HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-16 46G MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA November 16, 1987 ************************ The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, November 16,1987, at 2:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Mathre, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, City Manager Wysocki, I City Attorney Becker and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Minutes Mayor Mathre noted that one page of the minutes was missing from the copies; and that page has just been placed on the Commissioners' desks. She then requested that action on the minutes for the November 9, 1987 meeting be placed on next week1s agenda for action. Discussion - petition submitted by residents re stop signs along West Koch Street City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission the first page of a 31-page petition of opposition, containing 188 signatures, to the installation of stop signs along West Koch Street from South 8th Avenue to South Willson Avenue. He noted several of the residents are present at this meeting to address the subject. Mayor Mathre asked about the status of installing the stop signs from the City1s point of view. The City Manager indicated that West Koch Street is currently not a through street be- cause the stop signs have not been installed from South 8th Avenue to South Willson Avenue. He noted that portion of West Koch Street from South 8th Avenue to South 23rd Avenue has been signed and is a through street. Mr. Don McLaughlin, 322 South 7th Avenue, stated that the Cooper Park neighborhood I noted the installation of stop signs along West Koch Street west of South 8th Avenue and dis- cussed how the designation of West Koch Street through their area would affect the neighbor- hood. He indicated that they determined that making West Koch Street a through street would have an impact on the character of the neighborhood; and they then began the petition process. Mr. McLaughlin stated that prior to 1981, the neighbors in that area had picnics in Cooper Park. He noted that in 1982, the residents in the area began to hold meetings to dis- cuss potential problems in the neighborhood and tried to define the neighborhood. He noted dur- ing that time, the transportation study by Clete Daily was completed. He also reminded the Com- mission that in 1982 the historic survey was begun; and that helped to define the neighborhood. Don McLaughlin stated that on Apri I 2, 1986, the residents in the Cooper Park area asked the City-County Planning Board to help them work on a neighborhood planning district to help integrate their planning concerns into the process, hopefully avoiding any political confrontations in the future. He stated the Board authorized the Planning staff to work with the neighborhood after the national historic district designation has been made. Mr. Don McLaughlin stated that the neighborhood has felt from the beginning that the traf- fic issue is important. He also noted that under the current planning process, the Planning staff is very careful not to run collectors or major through streets through new subdivisions; but they are located around the perimeter of the subdivision. Mr. McLaughlin stated that the existing neighborhood area runs from West Babcock Street to West College Street and from South Willson Avenue to South 8th Avenue. He then encouraged the Commission to consider that as a single area while considering the possibility of designating I West Koch Street as a through street. Mr. Marty Hamilton, 309 South 6th Avenue, stated he has lived in the residence for seven- teen years. He noted traffic was an issue during the master plan update discussions. He stat- ed that moving high volumes of traffic across town in a straight line is important; however, it is not necessarily a good idea to do so through a residential neighborhood. Mr. Hami Iton then ex- pressed concern about possible designation of a through street through an historic district. He also noted that a traffic loop around the city to handle cross-town traffic carries a high priority in the master plan. 11 -1 6-87 4Gl Mrs. Daphne Gillam, 703 West Koch Street, stated she had done much of the leg work on getting the petitions signed. She noted that in walking around the area bordered by West Bab- cock Street, South Willson Avenue, West College Street and South 8th Avenue, she noticed that the neighborhood was very solid; and she is afraid that the designation of any through street in the area would be disruptive. Mrs. Lisa Prugh, 404 South 6th Avenue, stated they built and moved to this location in I the past two years. She then indicated there are several families with small children in that immediate area; and many of those children play at Cooper Park. She noted that a number of people use the park because it is a quiet, passive park; and she is concerned about their safety if West Koch Street is designated a through street. Mrs. Norma Craft, 715 West Koch Street, stated they have resided at this location for sev- enteen years. She noted that the park provides an open space for countless activities; and many of the children play there. She stated that routing additional traffic along West Koch Street would have a definite impact on the character of the neighborhood, which is a unique area worth preserving. Mr. George Vandelinder, 321 South 6th Avenue, stated he purchased his home in 1974. He noted that the neighbors have been interested in that area for many years; and several of the residences have been renovated in the past few years. He then asked the Commission to find another solution to the traffic problems, rather than routing traffic east and west along West Koch Street. Mr. Dick Thayer, 426 West Koch Street, stated his home was built in 1909; and he has lived there since 1971. He indicated opposition to designating West Koch Street as a through street; however, he noted there is a definite northlsouth traffic problem in the area. He stated the traffic speeds must be controlled, suggesting that a four-way stop may be the best ap- proach. Commissioner Jordan noted that the loop system around the city was mentioned; however, he noted that not everyone wanted that system. He then stated that he empathizes with the neigh- I borhood; however, he sees the traffic that uti Iizes that street. He indicated that he feels stop signs should be installed only for safety reasons. Mr. Don McLaughlin stated that everyone recognizes that the safety issues must be re- solved. He noted, however, that the traffic problems in that area are not limited to West Koch Street. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the issue of installing stop signs along West Koch Street, particularly at South 9th Avenue and South 10th Avenue, was discussed quite some time ago. He noted at that time, the perceived answer was to designate West Koch Street as a through street and to install stop signs after the sidewalks were installed west of South 15th Avenue. He stated the sidewalks have now been installed; and the staff was pro- ceeding with the installation of stop signs w.hen the petition was submitted. The City Manager then suggested that the Commission authorize members of the staff to meet with a couple representatives from the neighborhood to discuss possible ways to address the traffic situation in. that area. The Commission concurred and requested that the City Mana- ger submit a report back as soon as a possible resolution of the issue has been reached. Ordinance No.1250 - vacating the alley in Block III, Northern Pacific Addition City Manager Wysocki presented Ordinance No. 1250, as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: ORDI NANCE NO. 1250 AN ORDINANCE OF T1iE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, I MONTANA, VACATING AND ABANDONING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 111 OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. The City Manager reminded the Commission that this ordinance was provisionally adopted at the November 2, 1987 meeting. He then recommended that the Commission finally adopt Or- dinance No. 1250 at this time. It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the Commis- sion finally adopt Ordinance No. 1250, vacating the alley in Block 111 of the Northern Pacific Addition. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Com- missioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Mathre; those voting No 11-16-87 46b being Commissioner Vant Hull. Review of proposed Capital Improvement Program budget for Fiscal Year 1988 City Manager Wysocki noted that the Commissioners had received a copy of the proposed budget for the capital improvement program for Fiscal Year 1988, as well as the following five years, at last week1s meeting. He further noted that attached to that document was a memo con- cerning the energy conservation capital improvement program. He then suggested that the ener- I gy conservation C I P be addressed first. Mayor Mathre noted that the memo suggests that the City has completed those energy con- servation projects which provide an economically feasible payback through this program. She noted it further suggests that the energy conservation capital improvement program be retained through this year, since three projects are to be rebudgeted, with the possibility of closing that fund into the capital improvement program next fiscal year. The City Manager indicated that is correct. He noted it is important to find another source of revenue for the capital improvement program to maintain its viability. He stated that no new energy conservation capital improvement projects have been proposed; and those remain- ing from the initial lists have such a low payback that they are not feasible. He reminded the Commission that there is a substantial number of items in the capital improvement program which need to be funded; and the monies are not available . He then indicated that any energy conser- vation measures which are proposed in the future would probably be able to compete for funding with any capital improvement items. Commissioner Jordan indicated he can understand and support the City Manager's re- quest, noting that Initiative 105 places definite constraints on funding possibilities. Commissioner Stiff stated that if the energy conservation capital improvement program has met its purpose, the process should be changed to avoid complicating the issue further. Commissioner Martel expressed support for the proposal to close the energy conservation program into the capital improvement program, noting that he sees no reason to fund a project which provides a poor payback on the investment. I Mayor Mathre asked if action must be taken on Commission Resolution No. 2503, which es- tablished the energy conservation capital improvement program, before action is taken on the City Managerls recommendation. Commissioner Stiff suggested that the Commission may wish to eliminate the Resolution, and thus the program, so that the monies can be budgeted for capital improvements in the fu- ture. B rea k - 3: 1 0 to 3: 20 p. m . Mayor Mathre declared a break from 3:10 p.m. to 3:20 p.m., in accordance with Commis- sion policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Review of proposed Capital Improvement Program budget for Fiscal Year 1988 (continued) City Manager Wysocki stated that the staff has suggested that the budget for the upcom- ing fiscal year be for the period July 1, 1987 through September 30, 1988, with subsequent bud- gets to be established on the federal fiscal year. He then reviewed the list of capital im- provement projects for the upcoming fiscal year, as well as the following five fiscal years, as listed on Pages 1 through 24 of the document. Commissioner Martel registered concern about the possibility of purchasing new pieces of equipment, such as the six-ton roller and asphalt laydown equipment. He also questioned the need for a two-cubic-yard loader. Commissioner Vant Hull stated concurrence with Commissioner Martells concerns. She also I expressed opposition to improvement of the railroad crossing on South Church Avenue, noting that many of the neighbors have indicated they do not want that crossing changed because it helps to slow the traffic along that street. Commissioner Vant Hull then suggested that the third interchange, at 1-90 and North 19th A venue extended, be added to the list of projects. She noted that the City recognizes that the installation of a third interchange will be upcoming; and some mechanism for funding of the City's portion should be implemented now. The City Manager stated support for that sugges- tion, noting that current figures indicate it will cost $3.8 million. 11-16-87 . 458 Commissioner Jordan questioned the installation of a dollar bjll changer at the Library. The City Manager indicated he will check on the possibility of leasing that equipment rather than purchasing it. Commissioner Vant Hull and Commissioner Martel stated opposition to the purchase of a burster for the Finance Department. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that the senior citizens have discussed the possibility of I drilling a well at the Senior Citizen Center to water the lawn. She then suggested the City may wish to add money to that project and use the water for Centennial Park irrigation as well. City Manager Wysocki suggested that $5,000 be added annually to Project No. 88-E342 for the purchase of pipe to upgrade the sanitary sewer lines. Commissioner Martel asked if the leak detector for the Water Division has been ordered yet. The Commissioners concurred that the leak detector should be purchased as soon as pos- sible. City Manager Wysocki suggested that the scales for the landfill be moved from Fiscal Year 1989 to Fiscal Year 1988. He noted the monies are available to cover the additional cost in that fund; and the scale would provide a more equitable basis for landfill charges. He indicated the scales will be portable and could be used in conjunction with a transfer station or an incinerator in the future. The City Manager suggested that this item be placed on nex,t weekls agenda for further discussion. Claims City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission the claims listing for the past two weeks. He then recommended that the Commission authorize payment of these claims. It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the Commis- sion approve the claims as listed, and authorize and direct the Director of Finance to pay said claims. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis~ I sioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1) A letter of resignation from the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission sub- mitted by Timothy C. Owen. The City Manager indicated that the H PAC has indicated a desire to revise its membership and has suggested that this vacancy not be advertised at this time,~ (2) A letter from Karen Rogers concerning the policing problems at the Buttrey Shop- ping Center. (3) The City Manager reminded the Commissioners of the Interagency Breakfast, which is to be held at 7: 00 a. m on Wednesday, November 18 at the Baxter Hotel. (4) City Attorney Becker stated he attended a show cause hearing at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon concerning the public hearing scheduled for this evening. He stated that Judge Gary granted the restraining order, which means that the public hearing cannot be held at this time. The City Attorney indicated that a court hearing on this restraining order has been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Friday, November 20. He then noted that Mr. Joseph Sabol is the attorney rep- resenting the petitioners on this matter. I Continued Public hearinCJ - Conditional Use Permit - Recreation Advisory Board and City-County FlanninCJ Staff - allow development of a linear park in R-O, R-2, R-3, R-4, RS-1 and PLI zoninq districts (old Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way J This was the time and place set for the continued public hearing on the request submitted by the Recreation Advisory Board and the City-County Planning Staff for a Conditional Use Per- mit to allow the development of a linear park in R-O, R-2, R-3, R-4, RS-1, and PLI zoning dis- tricts. , The public hearing on this item was cancelled at this time due to the restraining order noted under the above agenda item. 11-16-87 47U Adjournment - 5:00 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. . I JUDITH A. MATHRE, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission . I . I 11-16-87