HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-16 Skinger, Public Comment - Midtown Rezoning 0712912016 14:43 MSU ASK US DESK TAX)W 994 3MO P.001 Erica A.Skinger,815 North 5th Avenue,V, Bozeman,MT 59715 (406)556-5090 A'U5 01 &.0 d6 ericaskingeriO.140prnail,com !I OF Nilfy p �r�lr_ pnn��!T July 29,2016 Based on environmental.challenges to various aspects of HEALTH,here is my input about my disagreement with Residential-5 (R-5)as an acceptable brand new zone for Bozeman if it is to be used in the proposed locations still remaining near North 71h Avenue in Bozeman, Montana. The remaining areas still-proposed for R-5 are(a)the two large tracts in open space(one is agricultural) on either side of North 7th Avenue between Oak and Peach Qurston Street;(b)one small area on very short North 61h; and (c)one somewhat larger area on North 51h. R-5 is ultra high density zoning; single family homes only; as high as four stories. The proposed wording for'the ordinance adding this new zone has been approved by the City'Commission, but a second draft, evaluation, and input appear to be on-going at this time.This is,proposed for the Midtown Plan/North 7th Avenue study area. All of the remaining R-5 is within two blocks of high traffic volume: North Pi` Avenue is an entrance corridor from the Interstate and is also amain connector to many areas in Bozeman,used by-many more people than those exiting or entering the Interstate. There are many bar-restaurants,fast foods,gas station/quickstops,and motels on North 7th and also two big boxes remaining—if the old IGA building is a Big Box. It is a predominantly commercial zone. OFFICIAL POLLUTANTS AND SOURCES North 71h Avenue is a line source of CARBON MONOXIDE and particulate matter..from automobiles. Whatever the other sources of PARTICULATE MATTER are (cell phone towers are one,whether or not these apply to North 7th), Bozeman is required to measure for PARTICULATE MATTER because'it is the EPA monitored pollutant that Bozeman now sometimes exceeds the safe levels of. This is handled by Montana Department of Environmental Quality.We do reach levels that are unsafe for active children and adults.One date I know of was in early May this year—.we could have had many such dates this year. USA-wide, many telecommunication companies are forming mergers,as of only about one year ago:this gives their customers more reach and more power. Even the FCC wants input with concerns about this, for the review periods. With Bozeman's new high speed fast broadband width fiber optic conduits and pipelines,won't we be needing more and more PARTICULATE MATTER.spew.ing cell phone towers somewhere? NOISE IS another phenomena ranked with pollution. Dairy Gold is a factory,you might say,on North 7th in the middle of the two open space areas recently planned for R-5.One R-5 would be to the west of it, the other to the east of it. NOISE seems to us who live at Sunset Mobile Home Park, quite nearby Dairy Gold along Tamarac Street(address is now North 51h),to be one'of the main required tools for operating Dairy Gold,where the milk trucks keep their loads cool at night. Because Dairy Gold often goes for long stretches without the midnight or early morning or now all day NOISE, it is hard to understand what role NOISE plays. Perhaps they have secondary NOISE-requiring markets going'at times. 0712912016 14:45 MSU ASK US DESK f AX)406 994 3228 P.001 NOISE also reverberated through our area, similarly very disturbing and creating problems for Sleep(=�'tiR I IVi LN T OF quality and duration,coming from enst{w commercial building—the now remodeled fo ITY ()I Vk.LUPMI NT building(Van's).This.building has gone quite silent for now, but I am wondering if it is now an even higher level of noiseless radiation—ultrasonic. Perhaps some NOISE also originates at closeby Mixers Club,Village Inn Pizza; and Midtown Tavern at times. It is often,quite hard to tell where the very intrusive NOISE is,coming from. The seven overhead wires on the poles along Tamarac Street south side sidewalk, or maybe it is the places on the poles'overhead crossbars, have a hissing NOISE at times, since about 2011, The HISS lasts for hours.and hours.This NOISE is quite a bad experience. it seems to permeate one's physiology, and it does not seem healthy. Sorry to revert to extra-sensory perception, but this citizen,this very June, perceived a thought someone was thinking; 'Montana Power cannot make power from this thin string of people'—addressing the HISS. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES IN THE R-5 PLANNED AREA? The HUD highrise for the elderly, Darlington Manor, at North 5xh and Tamarac,offers some"supported housing" units. This is for telemental health and related services, done overthe Internet with monitoring. One notable finding on checking the Internet with keywords, is that"high,density zoning" and "supported housing"found 9 out of 10 listings on the first page (both keyword phrases occurring in the 9 short abstracts). Have other people in the area of Darlington manor been receiving unasked for supported housing? Some people are averse to these tele health services,and find it to be ruinous. Some,high density housing, referred to as"Stack and pack,"will use Smart Grid,Tessla meters,and are thought to be a,problem by groups opposing agendas undemocratic(as they see them)being pursued by Agenda 21 grand plans. I wonder how much hydrogen in bodily tissues and cells will be used for the 'building energy and perhaps transferred on the energy grid for commercial investments? Will this be a nice quality of life—the livability we seek? The restaurant'applicants for the land that became Famous Dave's, a restaurant at the corner of.North 71"and Oak,at a City Commission meeting years ago,assured the Commissioners that they already had. their mining permit. Do they do aerosol mining with noise? That building looks right out over the R-5 desigriated area. Along the very north end of North 51^Avenue, including behind the place-where Kmart stood, new,odd- looking telephone poles were put up only a year or two ago,wires strung along soon thereafter.. We are connecting the substations, one of the workers told me when I asked what they were doing.At another phase,another worker told me they were making moderating of energy possible,or modulating. I had once read that this means increasing power;'not decreasing power. Close to.15 years ago,someone I had met in Bozeman told me he was working. Montana Power changing people's electricity meters to Smart Meters whatever that is. He was working around our mobile.home park area, in this same district. Crowding stress has been studied for years. Unhealthy stress from too much density is likely in R-5. Has Bozeman really checked into the effects on"general welfare,health, safety,and morals",the reasons for zoning,.of R-5, ultra high density zoning?