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DECEMBER 1, 1983
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Commission Room, I
Municipal Building, December 1,1983, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner
Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and Clerk of the
Commission Sullivan.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Commissioner
Signing of the Notice of the Special Meeting
The Mayor requested that each of the Commissioners sign the Notice of Special Commis-
sion Meeting. Each Commissioner in turn signed the Notice.
I nterview of City Manager candidate - Douglas W. Lowe
This was the time and place set for interviewing one of the candidates for the position of
City Manager of the City of Bozeman. Commissioner Mathre introduced Mr. Lowe to the Commission.
Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Lowe to describe the process he has used to involve
the community in local government.
Mr. Lowe stated he feels municipal government is in place to serve the needs of the
community and draws on the resources from the community. He stated that he has used citizens
committees, has attended numerous meetings, has developed community newsletters, has done
editorial writing and held meetings with the press to inform and involve the community of local
government activities. He indicated a portion of the responsibility for citizen involvement lies
in the citizens themselves. I
Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Lowe if he has developed any special method for answer-
ing complaints from the public.
Mr. Lowe stated a uniform complaint system has been establ ished. He indicated many
different individuals receive complaint calls. They fill out a uniform complaint form; and that
form is forwarded to the person responsible for obtaining an answer. Action taken on the matter
is then stated on the complaint form; and it is forwarded to a central filing system for com-
plaints. He noted that complaints are often symptomatic of a more serious problem and should
be reviewed closely. Mr. Lowe also stated that if elected officials receive many of the minor
complaints, the responsiveness of the executive branch should be reviewed.
Mayor Stiff asked Mr. Lowe what communication vehicles he uses to inform the Commis-
sion of various items.
Mr. Lowe stated the type of communication vehicle he uses depends upon the situation.
He stated the greatest volume of information he has supplied to the Commission provides back-
ground information for the agenda. He indicated he also sends a news memo to the Commission.
Mr. Lowe stated he uses memos to submit information quite often. If an item is quite exten-
sive, he may call a meeting to discuss a particular project. If an item requires a timely
communication, he may use the telephone. He noted uniformity in dissemination of information
is important.
Mayor Stiff asked Mr. Lowe if he feels there should be an openness between the Commis-
sion and the City employees.
Mr. Lowe stated he feels there should be openness between the Commission and the I
employees for purposes of obtaining information. He stated if a personnel problem exists, it
should be handled by proper procedures through the City Manager's office.
Commissioner Mathre asked Mr. Lowe why he had applied for the position of City Mana-
ger in Bozeman.
Mr. Lowe stated he and his wife had established a I ist of criteria for a new home com-
munity, including that it be located in the northern part of the United States, close to moun-
tains, close to water, be an independent, free-standing community located close to a metro-
Special Meeting 12-01-83
politan area and a wilderness, and that it be a university town. He indicated the family had
made the decision that he should apply for this position.
Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Lowe about his philosophy on salaries and wage in-
creases, including incentive pay and merit pay.
Mr. Lowe stated there are basically three methods of establishing salaries and granting
I pay increases: (1) subjective approach to salary administration; (2) formal labor negotiations;
and (3) classification compensation program. Mr. Lowe stated most people are sensitive to
fairness in their job situations, which often translates to the paycheck. He indicated the pay
classification system is the most fair to the employee, as well as providing a pay schedule that
is defensible to the taxpayer and the employee. He noted the idea of incentive pay and merit
pay is appealing, but is difficult to administer.
Commissioner Weaver asked Mr. Lowe about his views on the budgeting process.
Mr. Lowe stated funding of the operations that exist and identification of future needs
should be considered in the budgeting process. He stated it is important to fund current activi-
ties, but one must be careful to consider potential future needs and plan for those needs. He
also stated the capital improvements are important in a community; and money should be set
aside in a capital reserve fund each year to fund existing and upcoming capital needs.
Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Lowe if he has had any experience in trying to get
better local government funding during State legislative sessions.
Mr. Lowe stated most of his municipal efforts have been through municipal associations.
He stated those associations have had an effective lobbying group; and he has not been per-
sonally involved in those lobbying efforts.
Commissioner Weaver noted the City has just implemented a Capital Improvement Program.
He stated that City Manager involvement and commitment to the CI P is necessary.
Mr. Lowe stated he supports the development of a Capital Improvement Program. He noted
that a City may spend no money for capital improvements during one fiscal year, but spend a
I large sum of money the next year. If a cash reserve has been established for capital improve-
ments, that fluctuation in expenditures will not affect the stability of the City's financial
structu re.
Commissioner Weaver asked Mr. Lowe how he would manage external revenues, such as
Federal Revenue Sharing monies.
Mr. Lowe stated one-time sources of income should be handled differently from steady
revenues. He indicated if possible, one-time sources should be appropriated for capital
improvements, while steady revenues are used to fund the daily operations of the City.
Commissioner Weaver then asked Mr. Lowe what process he would use in budgeting and
asked for his definition of a budget.
Mr. Lowe stated a budget is a tool, or a means of establishing an expenditure level. He
stated it is also a policy statement by the City Commission concerning the goals and priorities
of the community. He noted the City Manager prepares the proposed budget, and the Commission
then considers that proposal. He indicated that a City Manager usually knows the Commission's
policy statement and considers that when preparing the proposed budget.
Commissioner Weaver asked Mr. Lowe how he feels about working with a Budget Committee.
Mr. Lowe stated he worked with a standing Finance Committee in Carlisle. He noted that
was the vehicle used for preparation of a budget. I n Watertown, the staff prepared the budget;
and he recommended that a broad-based committee be established to look at the needs of the
community and try to set recommended priorities, which could then be presented to the Counci I.
Mr. Lowe stated that, in the past, he has asked department heads to prepare a budget request,
I using 100 percent of the current budget, 105 percent and 11 0 percent. He noted this proce-
dure identifies the needs and priorities of the department.
Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Lowe what procedure he would use in facing financial
Mr. Lowe stated he would meet with the staff people and review the services that the
City provides. He also indicated he would ask the Commission to establish its priorities. He
indicated Carlisle faced financial problems; and the Council closed the indoor swimming pool, in
spite of community protest. He indicated that action saved money, caused the citizens to take
Special Meeting 12-01-83
42 [,_
advantage of other similar facilities and caused those interested in the swimming pool to take a
more active part in the operation of the pool.
B rea k - 4: 55 to 5: 03 p. m .
Mayor Stiff declared a break at 4:55 p.m., to reconvene at 5:03 p.m., in accordance with
Commission policy established at their meeting of March 14, 1983. I
Interview of City Manager candidate (continued) - Douglas W. Lowe
Commissioner Vant Hull noted an article in the Public Management magazine indicates
there are two basic types of City Manager, one that is involved in the day-to-day functions and
one that is more farsighted and develops policies and ideas. She asked Mr. Lowe which type of
City Manager he considers himself.
Mr. Lowe stated he feels he combines the two facets in his administration. He stated
that it is important to pay attention to both roles. He noted most people are wi lIing to deal
with the present situation; and the City Manager must be aware of changing circumstances and
opportunities that may affect the future of the City.
Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Lowe what he feels he could contribute to the City.
Mr. Lowe stated he would try to achieve the best possible future for the community. He
stated he enjoys working in the background and helping people accomplish specific goals. He
stated he has been involved in a bricks and mortar revitalization project and has set up an
Economic Development Task Force to enhance the interests of the business community. He a I so
stated he enjoys getting employees to contribute their best to the City.
Commissioner Anderson asked Mr. Lowe about his crisis management and problem solving
Mr. Lowe cited an incident concerning a hazardous materials spill just outside the city
limits which occurred shortly after he arrived in Watertown. He stated the problem was
handled with no panic; and the incident served as a bonding process for the community. I
Commissioner Weaver asked Mr. Lowe to compare his departures from Carl isle and Watertown.
Mr. Lowe stated he had worked in Carlisle for eight years and submitted a sixty-day
notice so that he could complete the projects on which he was working prior to moving to
Watertown. He indicated he feels the transition between City Managers should be as smooth as
possible for a community. After beginning work in Watertown, he stated he found that many
various items and work situations needed to be corrected, so he began to take corrective action
immediately. After six months, he indicated he was to a point where he had to change or the
Counci I had to change. He stated the Council directed him to take action that was in conflict
with his philosophy and principles; so he terminated his employment. He stated that decision
was totally his; and few people were aware of his contemplated action until after it was com-
Commissioner Mathre asked Mr. Lowe about his philosophy on growth in a community.
Mr. Lowe stated the role of the City Manager and staff on such an item is to submit as
much information as possible to the Commission and allow the Commission to establish the policy.
He stated he does not feel there is one right approach to the question of annexation. Mr. Lowe
then stated he feels a community does not have to grow to remain vital.
Commissioner-Elect Jordan indicated appreciation to Mr. Lowe for his ability to listen and
to think prior to answering any questions.
Mayor Stiff asked Mr. Lowe if he had any questions for the Commission.
Mr. Lowe asked what goals the Commission has for the community and the process for
achieving those goals. I
Mayor Stiff stated the Commission sees a new era in City administration. He noted all
four of the applicants being interviewed have college educations and have experience in City
administration. He noted this City has a quality Commission with intelligence and diverse
education and backgrounds. He stated the new City Manager should have a love for the community
and should share the Commission's desire to do what is best for the community.
Commissioner Anderson stated the basic concerns at this time are (1) the existing water
supply, including inventory and searching for new sources; and (2) encouraging location of a
Special Meeting 12-01-83
clean industry in Bozeman to broaden the economic base of the community. She also noted tourism
of high quality should be encouraged.
Commissioner Mathre stated she feels that providing services to the community to protect
the general health, safety and welfare must be the major goal. She noted many of the citizens
in the community are interested in the "participatory democracy" process.
I Commissioner Weaver stated he feels the major goal is to develop a process of establish-
ing goals and programs that can be rationally funded within the limited resources of the commu-
Commissioner Vant Hull stressed the amenities of the area and stated she feels those
amenities should be protected.
Mr. Lowe then asked the Commission what types of community impediments will make it
difficult to develop processes and achieve such goals.
Commissioner Weaver stated there are no such impediments. He noted the Commission
needs to establish a list of goals and priorities.
Commissioner Anderson stated the strategy for motivating employees to meet the goals
and priorities established by the Commission must be carefully considered.
Commissioner Vant Hull stated that she feels human frailties should be recognized.
Commissioner Vant Hull then asked Mr. Lowe how he handles the press and how he feels
about the open meeting law in Montana.
Mr. Lowe stated he supports the open meeting laws. He noted the passage of such laws
has created a need for adjustments in procedures, but he feels that many of the adjustments
have been made. He indicated he feels some of the open meeting laws require too much open-
ness, but he feels that is just a temporary problem that seems to follow change. Mr. Lowe
then stated the media is a vehicle for communicating and has a role to play. He stated he has
tried to cultivate an honest, open relationship with the press while maintaining credibility and
respect on both sides.
I Commissioner Anderson stated the Commission has recently appointed a Low-Income Housing
Committee to study the housing needs in the community and submit proposals for alleviating the
problem. She asked Mr. Lowe if he has had any experience in meeting such needs in the communi-
ties he has served.
Mr. Lowe stated in both communities, the need for money resources exceeded the avail-
able funds. He stated he has utilized federal program monies for housing rehabilitation and
housing construction for families and senior citizens. He indicated that in Carlisle an
independent citizens group formed itself to deal with housing needs of the low-income people.
He stated the public sector nibbled at the problem, which stimulated some people to do some
work on their own properties.
Commissioner Mathre asked Mr. Lowe what type of audit opinions the communities have
Mr. Lowe stated the audit opinions have been basically clean, with some procedural
comments and suggestions.
Mayor Stiff asked Mr. Lowe to describe his philosophy concerning the Commission/ City
Manager relationship.
Mr. Lowe stated he feels the relationship should be one of openness, honesty and trust.
He noted this must be developed by both the Commission and the City Manager. He also stated
the City Manager must try to anticipate the Commission's need for information, and the
Commission's perception of City needs and responses. He stated the Commission has the
responsibility of general oversight of City activities and provision of services.
I Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Lowe if he has had any experience in energy conser-
vation measures.
Mr. Lowe stated a slight reduction in energy consumption can be made by working to
change people's habits. He stated that engineering types of solutions can also be considered.
Mr. Lowe stated that in Carlisle, an energy coordinator was hired for the City and the commu-
nity. However, he stated the position could not be justified and was eliminated.
Commissioner Mathre asked Mr. Lowe if he has any conditions for accepting an appoint-
ment if is it offered.
Special Meeting 12-01-83
Mr. Lowe stated that terms and conditions of employment should be discussed when the
Commission is ready to hire an individual.
Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Lowe if he has implemented any innovative programs
of which he is proud.
Mr. Lowe indicated he had implemented a committee in the employee relations field to
provide better employer / employee relations. He indicated the committee consisted of three
management personnel and three employees. Mr. Lowe stated he felt the committee was a I
success in providing good working relationships.
The Commissioners thanked Mr. Lowe for the interview.
Adjournment - 6:15p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Weaver, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the meeting be
adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and
Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
Clerk of the Commission
Special Meeting 12-01-83