HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-17 475 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA December 17, 1984 ************************ The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, I Municipal Building, December 17,1984, at 4:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Weaver, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, City Manager Wysocki, Assistant City Manager Barrick, City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 1984, were approved as amended. Open bids - bond sale for SID No. 646, sanitary sewer and water mains in the North 7th Annexation This was the time and place set for the opening of the bids for the bond sale on Special Improvement District No. 646, financing the construction of the sanitary sewer and water mains in the North Seventh An nexation. The affidavit of publication for the "Call for Bids" was presented. City Manager Wysocki stated no bids have been received for purchase of the bonds for SID No. 646 and recommended that the Commission take no action at this time. He noted the petitioners which have limited ownership within this SI D have not yet established the escrow account, which must be established prior to the issuance of the bonds. He stated those interested in submitting bids for these bonds have indicated that the process must be started over and the bond sale readvertised to meet legal requirements. Commission Resolution No. 2541 - authorize call for bond sale for SID No. 646 - sanitary sewer and water - North Seventh Annexation I City Manager Wysocki presented Commission Resolution No. 2541, as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2541 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ADVERTISEMENT AND SALE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR PAYMENT FOR WORK AND MATERIAL IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 646 FIXING THE NUMBER, DATE, DENOMINATION AND MATURITY OF SUCH BONDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM THEREOF. The City Manager recommended that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2541, providing new authorization to call for bids for the sale of bonds for SID No. 646. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2541, authorizing the sale of bonds for Special Improvement District No. 646. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Com- missioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Introduction of Japanese guests Tsukasa Sugiyama and Kyosuke Takaki by Jim Thompson City Manager Wysocki stated that Commissioner Anderson had requested this item be placed on the agenda. Commissioner Anderson stated two English teachers from Japan are in Bozeman observing I English teachers in this country. She stated Mr. Jim Thompson, Chairman of the English Department at the Bozeman Junior J-Iigh School, has coordinated the stay of these two gentlemen in Bozeman. Mr. Thompson stated Tsukasa Sugiyama and Kyosuke Takaki are in the United States through an exchange program between Montana State University and a university in Japan. Commissioner Anderson then presented certificates to Mr. Sugiyama and Mr. Takaki, honoring them as citizens of the community. The Japanese guests thanked the Commission for the certificates. 12-17-84 415 Mayor Weaver thanked Tsukasa Sugiyama and Kyosuke Takaki for coming to the United States to view the manner in which English is taught here. He stated the Commission is aware of the difficulties that can arise from being away from one's family and one's own country, particularly during the Christmas holidays. A lication for Beer and Wine License - Cowbo Cafe, 215 East Main Street - for the period ending I City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission an application, along with the required fee, for a Beer and Wine License submitted by the Cowboy Cafe, 215 East Main Street, for the period ending December 31, 1984. He recommended the Commission approve this application contingent upon the receipt of the State License. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the application submitted by the Cowboy Cafe, 215 East Main Street, for a Beer and Wine License for the period ending December 31, 1984, contingent upon receipt of the State License. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. A plication for Beer and Wine License - Strombolis, 19 Tai Lane - for the period endin ecember 31, 1984 City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission an application, along with the required fee, for a Beer and Wine License submitted by Strombolis, 19 Tai Lane, for the period ending December 31, 1984. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the application submitted by Strombolis, 19 Tai Lane, for a Beer and Wine License for the period ending December 31, 1984. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. I Presentation - Jim Leiter, Solid Waste Mana ement Bureau in e ena, and ervice In ozeman City Manager Wysocki stated Mr. Leiter has requested an opportunity to address the Commission and provide an update on the landfill monitoring program currently being undertaken. Mr. Dave Jones, Soi I Conservation Service, stated the landfj II monitoring program was begun in 1981. Mr. Jones stated that water traveling through the garbage is what causes contamination and pollution. He noted the climate in the Bozeman area is wet, which causes more leachate; but the temperatures are cold, which decreases the amount of chemical reaction created by the moisture. Mr. Jones showed the Commission slides of various landfill sites around the state, then concentrated on slides showing the basic soil structure of the site and the contours of the land around the existing landfill site. He also indicated where the test wells are currently located and where additional test wells would be drilled. Mr. Jones then stated the present landfill was started in 1968 or 1969 and is in the present location because the property owner was willing to sell the land at a reasonable price and the type of soil located in the present landfill site is porous and does not retain water and is, therefore, easier to dig during the winter months. He noted the City owns land north and west of the present landfill; and the SCS recommends that a small portion immediately to the north and land to the west of the current landfill site might be suitable for this type of use. However, there is a ridge to the north of the landfill; and the drainage from the other side of I that ridge drains into Churn Creek and should not be used as a landfill area. Mr. Jones then stated a test monitoring well has been drilled near the shop at the land- fill; and three test wells have been drilled along the base of the hill between the landfill and Mcllhattan Road. The SCS is also monitoring a well at the Valley View Vet Clinic and a spring box for the clinic lying closer to the landfill as well as a well at a nearby farm. Also, moni- toring has been done on two seeps which are located close to Mcllhattan Lane in what is currently a pasture. Mr. Jones stated the tests to date have indicated that the two domestic wells and the 12-17-84 477 spring box have not been affected by the landfill. He stated the tests of the two seeps indicate that the amount of chromium in the water has increased to 1000 times the amount found in the test well; but that amount is well below any contamination levels. Mr. Jones indicated that all tests taken to date indicate that the water has been polluted by the landfill, but it is not contaminated. . Mr. Dave Jones then stated a barrel of sodium cyanide was buried along with some dead I animals in the early 1970's. He stated tests have not detected that substance yet, which indi- cates that the barrel may yet be intact, the sodium cyanide may be slowly seeping into the soil in very small amounts or the dead animals may be immediately counteracting the sodium cyanide. Mr. Jones stated if tests begin to show large amounts of the sodium cyanide, the City may need to consider action to alleviate the problem. Commissioner Anderson asked if any testing has been done for pesticides. Mr. Jones indicated no testing for pesticides has been done to date. He noted the testing for pesticides is expensive. Dave Jones stated in the proposal for the next phase of testing, monitoring wells would be drilled both shallow and deep to test the perched water as well as the groundwater. He indicated the SCS is particularly concerned about any potential contamination of the East Gallatin River, as well as contamination of any domestic wells in the immediate area. Mr. Jones stated the SCS is working with the State of Montana Department of Mines and Geology in an attempt to get them involved in the drilling of the new monitoring wells. He stated the City paid for the drilling of the three initial wells, which were completed by a private firm at a cost of $7,000.00. He stated the estimated cost of the 15 additional wells should be $10,000.00 if drilled by the Department of Mining and Geology; and that cost would be borne by the City. He also noted if they do the well drilling, testing of the soils can be done during the drilling process to deter- mine the type of soil at various depths and any possible contamination. Commissioner Jordan asked what laws would need to be observed in the starting of a new landfill . He also asked if any laws were in effect when the existing landfill was started. I Mr. Jones stated federal laws govern the opening of new landfills; and state laws supple- ment the federal laws. He noted in some instances, the state laws are more restrictive than the federal laws. Mr. Jones then stated environmental awareness was just beginning when the existing landfill was opened; but people felt that the new site was better than the old site, which was located along the bank of the East Gallatin River, resulting in some garbage dumping directly into the river. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if contamination in the deeper monitoring wells would be grounds for closing of the existing landfill. Dave Jones stated he would recommend that the City close the landfill after the estimated life span because there are so many unknowns about what is buried in the landfill and potential effects. He stated if the City utilizes only the portions of property recommended by the SCS, the existing landfill will last another two to five years. He noted that will provide adequate time for the City to find another landfill site which is suitable. Commissioner Vant Hull stated that since county residents also use the landfill, it would be desirable for the Leiter-Jones presentation to be made to the County Commissioners. Commissioner Anders~n noted that Dave Donahue has just completed an inventory of studies on surface and groundwater in the Bozeman area; and those studies are now in Dr. Howard Peavy's office at the University. She suggested that information may be beneficial in the monitoring. Mr. Jones stated he has reviewed various studies and gleaned pertinent information. He then indicated he would be willing to put a copy of his information in Dr. Peavy's office for I future reference. Commissioner Jordan asked if there is a reason for the dramatic increase in the chromium content. Mr. Jones stated there was a metal plating operation in Bozeman at one time, which could possibly have caused the increase. He also noted that chromium could be a by-prOduct of the electronics industry. Commissioner Jordan asked if it would be possible to put something into the monitoring wells to neutralize the contamination underground. 12-17-84 418 Dave Jones stated it is difficult to put any neutralizing agent in a well and hit the contamination to be neutralized. He stated the wells which have been drilled are extraction wells, through which the contaminated perched water could be pumped and then disposed of. Mr. Jones then stated after the existing landfill is closed, it could still probably be used as a Class 3 landfill, accepting items such as sidewalks, dirt, building materials and other inert materials, but no household wastes. Dave Jones then indicated after the existing landfill is closed, the leachate will become weaker and eventually create no problems for the surrounding I area. He also noted that other groundwater will cause dilution between the landfill site and the East Gallatin River and domestic wells in the immediate area. Commissioner Anderson asked if monitoring wells are required for all municipal landfills or are being requested at the local level. Mr. Dave Jones stated the Soil Conservation Service has inventoried all of the landfills in the state and determined those in which a pollution potential exists. He noted Bozeman is one of those about which the SCS is concerned because of the groundwater in the immediate area. Mr. Jim Leiter, Solid Waste Management Bureau in Helena, stated there are about twenty monitoring systems in Montana at the present time; and in a few years there will probably be about eighty. He noted Bozeman began monitoring its landfi II in 1980, which is well ahead of other landfill monitoring programs in the state. Mr. Leiter stated during the early years of the landfill operation, surface water was allowed to stand on the covered landfill area; and thus more water than necessary was allowed to permeate through the garbage. He stated the landfill has been recontoured in recent years; and grass is being seeded, which will decrease the amount of water which can seep through the garbage. Commissioner Anderson asked how much monitoring is required at a private landfill. Mr. Jim Leiter stated the same amount of monitoring is required for a private landfill as for a municipal landfill because they fall under the same state and federal regulations. Mayor Weaver asked when data wi II be avai lable from the new wells. Mr. Jones stated they hope to have the new monitoring wells drilled before the spring run-off . I Commissioner Anderson asked if there are specific criteria to be considered when looking for a new landfill site. Mr. Jones stated there are criteria. He also stated research has been done in Gallatin County; and the most environmentally sound landfill site is around Logan. He stated the City may be requested to consider establishing a transfer station and hauling its refuse to the Logan site in the future. Dave Jones then suggested that the City, County and MSU cooperate in seeking grant monies for purchase of a new landfill site. Mayor Weaver asked if the Commission should expect an update on the landfill monitoring program in the summer or next fall. Mr. Jones indicated they would be willing to submit an update at that time. The Commission thanked Jim Leiter and Dave Jones for their presentation. Break - 5:05 to 5:15 p.m. Mayor Weaver declared a break at 5:05 p.m., to reconvene at 5:15 p.m., in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Proclamation - "Bobcat Football Week" - December 16-22, 1984 City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission the proclamation for "Bobcat Football Week" during the week of December 16-22, 1984. He noted this proclamation recognizes the Bobcats as the 1984 National Champions of NCAA Division I-AA football, following Saturday's victory over Louisiana Tech. I It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission concur in the Mayor's proclamation of December 16 to 22, 1984, as "Bobcat Football Week." The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. 12-17-84 479 Authorize execution of necessary documents for financing of the IBM System/38 computer City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a memo from Director of Finance McKinney indicating the financial institutions which have been contacted about providing financing for the IBM System/38 computer. He noted that no local firms have indicated an interest in bidding on this item. He further noted that a written bid of 9.95% was received from Citicorp, and a written bid of $10.6% was received from E.F. Hutton. The City Manager then concurred in the I Finance Department staff recommendation that the bid for the sixty-month lease/purchase agreement be awarded to Citicorp. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that in the past the City has borrowed money against the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund and suggested that might be done for the computer, rather than borrowing from an outside source. City Manager Wysocki stated the amount to be financed is approximately $135,000.00. He noted the City would be required to pay the interest rate which is currently being received on the investment of the CPC Fund, which would be about the same or slightly higher than the rate bid by Citicorp. He further noted that there are outstanding loans against the CPC Fund; and the assessment for construction of the realigned Highland Boulevard is to be paid from the CPC Fund. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission authorize the execution of the necessary documents for a sixty-month lease/ purchase agreement to finance the IBM System/38 computer through Citicorp at their written bid of 9.95% interest. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voti ng No, none. Award bid - bond sale for SID No. 646, sanitary sewer and water mains in the North 7th Annexation City Manager Wysocki requested that this item be withdrawn from the agenda because no bids were received. I Award bid - construction bid for SID No. 646, sanitary sewer and water mains in the North 7th Annexation This was the time and place set to award the construction bid for Special Improvement District No. 646, for installation of the sanitary sewer and water mains in the North Seventh Annexation. City Manager Wysocki recommended that the Commission table awarding of the construction bid for SID No. 646 until the bids for the bond sale have been opened and award of the bid made. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that the awarding of the construction bid for Special Improvement District No. 646, for installation of the sanitary sewer and water mains in the North Seventh Annexation, be tabled unti I the bids for the bond sale have been opened and award of the bid made. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2540 - intent to annex Valley View Club Annexation . City Manager Wysocki presented Commission Resolution No. 2540, as prepared by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2540 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, THE INHABITANTS THEREOF AND THE INHABITANTS OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. City Manager Wysocki noted that the Commission had received the Planning Staff report at its regular meeting of December 3, 1984, and recommended that the Commission adopt this Resolution and set the public hearing for January 7, 1985. 12-17-84 ~ 480 It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2540, expressing th~ City's intent to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman to include the Valley View Club Annexation, and set the public hearing date for January 7, 1985. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Commissioner Jordan abstained from the vote. A I - City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission an application for a Raffle License, along with the required fee, submitted by the Montana Center for Sexually Abused Children and their Families for a raffle to be held February 1, 1985. To be raffled are gift certificates from The Chalet valued at $175.00. It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission approve the Raffle License requested by the Montana Center for Sexually A,bused Children and their Families for a raffle to be held February 1, 1985. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Discussion - FYI items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1) Weekly construction report submitted by Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, I nc., for the Water System Improvements, Group III, Schedule II. (2) A reminder that the Commission meeting to be held next week will be at 10:00 a.m. (3) A draft of guidelines for review of applications for Industrial Development Revenue bonds. (4) A draft of guidelines for review of applications for I ndustrial Development Revenue I bonds to be utilized for construction of housing projects. The Commissioners requested that the two proposed guidelines be placed on the December 31 agenda for discussion. (5) Commissioner Vant Hull noted the Commissioners had received copies of a letter from AI Cunningham, Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at MSU, concerning class study of a hydropower plant in Bozeman Creek. She asked if that should be placed on the agenda for discussion. City Manager Wysocki stated he feels this item can be handled administratively. He noted at this time, the project is simply a class study; and if any additional City action is required, he will place the item on the agenda. . (6) Commissioner Vant Hull indicated in a recent conversation with Bob Sanks, Professor at MSU, he indicated another reason for constructing a pilot water plant is that it may indicate economical ways in which to expand the capacity of the water filtration plant. (7) Commissioner Mathre stated she attended a Montana League of Cities and Towns meeting last Thursday. She indicated that Lieutenant Governor Turman met with the League in the morning and reviewed the Governor's position on the legislative program. She indicated the Governor's office supports the concept of local option taxes, not limited to the two local option taxes included in bills supported by the League. She stated the League discussed its position and decided the first priority will be the bills approved at the League convention, but the League will support other bills for local option taxes as well. The Commissioner stated that in the afternoon session, Phil Strope, representing the I nnkeepers' Association, stated he would not I support any bills for hotel/motel options. He indicated he would be more in favor of a state-wide hotel/motel tax than the local option tax, but will support neither. (8) Commissioner Jordan stated that items discussed at a recent water conference included discussion of the revenue Montana would realize from the sale of water. He stated it has been determined that the water in question is federal water; and Montana would realize little revenue from the sa Ie. He then stated he feels the City should consider acquiring as much of the Hyalite Reservoir water as possible. 12-17-84 481 Adjournment - 5:35 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. I KENNETH L. WEAVER, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission I I 12-17-84