HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-19 32U MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA August 19, 1985 ************************ The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, August 19,1985, at 4:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Weaver, Commissioner Mathre. Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, City Manager I Wysocki, City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 12, 1985, were approved as amended. Mayor Weaver asked if the Commissioners wished to remove any of the Consent Items for discussion. Commissioner Mathre requested that the memo from Steve Cottrell, Director of Libraries, regarding the- change of library hours, be removed from the Consent Items for discussion. Request - extension of Goinq-Out-of-Business License - Qual itv Wholesale Co., 431-439 North Seventh A venue City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a request submitted by R. R. Nelson, Quality Wholesale Co., 431-439 North Seventh Avenue, for an extension of his Going-Out-of- Business License. City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith stated the Code does not provide any method for extension of a GOing-Out-of-Business License; therefore. this matter is submitted to the Commission for consideration. Mr. Bob Nelson, owner of Quality Wholesale, stated he has tried to comply with the City ordinance. He indicated that he did not obtain a license immediately because he was not aware that a Going-Out-of-Business License was required. He indicated that he obtained the license on June 19; therefore, the license expires on this date. Mr. Nelson then indicated he had a large inventory when the sale began; and much of the merchandise is seasonal, such as snow I blowers and insulated coveralls. He then requested that the Commission consider a sixty-day extension of the license to allow him an opportunity to reduce his inventory. Commissioner Vant Hull stated the ordinance regulating Going-Out-of-Business Licenses was originally adopted because some local businesses were constantly conducting "going-out- of-business" sales, yet bringing in new merchandise. She then noted that ordering new products is expressly prohibited in the Code and asked Mr. Nelson if he has brought in any new merchan- dise during this sale. Mr. Nelson stated he has had backorders come in, but he has submitted no new orders; and his purchase order books are inactive. He then reminded the Commission that he has a 15,000 square-foot store and two warehouses totaling more than 15,000 square feet which are equally full. Mayor Weaver noted the City staff has requested, but not received, an inventory of the merchandise as required in the Code. He then asked if it is possible to submit an inventory as a part of this extension. Mr. Nelson stated when he appl ied for the GOing-Out-of-Business License, he asked about the requirement for the inventory and was told by the clerk that the requirement would be waived in this instance. He also noted that taking a physical inventory of the merchandise would cost about $10,000.00. City Manager Wysocki stated he is not aware of any point at which any provision of the Code was waived for the subject license. The City Attorney also noted there is no administra- I tlve authority in the Code for waiving any portion of the ordinance. Commissioner Anderson asked about alternatives to extension of the current license, such as requiring that a new license be requested. The City Attorney indicated that the Code specifically indicates that only one Going-Out-of-Business License may be issued to a business in one year. She noted this provides some consumer protection and provides for more truth in advertising. Mayor Weaver noted that the process has been flawed because of the applicant's failure to provide an inventory and suggested that an inventory be required to document the applicant's 08-19-85 32] seriousness to meet the Code's requi rements. The Mayor then stated he does not feel government should interfere with the conduct of business; however, the Intent of the Code must be met while trying to accommodate the applicant's needs. City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith indicated that a book inventory would satisfy the require- ments of the Code; and stated that the City is not asking the applicant to undergo a physical inventory at this time. The City Attorney then requested that, if the Commission votes to I approve the requested extension, they establish a date certain as the termination of the sale and that some form of inventory list be submitted to comply with the requirements of the Code. Mayor Weaver suggested that the Commission approve the extension, contingent upon the provision of suitable documents of the inventory. The City Attorney indicated she does not feel the City staff should be put in a position of negotiating the type of documentation that will be accepted. Commissioner Jordan indicated he does not have any problems with granting one extension, possibly of ninety days. However, he feels the applicant should be aware of the fact that only one extension will be granted; and after that is expired there will no more extensions. City Manager Wysocki asked if ninety days is reasonable from a practical standpoint. Mr. Nelson indicated he should be able to liquidate most of his inventory within ninety days, especially since a change of season is upcoming shortly. Mayor Weaver then suggested that the Commission consider extending the GOing-Out-of- Business License to December 31, 1985. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission approve the request submitted by Quality Wholesale Co. for an extension of their GOing-Out-of-Business License, with the extension to expire on December 31, 1985. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commis- sioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull. that the I Commission direct staff to review the ordinance applying to Going-Out-of-Business Licenses. with a recommendation to be submitted back to the Commission as soon as possible. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commis- sioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. in a bed and breakfast inn - William Davis. 719 North City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the request for clarification of uses allowed in a bed and breakfast inn submitted by William Davis, 719 North Wallace Avenue (Lehrkind Mansion Inn). had been tabled at their regular meeting of August 5, 1985. He then submitted to the Commission a memorandum, along with a memorandum from City Attorney Crumbaker- Smith listing two alternative methods for changing the current use of his facility if the Commission reaffirms that the definition of a bed and breakfast inn is set forth in Condition No. 14 on the Voss Inn (Tonn) Conditional Use Permit. The City Manager then indicated he feels that the definition, which states "The proposed bed and breakfast use is to be defined as a single-family structure, owner-occupied, renting overnight accommodations and providing break- fast only to those persons renting the accommodations," was understood by the Commissioners during deliberations on the Conditional Use Permit requested by William Davis. City Manager Wysocki then reminded the Commission that the request under consideration currently is the definition of a bed and breakfast inn, which will clarify the uses allowed. I Commissioner Vant Hull asked if one of the reasons for the Conditional Use Permit process is to allow the City to review the proposal and attach conditions to approval to meet the needs of the area. The City Attorney indicated that it is. Commissioner Vant Hull then noted that different areas and different zones require different conditions. She indicated that she feels if the definition set forth in the Tonn request is used for this application, all of the other conditions should apply as well. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the Voss Inn (Tonn) request was the first bed and breakfast inn considered; and the definition contained in Condition No. 14 is 08-19-85 322 the only existing definition. He noted that definition stipulates what will be allowed in such a facility, regardless of its location. The City Manager noted the only other request for a bed and breakfast inn is the Lehrkind Mansion Inn, which is under consideration in this item. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull that it is the consensus of the Commission the definition of a bed and breakfast inn at the time the Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit for the Lehrkind Mansion I nn on behalf of Mr. Davis, was different from the definition cited in Condition No. 14 in the Voss Inn (Tonn) Conditional Use Permit. The motion died for I the lack of a second. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that it is the consensus of the Commission the definition of a bed and breakfast inn at the time the Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit for the Lehrkind Mansion Inn on behalf of Mr. Davis, was the same as the definition cited in Condition No. 14 in the Voss Inn (Tonn) Condi- tional Use Permit. The following amendment was placed on the floor: It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull that the motion be amended to indicate that it is the consensus of the Commission the definition of a bed and breakfast inn at the time the Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit for the Lehrkind Mansion Inn on behalf of Mr. Davis, was the same as the definition cited in Condition No. 14 in the Voss Inn (Tonn) Conditional Use Permit, and to require that all of the conditions placed on the Tonn Conditional Use Permit be required on the Lehrklnd Mansion Inn also. The motion died for the lack of a second. Commissioner Mathre noted that when the public hearing on the Tonn Conditional Use Permit was conducted, several neighbors expressed concern that meals in addition to breakfast would be served. She also noted that what constitutes a bed and breakfast inn was discussed at length; and it was the consensus that no other meal was a part of a bed and breakfast inn. The Commissioner then stated that the definitions listed in the Zone Code are not based on particular zoning districts; and she does not wish to have the definition of a bed and breakfast inn tied to a specific zone. Commissioner Vant Hull asked the Planning Staff if it is common to have a more strict I definition than that which is common in other areas. Assistant Planner Elkins stated it is common to have more strict language in the Zone Code than the common language definition. Mayor Weaver stated he supports reaffirming the definition of a bed and breakfast inn as listed in the Tonn Conditional Use Permit because a fundamental redefinition would be incon- sistent with past actions; and a new definition would require a public hearing to provide an opportunity for all parties in the affected areas to participate. He also noted that to redefine the Commission's intent at the time of the public hearing on the Lehrkind Mansion Inn Conditional Use Permit would be to short-circuit or obviate an opportunity for public comment. The Mayor also indicated he feels the Zone Code Amendment process would be appropriate and would provide an opportunity for public comment prior to change in the uses allowed in a bed and breakfast inn. The original motion, to reaffirm the definition of a bed and breakfast inn as listed in the Tonn Conditional Use Permit, then carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No being Commissioner Vant Hull. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission conduct a public hearing to determine the proper definition for a bed and breakfast inn in the M-l, Commercial--Light Manufacturing, district, recognizing the differences between that zone and the residential zone. The motion failed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull; those voting No being Commissioner Anderson, Commis- sioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Weaver. I Commissioner Mathre stated her vote against this motion does not indicate her opposition to the applicant's desire to expand the use of the bed and breakfast inn, but indicates that she does not feel that is the appropriate process. She stated she feels the applicant should seek the process he desires to follow for his request, but the City has established a definition for a bed and breakfast inn and should not initiate procedures to change that definition. 08-19-85 .323 ermission to place advertisin on hockey boards at Bo ert Park - Ro er Stoltzfus, ssociation City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a request received from Roger Stoltzfus. Bozeman Hockey Association. for permission to place advertising on hockey boards at Bogert Park. He reminded the Commission that they approved a similar request previously at the Recreation Complex for the American Legion Baseball. He then indicated the Recreation Advisory I Board has reviewed this request and recommended approval. He concurred with that recommenda- tion, with the condition that all advertising be placed on the inside of the boards and that the Bozeman Hockey Association be responsible for maintenance of the signs. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that in the past winters, the boards have shattered during the hockey season. She questioned whether the materials used in the boards would be changed so that the advertising would be maintained longer. Commissioner Jordan stated he feels that all advertising which refers to use of tobacco or alcohol should be prohibited. including the names of dr.inking establishments. He noted a similar statement was included in approval of the request submitted by the American Legion Baseball. The Commission concurred that references to the use of tobacco or alcohol. including use of logos, be prohibited in the advertising. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the request submitted by the Bozeman Hockey Association for permission to place advertising on hockey boards at Bogert Park. with the advertising to be located on the inside of the boards only. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre. Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Break - 4:55 to 5:05 p.m. Mayor Weaver declared a break from 4:55 to 5:05 p.m., in accordance with Commission policy set at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. I Request - variance to curb cut policy - to allow three curb cuts for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 32 South Rouse Avenue City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a request from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 32 South Rouse Avenue, for a variance to the curb cut policy to allow three curb cuts. The City Manager indicated there are currently four curb cuts to the Chronicle property. one on South Rouse Avenue and three on East Babcock Street. The subject request would relocate two of the curb cuts on East Babcock Street and eliminate one of the existing curb cuts. He noted the City's curb cut policy allows only two curb cuts per commercial establish- ment; therefore, this item is before the Commission for consideration. Mr. Bruce Smith, Publisher of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, stated thl!' doorway for delivery of products by large semi-trucks will be relocated as well as the curb cuts. Commissioner Jordan expressed concern that the proposed relocation of the curb cuts will not alleviate the problems currently faced by semi-trucks as they block the street while maneuvering to the building. He suggested the applicant may wish to discuss this with the City staff to determine if relocation of the proposed curb cut may help to correct that problem. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the variance to the curb cut policy established in Section 18.50.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. as requested by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 32 South Rouse Avenue. to allow three curb cuts to their commercial site. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner I Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No. none. Report on possible weather modification - Jim Heimbach City Manager Wysocki informed the Commission that Mr. Heimbach had requested this item be withdrawn from the agenda. He stated that Mr. Heimbach will inform the staff when he is prepared to address this item. 08-19-85 32't G FOA Certificate of Conformance City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission a letter from the Government Finance Officers Association, received by the City on this date, indicating that the City has been awarded the Certificate of Conformance. He reminded the Commission that the City submitted its first application for the Certificate in December 1984; and a first-time application is not usually approved. He noted this Certificate indicates that the City's financial reporting system meets generally-accepted accounting standards. The City Manager then stated he believes that I Bozeman is the first city to receive a Certificate in the State. Commissioner Anderson noted a number of people are responsible for the City's obtaining the Certificate and some of those people no longer work for the City. The City Manager in- dicated that he has contacted former City Manager John Evans, former Director of Finance Amy Swan, and former Controller Ken Vail; and he is sending them copies of the Certificate. Mayor Weaver stated he feels that the City Commission should be listed on the plaque for the Certificate, rather than him as Mayor; and asked the Clerk of the Commission to contact the GFOA to request that change if possible. The Commission indicated appreciation for obtaining the GFOA Certificate of Confor- mance. Request for use of Bogert Park for sale of qarden produce - Gallatin County Men's Garden Club - Saturday, September 14, 1985, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a request submitted by the Gallatin County Men's Garden Club for permission to use Bogert Park from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to sell garden produce, on Saturday, September 14, 1985. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if this group is different from any other group which has requested permission to use the park for sale of items. Commissioner Mathre stated she asked why the the Club didn't use the Farmers' Market for this activity and was Informed that the Farmers' Market ends before that date. She noted this request would extend the produce sales slightly since it is a similar function. I It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the Commission approve the request submitted by the Gallatin County Men's Garden Club for the use of Bogert Pa rk from 8: 00 a. m. to 2: 00 p. m. on Satu rday, September 14, 1984, for the sa Ie of garden produce. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Request - permission to use parkinq medians along North Seventh Avenue and West Main Street for tire truck pull for Muscular Dystrophy - Bozeman Jaycees City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a request from the Bozeman Jaycees to use the parking lanes along North Seventh Avenue and West Main Street on Monday, September 2, 1985, for a fire truck pull for Muscular Dystrophy. He noted this activity was conducted last year and no problems were noted. The City Manager then stated that Assistant Police Chief Smith reviewed the request and suggested that a vehicle with caution signs or flashers follow the fi re truck. He noted the Bozeman Jaycees have indicated that a wrecker will be following the fire truck with its caution lights. City Manager Wysocki then recommended approval of the request. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that the Commission approve the request submitted by the Bozeman Jaycees to use the parking lanes along North Seventh Avenue and West Main Street on Monday, September 2, 1985, for a fire truck pull conducted for the benefit of Muscular Dystrophy. The motion carried by the follow- I ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Ordinance No. 1188 - amending Sections 10.32.240 and 10.32.340 of the Bozeman Municipal Code re parking City Manager Wysocki presented Ordinance No. 1188, as prepared by the City Attorney, entitled: 08-19-85 325 ORDINANCE NO. 1188 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING SECTIONS 10.32.240 AND 10.32.340 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKING REGULATIONS ON ANY STREET AND APPLYING A VEHICLE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ALL PARKING RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY CHAPTER 10.32 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. I City Manager Wysocki recommended that the Commission provisionally adopt the ordinance and that it be brought back In two weeks for final adoption. Commissioner Mathre asked about the revisions which have been made in the proposed ordinance. City Attorney Crumbaker-Smith stated this ordinance clarifies the general authority of the Director of Public Safety to erect signs controlling parking on any street or highway. The ordinance also extends the strict liability of the vehicle owner to include violations of parking restrictions which have been approved by the City in private areas, such as fire lane violations. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if violations in handicapped parking stalls is included under this ordinance. The City Attorney indicated they are not because handicapped parking restrictions are addressed in another section of the Code. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 1188, amending Sections 10.32.240 and 10.32.340 of the Bozeman Municipal Code regarding parking, and that the Ordinance be brought back in two weeks for final adoption. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No. none. Weekly staff report - status of water availability for remainder of summer City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a memorandum from Director of Public Service Holmes regarding the availability of water to the City for the remainder of summer. He I noted that the Lyman Creek water supply is lower than it has been in years, with 124 miner inches flowing compared to the usual 160 miner inches. He also noted that the Middle Creek water rights expired on August 10, so that supply no longer exists. The City Manager then indicated that the City used 11.7 acre feet of water per day from Hyalite Reservoir during the past week. The City Manager then stated the water usage is remaining within the amount available with the watering restrictions in place through the remainder of the summer. Acknowledge receipt of memo from Steve Cottrell, Di rector of Li braries, re change of library hours City Manager Wysocki noted that Commissioner Mathre had requested this item be removed from the Consent Items for discussion. Commissioner Mathre asked the City Manager why the library hours are being changed at this time. The City Manager stated the library hours will be reduced from 49 hours per week to 40 hours per week. He noted that the new hours will provide for closure of the library on Sunday and Monday of each week. One of the major reasons for the closure is because of budgetary constraints. He noted the library has been short-staffed for quite some time; and the reduced library hours will not change any staff hours but will provide them an opportunity to complete some of their work without interruptions from the public. City Manager Wysocki also noted that the new hours will eliminate the dinner break I which now exists and which causes much confusion and frustration. He noted overall, the reduced hours should help the library staff provide better service to the public. It was moved by Commissioner Mathre, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull. that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the memorandum from Steve Cottrell, Director of Libraries, regarding the change in the library hours. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. 08-19-85 --~~~--_. ---- -------~--- 32G Discussion - Housing Committee Report City Manager Wysocki stated the Commission had requested that the Housing Committee Report be placed on the agenda at this time for a general overall discussion. Commissioner Vant Hull noted she had distributed a memo with several questions which she feels the Commission should address. The Commission concurred and reviewed those questions as follows. Commissioner Vant Hull noted the Commission reviewed the zoning section of the Housing I Committee Report with the City-County Planning Board, the Zoning Commission and Planning staff members. She then suggested the Commission may wish to send a memo to the Planning staff asking them to submit their recommendations on the various items listed in the Report. The Commission concurred that a memo be sent; and Mayor Weaver asked Commissioner Vant Hull to draft a memo for review at next week's Commission meeting. Commissioner Vant Hull stated one of the questions the Commission must determine is whether there is a housing shortage in Bozeman. She then submitted to the Commissioners a memo from Housing Consultant Marcia Youngman. dated August 19, 1985, with revised statistics, based on the 1980 census. The Commission concurred that a shortage of affordable housing does exist in Bozeman. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the memo submitted by Housing Consultant Marcia Youngman dated August 19, 1985. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting - Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Commissioner Vant Hull stated her next two questions address the role for City govern- ment in providing additional affordable housing. Mayor Weaver noted the Commission has addressed that matter through asking the Planning staff to review the zoning ordinance and to suggest possible revisions which would encourage development of low- and moderate-income housing. Commissioner Vant Hull then indicated the Commission should determine whether the I Housing Committee should continue to function and, if so, in what capacity. Commissioner Anderson stated the Housing Committee members feel there is no longer a need for them to function as a committee. She then suggested that the members be sent a letter stating appreciation for the time and effort they have given to the Housing Committee functions. It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that Com- missioner Anderson prepare a letter for signatures of all the Commissioners to each of the Housing Committee members thanking them for their service during the past three years and indicating that the Housing Committee is being disbanded. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commis- sioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Commissioner Vant Hull suggested that the City make a copy of the energy element prepared by the City's former energy planner available to the public through the library. The Mayor asked the City Manager to review the report and place a copy of it in the library for public distribution if deemed appropriate and feasible. Commissioner Anderson stated one of the assumptions by the Housing Committee was that the Housing Committee Report would lead to community education through newspaper articles and possibly radio features. She also suggested that profiles of the Housing Committee members who prepared the reports might be helpful and interesting. Commissioner Vant Hull stated the final question she has listed is how the Commission will communicate to the public that it is considering various portions of the Housing Committee Report. She suggested that the Commission may wish to ask the Planning staff to publicize I future considerations and indicated she could add that point to the memo she is drafting to the Planning staff. The Commission concurred that suggestion could be carefully included in the memo. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the Commission submit a letter to the editor stating its appreciation for the efforts of the Housing Committee. Mayor Weaver asked that Commissioner Anderson prepare a draft letter for Commission review. 08-19-85 327 Discussion - FYI items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) A letter from the City-County Planning Board requesting a Saturday work session to consider a development impact policy. The Commission asked City Manager Wysocki to proceed with setting up a Saturday meeting. I (2 ) A letter from the City-County Planning Board expressing concern about the inadequate enforcement of the conditions placed on approval of various Conditional Use Permits. (3) The City Manager reminded the Commission that a tour of the new hospital site will be conducted at 2: 00 p. m. on Wednesday, August 21. He asked those Commissioners interested to meet at the new hospital site, and plan on the tour taking one to one and one-half hours. (4 ) Commissioner Jordan asked about the status of financing for the convention center. The City Manager indicated that the UDAG requirements have been met to date. He noted the approval for the Industrial Development Revenue Bonds has lapsed. He indicated that he has contacted the appl icant about the matter but has received no response to date. He then stated he would pursue this matter if the Commission so desires. It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that a discussion on the Industrial Development Revenue bond issue approved for the Felska/Solvie Convention Center/Hotel be placed on the agenda as soon as possible. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Consent Items I for - It was moved by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed above and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Weaver; those voting No, none. Adjournment - 6:15 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Mathre, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Mathre, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Weaver; I those voting No, none. KENNETH L. WEAVER, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission 08-19-85