HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-22 201 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA December 22, 1981 *********************** The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission I Room, Municipal Building, December 22,1981, at 1:15 p.m. Present were Mayor MacNab, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, City Manager Evans, Assistant City Manager Barrick, Acting City Attorney Johnstone and the Clerk. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Mayor MacNab. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 16, 1981, were approved as corrected. Appearance by Santa Claus Santa Claus made his annual appearance before the City Commission. He presented the entire Commission with an apple tree, complete with the fruits of their labor, along with some thorny issues to be dealt with in the future. He then presented individual gifts to the City Commissioners, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Acting City Attorney and Clerk of the Commission. Following his presentation, Mayor MacNab read a Complaint and Warrant for the arrest of Santa Claus for writing a bad check in 1979 and for disorderly conduct in disturbing a I public gathering. Public hearing - Proposed Urban Renewal Plan This was the time and place set for a public hearing on Urban Renewal Plan as pro- posed by the Downtown Development Association. Mayor MacNab opened the publ ic hearing. Mr. Tim Fitzgerald gave a brief statement on the development of the proposed Urban Renewal Plan, from its inception to the present publ ic hearing. He noted that the public has two areas of concern: (1) Special Improvement Districts; and (2) acquisition of private property for private use through the power of eminent domain. Over 100 people were in attendance at this hearing. Many of those present did not speak. The following is a list of people who spoke in support of the proposed Urban Renewal Plan. Wally Arneson, representing Downtown Merchants Association Rural Bozeman Larry Gallagher, consultant for Urban Renewal Plan Helena I The following is a list of people who spoke in opposition to the proposed Urban Renewal Plan. Chad Groth 451 East Main Tony Stamm 122 North Church Hal Bolinger, Attorney representing Ms. Janice F. (Beck) Billie 411 West Olive Dan McGuire 307 East Olive ------.- ')n", . ,.,1, Mary McGuire 116 South Rouse John Reynolds 1 07 South Wallace Bill Ancell 523 West Babcock Ted Lang 521 West Olive Augusta Franks 120 South Black Della Koeber 312 West Lamme George Hoadley 5 East Mendenhall Walt Metier 1013 South Bozeman Harold Bouse 548 East Babcock Marion Burnett North Black I Everett Halbrook 119 South 6th Walt Martel 215 West Mendenhall and 220 West Lamme Bob Taylor Downtowner Mall Earl Best 306 Lindley and representing Gallatin County Commissioners Tom Rolfe 24 and 25 North Willson and 16 East Mendenhall Karen Bouse 548 East Babcock Maxine Pentti la 336 South Chu rch This set of minutes presents only the highlights of the speeches. The tapes on file in the Office of the Clerk of the City Commission are the official record of the meeting. Mr. Chad Groth, 451 East Main, thanked the City Commissioners and Commissioners- Elect for attending the publ ic information meetings. He stated that they have taken a lot of flack that they didn't deserve. Mr. Groth asked for a show of hands both for and against the proposed plan. He noted that this show of hands should cut short a lot of the speaking. Mr. Tony Stamm, 122 North Church, stated that the power of eminent domain is a municipal tool. He feels that the stipulation of blight is an insult to the downtown residents and businessmen. Mr. Hal Bolinger, Attorney for Janice F. (Beck) Billie, 411 West Olive, noted opposi- tion to Olive Street being included in the district. He noted that the City Commission I should consider whether or not there is sufficient control of the Plan. He also stated that a specifically detailed Plan should be presented. Mrs. Mary McGuire, 116 South Rouse, stated that the 14-page report is very ambiguous. She also feels that zoning is a part of the Plan. Mr. John Reynolds, 107 South Wallace, noted that there is a lot of controversy cen- tered around the study which was done to determine the buildings which are substandard and those which are deficient. He feels a more comprehensive study should be done to determine which buildings are in need of repair. He also noted that money has been a problem for the City. The implementation of this Plan would place a tax burden on those outside of the District to maintain the City services. Mr. Bill Ancell, 523 West Babcock, stated that the Plan is shortsighted and cannot stand on its own two feet. He also stated that the Plan is based on greed, although that fact is well hidden. He feels that the documentation for the blight areas in downtown Bozeman is weak. Mr. Ted Lang, 521 West Olive, stated that he sees very good initiative on the part of the businessmen in downtown Bozeman. He feels that the Urban Renewal Plan is an insult to I the businesses in the downtown area. Mrs. Augusta Franks, 120 South Black, stated that the elderly residents are now close enough to the downtown area to shop there. If they are relocated, with no public transportation system, they will no longer be able to shop in the downtown businesses. 203 Mr. George Hoadley, 5 East Mendenhall, stated that when he improved his service station, he did not ask anybody for help on the improvements. He also noted that under the Plan, it would be a matter of collecting the money and then taking it from one pocket and putting it in another. Mr. Harold Bouse, 548 East Babcock, noted that the City began the implementation of I a Bozeman Area Master Plan in 1972. He stated that the City should simply complete the re- vision of the Master Plan; and there is no need for the Urban Renewal Plan. Mr. Wally Arneson noted that the downtown area wishes to remain vital. He noted that at the present time, there is only one vacant building on Main Street. This could change if access to the downtown area is not improved. He stated that the majority of the Bozeman Downtown Business Association supports the Plan. Mr. Walt Martel, 215 West Mendenhall and 220 West Lamme, stated that he is fearful of unlimited powers being extended to a governing body, whether it be the City Commission or an appointed agency. He noted that there are no safeguards within the proposed Plan. Mr. Bob Taylor, Downtowner Mall, stated that he has tried to view the Urban Renewal Plan from both sides. He wants to hold the downtown area together, but doesn't want government to help do so. He doesn't feel that the downtown can support another Special Improvement District. He noted that the Plan devotes the first ten pages to how good the downtown area is and the rest to the blight in the area. Mr. Taylor noted that he purchased the Oxford Hotel in 1976 and has remodeled the bui Iding. It has not taken any tax increment I monies or public hearings to accomplish this, and it is working. Mr. Taylor asked if a Special Improvement District could be created for only three or four blocks. He noted that the downtown parking SID was spread over the entire district, not just those properties which were involved. Mr. Taylor noted that the tax increment monies could be an asset. It could given an alternative to 21 percent money for improve- men ts . He stated that natural ambition and pride will take care of the old buildings. The downtown businessmen don't need a program to help. Mr. Taylor noted that there have been many changes in the past five years without an Urban Renewal Plan and hard feelings and disruption. Mr. Taylor also stated that, if he were back in the "hot seat," he would vote "No." Mr. Earl Best, 306 Lindley, stated that he is opposed to the proposal, and to any public official having the power to condemn private property. He noted that any expense of revitalizing the downtown area should be borne by the owners within the area. He a I so noted that the tax increment would take money from the City, County and School District, who need the tax dollars for operations. Mr. Best then presented to the City Commission a letter from the County Commissioners, I opposing the Urban Renewal Plan. Mr. Tom Rolfe, 24 and 25 North Willson and 16 East Mendenhall, believes that a free market and free enterprise will help solve the problem of high interest rates. Mr. Rolfe stated that with growth come economic problems. He believes that when the economy turns around, a lot of development will take place in downtown Bozeman without the benefit of an ') 'l!. ," j." r Urban Renewal Plan. He stated that homeowners shouldn't be asked to pay for a business- man's problem. He has never seen a government program that ever ended or that didn't eventually hurt people is some way. Mr. Dan McGuire, 307 East Olive, noted that a zone map change has been requested twice on a parcel of land located at the corner of Olive and Bozeman. He stated that both times, the neighbors have protested, and the zone map change has been denied. He stated I concern that, with the Urban Renewal Plan, the zone map change would be granted. Mrs. Marion Burnett, North Black, asked if the Plan is so above-board, why were the residents not notified until this month, and with a hearing date during the Christmas holi- days. Mayor MacNab asked when the residents were notified. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that a press conference was held in September, at which the Downtown Development Association stated its intention to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan. In November, brochures were printed and distributed by hand to the various properties. He noted that the Downtown Development Association may have been short-sighted in using this method for distributing the brochures, since many of them seem to have been lost before the residents or homeowners saw them, but they were attempting to save money. Mayor MacNab closed the publ ic hearing. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the Downtown Development Association would hold additional public meetings to attempt to eliminate some of the fears of the people within the proposed Urban Renewal District, or possibly revise the boundaries of the District. I Mayor MacNab noted that a revision of the boundaries wi II cause the necessity of a second public hearing to fulfill the requirements set by State Law. Commissioner Swanson asked if the Downtown Development Association will be working with a group of those people opposed to the Plan, to possibly give insight into the Plan. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Asso- ciation would be willing to work with a selected group of those opposed to the Plan in an attempt to work out detai Is which are of concern to the citizens involved. It was moved by Commissioner Vollmer, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the decision on the Urban Renewal Plan be delayed for a period of forty-five days. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor MacNab; those voting No, none. Reappointments Mayor MacNab stated that he and Commissioner Stiff have met and discussed the pos- sible reappointments and new appointments to the various boards and commissions. I Commissioner Stiff stated he feels that the matter has been pretty well discussed, but he would prefer to wait until next week to make a finalization of these reappointments and new appointments. 205 Information Item - Presenting list of SID Bonds and Coupons being called at December 31, 1981 City Manager Evans stated that the list presented to the Commission shows the Special Improvement District bonds and coupons to be called at December 31, 1981, and to be paid on the first working day of 1982. I Acknowledge report - B road Valleys Federation of Libraries for November 1981 City Manager Evans stated that the monthly report for the Broad Valley Federation of Libraries for November 1981 appeared to be in order and recommended that it be accepted. It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission acknowledge the report of the Broad Valleys Federation of Libraries for November 1981 and that it be brought back to the Commission next week for filing. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vollmer and Mayor MacNab; those voting No, none. Request - Permission to transfer from SI D Revolving Fund to individual district funds City Manager Evans presented to the Commission a request for permission to transfer the sum of $129,318.74 from the SI D Revolving Fund to individual district funds for the payment of coupons for the various districts. The City Manager noted that the State Statute provides that the City Commission must authorize the transfer of funds from the SI D Revolving I Fund to the various individual Special Improvement District funds. City Manager Evans noted that these requested transfers are based on the premise that the oldest coupons are the first to be paid. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission authorize and direct the Director of Finance to transfer $129,318.74 from the SI D Revolving Fund to the various Special Improvement District funds for the payment of coupons which are due and payable, but for which sufficient funds are not available, as requested by the Director of Finance. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor MacNab; those voting No, none. Adjournment - 4:15 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vollmer, that the meeting be ad- journed. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vollmer, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Swanson and I Mayor MacNab; those voting No, none. DUNCAN S. MAC NAB Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission ----------