HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-13 139 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA April 13, 1987 ************************ . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, I Municipal Building, April 13, 1987, at 2:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Mathre, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, City Manager Wysocki. City Attorney Becker and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Minutes It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the Commission approve the minutes of their regular meeting of April 6, 1987, as amended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Award bid - one 3/4-ton four-wheel drive pickup truck for the WWTP (CIP) This was the time and place set to award the bid for one 3/4-ton four-wheel drive pickup truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that funds for this pickup have been appro- priated through the Capital Improvement Program. He noted that the apparent low bid must be rejected because it was not accompanied by the required bid bond. He then concurred in the staff recommendation that the bid be awarded to Don Norem Chevrolet-Buick, Inc., Bozeman, Montana, in the net bid amount of $11,717.00, it being the lowest and best acceptable bid received. It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the bid for I one 3/4-ton four-wheel drive pickup truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant be awarded to Don Norem Chevrolet-Buick, Inc., Bozeman, Montana, in the bid amount of $11,717.00, it being the lowest and best acceptable bid received. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commis- sioner Jordan and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Award bid - air compressor for Water Department (CIP) This was the time and place set to award the bid for a wheel-mounted air compressor for the Water Department. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that funds for this air compressor have also been appropriated through the Capital Improvement Program. He then stated that the two apparent low bids do not meet the bid specifications and, therefore, cannot be accepted. He then concurred in the staff recommendation that the bid be awarded to Western Equipment Company, Billings, Montana, in the net bid amount of $9,040.00, it being the lowest and best acceptable bid received. It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the bid for an air compressor for the Water Department be awarded to Western Equipment Company, Billings, Montana, in the bid amount of $9,040.00, it being the lowest and best acceptable bid received. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. I This was the time and place set for the decision on the Master Plan Amendment requested by Jerry Perkins and Philip Saccoccia to change the current designation of medium-density residential to light industrial on a portion of the north one-half of Tract 1 and a portion of the 04-13-87 140 northwest quarter of Tract 2, Certificate of Survey No. 1215. This parcel is more commonly known as being located south of Baxter Lane and east of North 19th Avenue extended. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the public hearing on this Master Plan Amendment was conducted at last week's meeting. He then concurred in the Planning Staff and City-County Planning Board recommendation for approval. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she will support the proposep Master Plan Amendment because concerns about development of the light industrial area as highway commercial sprawl I have been duly noted. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commission approve the Master Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from medium-density residential to light industrial on a portion of the north one-half of Tract 1 and a portion of the northwest quarter of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 1215, as requested by Jerry Perkins and Philip Saccoccia. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Application for Kennel License - Warren and Samanta Jones, 2302 West Main Street - Calendar Year 1987 - City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission an application for a Kennel License, along with the required fee, submitted by Warren and Samanta Jomes, 2302 West Main Street, for Calendar Year 1987. The City Manager noted that Animal Control Officer Lien has completed the necessary reviews for this application and has written a letter recommending approval. He then concurred in that recommendation. It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the Commission approve the application for Kennel License for Calendar Year 1987 as submitted by Warren and Samanta Jones, 2302 West Main Street. The motion carried by thel following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel, Commis- I sioner Vant Hull and Mayor Mathre; those voting No. none. Commission Resolution No. 2652 - authorizinq. participation in the NTERCAP Program through the Montana Eco~omic Development_Board and approving the -Commitme ,t Aqreement City Manager presented Commission Resolution No. 2652. as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2652 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO THE MONTANA ECONOMIC DEVEtLOPMENT BOARD'S INTERCAP PROGRAM; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION THEREIN AND APPROVING THE COMMITMENT AGREEMENT. The City Manager stated that the application for I NTERCAP monies would be in the approxi- mate amount of $80,000. which would be used to buyout the existing Citicorp financing on the IBM System/38 computer. He noted that the current loan rate is f.J. 9 percent; and the new loan would be at 5.625 percent for the first year, adjusted annually. The City Manager then recommended that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2652, authorizing participation in I NTERCAP. Commissioner Martel asked what the original amount of the Joan was and how much has been paid off. He then questioned how much the City would actually save on interest through I NTERCAP, since the Agreement calls for a 1.5 percent administr~tive fee per year and a 1 percent loan origination fee. I Director of Finance Gamradt responded to the questions as follows. He noted the original loan was for $137,355.46; to date roughly $57,355.46 has been repaid; and the payoff is approxi- mately $80,000.00. The Director of Finance then stated that the loan through INTERCAP would extend over the remaining life of the existing loan; and the City would, based on the 5.625 percent interest rate which has been guaranteed for the first year, save approximately $8,000.00 during that period of time, less the $800.00 origination .fee. He noted that the 1.5 percent administrative fee referred to in the Agreement is a part 'of the quoted interest rate. 04-13-87 141 Commissioner Stiff expressed concern about the use of $200,000.00 in City reserves to payoff the City's portion of the costs for installation of Highland Boulevard and asked if this type of financing could be used instead. Director of Finance Gamradt stated that the I NTERCAP funding may extend only over the remaining life of the existing financing; however, in no case may it be more than five years. He also indicated that he would need to review the guidelines for the program to determine if I special improvement districts are excluded from the program and will bring a report back to the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2652, authorizing participation in I NTERCAP. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commis- sioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Mathre; those voting No. none. Request for authorization to expend Library Trust Fund monies - submitted by the Library Board of Trustees - $11,236 to be used for specified equipment and furniture City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a memo from Director of the Library Steve Cottrell indicating that the Library Board of Trustees has approved a proposal for expenditure of $11,236 from the Library Trust Fund for specified equipment and furniture items and requesting that the City Commission approve such expenditures. The City Manager stated that the Director of Finance and the Computer Programmer have reviewed the list of equipment to be purchased. He noted that the models of computers listed may not be the ones actually purchased, due to recent model changes. He then suggested that the Commission approve the request to expend Library Trust Fund monies, recognizing the fact that the specific models listed may not be the ones actually purchased. It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission authorize expenditure of $11,236 in Library Trust Fund monies for specified I equipment and furniture, as requested by the Library Board of Trustees. Commissioner Martel expressed reservation about the requested use of Library Trust Fund monies. He stated concern that the monies are to be used for purchase of equipment and furniture instead of books, as it has been in the past. He further questioned the need for two personal computers and stated he would be more comfortable in approving such an expenditure if he knew the exact model to be purchased and its actual cost. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the Library Board of Trustees has reviewed this item prior to submitting its request. He then noted that if the amount to be expended exceeds the amount authorized, the Board must seek Commission approval for the additional monies. Commissioner Jordan suggested that this matter be referred back to the Library Board of Trustees for review and any possible revisions prior to Commission action. It was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that action on this item be tabled until the Library Board of Trustees has made a final determination on the type of equipment to be purchased and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Request for authorization to write off uncollectible utility accounts as of December 31, 1986 - $674.99 I City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission a memo to Director of Finance Gamradt. along with a list of uncollectible accounts totaling $674.99 to be written off. The City Manager recommended approval for writing off of the uncollectible accounts. noting that efforts will still be made to collect those monies whenever possible. Commissioner Martel noted all but one of the final statements are dated in 1985 and asked why they are just now being written off. The City Manager noted that sufficient time must pass before the accounts are determined uncollectible; and when the accounts were written off in 1986, some of the final bills had been 04-13-87 142 sent only two months before. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if the City collects a deposit for utility services and asked if that deposit should be increased. The City Manager stated that the PSC ruling has set the amount of deposit that can be collected for utility services. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the Commis- sion authorize the writing off of uncollectible utility accounts as of December 31, 1986, totaling I $674.99. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Mathre; those voting no. none. Preparation of City Commission's budget unit for FY1987-88 City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that they had begun discussion on this item at last week's meeting and then voted to table action for a period of one week. Mayor Mathre noted that the Commission is to decide whether to leave the budget as proposed or to decrease it. Commissioner Stiff stated he would like to review the items contained in the "contracted services," "subscriptions and dues," "travel and schools," and "other" line items to determine if any of those amounts can be decreased. He noted that all of the other line items seem to be budgeted as closely as possible. The City Manager and Clerk of the Commission rf1!sponded, noting that contracted services includes an update of the Bozeman Municipal Code. at an estimated cost of $5,000, plus $500 to cover any costs which the Commission may incur for a study or other service during the fiscal year. The subscriptions and dues includes dues to the National League of Cities and the Montana League of Cities and Towns as well as purchasing a copy of the City directory. The Clerk of the Commission noted that the proposed budget is just under $100 higher than last year's actual expenditures in anticipation of a dues increase for the NLC. The travel and schools line item contains monies for all five Commissioners to attend the Montana League of I Cities and Towns convention, plus one Commissioner to attend the National League of Cities Congress of Cities. There may be a slight amount left after those expenditures, which would cover miscellaneous Commissioner travel. The other line item has covered various costs in the past and basically serves as a contingency for unanticipated Commission expense during the upcoming fiscal year. Commissioner Stiff noted that it appears the contracted services line item must remain at the proposed level. The Commissioner then questioned whether the City's membership in the N LC is actually worth the nearly $1,000 spent for dues. He noted that he, Commissioner Vant Hull and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan have all requested information during the past year and received no response or a call requesting that the individual prepare the information requested and submit a copy to the N LC. City Manager Wysocki suggested that, rather than dropping membership at this time, a letter be written to the NLC citing the specific incidents and expressing concern that requests for information are not being addressed. He noted that the City does get information from thlt organization on a regular basis; and he does not feel now is an appropriate time to delete a source of information. I Mayor Mathre reminded the Commissioners that the Nation's Cities Weekly is an NLC publication. She also noted that various meetings are held througllJout the year; and one Commissioner usually attends one meeting during the year. She st~ted that, although a Commissioner may attend at a higher registration fee even if the City is not a member, it is I sometimes difficult to know when and where those meetings are sinCf;e the City would receive no notification of them. Commissioner Jordan stated that the NLC does provide a way for the City to lobby in Washington, D. C., where the City has little lobbying capability. The Commissioner stated he does not believe the City should eliminate any sourCIl of informatiorll or lobbying power at this time. 04-13-87 143 Commissioner Stiff then noted that no Commissioner has submitted a claim for all of his or her expenses in attending any meetings. He suggested that the City pay only the registration fees for a meeting or conference, with the attending Commissioner picking up all additional expenses. The Commissioner then stated he feels the $2.000 contingency in the other line item is too much and suggested it be cut to $100. He noted if the Commission decides a study or other unanticipated expenditure is in the City's best interests, it should make a conscious I decision to do so through a budget amendment. Commissioner Jordan expressed concern that if the City pays only registration costs, the lower income Commissioners will be unable to attend any meetings. Commissioner Vant Hull stated that she feels if the Commissioners decide to leave their salaries at the current level, those monies will cover any expenses they may incur through their positions. The Commission concurred that the amount to be budgeted under travel and schools should be decreased from $3,000.00 to $600.00 and the amou nt to be budgeted under other shou Id be decreased from $2.000.00 to $100.00. They further concurred that the amounts to be budgeted for all other line items should remain as proposed. Mayor Mathre noted there are some meetings where the Commission has very little business and suggested they may wish to consider holding only two meetings each month. She also noted the Commission has asked that the fifth Monday meetings, which occur only four times each year. be set aside for general discussion purposes; however, there have been enough business items placed on those agendas that such discussions have not occurred. The Mayor then asked if the business items could be moved a week one way or the other, with only those items requiring attention at the fifth Monday meeting, such as claims, being placed on the agenda along with discussion items. Mayor Mathre requested that discussion on the format for fifth Monday meetings be placed on the agenda for additional discussion in the near future. It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the Commission approve its budget unit for Fiscal year 1987-88 as revised. The motion carried by the following I Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Commissioner Vant Hull; those voting No being Commissioner Jordan and Mayor Mathre. Break - 3:00 to 3:10 p.m. Mayor Mathre declared a break from 3:00 p.m. to 3:10 p.m., in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Responses to Local Government Study Commission report City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission a copy of the responses to the Local Government Study Commission report of May 31, 1986, containing the revisions requested by the Commission at its January 19, 1987 meeting. Mayor Mathre reminded the Commission that it must submit its responses to the Local Government Study Commission within one year from receipt. She then asked the Commissioners if they have any questions about the responses as revised. Commissioner Vant Hull asked if review of self-government powers has been placed in the tickler file for the last quarter of this calendar year; and the Clerk of the Commission indicated it has. Commissioner Vant HuH then noted that one recommendation concerns review of all advisory boards. She suggested that the chairmen of the various boards and commissions be asked to address the Commission during the May meetings, which will address this recom- mendation while providing an opportunity for communication between the boards and the I Commission. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Stiff asked about the status of hiring a personnel director lassistant. City Manager Wysocki stated that he has decided to wait until after the Legislature has completed it session to determi ne avai lable revenues. He noted that it would be unfair to fill the position at this time and then determine during the budgeting process that the position would need to be eliminated again due to lack of funds. It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the Commission approve the responses as revised and submit those responses to the Local Government 04-13-87 14 It Study Commission. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Continued discussion - feasibility of management audit for the City City Manager Wysocki noted that a copy of the letter from Clerk of the Commission Sullivan to the NLC as well as information from ICMA showing six different firms which conduct I management audits and the name of a local firm providing such services have been included in the Commissioners' packets. Commissioner Stiff noted that he is the Commissioner who suggested the possibility of a management audit, after attending an NLC conference in San Antonio and listening to Mr. Bill Evans. He then indicated that he has reviewed the information he has available on management audits and productivity engagements. The Commissioner stated that for a productivity engage- ment to be successful, all the Commissioners as well as the City Manager must be committed to the project. He noted that the six key individuals seem to be deeply divided on the subject, which may create a self-fulfilling prophesy that the study would fail. Commissioner Stiff then recommended that the Commission forget the idea at this time. Commissioner Vant Hull submitted to the Commission a newspaper clipping indicating that the City of Spokane has completed management studies of police and fire services and is pleased with the results. She indicated that dropping the idea of a management audit at this time does not mean that it may not be suggested again in the future. Commissioner Martel indicated he will support dropping the idea at this time. with the understanding it may be brought up again. Mayor Mathre noted that Mr. Evans indicated that management audits are done for one of two reasons: (1) because a speci fic area or function needs to be addressed; or (2) overall review for efficiency, which will possibly result in improvement of productivity. The Mayor further noted that Mr. Evans stated on his initial visit that he could probably submit recommendations that would save the City $500,000. I Mayor Mathre then reminded the Commission that the City has lost $330,000 in Federal Revenue Sharing monies. She expressed skepticism that an additional $500,000 could be cut through increased productivity whi Ie not hurting the service levels being provided. She further noted that the police and fire areas are the ones usually targeted; and locally those departments are just rebuilding from decreases incurred in 1979. The Mayor encouraged the City Manager and the City Commission to seek possibilities for increasing productivity. Discussion - Code of Ethics for the City City Manager Wysocki stated that City Attorney Becker had requested copies of codes of ethics from various comlTlunities in the state; and a copy of those responses has been included in the Commissioners' packets. City Attorney Becker noted that none of the codes appear to take into consideration what happens if somebody engages in a conflict of interest. He noted that one of the codes calls for voluntary resignation and questioned how that policy would be enforced. Mayor Mathre noted the Commission had previously reviewed the City of Billings' code of ethics. She reminded them that the code established a Board of Ethics, which had never been created. She then indicated support for the City of Helena's code. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she likes the City of Helena's code also; however, she feels some of the ideas from the City of Billings' Code should be incorporated into it. The Commis- sioner then noted that under the conflict of interest section of the City of Helena's policy, it I addresses soliciting of personal gifts; and she feels that should be expanded to read accepting or soliciting. She then asked if the Commission should address membership on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization so that all Commissioners fall under the same guidelines rather than their own personal interpretations. Commissioner Martel noted that the code of ethics from the City of Billings as well as the one from the City of Helena simply amplify what is contained in the State Statute. He then 04-13-87 145 questioned the necessity of having the City Attorney work on a code of ethics, since the subject is already addressed through state law. Commissioner Jordan stated support for Commissioner Vant Hull's suggestion to address membership on a board of directors of a non-profit organization. He indicated that a written policy would establish the guideline rather than a Commissioner's individual viewpoint. The Commission requested that the City Attorney prepare a draft code of ethics for I consideration, based on the City of Helena's code and including various Items from the City of Billings' code. Appointment of sub-committee to review Pledged Securities as of March 31, 1987 City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the pledged securities must be re- viewed quarterly in accordance with State Statute. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that Commis- sioner Vant Hull and Commissioner Martel be appointed to review the pledged securities as of March 31,1987. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items: (1) A copy of responses to the recommendations in the management letter submitted by Coopers and Lybrand for Fiscal Year 1985-86, as prepared by Director of Finance Gamradt. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that the same response, liThe recommendation will be im- plemented as time permits, II has been used for twelve items in a row. She then asked if the Commission should place this item on the agenda for discussion, with the staff providing an update on the status of each recommendation. I Director of Finance Gamradt stated that the City has contracted with a computer programmer for specific projects. which should relieve the full-time programmer. He further noted that implementation of some of the recommendations is currently underway. Mayor Mathre suggested that the staff provide the Commission with an update on the status of the various recommendations in early October. (2) A copy of the proposed Commission Resolution establishing a revised Special Improvement District policy. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the public hearing on this item will be held at next week's meeting. (3) The City Manager stated that HB743, which will shorten the redemption period on properties with delinquent SID assessments, has come out of the Senate Taxation Committee with an amendment to extend the period from twelve months to eighteen months. He noted the bill is on the Senate floor for second reading; and if it passes, it must return to conference committee and then back to the House floor for a vote on the amendment. (4) The City Manager indicated that HB782, providing for a sales tax or a local option income tax, was tabled at the Senate Taxation Committee and appears to be dead. (5) The City Manager then stated that the resort tax bi II seems to have been lost. He noted that Senator Story has indicated he will attempt to locate the bill. (6) The City Manager stated that the new ladder fire truck has arrived in Bozeman; however. the engine is not working properly. He noted that the City will not accept the truck until it is satisfied that all parts are in proper working order. (7) Commissioner Vant Hull noted that last week's joint City-County Planning Board/Zoning I Commission meeting was lengthy and urged the Commissioners to help make the public hearing before the Commission next week as efficient as possible. (8) Commissioner Vant Hull distributed to the Commissioners a newspaper article from the January 22, 1987 issue of the Billings Gazette. The Commissioner then noted that the article indicates that the block grant which funds a portion of the motor vehicle income to local governments could be cut in half; and Senator Ed Smith has introduced a bill to replace that source of revenue. She then suggested that the Commissioners contact the legislators soliciting support for the bill. 04-13-87 14e (9) Commissioner Vant Hull stated she has been recycling newspapers and aluminum cans for the Humane Society and has found that computer paper is worth 3 cents per pound compared to 1 cent for newspapers. She then asked all Commissioners to bring their unwanted computer listings to her; and she will recycle them as well. (10) Commissioner Vant Hull noted the Commissioners received brochures on a conference on government privatization and contracting out government services. She then indicated she feels someone should attend the meeting, with the City paying the registration fee. I City Manager Wysocki stated he has directed a couple of the City staff to attend the conference. He then suggested that any interested Commissioners contact him. (11) Mayor Mathre suggested that the current year's goals as well as a copy of the questionnaire be published in this week's newspaper, possibly in the Wednesday or the Friday issue. She also requested that the letter sent to the various civic organizations be sent to the chairmen of the various City boards and commissions as well. The Mayor then noted that Dave Sharp will serve as facilitator one night; and Gene Surber will serve the other night. Executive Session - re personnel At 4:15 p.m., it was moved by Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that an executive session of the Commission be called for the purpose of discussing strategy for the collective bargaining function, and that all persons except the Commissioners, City Manager Wysocki. City Attorney Becker, Director of Finance Gamradt and the Clerk be requested to leave the room. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commis- sioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff. Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. At 5:30 p.m., it was moved by Commissioner Martel. seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the executive session of the Commission be closed and that the open meeting be reconvened. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Mathre; those voting I No, none. Adjournment - 5:30 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Jordan, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Jordan, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Mathre; those voting No, none. JUDITH A. MATHRE, Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the Commission ------ I 04-13-87