HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-26 319 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA July 26, 1986 ************************ The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in a special session in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, July 26, 1986, at 9:00 a.m. Present were Mayor Mathre, Commissioner Jordan, I Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Vant Hull, City Manager Wysocki, and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Commissioner Martel was absent. Signing of the Notice of the Special Meeting The Mayor requested that each of the Commissioners sign the Notice of Special Commission Meeting. Each Commissioner in turn signed the Notice. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the Commission waive the Commissioners' salaries for this meeting as established in Ordinance No. 1137. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. It was then moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the absence of Commissioner Martel be authorized in compliance with Section 7-3-4322 (2), M. C.A. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Work Session - FY 1987 Budget Mayor Mathre stated the purpose of this special Commission meeting is to review the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1986-87. The Commission continued to review the City Manager's recommendations for the budget, as follows. The City Manager noted that the Commission had gone through Page 24, which begins the I Special Revenue Funds, during the last work session. He then reviewed the Special Revenue Fund for the Employees' Health-Medical Insurance, noting it contains the standard sources of revenue, which include property tax, motor vehicle flat fees, motor vehicle reimbursement, interest income and fund balance. Commissioner Vant Hull questioned the distribution of motor vehicle flat fees and motor vehicle reimbursements to the Special Revenue Funds. Director of Finance Gamradt indicated that the State Statute provides that those two sources of funding be distributed in the same manner as property taxes. He noted that each year, the millage levied for each revenue fund varies; therefore, the proportion of the motor vehicle flat fees and motor vehicle reimbursements varies. He then noted that due to the addi- tion of the fire truck and the increase in the SID Revolving Fund for Valley Unit, the amount of monies appropriated to the other funds has decreased somewhat. .. The Commission then continued its review of the various Special Revenue Funds. The City Manager noted that the City-County Planning Fund, which is itemized on Page 28, is a totally separate fund with different funding sources, since it is a cooperative function. He noted that this year, the County has indicated it will levy the full two mi lis to support this function, which is slightly higher than anticipated; and the fund balance will be adjusted accordingly to maintain the same totals. Director of Finance Gamradt noted that fund balances have been appropriated for each of the Special Revenue Funds so they will balance. He then cautioned the Commission that the City I should not rely on reserves to fund .on-going functions, indicating that within the next two years he hopes to see that need eliminated. The City Manager noted that the Salaries, Wages and Benefits line item shows a decrease this year. He indicated that is due to relocation of the costs for the health insurance to that fund, rather than having it accounted for in this fund. The Commission then reviewed the Comprehensive Insurance fund. The City Manager indi- cated that the expenditures indicate an amount for deductibles, since the City has a $2,500 deductible per incident. He then reminded the Commission that they have authorized an expendi- ture of over $18,000 for extended coverage on the "claims made" policy; and that premium will 07-26-86 Special 320 be taken from this source. He indicated that the remaining amount in the fund should be adequate to cover any deductibles which the City incurs. Mayor Mathre noted that the Director of Finance has indicated that each fund has a carry- over balance and asked what that percentage is for each. The Director of Finance stated that he does not have specific figures for each fund; however, the average is about 30 percent. He noted that some are high and some are low; and he has attempted to adjust those through the mills to be levied so they will balance out within I the next year or two. The Mayor then asked if the same concept of the 30 percent carry-over is applied to the General Fund. The City Manager stated that 30 percent would result in about a $1.2 million carry-over; and he feels that a $400,000 to $500,000 carry-over is adequate to carry the City through its low-income period. City Manager Wysocki then turned his attention to the fund for the fire truck, which is listed on Page 30. He indicated that the City could levy up to 8 mills under the voter-approved mill levy; however, this unit reflects only 6.45 mills, which is one-half of the total payment. He noted the remainder of the costs will be levied next fiscal year. Commissioner Jordan asked about the City's vehicle maintenance program, which is tabu- lated on Page 32. He noted not all of the City's vehicles are serviced under the program and asked if they should be. The City Manager indicated that some vehicles are serviced at local businesses, particu- larly for items such as oil changes. He noted that the City must maintain its vehicle mainte- nance department, since many of the pieces of equipment are not normally serviced by local businesses. He then stated this fund basically broke even last year, which indicates that most of the time available is being billed out to various departments. The Commission then proceeded through the individual budget units, beginning on Page 33. The City Manager noted that the column headed "Fiscal 86 Allocation" reflects the amended amounts, rather than those listed in last year's budget recommendations. I Director of Finance Gamradt indicated that the line item entitled "Other" contains an amount to be allocated to the Intergovernmental Supply account, to cover the administrative costs of that unit. He noted the-amount -of monies appropriated under each budget unit is based on the amount of monies expended in the "Office Supplies" and "Operating Supplies" line items during the past fiscal year. The City Manager noted that the telephone system will be paid for in October, so all of the budget units have been adjusted accordingly. He also. indicated that a five percent increase in telephone service costs has been budgeted for the various budget units. A- 1 City Commission. Commissioner Vant Hull expressed concern about the large amount of monies appropriated under "Travel and Schools," noting it is the third highest in the entire budget. She stated she feels that amount should be decreased substantially. Following discussion, the Commissioners concurred that the proposed amount should remain, providing flexibility for the budget if the entire amount is not expended. A- 2 Clerk of Commission. Commissioner Vant Hull questioned why the substantial decrease in the "Rents and Leases. II The City Manager indicated that the Displaywriter system, which was budgeted half under this unit and half under Financial Administration, has been paid off. Commissioner Vant Hull then asked if the half-time pOSition is still needed in this budget unit. City Manager Wysocki stated that, because of this position, he has been able to reduce his secretarial position to' half-time. He noted that Kathy and Linda operate on a schedule so I that one or the other is in this building at all times. A- 3 Elections. The City Manager noted that three ballot issues will possibly be placed in the November election, indicating that he has already ordered ballots for it. He further noted one additional election has been budgeted in anticipation of upcoming ballot issues which are not ready by the November election deadline. 07-26-86 Special 321 A- 4 City Manager. Mayor Mathre asked why the salaries have declined. The City Manager indicated that is due to reduction of the secretarial position from full-time to half-time. Commissioner Jordan asked if there is sufficient money in the "Travel and Schools" to cover the national and state meetings. The City Manager stated there is not, but he is not certain whether he will attend the ICMA conference to be held in San Diego. Commissioner I Jordan then indicated he feels it is essential for the City Manager to attend the N LC conference also, especially if a new Commissioner attends. A- 5 Director of Public Works. No questions. A- 6 Director of Public Safety. Commissioner Jordan asked if this will be handled differently with the upcoming change in personnel. The City Manager indicated that the position will probably be left vacant until DonIs retirement costs have been recouped. He noted he will review the issue prior to hiring of a new person. A- 7 City Attorney. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she feels when a new individual comes into a position such as this, the salary should be lowered during the first year because it is a training period. The other Commissioners indicated they do not concur in that analysis, noting that a competent indivi- dual is necessary in the position. The City Manager reviewed the amount listed under "Contracted Services, II noting that $15,000 has been budgeted for outside counsel; and $14,400 for the City Prosecutor. Commissioner Jordan suggested that those monies be combined and that a full-time assistant attorney be hired, noting the City would then have more control over the individual since he or she would be a City employee. The City Manager cautioned the Commission that there are times when outside counsel must be retained for a case because of possible conflicts or because a speci- fic expertise is required. He then indicated that he will keep the possibility of hiring a legal assistant in mind during the upcoming year; but $8,000 to $10,000 must be kept open for retaining I outside counsel if necessary. A- 8 Financial Administration. Mayor Mathre noted the salaries show a substantial increase. Director of Finance Camradt reminded the Commissioners that his position had been open for approximately three months during the last fiscal year. The Di rector of Finance then noted that the amount in II Repair and Maintenance - Equipment" is down, while the amount in "Contracted Services" is up. He noted that is due to an adjustment in how the accounting of maintenance contracts on equipment is being done. He also noted that the IIRents and Leases" line item budget is lower because of the pay-off of the Displaywriter system, which occurred during the past fiscal year. A- 9 City Engineer. No questions. A-10 City Court. Mayor Mathre asked if the costs of the Public Defender are paid through this budget unit. The City Manager stated they are, noting that the City has retained an attorney in that position at $30 per hour, with a $400 ceiling per month to handle public defender duties. He noted those costs are paid through the "Contracted Services" line item; and they have increased substantially during the past few years because the State Statutes require that the City provide an attorney for any indigent who requests such services. The City Manager then noted that the amount under "0therll is for juror and witness fees; and those costs have increased due to legislative action. The City Manager then indicated that one of the capital items requested is a transcriber / recorder. He noted that the Local Government Study Commission had purchased a recorder; and I if additional microphones can be purchased and the recorder adequately meets the needs of the Court, it will save the cost of purchasing another system. He also noted that system could be used for recording the City Commission's public hearings as well. A-l1 Police Division. The City Manager indicated that the salaries are slightly lower because the amount of overtime is being reduced during the upcoming year. He also noted that one Animal Control Officer position is being eliminated. The City Manager then noted that the amount budgeted under "Travel and Schoolsll may seem high; however, it is important to maintain an adequate 07-26-86 Special 322 amount of training. He stated the FB I school costs may increase substantially; and it would be in the best interests of the City to send as many officers as possible to that school before the costs increase. Commissioner Vant Hull once again expressed support for the second Animal Control Officer position, noting that revenues generated from more strict enforcement of the licensing ordinance would cover the costs involved. She then suggested a straw vote be taken to see how each Commissioner feels. I Mayor Mathre indicated opposition to a door-to-door canvass to license dogs; and she stated she is not certain that a second Animal Control Officer is needed. Commissioner Jordan indicated support for stricter enforcement of licensing, citing rabies vaccinations as the major reason for support. Commissioner Stiff indicated that if he would support retaining the second Animal Control Officer if the figures show it is needed. The City Manager reminded the Commissioners that the major function of the Animal Control Officers is to make sure the animals are not running loose; and they are presently doing a good job of patrolling. Commissioner Vant Hull asked what is included under "Machinery and Equipment;" and the City Manager indicated that is for replacement of a. typewriter. A-12 Fire Division. The City Manager noted the biggest change under this budget unit is in the "Water and Sewer Services" line item, due to the latest PSC ruling on water rates. He noted the ruling provides that $50,009 be paid to the Water Fund for the fire hydrants each year. The City Manager then indicated that monies have been budgeted for installation of an encoder on the first engine out of the station so that they may send a message back on whether additional help is required. He noted that should provide a reduction in overtime, since the part-paid firemen would not be called in when it is not necessary. A-13 Building Inspection. The City Manager indicated that the amount for "Advertising" has been increased sub- stantially because the amount of advertising has increased during the past year. I Commissioner Vant Hull asked about the monies listed under "Machinery and Equipment." The City Manager indicated that is for replacement of a typewriter. He noted the division has also submitted a request for word processing equipment, which will be included in the CI P. A-14 Streets. The City Manager stated that this budget unit and the following one are intertwined because both provide funding for street maintenance and improvements. He noted that salaries have been shifted between the two units; and adding the two together for last fiscal year and this fiscal year reflects basically the same salary level less one seasonal employee. Commissioner Jordan asked about the dramatic decrease in the "Rents and Leases" line item. The Director of Finance indicated that one of the pieces of equipment being purchased on a lease agreement has been paid off. Director of Finance Camradt then indicated that the amount under "Other" includes $10,000 as a partial payment on Highland Boulevard, with the remaining $30,000 being in the Gas Tax Apportionment. Commissioner Jordan left the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if the costs of the street lights are contained under "Gas and Electric Service;" and the City Manager indicated they are. A-15 Gas Tax Apportionment. City Manager Wysocki indicated most of the items under this budget unit were included under the previous budget unit discussion. He noted the major expense under this budget unit is listed in "Contracted Services" and is for the seal coat and chip seal projects on the various I streets, as well as improvement of the intersection at South 11th A venue and West College Street, and improvement of the northbound lane on Highland Boulevard at East Main Street. A-16 City Hall Complex. The City Manager noted that this includes the City Hall as well as the Police/Fire Building. He then noted the "Contracted Services" includes the janitorial services as well as the courier services. He further indicated that the amount under salaries has been eliminated because the light maintenance position has been eliminated through staff reductions to balance the bUdget. 07-26-86 Special 323 He stated that the amount in "Other" has decreased dramatically because the final payment on the elevator addition was paid last year. A-17 Shop Complex. The City Manager indicated that the amount budgeted for "Gas and Electric Service" has decreased dramatically because all those costs were charged against this unit in the past. He stated those costs are now being split between this unit and the enterprise funds using the I facility, to more accurately reflect the costs of each operation. A-18 Carnegie Building. No questions. A-19 Light Maintenance. The City Manager noted this budget unit is zeroed out because the position has been eli- mi nated . A-20 Recreation Administration. The City Manager indicated that the amount under salaries has increased because the secretarial position ,was open for a portion of last fiscal year. He then noted that the "Travel and Schools" line item contains monies for Sue Neville's attendance at the second half of an aquatics school, which she attended last year. A-21 Swim Center. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if the pool blanket is still operational; and the City Manager indicated it is. He then noted the major problem with this facility is the roof, which will need replacing this year, at a considerable expense. He also noted that the insulation is still wet, and replacement of that should help to reduce the energy costs for the facility. He stated that monies were budgeted for maintenance of the boiler; and it has been rebudgeted to this year. He indicated that the pool will be closed for two weeks in August; and that work will be completed during the closure. A-22 Bogert Pool. Commissioner Stiff asked if any major repairs are needed at this pool. The City Manager indicated it'seems to be in good shape with no major structural problems. I Adjournment - 1 :00 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. JUDITH A. MATHRE, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission I 07-26-86 Special