HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-16 CC Mtg - C6. Task Order 2 with Dowl for Sports Park TOP Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Carolyn Poissant – Manager of Trails, Open Space, and Parks Design and Development Mitch Overton – Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Task Order No. 2 - Professional Services Agreement with DOWL, LLC for Bozeman Sports Park TOP Bond Project MEETING DATE: August 8, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign Task Order No. 2 of the Professional Services Agreement with DOWL, LLC, hereinafter referred to as, “Consultant” for completion of the Phase I Site Plan and construction and bid documents the Bozeman Sports Park Expansion TOP Bond Project. BACKGROUND: Resolution No. 4521 was unanimously approved by the Commission April 14, 2014 for the allocation of Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) bond funding in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 for the acquisition of park land and development of the Bozeman Sports Park Project (“Park Project”), which requires the assistance of a professional design and engineering team. The resolution allocated up to (i) $2,100,000 for the acquisition of approximately 80 acres of park land; (ii) up to $1,788,000 for infrastructure improvements as stated in the Commission motion adopted April 7, 2014; and (iii) the remainder of the $7,500,000 for park development and construction of the approved park master plan. A consultant team led by DOWL was selected and awarded the design services contract for the Sports Park. The Consultant’s Scope of Work for Task Order No. 1 ($253,480) was completed with Commission approval of the Sports Park Master Plan on July 11, 2016. Task Order No. 2 includes preparation of the Phase I site plan and construction documents, along with coordination with the General Contractor Construction Manager (Dick Anderson Construction), the Bozeman Sports Park Foundation, and the City through the Development Review Committee process, up to bidding of the project by the GCCM. The budget remaining for construction of the park is approximately $3 million (excluding the GCCM fee and this request). Task Order No. 2 Scope of Services – see Attachment A - Exhibit A. TO # 2 FEE: $179,460. Total contract to date (TO #1 AND TO #2): $432,940 . 27 UNRESOLVED ISSUES: City engineering, community development, and parks department staff will continue to hold project status meetings to ensure that road and infrastructure design and construction in the rights-of-way surrounding the park, as well as improvements on adjacent properties being developed, are well coordinated ALTERNATIVES: Per Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: The Agreement will allow the project to proceed as previously approved. Attachment: Task Order No. 2 - Professional Services Agreement with DOWL, Inc. for Bozeman Sports Park Project, Exhibit A – Scope of Services Report compiled on: July 28, 2016 28 1 ATTACHMENT A Task Order No. 2 - Professional Services Agreement with DOWL, LLC for the Bozeman Sports Park Trails, Open Space, and Parks Bond Project THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this ____ day of __________________, 2016, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana, 59771-1230 (CITY) and DOWL, LLC, whose address is 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, Montana 59715, (CONSULTANT). WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated May 18, 2015, for design and engineering of the Bozeman Sports Park; and WHEREAS, revisions to the scope of services are necessary to complete the Project in accordance with the Master Plan approved by Commission; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached Task Order No. 2 for the Scope of Services for the Bozeman Sports Park (“Exhibit A”) are hereby incorporated in and made part of this agreement. Section 4 – Payment: Section 4 of the original agreement is modified to include: Task Order No. 1………$253,480 Task Order No. 2………$179,460 For a current contract total of $432,940 Except as specifically amended herein, the original agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. 29 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN DOWL, LLC BY: __________________________________BY:___________________________________ (City Manager) (Authorized Signatory) DATE:________________________________DATE:_________________________________ ATTEST: BY:____________________________________ (City Clerk) 30 EXHIBIT A 406-586-8834 ■ 800-865-9847 (fax) ■ 2090 Stadium Drive ■ Bozeman, Montana 59715 ■ www.dowl.com Alaska ■ Arizona ■ Colorado ■ Montana ■ North Dakota ■ Oregon ■ Washington ■ Wyoming March 9, 2016 Carolyn Poissant, MLA, AICP Manager of Trails, Open Space and Parks Design and Development City of Bozeman – Department of Parks and Recreation PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: Bozeman Sports Park Scope and Cost Proposal for Professional Services: Task Order #2: Phase 1 Dear Ms. Poissant, This letter serves as an outline of our proposed scope of services and fees to provide design, bidding and construction administration services for the City’s 80-acre sports park. The scope of work is based on our understanding of the project as the sports park Master Plan has been developed since May 2015 with input from City staff, user groups, affected groups, and the public. Since a Master Plan has been developed and approved by the City of Bozeman’s Development Review Committee (DRC) and City Commission, the project can move forward in a phased manner, based on available money from private fundraising efforts and the City. Phase 1 and Phase 2 site plans will be developed and also brought through the City of Bozeman DRC. Once the site plans have been approved, construction drawings and specifications will be finalized, necessary permitting will be obtained, and the project will be put out to bid. During construction, inspection and testing services will also be provided as further detailed in this Scope of Services. Our scope of work, based on our familiarity with the project, is as follows. I. Project Description • The following improvements are proposed for Phase 1 of the 80-acre park: o Approximately 8 sports fields for soccer, lacrosse, rugby, and other recreational uses. o Concessions, restroom, and maintenance building(s). o Irrigation Pond o Realign existing 27” PVC irrigation pipeline o Realign existing Maynard Ditch to outside the street ROW within the park o Picnic shelter pavilion(s) and dispersed picnicking facilities. o Several dispersed play features, shade structures, and spectator areas. o Accessible paved and gravel fines walkways and inter-connecting trails. o Native grass and landscaped areas incorporating green infrastructure. o Parking to accommodate approximately 240 vehicles (including barrier-free, van accessible, and bus parking). o Stormwater detention basin and site utilities. • The City has approximately $2.7 M for the development with another $1.0 M potentially being raised by the Bozeman Sports Park Foundation (BSPF) for the implementation of Phase 1. 31 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 2 • The Park’s conceptual master plan has been submitted for informal review with the City’s Development Review Committee (DRC). Based on the informal review comments, the Master Plan will be formally submitted for approval under the City’s Site Plan review process in DRC. Following approval of the final master plan, a Phase 1 Site Plan will be further developed in detail for approval by the City of Bozeman’s Development Review Committee (DRC). Following approval of the Phase 1 preliminary and final site plans, bid-ready construction documents will be developed. • Siegfried Engineering, Inc. (Siegfried), will be lead on the Master Site Development Plan and DOWL, LLC (DOWL) will be lead on guiding the master plan and Phases 1a & 1b Site Plans through City DRC review, as well as compiling the construction documents and coordinating efforts during the Construction Phase. It is anticipated that Siegfried will provide the majority of the graphic materials related to the Master Site Development Plan with the rest of the team members providing supporting materials, data, cost estimates and graphics as needed. DOWL will provide all civil-related items and conduct any necessary soils testing. Bayliss Architects will be responsible for all buildings, shelters, shade structures, site furnishings and wayfinding/signage. Siegfried will provide layout and design of any synthetic turf fields and the soil profile on natural turf fields. Steiner Thuesen will be responsible for landscape and park improvements of the sports fields and irrigation for the entire development. A Master Plan was developed over the past 7 months under Task Order #1. The following items will be included in Task Order #2: 1. Phase 1 Site Plan Application. 2. Construction Documents and 3. Permitting This cost proposal includes only the scope of services for Task Order #2 generally described above. II. Task Order #2: Bozeman Sports Park Scope of Work A. Phase 1 Final Scoping 1. Based on final fund-raising numbers, discussions from City Commission vote of the Master Site Plan, and an updated cost estimate, 2. The design team will meet with the City, Bozeman Sports Park Foundation and the Contractor to finalize the Phase 1 (including 1a and 1b) limits. Chris Chisam from Siegfried will attend this final scoping meeting to provide athletic facility expertise and design insight during the meeting. B. Phase 1 Site Plan Application Based on fundraising efforts by BSPF and City budget, the project will be broken into phases presented as a Phase 1 site plan submitted for DRC review. The Phase 1 site plan may be bid in up to two bid packages to expedite certain portions of the work. 1. Develop preliminary plans and specifications (60%) for the Phase 1 improvements. This Task Order estimate assumes the design of: a. The eight (8) northern-most playing fields b. Irrigation system and distribution network for the developed fields c. A portion of the 240-stall north parking lot (unlighted). The entire north parking lot will be designed to meet City of Bozeman’s parking lot landscape and lighting standards; it will be determined in the final scoping meeting the amount of parking improvements to construct. Lighting, striping and signage plans will accompany grading and drainage improvement plan sheets. 32 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 3 d. Realigning the Maynard Ditch from within the Flanders Mill ROW to inside the park’s boundary. The realigned ditch will have added sinuosity, a built-in flood plain, and riparian plantings along its new course. e. Realigned Maynard Irrigation Pipeline from underneath future fields and buildings. The existing 24”φ and 27”φ PVC pipeline will be moved to a new alignment that prevents the pipeline from interfering with construction of future phases of the park. f. A new irrigation equalization basin (pond) at the southeast corner of the tract. A reservoir capable of holding approximately 3 days of storage will be designed. Recent groundwater monitoring has determined the pond will need an HDPE liner and the pond will be bermed above existing grade approximately 6-8 feet. g. A pump station for the facility. A fully automated pump station will be designed to accommodate the first phases of the park, with the capability to expand as the park continues to develop. The pump will most likely be a vertical turbine pump with a variable frequency drive (VFD). There will be filter and fertigation components within the pump station. There has been some discussion during planning meetings with the City that the fertigation units only fertilize the turf fields; this may require extra piping to isolate the fields from other areas within the park, but will be presented in more detail with cost options as the design develops. The pumps will need to be housed in a small pump building adjacent to the irrigation pond that will supply the irrigation mains for the entire park which will be designed by Bayliss Architects. h. Irrigation Distribution network—The new irrigation system design will employ durable, park/commercial-grade equipment that will perform will in dirty water situations. We will recommend equipment based on our experience and knowledge of available products and equipment that is currently being used by the Bozeman Parks Department. All irrigation infrastructure will be sized for future development of the park. i. As part of the master planning process, we completed a Central Irrigation Control System (CICS) evaluation. Several CICS manufacturers presented their products to the parks department. We participated in these presentations primarily via conference call. A detailed questionnaire was given to each manufacturer. Both the presentation and questionnaire responses were evaluated and scored creating a raking for each CICS. A CICS has not been selected as of yet. It is unclear at this point whether or not this project will be the initial CICS site and as such provide the main CICS components or whether it will be added to an existing CICS. At a minimum, it will be added to an existing CICS or at least designed to be compatible with a future CICS. We have talked to Lain Leoniak and Thom White and told them that a decision on the CICS will be needed by mid-July to allow us to move ahead on the design. Deployment of the CICS to other sites is not included in our scope of work. j. Stormwater improvements—An overall analysis of the park’s stormwater needs will be assessed with detention ponds at the north end sized for full build-out of the park. Swales will be constructed directing field drainage away from playing areas which will be incorporated into the SWPPP and final design for the park. k. Field Drainage—Siegfried will coordinate site grading and drainage with DOWL for the field areas that is capable of evacuating water quickly off of the playing surface. . l. Field Amendments—Siegfried will develop plans and specifications for the design of a soil matrix capable of handling the proposed hours of use on the site that is combined with the level of maintenance that the City will provide. m. Restroom facilities. A pre-fabricated restroom facility will be compared to the costs of a designed building and presented to the City to decide which route to take. 33 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 4 n. Water and Sewer improvements. Water and sewer services and mains will be extended into the park from adjacent mains to service restrooms, concession facilities, and storage buildings. o. Trail network—While the overall trail network within the park will be developed over time, major connecting trails will be extended through the park in the first phases to encourage users, the general public and school children to use the park right away. p. Wayfinding—Siegfried will develop a cohesive wayfinding guideline for the overall buildout of the park. Signage to include: i. Entry signs to match the City of Bozeman’s standard signage ii. Site maps/legend iii. Directional signage iv. Destination signage v. Educational signage q. Landscape improvements—All landscape improvements will be designed to meet the city’s landscape ordinance requirements. It should be noted that the site’s existing topsoil quality is good and the City’s recommended soil amendment guideline will not be used under non-play field areas. Plants selected will be based on the following documents: i. City of Bozeman’s Drought Tolerant Plants ii. City of Bozeman’s Water Smart Plants iii. City of Bozeman’s Boulevard Tree Selection Guide. r. Subdivision Exemption Form 2. Plan sheets anticipated: a. Site and field grading b. Maynard Irrigation pipeline realignment c. Maynard Irrigation ditch realignment d. Irrigation pond, pump station and pumphouse e. Site irrigation controller, mains and laterals f. Water main & service extensions g. Sewer main & service extensions h. Parking lot grading with stormwater detention/retention i. Parking lot signage and striping plan j. Trail plan k. Wayfinding and site signage plan l. Structures, Shelters and Amenities (shade structures, restrooms, picnic shelters, pump house, benches, garbage facilities, etc.) m. Electrical (general site service, site and parking lot lighting, and service line design to bathrooms, concessions, maintenance shed and pump house) n. Planting plan o. Detail Sheets C. Permitting. Relocating the Maynard Ditch along the eastern boundary of the property and its associated wetland will require federal and state permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), respectively. 1. CWA Section 401/404-- Permitting for the relocated wetland will require a permit from the USACE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. DOWL anticipates the project can be authorized under a Nationwide Permit 39 – Commercial and Institutional Developments (NWP-39) for this activity, as the total size of the wetland is approximately 0.386 acres, below the 0.5 acre threshold for an Individual Section 404 permit. Mitigation for relocation of the ditch and wetland are not anticipated, as preliminary plans for the relocation will add a more natural sinuosity to the ditch, with a vegetated buffer expected to facilitate a wetland fringe 34 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 5 similar to current conditions. The State of Montana has issued 401 Water Quality Certifications to the USACE’s NWP program, and therefore the approval of a NWP by the USACE satisfies the 401 permitting process. DOWL will use Montana’s Joint Application to complete the CWA 401/404 permitting process. There is no application fee for a NWP-39. Activities of this nature are typically processed by the USACE in 45 days. 2. 318 Authorization Permitting—A 318 Authorization from MDEQ will also be required. DOWL will complete the application for this process as well as using Montana’s Joint Permit Application form. DEQ usually processes these applications within 30-60 days. 3. State of Montana SWPPP—As this project will disturb more than 0.5 acres, it will require a SWPPP to be filed with MDEQ which will act as a plan during construction to protect adjacent bodies of water by preventing sediment pollution created by this project. DOWL will help develop the SWPPP but will not act as the SWPPP Administrator; the duties of SWPPP Administrator will be covered by the contractor. There is a $750 application fee for this permit. 4. City of Bozeman Stormwater Permit 5. MDEQ Water and Sewer Main Extensions—If required, certified checklists will be completed for water and sewer main extensions. Application fees are $280 for each checklist. 6. Prepare necessary reports to the city of Bozeman Engineering Department (water, sewer and stormwater) D. Final Construction Documents & Bidding Plans will incorporate DRC and/or Commission comments. Based on fundraising efforts and City budget, the project may be broken into multiple construction packages. For each plan set DOWL and the design team will: 1. Work with the City, the Bozeman Sports Park Foundation and selected contractor in a collaborative effort to finalize plans and specifications and maximize savings to the City and Bozeman and the Sports Park Foundation. Two plan set iterations are anticipated. 2. Submit final plans to City of Bozeman Engineering Department and/or DEQ for approval 3. Attend up to two (2) pre-bid meetings for subcontractors 4. Answer questions from subcontractors during bidding phase 5. Attend project pre-construction meeting 6. Project Management Meetings Summary 1. Phase 1 Final Scoping a. Attend 2 scoping meetings with the City of Bozeman, Bozeman Sports Park Foundation and Contractor. 2. Phase 1 Site Plan Application a. Attend 3 DRC meetings b. Attend Commission meeting for Final Phase 1 presentation and approval if required. 3. Permitting a. Meeting with City Stormwater Director b. Two review meetings with design team, contractor, owner and BSPF 4. Final Construction Documents a. Pre-bid meetings (up to 2) b. Pre-construction meeting 35 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 6 Summary of Deliverables: 1. Phase 1 Final Scoping. An updated cost estimate will be prepared to help finalize the Phase 1 scope and design elements. 2. Phase 1 Site Plan Application. The Site Plan application will be prepared in accordance to Bozeman Code of Ordinances. With the requisite number of applications turned into the City, extra hard copies will be provided to the City Parks and Recreation Department and the Bozeman Sports Park Foundation. 3. Permitting: Scanned copies of executed and approved permits will be circulated to the Owner and Contractor. 4. Final Construction Documents: a. Review Meetings: Pdf versions of the drawings will be available before all review meetings. DOWL will produce 3 full-size plan sets for each review meeting that will be used for red-lining purposes. An updated construction estimate will be prepared as well. b. Final Plan Set: DOWL will provide a link to download the final construction drawings and specifications, in addition, a hard copy of specifications and full-size set of drawings will be delivered as follows: i. City Parks and Recreation Department (1 set) ii. BSPF (1 set) iii. Contractor (3 sets) Exceptions to the scope 1. It is understood that the following are not included in DOWL’s Scope: a. Permit fees and plan review fees, b. Traffic Impact Study, c. Boundary survey, locating and setting boundary corners, and Record of Survey Map or Final Map, d. Environmental Impact Report, e. Hazardous waste testing, monitoring and contingency plan, f. Environmental Assessment, or Subsurface Investigation, asbestos and lead containing material investigation and report, g. Permit application and plan review fees, h. Gas, communication, and telephone service plans, i. Amending any existing water rights j. Application for utility services k. Synthetic turf design l. Maynard Ditch realignment III. Task Order #2 Fixed Fee Proposal The total budget to undertake the scope of Task Order #2 as detailed in this proposal is $179,460. This is based on an estimated 1,600 hours of professional and technical time, and includes $2,000 in reimbursable expenses. Expenses include travel, printing and laboratory testing costs. A summary of the costs is presented below and a detailed break-down of the hours is also included as an attachment to this proposal. 36 Ms. Carolynn Poissant City of Bozeman Parks 7/29/2016 Page 7 Phase Description Professional Services Fee A Phase 1 Final Scoping $18,119 B Phase 1 Site Plan Application $105,594 C Permitting $38,617 D Final Construction Documents $24,530 TOTAL PHASED FIXED $179,460 We have enjoyed working with you over the past year developing this project and look forward to bringing this project to fruition. If you have any questions regarding this proposal whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call me directly. We will commence work upon your written authorization to proceed. Sincerely, DOWL _______________________ Zach Lowe, P.E. Project Manager enclosures: professional fee cost details 37