Commission and indicated that the 60' easement was a requirement of the final subdivision plan and probably can not be ignored unless some other action is taken by the City Commission. Mr. Bolton suggested that the Acting City Attorney review this item as this is an unusual situation and one which has not been dealt with before. The City Engineer furnished a copy of the final plat with the 60' easement notation indi- I cating that it did not pre-empt parking probably if it was not paved. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit per staff recommendation allowing non- paved parking within the western 20' of the 60' floodway easement. The applicant is to seek a variance from the Board of Adjustment allowing for waiver for paving the parking area within the floodway easement and that the use be determined to be a light manufacturing use within the M-1 district and is subject to all other conditions as recommended by the Zoning Commission and the Planning staff, as follows: --. '36. .- . l. The final site plan shall: a. Be limited to only the warehouse construction and associated driveway- parking-loading areas. b. Prohibit any disturbance of the natural vegetation within the 60 foot floodway easement. c. Illustrate the location of Bozeman Creek and creek bank in relation to the east property line. I d. Provide the minor site plan revisions noted in the staff findings. e. Any revisions shall conform to requirements of the Bozeman Zoning Code. f. Compliance with Chapter 18.66 Flood Hazard District construction require- ments. 2. Three (3) copies of a final site plan containing all conditions, corrections and modifications recommended and approved by the City Commission shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project. One (1) signed copy retained by the Build- ing Department; one (1) signed copy retained by the applicant; and one (1) signed copy retained by the Planning Director 3. All on-site improvements (i.e., paving, landscaping, etc.) shall be com- pleted within eighteen (18) months of approval of the Conditional Use Per- mit. 4. The Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for a period of only eighteen (I8) months following institution of the use and shall be submitted to the City Commission for renewal as specified on the Conditional Use Permit. Failure of the applicant to satiSfy all conditions within the designated time per- iod may be grounds for terminating the Conditional Use Permit. If all required conditions have been satisfied, the permit shall be permanently renewed. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Dan Kamp Amendment to Bozeman Area Master Plan - review changes - Master plan - Change Rural Suburban Residential Designation to Highway Commercial - Proposed Resolution No. 2208 I A resolution of the City of Bozeman providing for an amendment to the 1972 Bozeman Area Master Plan was presented. The specific revision changes from "Rural Suburban Residential" to "Highway Commercial" designation, eight acres of land at the extreme west end of the long narrow parcel of land created by the east interstate and the frontage road. These eight acres end (at their wes- tern terminus) at the east interchange. Certain conditions are attached to the rezoning, one of them being a "T" designation for the acres involved. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission pass and adopt Commission Resolution No. 2208 as set forth in full, and the resolution be sent to the Gallatin County Commissioners for approval to B-2. The motion was carried by the fOllowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2208 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1972 BOZEMAN AREA MASTER PLAN. Commission Resolution No. 2209 - John Mandeville Amendment to Bozeman Area Master Plan - Review changes Resolution No. 2209 of the City of Bozeman providing for an amendment to the 1972 Bozeman Area Master Plan, was presented. I The area involved lies northwest of the City and consists of ten acres. The resolution formally acknowledges the proposed change to the Master Plan. Certain conditions are attached, changing this "Agricultural land use designation to a "Light Industrial designation. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission approve Commission Resolution No. 2209 as set forth in full: A copy of the resolution is to be sent to the Gallatin County Commissioners for approval. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commis- sioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. . - 87 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2209 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1972 BOZEMAN AREA MASTER PLAN. Proposed produce stand - Ron Kelly to proceed with operation of business and file Con- I ditional Use application later Ron Kelly requested permission to erect and operate a produce market on a parcel of land adjacent to the Town Pump property on the north side of West Main Street. The des- ignation for this area is B-2-T, which denotes Highway Business. The City Manager said construction permits are hoped for immediately, and the inten- ded use is logical and legitimate within this zoning district. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that Ron Kelly be granted permission to erect and operate a produce market with the understanding that the Conditional Use Permit application be submitted immediately. The motion was carried by the fOllowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swan- son, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Sweet Pea Festival - Ed Groenhout appeared before the Commission to discuss traffic and parking Ed Groenhout appeared before the Commission to show some film of the Sweet Pea Festi- val held in 1979, and to discuss the traffic and parking situation. He hoped that more police protection could be given this year. He informed the Commission that they would be pleased to pay for the extra protection. He also hoped that Buttonwood could again be blocked off. The Acting Mayor thanked Mr. Groenhout for his presentation and wished him every success during the 1980 Sweet Pea Festival. I Curb cut variance - Bozeman Transfer & Storage, John's Auto, and Simkins-Hallin Lumber Company Bozeman Transfer and Storage, John's Auto, and Simkins-Hallin Lumber Company appeared before the Commission to request a curb-cut variance on North Broadway. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Simkins-Hallin be granted a permit to construct two forty-foot curb cuts in front of their business on North Broadway. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commis- sion approve a 49' variance, a 96' variance and a 20' variance for Bozeman Transfer and Storage located on North Broadway. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that John Goerke of John's Auto be granted a curb cut variance of 121 and 40' at his place of business loca- ted at 414 North Broadway. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. K Water department - request permission to purchase 5000' 3/4"/Copper Tubing The Water Department has need for copper tubing and the City Manager requested authoriza- I tion to purchase 5,000' 3/4" K Cppper itibtng. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that permission be granted the Water department to purchase 5,000' 3/4" K Copper tubing. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commis- sioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2197 - Amend Section 1 - Section 15.5.2 - Bozeman Area Subdivision regUlations - change fee structure Commission Resolution No. 2197 - amending Section 1 - Section 15.5.2 of the Bozeman Area - " 38, , ., regulations - changing the fee structure, was presented. The City Manager explained that an error has been detected in the fee schedule as pro- posed and adopted. There was an inaccuracy in the approved and published fee schedule. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2197, amending Section 1 - Section 15.5.2 of the Bozeman Area regulations be passed and adopted. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting I Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2198 - Intent to Create SID 621 - sewer trunk - Valley Unit Subdivision Commission Resolution No. 2198 set forth in full: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2198 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA TO CREATE AN EXTENDED SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 621 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER TRUNK TO INTERCEPT SEWAGE FORM THE VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND OTHERS AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- LOWS: A SANITARY SEWER LINE TO BE KNOWN AS THE "FAR WEST TRUNK" WITH PIPE SIZES OF 18 AND 21 INCHES AND APPURTENANCES TO TRANSPORT WASTEWATER FROM THE VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION AND OTHER SERVICE AREAS IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO THE WEST END INTERCEPTOR. THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE SEWER TRUNK TO INCLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, SEWER PIPE, MANHOLES, STUB OUTS AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. A Waiver of Protest to Special Improvement District No. 621 as prepared by Joseph W. Sabol, representative for the Valley Unit Development, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the Waiver of Protest to the creation of SID No. 621. The motion was I carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commis- sioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2198 be passed and adopted and that the Commission waive the pub- lic hearing and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution creating the district. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2199 - Intent to create SID No. 622, water trunk - Valley Unit Sub- division Commission Resolution No. 2199 set forth in full: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE AN EXTENDED SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 622 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF TRUNK WATER SUPPLY MAINS AND APPURTENANCES TO THE VALLEY UNIT SUB- DIVISION AND OTHER SERVICE AREAS IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND MORE SPECI- FICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A 12-INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES FROM WEST COLLEGE ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF U.S. 191 TO FOWLER LANE A 10-INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION ALONG WEST MAIN TO FOWLER AVENUE THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF THE TRUNK WATER MAINS IS TO IN- CLUDE ALL TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, BEDDING MATERIAL, DUCTILE I IRON WATER MAINS, VALVES AND FITTINGS, HIGHWAY JACK AND BORE, AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. A Waiver of Protest to Special Improvement District No. 621, as prepared by Joseph W. Sabol, representative for the Valley Unit Development, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commis- sion acknowledge receipt of the Waiver of Protest to the creation of SID No. 622. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, 89 Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2199 be passed and adopted and that the Commission waive the pub- lic hearing and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution creating the district. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swan- son, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. I Commission Resolution No. 2200 - Intent to create SID No. 623, sewer lateral - Valley Unit Subdivision Commission Resolution No. 2200 set forth in full: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 623 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES TO SERVE THE ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN EIGHT (8) INCH SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES ON EAST GRAN- ITE, PONDERA, WEST GRANITE, GOLDEN VALLEY, TETON AND FLATHEAD AVENUES AND PORTIONS OF FALLON, RAVALLI, WEST BABCOCK, BROAD- WATER, CASCADE STREETS, TOOLE STREET, AND A PORTION OF DURSTON ROAD AND A TWELVE (12) INCH AND FOURTEEN (14) INCH SANITARY SEW- ER ON YELLOWSTONE AVENUE ALL IN THE VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. A Waiver of Protest to Special Improvement District No. 623, as prepared by Joseph W. Sabol, representative for the Valley Unit Development, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commis- sion acknowledge receipt of the Waiver of Protest to the creation of SID No. 623. The motion I was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2200 be passed and adopted and that the Commission waive the pUblic hearing and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution creating the district. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2201 - Intent to create SID No. 624, water lateral - Valley Unit Subdivision Commission Resolution No. 2201 set forth in full: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL I~1PROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 624 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLA- TION OF WATER MAINS AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO ON YELLOW- STONE, TETON, FLATHEAD, EAST GRANITE AND PONDERA AVENUES AND PORTIONS OF TOOLE, CASCADE, BROADWATER, BABCOCK, RAVALLI, AND FALLON STREETS AND DURSTON ROAD AND FERGUSON AVENUE IN THE VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. A Waiver of Protest to Special Improvement District No. 624, as prepared by Joseph W. Sabol, I representative for the Valley Unit Development, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the Waiver of Protest to the creation of SID No. 624. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commis- sioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. FOllowing discussion, it was moved by Commission Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2201 be passed and adopted and that the Commission waive the public hearing and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution creating the district. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner -." 40 Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2202 - Intent to create SID No. 625, Storm Drain & Paving - Valley Unit Subdivision Commission Resolution No. 2202 set forth in full: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, I MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO CREATE AN EXTENDED SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 625 FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE (RCP), STORM DRAIN INLETS, DETENTION FACILITIES, DRAINAGE DITCH REALIGN- MENT AND DIVERSION, AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THERETO AND ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TYPE PAVEMENT ON YELLOWSTONE, TETON, FLATHEAD, EAST GRANITE AND PONDERA AVENUES AND PORTIONS OF TOOLE, CASCADE, BROADWATER, BABCOCK, RAVALLI, AND FALLON STREETS AND A PORTION OF FERGUSON AVENUE IN THE VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. as prepared by the City Attorney was presented. A Waiver of Protest to Special Improvement District No. 625, as prepared by Joseph W. Sabol, representative for the Valley Unit Development, was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commis- sion acknowledge receipt of the Waiver of Protest to the creation of SID No. 625. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Commission Resolution No. 2202 be passed and adopted and that the Commission waive the public hearing and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution creating the district. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. I Discussion - regarding Sign Code Paul Bolton, Planning Director appeared before the Commission to discuss the status of the proposed sign code. Mr. Bolton advised the Commission that the Planning Staff had taken the liberty of pre- paring a proposed sign code but have been unable to do anymore than that. Requests to attend schools/convention - a) Police Department - b) Fire Department A Seminar on Police Stress has been scheduled for June 18-21, 1980, to be held on the Campus at Eastern Montana College, and Captain Dick Boyer requested permission for Officer Krogstad to attend the seminar. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that Officer Krogstad be granted permission to attend the seminar and, it being in the public interest, his expenses be paid out of the appropriate fund. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Safety The Regional Montana Law Enforcement Academy has scheduled a Police Motorcycle/& Opera- tion School, to be held in Butte on June 23-27,1980, and Captain Dick Boyer requested per- mission to attend the school. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that Captain Dick Boyer be granted permission to attend the school and, it being in the pUblic interest his expenses be paid out of the appropriate fund. The motion was carried by the following Aye I and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commis- sioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. The Montana State Volunteer Fireman's Convention has been scheduled for June 12-14, 1980, in Libby, Montana, and the Fire Chief requested permission to send Glenn Black. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that permission be granted Glenn Black to attend the convention and, it being in the public interest, his expenses be paid out of the appropriate fund. The motion was carried by the following Aye - _M 41 and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commis- sioner Vollmer, those voting No, none. Application for raffle license - Bozeman BMX Park - June 22 The City Manager presented an application from Bozema BMX Park, along with the approp- riate fee for the purpose of holding a raffle on June 22, 1980. I It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commis- sion approve the application for the raffle license. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. File reports - Police Court - Sept., Oct., Nov., & Dec., 1979 & annual 1979 The City Manager commented on the Police Court monthly reports and the annual report for the year 1979 and recommended that the Commission accept the reports and order them filed. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the reports be accepted and filed. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No none. Report - Building Inspector The report of the Building Inspector was presented for acknowledgement on Wednesday, June 18, 1980. Claims The general claims for the month of May, 1980 were presented. The City Manager had checked the claims and found them to be true and lawful claims against the City of Bozeman and recommended they be approved and the Director of Finance be instructed to issue the warrants in payment. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission I approve the claims. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Swanson, and Commissioner Vollmer; those voting No, none. Adjournment - 4:40 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, and Commissioner ting No, none. ATTEST: ~~,~ r!:t)c(Jh ~ , 0 4\./ > 'A.. . {.a0v-Q #~'~ ERNA V. HARDING, " Clerk of the City Commission I - c:: 'I