HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-16 Linked City Commission Meeting AgendaPage 1 of 4 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday, July 11, 2016 Table of Contents A. Call to Order – 6:00 PM - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Changes to the Agenda D. Minutes 1. Approve the City Commission Minutes from March 21, April 4, April 11, May 16, June 20, June 27, 2016 and the April 29, 2016 Local Government Roundtable Luncheon Minutes Consider the motion: I move to approve the combined City Commission Minutes from March 21, April 4, April 11, May 16, June 20, and June 27, 2016, the April 29, 2016 Local Government Roundtable Luncheon Minutes as submitted. E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) 2. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Latitude Geographics for Geocortex Web Map Form Development (Henderson) 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Addendum Number 1 to the Agreement Between the City of Bozeman and the Bozeman Sports Park Foundation, Inc. for the Bozeman Sports Park Project (Poissant) 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment Number 2 to the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Grant Agreement for Bozeman Creek Enhancement TOP Project (Poissant) Bozeman City Commission Agenda, July 11, 2016 Page 2 of 4 5. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 1955, Downtown East Main Zone Map Amendment Changing Zoning on 25.82 Acres from B-2 (Community Business) District and R-4 (High Density Residential) District to B-3 (Central Business) District and PLI (Public Lands and Institutions) District. Location: 608-777 East Main Street, 24 North Wallace Avenue, and 710-714 East Mendenhall Street, Application Number 15579 (Saunders) Consider the motion: I move to approve Consent Items 1-5 as submitted. F. Items Acted Upon Without Prior Unanimous Vote 1. Final Adoption of Ordinance 1952, a Text Amendment of the Bozeman Municipal Code to Define and Apply Cottage Housing and Establish Standards and Review Procedures, Application Number 16146 (Saunders) Consider the motion: Having provisionally adopted Ordinance 1952 on June 27, 2016 by a vote of 4-1, and reviewed and considered the ordinance text, public comment, and all the information presented, I move to finally adopt Ordinance 1952, the Bozeman Municipal Code text amendment defining and applying Cottage Housing and establishing standards and review procedures. G. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. H. Mayoral Proclamation 1. Hiring Our Heroes I. Action Items 1. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with Gallatin County for the Law and Justice Center Project and Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Agreement on Behalf of the City (Winn) Consider the motion: Having considered public comment and the information presented by staff, I hereby move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Law and Justice Center Project Interlocal Agreement with additional changes consistent with the purpose and intent of the attached draft. 2. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Site Plan to Allow the Construction of 216 Apartments in Multiple Buildings within Lot R, Baxter Meadows Phase 2B Major Subdivision (Quasi-Judicial) (Rogers) Bozeman City Commission Agenda, July 11, 2016 Page 3 of 4 Consider the motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 15-439 and move to deny the Sundance Apartments Conditional Use Permit. 3. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with Certificate of Appropriateness Application to Allow the Sales of Alcohol for On-Premise Consumption and to Modify the Building Facade at 25 West Main Street for a New Restaurant, Jam Fusion Cafe (Quasi-Judicial) (Owens) Consider the motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16199 and move to approve the 25 West Main Street Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the establishment of sales of alcohol for on-premise consumption and to modify the building facade with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. 4. Vacation Rental Code Development and Community and Commission Priorities for Fiscal Year 2017 (Thomas/Kukulski) Consider the motion: No motion is required. Advertised as an Action Item so that Commissioners may review the recommendations, gather additional public input, and provide direction to staff. 5. Policy Discussion on Mobile Vending (Thomas/Kukulski) Consider the motion: No motion is required. Advertised as an Action Item so that Commissioners may review the recommendations, gather additional public input, and provide direction to staff. 6. Adopt the Bozeman Sports Park Master Plan (Poissant) Consider the motion: In consideration of all public input, the staff presentation, and information received to date, I hereby move to approve the adoption of the Bozeman Sports Park Master Plan as per the Bozeman Municipal Code Section 26.02.220. J. FYI/Discussion K. Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our Interim ADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn, at 582-2307 (TDD 582-2301). Bozeman City Commission Agenda, July 11, 2016 Page 4 of 4 Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 190 and streamed live at www.bozeman.net. City Commission meetings are re-aired on cable Channel 190 Wednesday night at 4 p.m., Thursday at noon, Friday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.