HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-31 U95 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA May 31, 1983 ******************* The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, I Municipal Building, May 31,1983 at 4:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Acting City Manager Barrick, City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Commissioner Mathre. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 23, 1983 were approved as corrected. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the items listed under Consent Items be removed for discussion. Presentation by the Bozeman-Gallatin County Sports Council Ms. Carolyn Straub stated that the Bozeman-Gallatin County Sports Counci I was started in February 1983 and represents 2500 participants in adult and youth sports programs. The group's purpose is to provide local community input for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The group's main priority is the construction of a multi-purpose indoor/outdoor recreation faci Ii ty . Ms. Straub stated that the monies spent on such a faci I ity wou Id have the most positive aspect on the largest number of people in the community. She noted that the pro- posed facility would also concentrate the sports activities in one area, rather than having the various groups use facilities all over the city and on the MSU campus. Also, the facility . would be cost effective and eliminate the need for duplicate facilities. The group is contacting various service clubs in the area for a commitment of funds for construction of the facility. The group is also working with the Bozeman-Gallatin County Recreation Department to provide I recommendations and a plan for the proposed facility. The Bozeman-Gallatin County Sports Council also requests that the governing bodies table funding of any proposed new recreational facilities until a short-range master plan has been submitted, which should be within ninety days. The Commission thanked Ms. Straub for her presentation. Authorize Mayor to sign - geophysical work agreement with Western Geophysical of America - west of Mystic Lake Acting City Manager Barrick stated that the gentleman who had requested the signing of this agreement called a short time before the meeting and asked that this item be withdrawn from the agenda. Request - permission to conduct parade - Bozeman Antique Auto Club - Friday, June 17, 1983 7:00 p.m. Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission a request on behalf of the Bozeman Antique Auto Club for permission to conduct a Torchlight Parade on Friday, June 17, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Acting City Manager Barrick noted that the Chief of Police has indicated no problem with the request and recommended Commission approval. It was moved by Commissioner Weaver, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission approve the request for the Bozeman Antique Auto Club to conduct a Torchlight Parade on Friday, June 17, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried by the following Aye and I No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Stiff; those voting No. none. Request for waiver of open container ordinance - Bozeman Antique Auto Club - Bogert Park - Friday, June 17, 1983. 7:00 p.m. Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission a request on behalf of the Bozeman Antique Auto Club for a waiver of the open container ordinance for a barbecue to be 05-31-83 U9G held in Bogert Park on Friday, June 17,1983, at 7:00 p.m. The Acting City Manager noted this request is in conjunction with the above request to conduct a parade and recommended that the Commission approve this request also. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that the Commission approve the request for waiver of the open container ordinance on behalf of the Bozeman Antique Auto Club for a barbecue to be held in Bogert Park on Friday, June 17, 1983, I at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Request for reduction of I icense fee - Inland Empi re Shows, I nc. Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission a request on behalf of the Inland Empire Shows, Inc., for a reduction in the license fee required to operate in the Main Mall parking lot. Mr. Reed Williams. part owner of the Inland Empire Shows, Inc., stated that the new Business License Ordinance increased the license fee from $10.00 per unit per day to $30.00 per unit per day. Under the new Ordinance, his carnival license fee increased to $1,200.00 per day, or $6,000.00 for his planned operation at the Main Mall parking lot. Mr. Williams stated the license fee was prohibitive, so the carnival moved to Livingston instead of operating in Bozeman. Mr. Williams also stated that the maximum license fee around Montana is $640.00. He requested that the license fee be dropped from $30.00 back to $10.00 per unit per day, which would then cost $1,200.00 for five days, rather than the $6,000.00 under the new Ordinance. He noted this is still much higher than any other city in the state. Mr. Williams stated he is dealing in a service; and the company has provided that service in Montana for 25 years. Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Williams how long their carnival has been coming to Bozeman. I Mr. Reed Williams stated they have been coming to Bozeman since 1980. He also stated that in 1980, they attempted to get a reduction in the I icense fee, but were unsuccessful. Mr. Williams stated that several of the Cities have waived the license fee for fairs or when being sponsored by a nonprofit organization. He also noted that Bozeman has the only per-day license. Commissioner Vant Hull asked Mr. Williams if he wants to come back to Bozeman this year. Mr. Williams stated that his unit would be unable to return, but his father's unit has time available in August. He indicated that their company likes to operate at the Main Mall, but the current I icense fee is prohibitive. Mr. Wi lliams also noted his competitors have also indicated that Bozeman's license fee is high and have operated on a limited basis here because of that. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if the larger operation attracts more people, or if either the larger or smaller operation are penalized under our licensing system. Mr. Williams stated that the larger operations have a chance to make more money because of the number of units. He stated that for each unit the size of the carnival is decreased, the earning potential decreases proportionately. Mr. Wi II iams stated that a flat I icense fee would be easier to work with. Commissioner Weaver noted that the circumstances around this request are different from those circumstances surrounding the request for waiver of the license fee submitted in 1980. He then asked if the per-unit-per-day basis for licensing has been used in the past or if this is a recent change. Acting City Manager Barrick stated that the per-unit-per-day basis was listed in the I old Business License Ordinance. He changed only the dollar amount per unit when revising the Ordinance. Mr. Hugh Reid, owner of Rasmart Display Fireworks, noted he has no connection to the carnival. He stated, however, that the Commission's decision on this request will affect all carnivals that may desire to operate in Bozeman. He also stated that he has found carnival operators to be straight-forward business people. He feels that Bozeman's license fee should be comparable to the license fees in other communities, rather than causing the carnivals to avoid Bozeman. 05-31-83 US1 Mr. Wi IIiams stated that his father had operated in Bozeman twice in the early 1960's as well as in the 1980's. However, he feels that the license fee has been too high to operate on a regular basis in Bozeman. Mayor Stiff asked how much the price of the rides has changed in the past twenty years. Mr. Williams stated that books of tickets for all rides are now available for $5.00 to I $6.00. I n the 1960's, the rides were 254 to 304 each and now are 404 to 604 each for the major rides. Mr. Williams noted that, in addition to paying the license fee to operate in the city, he also incurs costs of advertising, renting the space upon which he is located, operations, pay- roll, and maintenance of the equipment, including purchase of parts from local businesses. Commissioner Mathre noted that the City must consider the costs of regulation when determining a license fee. She feels that the license fee should be lowered to $10.00 per unit per day. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she would like to have a response from the Police Divi- sion on the impact that a carnival has on police services prior to reaching a decision on this request. Mr. Williams stated that Inland Empire Shows, Inc., pays the Police Division for secu~ rity services provided. He noted that there is quite a lot of traffic at Main Mall on a regular basis, and it is difficult to determine how much the carnival increases that traffic. He a I so noted that when people and traffic in an area increase, the problems to the local Police Division increase as well. Commissioner Weaver asked the Acting City Manager if the increase in this license fee is comparable to other license fee increases in the new Business License Ordinance. Acting City Manager Barrick stated that the increase in business license fees was based on the 600 percent increase in the cost of living between 1933 and 1983. However, the license fee for carnivals was increased by 300 percent, indicating that the license fee may have been I slightly high in the past. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that the Commission request information from the staff, particularly the Police Division, on the cost of services provided to a carnival and the possible change to a flat fee based on the costs in- volved. with a report to be submitted to the Commission in two weeks. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Staff report - information on the revenue needs for the landfill and garbage collection activities Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission the staff report, as coor- dinated by the Director of Finance, on the revenue needs for the landfill and garbage collec- tion activities for Fiscal Year 1983-84. Director of Finance Swan distributed copies of Ordinance No. 696 to the Commission, as it is referred to in Commission Resolution No. 2453 as the basis for assessing a garbage collection fee. She stated that the staff report includes the costs of operation of the landfill and garbage collection activities for the first nine months of Fiscal Year 1983, with projections for the final three months. Also, recommendations for the fees for Fiscal Year 1983-84 are included. These proposed fees will provide the revenue necessary to operate these two Enter- prise Funds for Fiscal Year 1983-84. The Director of Finance stated that the projections do not provide for replacement of equipment in the future because the City does not have the I capital for purchase of such equipment at this time. The statistics do reflect depreciation of the equipment on a ten-year basis. Also, debt retirement costs have been included. Commissioner Weaver noted a question about whether the City should be in the garbage collection service. Director of Finance Swan stated that the staff has prepared its report based on the current City structure. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that under the proposed fee schedule, a large dead animal would cost $10.00 to bury, compared to $400.00 being charged in Billings. 05-31-83 U98 Assistant City Engineer Mann stated the Sanitation Division has indicated that $10.00 will cover the costs incurred in the burying of a large animal. Commissioner Anderson suggested the possibility of composting at the Landfill for revenue. She noted that it would require public education to separate the garbage into spe- ci fic categories. Director of Finance Swan noted that the new garbage collection fees will not be assessed I until October. She indicated that the resolution setting the rates must be approved no later than the end of September to become effective prior to the sending of special assessment tax notices. The Commission had requested a. staff report in the Spring, and that report has been prepared from the information available. Proposed Commission Resolution No. 2453 ...,. Garbage collection fees for FY 1983-84 Acting _ City Manager Barrick presented Commission Resolution No. 2453, as prepared by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2453 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, UNLESS PROVISIONALLY EXEMPTED, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE OF COLLECTING AND DISPOSING OF GARBAGE UNDER THE PROVI- SIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 696 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. Acting City Manager Barrick recommended that the Commission provisionally adopt Com- mission Resolution No. 2453, setting the Garbage collection fees for FY 1983-84 and set the public hearing date for June 20, 1983. Director of Finance Swan noted this Resolution levies and assesses the property tax that will be billed on October 25, 1983. The Director of Finance noted that the proposal is based on a $3.00 increase in the base rate for garbage collection fees, from the current $46.00 to $49.00. The revenues from the proposed rate structure wi II provide the revenues necessary I to operate the Garbage Collection Enterprise Fund for Fiscal Year 1983-84. . Commissioner Vant Hull stated that she feels the fee for hardship cases should be re- duced from $45.00 to $30 ~ 00. The Director of Finance cautioned that the Commission must be careful not to decrease the revenues dramatically because the revenues have been carefully calculated to cover the anticipated expenditures. She also stated that the cost involved in stopping at each house has been carefully reviewed. She noted that the base rate and the suggested charge in hardship cases are less than $1.00 per week. Di rector of Finance Swan stated that the basis of the staff report for both the Garbage collection fees and the Landfill gate fees is equity in all classes. Commissioner Weaver noted that the Commission must be cautious of subsidizing people for services provided in a proprietary capacity. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission provisionally adopt the proposed Commission Resolution No. 2453, setting the Garbage collection fees for FY 1983-84, and set the public hearing date for June 20, 1983. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver and Mayor Stiff; those voting No being Commissioner Vant Hull. Proposed Commission Resolution No. 2454 - Landfill fees for FY 1983-84 Acting City Manager Barrick presented Commission Resolution No. 2454, as prepared by I the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2454 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING A REVISED LANDFILL FEE SCHEDULE FOR USERS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LANDFILL. Acting City Manager Barrick recommended that the Commission provisionally adopt Resolution No. 2454, revising the Landfill fees for FY 1983-84, and set the public hearing date for June 20, 1983. 05-31-83 U89 It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Weaver, that the Commission provisionally adopt Commission Resolution No. 2454, setting the Landfill fees for FY 1983-84, and set the public hearing date for June 20, 1983. The motion carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver. Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. I Break - 5:20 to 5:25 p.m. Mayor Stiff declared a five-minute break at 5:20 p.m. to reconvene at 5:25 p.m., in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Discussion - Community Development Block Grant application Assistant Planner Mike Money stated last Tuesday the Bozeman Housing Committee and Community Development Block Grant Committee met with Housing Development Associates from Billings. As a result of that meeting, the CDBG Committee has submitted to the Commission the recommendation that the application for 1983 Community Development Block Grant monies be a comprehensive, multi-year application; and that the Commission consider hiring Housing Development Associates to write the appl ication. The Assistant Planner distributed a copy of the agreement to the Commissioners and recommended they authorize the Mayor to sign the contract after review and approval by the City Attorney. The Assistant Planner then introduced Mr. Mike Ross from Housing Development Associates. Mr. Mike Ross stated that the Professional Services Agreement submitted to the Commis- sion has been used in other communities around the state. If the agreement is approved, Housing Development Associates will work with the Planning Staff to develop an application for a comprehensive Community Development Block Grant. Mr. Ross stated that if the application is not funded, the City will incur no costs for the preparation of the application. If the application is funded, Housing Development Associates would like to be considered as part of I the management administration for the Block Grant, along with a member of the Planning Staff. If the Associates are hired in that capacity, there will be no cost to the City for writing of the appl ication. If the City hires someone else to administer the application, the Housing Development Associates will bill the City for writing of the application. Mr. Ross estimated the cost at $6,750.00 for a comprehensive grant. He stated that the funds for such a cost must be paid by the City, as that is not a legitimate cost for the CDBG monies. Mr. Ross stated that Housing Development Associates prepared three applications for CDBG monies last year; and all three applications were funded. He then stated that with any grant, the granting of monies can create problems. However. loans with a low interest rate or no interest, distributed through local lending institutions, generate citizen participation. He noted that these monies could be used for multi-family units, with guaranteed occupancy and rental rates. The monies would then be repaid and can be rolled over by the City for another use that is allowed under the CDBG guidelines. Mr. Ross stated that under the comprehensive program, the City would be eligible to receive $1.5 million over a period of three years. If the program is managed properly, the program can be sustained without further State monies. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission authorize and direct the Mayor to sign the Professional Services Agreement with Housing Development Associates, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney, and instruct the Staff to aid in preparing a comprehensive appl ication for CDBG monies to be used for low- and moderate-income housing. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson. Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver, I Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Discussion - Parking Commission recommendation - Commission Resolution No. 2061 Acting City Manager Barrick stated that Commission Resolution No. 2061 set the cash- in-lieu payment for parking stalls at $1,200.00 per stall. payable in a lump sum. The Parking Commission has recommended that the fee remain the same, but that businesses be allowed a ten-year period in which to make annual installment payments. Acting City Manager Barrick noted that the City Attorney and Director of Finance have submitted memos recommending the City maintain the policy that the amount be paid in a lump sum. 05-31-83 1.00 Mr. Harry Newlon, Chairman of the Parking Commission, stated that the Parking Commis- sion has submitted its recommendation based on past experience. He noted that the program has not been successful to date, with one cash-in-lieu payment having been received in the past six to seven years. He stated that the program was designed to help accommodate the parking requirements in the B-3 zone when a business requiring more parking spaces replaces an existing business. He stated that the Board of Adjustment has been granting variances to I the requirements because there are usually two to six parking spaces involved. Small businesses usually do not have the extra money to pay the cash-inlieu fee in a lump sum, but would be able to meet annual payments over a ten-year basis. Mr. Newlon suggested that the annual payments be tied to renewal of the Business License. He also stated that the Parking Commission supports the charging for administrative costs and charging of an interest rate on those cash-in-lieu payments that are made on the installment system. Mr. Newlon stated that the Parking Commission has supported the Board of Adjustment's actions in the past. He noted that their primary concern is to see the downtown area develop- ed; and they do not support anything that will prohibit that development. Commissioner Mathre noted that the current system is solving no problems. She suggest- ed the possibility of making payments in the same way that SID payments are made. Acting City Manager Barrick indicated that 51D1s are assessed against the property, and the cash-in-Iieu payment could not be assessed in that manner. City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith stated that the Commission could adopt a Resolution to provide for annual installment payments of the cash-in-Iieu fee. She noted that the State Statute does not specifically provide for such payments; but it also does not specifically deny such payments. Acting City Manager Barrick recommended that the Commission reaffirm Commission Resolu- tion No. 2061, and revise the section which requires annual review on May 1 of each year. The Commission deferred action on this matter for a period of one week. Request - permission to lease Lindley Park - Sweet Pea Festival - August 5, 6 and 7, 1983 I Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission a request on behalf of the Sweet Pea Festival for permission to lease Lindley Park for August 5, 6 and 7, 1983. Acting City Manager Barrick stated that last year the Sweet Pea Festival had paid $50.00 per day rental for the park and paid $291.00 for additional police personnel. The Chief of Police has indicated that the amount paid for police services was adequate. The Acting City Manager then recommended that the Commission approve this request. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Weaver, that the Commission approve the request for permission to lease Lindley Park for the Sweet Pea Festival to be held on August 5, 6 and 7, 1983 at the same rate that was charged last year. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. No. 2455 - intent to vacate aile North Fifth Avenue and south located In Tract 1 of the ort ddltlOn Acting City Manager Barrick presented Commission Resolution No. 2455, as prepared by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2455 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE THE ALLEY IN TRACT 1 OF THE NORTH SEVENTH ADDITION IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. I Acting City Manager Barrick stated that this matter has been before the Commission pre- viously, and a public hearing was held on this request on May 16, 1983. The Acting City Manager noted the initial process was flawed because a resolution of intent to vacate was not adopted prior to that public hearing. Acting City Manager Barrick then recommended that the Commission amend Section 3 to set the date for hearing all objections to the proposed vacation for June 6, 1983, subject to review by the City Attorney, and provisionally adopt Commission Resolution No. 2455. 05-31-83 101 It was moved by Commissioner Weaver, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission amend Section 3 to set the date for hearing all objections to the proposed vacation for June 6, 1983, subject to review by the City Attorney, and provisionally adopt the amended Commission Resolution No. 2455, stating the City's intent to vacate the alley lying west of North Fifth Avenue and south of West Aspen Street, located in Tract 1 of the North Seventh Addition. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being I Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Continued discussion - request for waiver of portion of investigation fee for Gambling License - Par 3 Supper Club and Lounge Acting City Manager Barrick stated that the Commission has adopted Ordinance No. 1129, reducing the investigation fee for gambling licenses and boilerroom operations from $200.00 per person to $50.00 per person. The Acting City Manager noted the Par 3 Supper Club and Lounge paid the larger fee and have now requested a reduction in the investigation fee prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. Acting City Manager Barrick noted that Ordinance No. 1129 is now in effect and recommended that the Commission approve the request submitted by Par 3 Supper Club and Lounge and authorize the refund of $450.00, which is the difference between the $600.00 paid and the $150.00 due under the new Ordinance. It was moved by Commissioner Weaver, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission approve the request for waiver of a portion of the investigation fee for a Gambling License submitted by the Par 3 Supper Club and Lounge in the amount of $450.00. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. I I nformation item - closing of Bozeman Nursery School - June 10, 1983 Acting City Manager Barrick stated that Mrs. Helen Heier, Director of the Bozeman Nursery School, has submitted a letter stating that the School, located in the building at Beall Park, will close as of June 10, 1983 due to financial reasons. Commissioner Mathre noted that a problem exists with the boiler in that facility, and the City cannot afford to repair it. Commissioner Vant Hull suggested leasing the building to an interested group, like the City now leases the Old Elk's Country Club. Acting City Manager Barrick stated that within the next few weeks, the City should be receiving at least one proposal for use of this building. Discussion - City Commission budget Mayor Stiff noted that budget requests are due in the City Manager's office next week. He requested that the Commissioners consider the amounts to be budgeted for Travel and Schools and the Commissionersl salaries prior to next week's meeting so that the budget request may be resolved at that meeting. He stated that the Commission must determine at which meetings and schools it wishes to be represented. Also, he noted that the Commission decreased its pay in January 1982, and those monies have been reserved for an employee incentive program and a contribution to the Swim Center. The Commission must now determine its pay and the use of any reserves. I Discussion - Centennial Park Commissioner Vant Hull noted that the Commission had received a letter from Mrs. Marilyn Koterwas prior to the Commission meeting. She noted that the people in the area of the old Legion Housing have been waiting for an answer from the Commission on their proposal for the Centennial Park. The Recreation Director and the Bozeman-Gallatin County Sports Council have requested that all requests for recreational facilities be deferred unti I a short-range recreation master plan has been developed, which wi II be in approximately ninety days. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she feels that the people in the area should receive an answer and action be 05-31-83 1U2 possibly taken prior to the receipt of a short-range master plan. She indicated that she feels the east side of the park should be graded and seeded this summer. Acting City Manager Barrick stated that at least six inches of gravel must be removed and soil put in before the east side of the park can be seeded. Commissioner Mathre asked if volunteer labor could be involved in this project. She also indicated that items should be considered that could be done without great expense to the I City. The Acting City Manager stated that if someone volunteers the necessary equipment, volunteer labor could be used. Following a brief discussion, Mayor Stiff requested that action on this item be deferred until the staff has had time to prepare possible options that could be done at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00 and the Commission has had an opportunity to review those options. Consent Items Acting City Manager Barrick presented to the Commission the following items: Request - waiver of open container ordinance - MSU Nursin Students - Bogert Park - une 3,1983,3:00 p.m. Authorize Call for Bids for caretaker1s residence at the Water Treatment Plant Acknowled e receipt of zonin hearin s process Authorize ayor to sign - Change rder No. 7 - Waste Water Treatment Plant, Phase I - Edsall Construction, I nc. - add $6,997.00 Claims It was moved by Commissioner Weaver, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed above and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions on these items. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commis- sioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Adjournment - 6:20 p.m. I There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Weaver, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. ALFRED M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission I 05-31-83