HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-17 spec 309 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA August 17, 1984 *********************** I The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in a special session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, August 17, 1984, at 2:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Weaver, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, City Manager Wysocki, Assistant City Manager Barrick and Clerk of the Commission Sull ivan. Signing of the Notice of the Special Meeting The Mayor requested that each of the Commissioners sign the Notice of Special Commission Meeting. Each Commissioner in turn signed the Notice. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commis- sion waive the Commissioners' salaries for this meeting as established in Ordinance No. 1137. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Jordan; those voting No being Mayor Weaver. Work Session - FY1985 Budget Mayor Weaver stated the purpose of this special Commission meeting is to continue review of the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1984-85. The Commission then continued reviewing the City Manager's recommendations for the budget, as they had in the previous session. J- 1 Water Operations. City Manager Wysocki reviewed some of the items included in the various line items, I noting $25,000 is included under Contracted Services for a timber inventory. Also, monies for fixing a water line in Kagy Boulevard, a portion of the annual audit fees and the final payment on the rate study are included in Contracted Services. He also noted the Other line item in- cludes water purchases. Commissioner Anderson asked if monies for breaching of Mystic Lake Dam are included. The City Manager stated no funding is listed in the budget for breaching of the dam. He noted the City does not know the cost involved; and no indication of when the breaching will be com- pleted has been made. He noted the Middle Creek Water Users' Association is responsible for the breaching of the dam; and the City is only part owner in that group. Commissioner Anderson then asked if monies for purchasing water rights in Hyalite are included. The City Manager stated that would be considered under the CIP. Mayor Weaver noted the debt service is included in this year's budget, which it has not been in past years. J- 2 Water Treatment Plant. City Manager Wysocki stated the Water Treatment Plant was in operation approximately two months during FY1984. He stated all line items are estimates because there is no infor- mation on which to base the projections. He noted there is approximately $7,000 in the budget for modifications which may be needed. He stated $~ ,500 is also listed in the budget to install a telephone line alarm system which is triggered if specific functions are not performed Mayor Weaver noted there is an approximate $240,000 increase in water operations, which is basically the amount of the anticipated loan from the General Fund to the Water Fund. I The City Manager stated if the increased water rates are implemented, the amount of the projected loan will decrease. Also, if capital improvements are deferred for another year, the utility fund may almost break even without a loan from the General Fund. K- 1 Sewer Operations. Mayor Weaver noted when the debt service is subtracted from this year's total budget, a nominal increase is reflected. Commissioner Mathre asked if the audit is included in Contracted Services. City Manager 08-17-84 Special Meeting 31U Wysocki stated a portion of the audit costs are included, as well as a portion of the final pay- ment for the rate study just completed. Commissioner Anderson asked what is included in Machinery and Equipment. The City Manager stated one-half the cost of a pump (the other half of which is under Water Operations), drainage shoring and a small gas generator are included. K- 2 Sewage Disposal Plant. No questions. L- 1 Garbage Collection. I Commissioner Mathre asked what is included in Other. The City Manager indicated land- fi" fees. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if automated equipment is included in the budget. The City Manager stated that would be considered in the CI P, probably under a lease/purchase arrange- ment. He noted the initial investment for automation would be approximately $225,000, which would not totally automate the entire system. Commissioner Jordan noted the operation should pay for itself. The City Manager stated a 7 to 8 percent increase in fees will be needed with the existing equipment to provide suffi- cient revenues to pay all costs. Commissioner Anderson stated some people are concerned about the large containers that would be required if automation is implemented. She noted public acceptance must be gained for the conversion to be successful. L- 2 Garbage Disposal. Commissioner Jordan asked if there is any way to maintain a record of all vehicles enter- ing the landfill. He stated some concern has been expressed by individuals who have not re- ceived a receipt when entering the landfill. City Manager Wysocki stated it is important to pursue such reports to be sure all receipts are turned in to the Finance Department. Break - 3:15 to 3:25 p.m. Mayor Weaver declared a break at 3:15 p.m., to reconvene at 3:25 p.m., in accordance I with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Work Session (continued) - FY1985 Budget Commissioner Vant Hull suggested that the Commission consider Option No. 4 for funding of the budget, rather than Option No. 5 as recommended. She noted that would if"!crease the mill levy and eliminate the use of carry-over funds, which could be placed in a long-term road- way improvements. Mayor Weaver stated the anticipated demand on the Undesignated Reserve is approximately $225,000, and he feels the Reserve is uncomfortably soft. He also stated the City needs to take positive and constructive action on long-term transportation improvements, rather than depending entirely on FAU funding. He suggested $100,000 could be set aside for that purpose and that $100,000 of the CI P funding be set aside in deferred spending, rather than appro- priated during this fiscal year. Commissioner Mathre stated she is also concerned about the lack of adequate reserves. She stated if Gas Tax Fund monies are set aside for long-term street improvements, those monies are earmarked for that purpose only. Mayor Weaver then asked if the City can afford to add the proposed personnel and defer spending of $200,000. Commissioner Jordan stated he feels two new police officers must be added. He noted there are times only two police officers are on duty at night; and if DU I's occur, those officers do not have time to cover the entire city on patrol duty. I Commissioner Mathre noted the operations budget reflects a 9.69 percent increase, while inflation increased five to six percent. She asked if some items could be eliminated in that increase. City Manager Wysocki stated that $13,000 for library books and $18,400 for litigation are included in this year's budget but were not in the past. He noted if those items are subtracted and the percentage of increase is calculated, it will be much lower. He then suggested that the 08-17-84 Special Meeting 311 mill levy for the City-County Planning Department could be increased to 2.0 mills, and the amount to be transferred from the General Fund could be decreased. Commissioner Mathre stated the Planning Director indicated the proposed planner position has been advertised as a one-year position. She noted that could alleviate some of the concerns about funding that position in the future. The Commissioner then stated she feels any monies cut from the proposed budget should be taken from the carry-over and placed in the Undesignated I Reserve. The Commissioners then completed straw votes on each of the seven proposed personnel positions to be added in this year's budget. All of those positions were approved. The Commis- sion also concurred that the mill levy for the Planning Department should be increased to 2.0 mills. Also, straw votes on setting aside $100,000 in Gas Tax Apportionment monies for long- term roadway improvements and deferral of appropriating $100,000 in Revenue Sharing Fund monies in the CIP were approved. City Manager Wysocki stated if monies are needed for additional capital items during the upcoming fiscal year, he will request appropriating those monies. He indicated reservations about setting aside that amount of money but stated he would support it as long as he can request any needed appropriations. The Commissioners then concurred that any monies cut from the budget should be taken from the carry-over and placed in the Undesignated Reserve. The Commission then directed the staff to complete a Tentative Appropriation Ordinance, to be submitted to the Commissioners at Monday's meeting for consideration and possible adoption. - Adjournment - 4:30 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner I Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. KENNETH L. WEAVER, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission I , 08-17-84 Special Meeting