HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-16 City Commission MinutesTHE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Present Mayor -Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent Monday, May 16, 2016 Staff Present: City Manager, Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Attorney Karen Stambaugh and Deputy City Clerk Pearl Michalson A. 06:00:07 PM Call to Order -6:00 PM -Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse. Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. B. 06:00:11 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:01:20 PM Changes to the Agenda D. 06:01:23 PM Authorize Absence -I-Ho Pomeroy Motion and Vote to approve the absence of Commissioner /-Ho, Pomeroy. Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner -Chris Mehl: 2nd Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent E. 06:01:36 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (La Meres) ~ May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 2. Approval of Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of March 31 2016 (Clark) ~<:=i 3. Authorize Mayor to Sign the Project Funding and Maintenance Agreements for this Seasons Transportation Alternatives Projects (Hixson) ~<:=i 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Memorandum of Agreement for the Replacement of 6 Patmore Ash Trees Which Must be Relocated in Order for the City to Install Improvements to Baxter Lane (Hixson) ~<:=i 5. Authorize City Manager to sign Amendment 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Dowl LLC for the Right of Way Acquisition Project (Murray) ~<:=i 6. Authorize City Manager Signature on the 2015 Water Renovations Project Change Order 2 (Murray) ~<:=i 7. Authorize City Manager to Sign Easement Agreement for Path to the M Trails Open Space and Parks Project -Parcel 106-027 (Poissant) ~<:=i 8. Approve the City Manager Reappointment of Richard Gale to the Police Commission (Michalson) '!!l<:=i 06:01:38 PM City Manager Chris Kukulski, gave a brief overview of consent items 1-8. 06:02:45 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment There was no public comment Public Comment was closed. 06:02:57 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-8 as submitted. Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent 06:03:19 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:04:33 PM Rabbi Staf(man, Public Comment Cup, public comment on the vacation home on Cleveland Ave. Mr. Staffman stated that he was against the CUP permit to provide a vacation home and stated that approving this permit would open it up to other people who wanted to do the same thing. Affordable housing was discussed as well and the impact that these short term vacation homes has on the rental market. Page 2 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 06:07:47 PM Bill Clim, Public Comment Mr. Clim stated that that what is company does was allow information out to people who need the information instantaneously downtown. This benefits those that do not have a cell phone, via streaming real time information for those that do not have access. 06:11:09 PM Public Comment Closed Mayor Taylor closed Public Comment. F. Special Presentation 1. 06:11:19 PM Bozeman Transportation Master Plan Update (Woolard) 06:11:38 PM Director of Public Works, Craig Woolard introduced Jeff Key with Robert Peccia and Associates. Mr. Key talked about the existing and projected conditions analysis in order to focus on the major street network within Bozeman. Vehicular constraints in existing volume to capacity ratios on roadways on areas like College Street, Rouse Ave and Kagy were discussed. Projections of the traffic in the next 9 or so years were discussed as well with recommendations to improve conditions. Existing bicycle conditions, lanes, shared use paths and other features were discussed. The progress that has been made was also discussed. Commute mode shares were discussed in detail, particularly mode share predictions and benefit projections in the year 2040. Percentages of bike crashes and a summary of public outreach was discussed. 06:33:43 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus commented that she appreciated the information and requested a hard copy of the information if possible. Mayor Taylor asked if people could still post on the map to which Jeff Key stated that it was still possible and explained where the public could go on line to leave comments. 2. 06:36:15 PM Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) Budget Work Session Special Revenue Funds (Rosenberry) 113¢1 06:36:36 PM Staff Presentation Director of Administrative Services, Anna Roseberry gave a 30 minute presentation on 6 of the cities special revenue funds. The recommended increases included the following items: • FY17 Typical City Resident Annual Cost Adjustments (Increases) and Totals on: o Street Maintenance Assessments o Forestry Assessments o Arterial Street Assessments o Property/Water/Sewer Services • Staffing Additions o Utilizing the General and Community Development Fund Page 3 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes o Enterprise and Revenue Fund o Building Inspection Fund Expenditures 06:45:50 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus asked where the money for building fees ended this quarter and what the future looked like to which staff responded in detail. Hires were asked about as well. The building inspector position was still vacant but code enforcement inspector was hired per community development director, Wendy Thomas. Mayor Taylor asked how we would know how we did compare to last year. The first two weeks of July staff stated would be able to give us that answer. Cr. Krauss asked staff why we had not maxed out our budget to which the city manager responded. 06:52:51 PM Staff Presentation continued • Street Maintenance District Expenditures and Totals on: o Personnel Costs o Pavement Maintenance o General operations and capital projects 06:55:35 PM Questions for Staff Cr. Mehl asked for training on the report to be identified more clearly Mayor Taylor asked what was the purpose of creating a street maintenance and reconstruction fund as well as what would have happened if certain personnel did not make it into the fund. Director Craig Woolard responded in detail. 06:58:30 PM Staff Presentation continued • Arterial and Collector Streets District and totals on: o Lot sizes, street impact fees, street impact fund 07:00:50 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus asked what the direct effect of not raising this at 90% would be to which Director Craig Woolard responded. Cr. Mehl asked when administrative costs would be discussed to which staff responded in detail. Mayor Taylor asked about gaps and what the plan would be of payback to the fund. Clarification about the chart and its payback was also asked. 07:06:43 PM Staff Presentation continued • Street Impact Fee Fund and totals on: o Actual Collections, Capital Projects (based on a 5 year average) o Transportation Demand Contact (explained in detail by Director Craig Woolard) Page 4 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 07:12:49 PM Questions for Staff Cr. Mehl asked for examples of a similar WTI position at a future meeting. Cr. Krauss asked about deliverables and walking. Commitments from major employers to change their operational procedures to try something to improve traffic flow on the system. Taking BIDs and advertisements were asked about. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked for clarification if everyone was contributing fifty thousand or if the city share went up. 07:16:57 PM Staff Presentation continued Cr. Krauss recused himself from the discussion due to conflict of interest. • Tree Maintenance District • Tree Maintenance Fund 07:19:04 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about mid-year hires, director Mitch Overton responded in detail. Mayor Taylor asked about cost year program for trees as well as if all the money was getting spent every year. 07:23:31 PM Staff Presentation Continued Staff went into detail on the following items: • Workforce Housing Funding 07:24:59 PM Questions for Staff Cr. Mehl asked if CAHAB had other things that they were interested in or if that was exactly what was presented to CAHAB, land designation, land donation and the HRDC Admin of revolving loan fund was asked about to which Director Wendy Thomas responded. Cr. Krauss asked about emergency shelter to which staff responded in detail. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked if this was discussed last year as it related to youth housing. Mayor Taylor asked if any money from last year was allocated to this year's budget. Staff responded that we did. Down payment assistance was also discussed within the next year. 07:34:36 PM Staff Presentation continued • Budget Work Sessions Director Rosenberry went over the schedule of the upcoming Budget Work Sessions through July 1st. 07:35:26 PM Break Mayor Taylor called for a 10 min break. 07:45:00 PM Meeting back in session G. Action Items Page 5 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 1. 07:45:38 PM A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application to Allow the Establishment of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Above a Detached Garage Structure at 3043 Foxtail Street in Phase 2 of the Cattail Creek Subdivision. (Quasi) (Owens) ~~ 07:45:41 PM Staff Presentation Community Development Director Wendy Thomas, introduced Rebecca Owens, Associate Planner two who gave a presentation on 3043 Foxtail Street. The site is currently vacant and the residents want to build a 2nd floor dwelling on top of the garage. The neighborhood context was discussed as well as the proposed development in detail. ADU Criteria was also discussed in detail. Public Notices and Recommendations were discussed. Staff addressed public comment and concerns. 07:55:41 PM Questions for Staff Cr. Mehl asked if when the area was bare, cattail creek was designed to accommodate additional capacity to which staff responded yes. 07:56:49 PM Derrick Saldizar, Applicant The applicant stated that he was excited and put a lot of effort into the project and that he like the community. There were no plans to do anything adversely. Cost of living was discussed and the option that an ADU would provide and asked the commission for their consideration and support. 07:58:59 PM QFA Deputy Mayor Andrus asked what circumstances existed that the commission should consider granting this use. Cr. Mehl asked if the applicant was willing to accept the conditions in the staff report 08:00:41 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor asked if there was public comment There was no public comment Public comment was closed 08:00:54 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16115 and move to approve the 3043 Foxtail Street conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage building with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: 2nd 08:01:23 PM Discussion Cr. Mehl made a friendly amendment to acknowledge the existence of written public comment. Page 6 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 08:01:48 PM Discussion continued Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that this confirmed to the growth policy and it encourages economic diversity and infill as well as other reasons why she supported the application Cr. Krauss stated that they anticipated ADU's in the design of this subdivision and that they wanted to see more subdivisions with more ally and backyards. Additionally when it came to ADU's the owner needed to be present on site if there were issues with the renter. Mayor Taylor stated that he was also going to approve this 08:06:25 PM Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materialsJ public commentJ and all the information presentedJ I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 16115 and move to approve the 3043 Foxtail Street conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage building with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Motion passed 4-0. Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent 2. 08:07:08 PMA Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to Allow a Single Household Residence to Operate as a Vacation Home (Classified as Extended Stay Lodging in the R-1 Zoning District), Which Would Permit the Residence to be Rented For Less Than 30 Days at a Time on Property Located at 304 West Cleveland Street, Bozeman, MT The CUP is Required for the Establishment of Extended Stay Lodging in An R-1 Zoning District and is Contained In Application 16134. (Quasi) (Brekke) ~~ 08:07:13 PM Personal Disclosure Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that she was called by a member of the public, Kathy Powell to talk about this project and due to this being quasi judicial asked that the conversation not continue. Additionally, she disclosed to the commission and public their personal discussion so that the commission could be privy to the same information. Cr. Krauss stated that one of the neighbors, Jim Goetz might be one of his lawyers. Mayor Taylor had talked to various neighborhood groups about this issue and asked their general opinions about it and spoke with Kathy Powell. 08:13:23 PM Staff Presentation Allyson Brekke, associate planner entered the staff report into the record. She also included the code Page 7 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes and definition of vacation housing that was added to the Bozeman Municipal code in 2005. Additionally parking, public notice, public comment and recommendation were discussed. 08:21:00 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about ADA compliance to which staff responded in detail, specifically all types of public safety. How staff determined no adverse affects to adjoining? properties were discussed. Cr. Krauss asked about public comment and specifically is residence or non-residence are considered in regards to public comment. Requirements in the code for these type of ADU's was asked. Cr. Mehl asked about the conditional cap and if it was the same cap for the other properties. Staff stated that there was an increase in a property in that area to an increase of 10 people. Mayor Taylor asked who neighbors could complain to if things were not working out which staff stated that that information was not currently part of the conditions of approval. The number of people allowed was asked about and also asked if the applicant would be in Bozeman. Cr. Mehl asked for clarification of the notice. 08:30:07 PM Applicant Ian Woods, talked about his involvement in the neighborhood in the district. A background of owning the home and its renovation was discussed. The property was discussed as well as the buffer zone. Mr. Woods addressed the concerns of his neighbors and his intentions with this home. The history of vacation rental of this property was discussed as well as how they ended up where they were now. Mr. Woods asked the commission to add the CUP to the owners and not the property. 08:40:07 PM Questions of Applicant Deputy Mayor Andrus asked what circumstances existed to allow this use when it was not generally permitted in an R-1. Clarification about the CUP was asked about. Cr. Mehl asked if the applicant was okay with the conditions and if he would be willing to do a sign. Mayor Taylor asked how long the home was rented for when it was rented. 08:47:00 PM Legal Counsel Assistant City Attorney weighed in on the conditions of the CUP per our law. 08:47:39 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 08:47:53 PM Jim Goetz, Public Comment Mr. Goetz stated that the short term rental could deteriorate the nature of the neighborhood and had concerns about a tenant that might be out of line. Concerns about the CUP was discussed as well. 08:51:52 PM Sam Mitchell, Public Comment Sam Mitchell stated that having short term rentals there would be different sets of visitors and it would be hard to regulate renters. Page 8 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 08:54:27 PM Beth Antanopolis, Public Comment Beth stated that granting the permit would create a small hotel instead of encouraging long term renters and asked the commission to deny this CUP in the R-1 district. 08:56:01 PM Judy Parks, Public Comment Stated that they would not like to live next to a hotel but would not like to deny Mr. Wood's right to rent out his home. Other concerns were addressed as well in detail. 08:59:32 PM Jill Davenport, Public Comment Stated that this area is R-1 and that a VRBO would be considered a business. Experiences in the past with many people in a home, enforcement and issues that may come up was discussed. Other issues down the road were addressed in detail. 09:02:17 PM Emily Hooker, Public Comment Stated that this was a fantastic neighborhood and that the cities effort to strengthen neighborhoods has been helpful. Worries about vacation rentals was discussed as well as density. Not having the owner on site was a concern that Emily had. Other issues were discussed in detail. 09:04:45 PM Melvin Hooker, Public Comment Stated that he had an apartment over his garage as an ADU and stated that he found it difficult to understand how a rental would work in the neighborhood. An owner not living on the property seems like there may be no control and asked the commission not to approve this. 09:07:26 PM David Mercer, Public Comment Had concerns of absentee ownership and stated that it would be hard to consider that the neighbors lived in a neighborhood with this approval. 09:08:25 PM Kathy Powell, Public Comment Stated that there were a few specific and big picture concerns, mainly that short term rentals. The history of VRBO's was discussed. Was there a way to put short term rentals in compliance without overwhelming the planning departments was asked and what other cities were doing across the country was discussed as well as other issues in detail. 09:12:27 PM Peter Stewart, Public Comment Peter Stewart stated that he was in favor of this approval due to the fact that this is something that was currently happening in the city of Bozeman. 09:14:18 PM Brad Stratton, Public Comment Mr. Stratton stated that in the process of going through the proper channel units the City Commission should they grant a CUP only do it for two years and have it attached to the owner instead of the land. Page 9 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 09:16:24 PM Jen Patterson, Public Comment Mrs. Patterson stated that they were unknowingly were out of compliance, however in the 18 months that they rented their property they had not had any complaints with their neighbors. Their concerns was something that was addressed in detail. 09:19:50 PM Suzie Hall, Public Comment Stated that she had been in the business of managing properties for 21 years. In Bozeman, 190 groups were hosted. She spoke to vacation rentals in general and this application as well. What it would mean if the commission was to approve this application was discussed. Experience with vacation rentals was discussed as well as how issues are addressed by her company. 09:25:47 PM Paul House, Public Comment Stated that he started managing short term rentals 18 years ago and that short term rentals are getting bigger and felt that this issue needed to be handled. Short term rentals were taken care of a lot better. The pros and cons of short versus long term rentals were discussed. He supported the applicant 09:29:32 PM Applicant Rebuttal Ian Woods addressed the fire issue as well as parking and the R-1 character ofthe neighborhood and asked the commission to consider everything when making their decision. 09:33:35 PM Staff Rebuttal Allyson Brekke explained how a CUP would run with the land. 09:34:36 PM Questions for Staff Cr. Mehl asked for clarification of the CUP and land, the assistant city attorney stated that it was city law and not state law. 09:35:04 PM Public Comment Closed 09:35:06 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application No. 16134, known as the 304 West Cleveland Street Extended Stay Conditional Use Permit, to allow a single-household residence to be operated as extended stay lodging with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner -Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:35:37 PM Discussion Cr. Krauss stated talked about a vacation rental that was asked about in the past with a different neighborhood and Mayor at the city at the time. He also talked about conditional use permits and was trying to apply the rules against the application. He stated that there needed to be a city wide ordinance Page 10 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes that provided the kind of laws that would allow the commission to say yes or no and wondered in general if there was a difference between long and short term rentals. Turnover was discussed as well. Based on previous actions to other rental homes, stated that he would have to vote in favor of this applicant. Cr. Mehl stated that he hears that R-1 was not compatible to short terms rentals but stated that if this was rejected by the commission it would be hard to see other properties that would not be approved. The UDO was discussed. With that he would approve this short term and re-visit it during the budget and decide how they might want to address this. Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that she wanted to know what was it that would allow the commission to grant an R-1 and wanted to make sure that we were addressing the growth policy issue. Neighborhood character and stability was discussed as well. Addressing the issue of ordinances was discussed as well as the fact that everyone would be affected by this and hoped that this could be handled in a responsible way. Cr. Mehl discussed the time frame for the UDO and asked OMA if she wanted it completed quicker than 7 months. Mayor Taylor stated that he felt that at a minimum if this was passed, he would want there to be a person that people could call if they needed to complain. 09:57:46 PM Meeting extended until 10:20 PM. 09:57:56 PM Discussion Continued Mayor Taylor stated that there was no doubt in a situation like this that there would be strangers to the neighborhood. The question of controllability was discussed and bed tax goes to a tourist board and not the city. Trying to enforce this in any way possible was discussed. Concerns about Airbnb in neighborhoods were discussed as a concern. If denied, he would like to see a clearer policy. Cr. Krauss talked about emergency zoning. 10:09:39 PM City Attorney The City Attorney stated that complaints were a condition of revoking or approving a CUP. 10:11:13 PM Amendments Cr. Mehl made the following 5 amendments (4 friendly) • No more than 8 people in the home (friendly) • Posting a sign for a contact • 1 year maximum on this CUP • Instruct staff to come up with a policy by the end of June and moratorium or leave it alone. 10:12:12 PM Amendment to restrict to 8 people. Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: 2nd Page 11 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes 10:12:29 PM Amendment that a sign to contact agency be posted. Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: 2nd 10:12:37 PM Amendment to set a Conditional use sunset at one year. Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 10:13:12 PM Discussion Cr. Mehl asks that this be approved with a condition of one year and the applicant can reapply after that time as long as they comply with the other issues within the CUP Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that this wou Id be closer to her desire to address this and let the commission decide what they want to do. Cr. Krauss stated that the conditional use process was expensive and a long process. Cr. Mehl stated if the 4th amendment passed, he would like staff to review this and bring it back to the commission at a later time. Cr. Krauss stated that he was considering the approval and the conditions of approval and if the review finds that they 10:17:14 PM Time extended 10:17:22 PM Discussion Mayor Taylor stated that he would support this amendment as is to the motion. 10:18:39 PM Meeting continued to 10:30 PM. 10:19:04 PM Vote on the Amendment to set a Conditional use sunset at one year. Motion passed 3-1. Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent 10:20:03 PM Amendment ruled out of order. 10:20:41 PM Discussion Deputy Mayor Andrus asked for clarification. Page 12 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes Cr. Mehl stated that the commission would like to have staff review the option of sun setting this for a year. Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that the whole community was in favor of this with the idea to discuss this in a timely manner to discuss these in the future and explained why he did not support the other motions. 10:24:57 PM City Attorney Asked for clarification to the sunset term. Mayor Taylor stated that he would vote for the motion as is. 10:27:59 PM Vote that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application No. 16134, known as the 304 West Cleveland Street Extended Stay Conditional Use Permit, to allow a single-household residence to be operated as extended stay lodging with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner -Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent 10:28:09 PM Discussion Cr. Krauss asked staff to put an emergency ordinance on a future agenda for extended stay homes on May 23rd. 10:30:02 PM Meeting Extended to 10:40 PM. Mayor Taylor decided on the June 27th Agenda for conditions and an emergency stop. 3. 10:31:29 PM (Re)Appointment to the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) Committee (Michalson) ~~ 10:31:39 PM Motion and Vote to confirm the Commission reappointments of Don Beeman and Tom Sterner to the Expired Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee positions with a term expiration's of April 15, 2019. Motion passed 4-0. Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: 2nd Deputy Mayor -Cynthia Andrus: Approve Page 13 of 14 May 16, 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes Commissioner -Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor -Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Absent H. 10:32:33 PM FYI/Discussion Wendy Thomas stated this was the last night to appear at the city commission meeting. Chuck Winn stated that the questions about the law and justice center should be considered coming up this summer and if a special meeting could happen to discuss the bond issue and Mill Levy on Aug 111h. Staff would meet the 75 statutory requirements and have more information. Craig Woolard gave an update on lead service lines. I. 10:37:49 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 10:37PM. Approved on: 0~ 11 ) ? o\ \e Page 14 of 14 Carson Taylor Mayor . · .. ··• I('~·,_. . '/ .c ~~--. 1 //1. • •• • •0\lfobfn Crough ' co. r,\ .• .· City Clerk PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk