HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 86- 1218 FY 1987 budget 151 ORDI NANCE NO. 1218 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROPRIATING CITY FUNDS FOR VARIOUS BUDGET UNIT EXPENDITURES, AND FURTHER APPROPRIATING REVENUE NECESSARY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN CITY SERVICES FOR SALARIES, OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL FOR EACH OPERATIONAL BUDGET UNIT OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDI NG JUNE 30, 1987. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION of the City of Bozeman, Montana, to wit: Section 1 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby authorize and appro- priate expenditures for the various operating funds and for budget units and purposes set forth below, in the amounts designated herein, as follows: Salaries/ Unit Wages/ Debt No. Budget Unit Benefits Operations Capital Service Total ALL-PURPOSE GENERAL FUND A- 1 City Commission $ 23,432 $ 25,724 $ -- $ -- $ 49,156 A- 2 Clerk of Commission 28,081 6,294 -- -- 34,375 A.- 3 Elections -- 11 ,000 -- -- 11 ,000 A- 4 City Manager's Office 84,869 13,666 -- -- 98,535 A- 5 Dir. of Public Works 23,840 2,780 -- -- 26,620 A- 6 Dir. of Public Safety 16,447 -- -- -- 16,447 A- 7 City Attorney 35,400 48,939 1,500 -- 85,839 A- 8 Financial Administration 99,506 81,544 -- -- 181,050 A- 9 Engineering 66,646 5,262 -- -- 71,908 A-10 City Court 53,914 29,583 -- -- 83,497 A-ll Police Division 741,200 100,761 500 -- 842,461 A-12 Fire Division 614,565 98,170 -- -- 712,735 A-13 Building Inspection 93,646 13,103 975 -- 107,724 A-14 Streets 63,871 137,997 800 -- 202,668 A-IS Gas Tax Apportionment 166,978 164,500 -- -- 331,478 A-16 City Hall Complex -- 59,785 -- -- 59,785 I A-17 Shop Complex -- 21,047 -- -- 21,047 A-18 Carnegie Building -- 10,540 -- -- 10,540 A-19 Light Maintenance -- -- -- -- 0 A-20 Recreation Administration 33,809 16,629 -- -- 50,438 A-21 Swim Center 79,600 77,761 -- -- 157,361 A-22 Bogert Pool 18,800 15,268 -- -- 34,068 A-23 Band -- 4,425 -- -- 4,425 A-24 Senior Citizen Center -- 18,398 -- -- 18,398 A-25 Parks and Playgrounds 108,330 95,651 -- -- 203,981 A-26 Cemetery 79,138 49,740 1,000 -- 129,878 A-27 Library 137,531 78,128 2,000 -- 217,659 A-28 Emergency Preparedness -- 2,170 -- -- 2,170 A-29 Public Health -- -- -- -- 0 A-30 City-County Planning Trans. -- 15,700 -- -- 15,700 A-31 Annual Audit -- 23,831 -- -- 23,831 A-32 Snow Removal 4,232 6,031 -- -- 10,263 TOTAL ALL-PURPOSE GENERAL FUND $2,573,835 $1,234,427 $ 6,775 $ 0 $3,815,037 Salaries/ Unit Wages/ Debt No. Budget Unit Benefits Operations Capital Service Total B- 1 Police Retirement $ 75,000 -- -- -- $ 75,000 B- 2 Empl. Health Ins. Premo $ 220,000 -- -- -- $ 220,000 I B- 3 Public Empl. Retirement $ 70,000 $ 22,272 -- -- $ 92,272 B- 4 Firefighters Unified Ret. $ 70,000 -- -- -- $ 70,000 B- 5 City-County Planning $ 106,747 $ 20,846 -- -- $ 127,593 B- 6 Comprehensive Insurance $ -- $ 140,000 -- -- $ 140,000 B- 7 Recreation Fac. G.O. Bonds $ -- 4,200 -- $ 59,850 $ 64,050 ORDI NANCE NO. 1218 152 . Salaries/ Unit Wages/ Debt No. Budget Unit Benefits Operations Capital Service Total B- 8 Sr. Center G.O. Bonds $ -- -- -- $ 42,600 $ 42,600 B- 9 Library G.O. Bonds $ -- -- -- $ 145,875 $ 145,875 B-I0 Fire Truck -- -- -- $ 175,000 $ 175,000 I C- 1 Intergovernmental Supply $ 30,386 $ 300,000 -- -- $ 330,386 C- 2 Intergovt'l Vehicle Mtnce. $ 29,678 $ 16,527 $ -- -- $ 46,205 ENTPERPRISE FUNDS D- 1 Water Operations $ 362,366 $ 282,479 $ 1,600 $ 588,000 $1,234,445 D- 2 Water Treatment Plant 144,075 92,128 1,500 -- 237,703 Restricted Reserve -- -- $ 219,652 -- $ 219,652 TOTAL $ 506,441 $ 374,607 $ 222,752 $ 588,000 $1,691,800 E- 1 Sewer Operations $ 127,727 $ 102,293 $ 800 $ -- $ 230,820 E- 2 Sewage Disposal Plant 390,000 177,210 750 -- 567,960 Reserve for Asset Replacement -- -- 44,220 -- 44,220 TOTAL $ 517,727 $ 279,503 $ 45,770 $ 0 $ 843,000 F- 1 Garbage Collection $ 206,276 $ 46,499 $ -- $ -- $ 252,775 F- 2 Garbage Disposal (Landfill) 94,215 131,730 800 -- 226,745 Reserve for Asset Replacement -- -- 84,680 -- 84,680 TOTAL $ 300,491 $ 178,229 $ 85,480 $ 0 $ 564,200 I GRAND TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $4,500,305 $2,570,611 $ 360,777 $1,011,325 $8,443,018 PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET 53.3% 30.4% 4.3% 12.0% 100.0% Section 2 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby designate revenue appropriations for the various funds in the revenue categories set forth below, and in the amounts designated herein, as follows: CITY NON-CITY PROPERTY PROPERTY TAX TAX TOTAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES All-Purpose General Fund All-Purpose Levy $1,702,085.00 $1,702,085.00 State-Shared Revenues Motor~ehicle flat fees $ 190,000.00 I Motor vehicle reimbursement 71,394.00 Motor vehicle license fees -- Motor vehicle title fees 5,700.00 Motor vehicle fleet fees 800.00 Liquor tax apportionment 45,000.00 Beer tax apportionment 50,000.00 Wine tax apportionment 3,500.00 General Services Block Grant -- Gambling device fees 50,000.00 416,394.00 ORDINANCE NO. 1218 153 CITY NON-CITY PROPERTY PROPERTY TAX TAX TOTAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES County-Shared Revenues County share--joint programs $ -- Library support 30,000.00 I County Revenue Sharing (Library) -- 30,000.00 Licenses, Permits and Fees Business licenses 90,000.00 Building permits, licenses, etc. 115,000.00 Beer and wine licenses 30,000.00 Animal permits 4,000.00 Corporate license fees 40,000.00 Gambling device fees 44,000.00 323,000.00 Charges for Services Billings to utilities 128,448.00 Traffic light maintenance 8,000.00 SID administration 28,132.00 IDRB administrative charge -- Board of Adjustment fees 4,500.00 Photocopy charges 2,000.00 Flood plain review 50.00 Police services Special services 7,900.00 Accident report copies 900.00 Fire district contract 9,000.00 Cemetery-- Plot sales, permits, etc. 47,000.00 Animal control 5,000.00 Library reimbursement and services 950.00 Recreation fees 18,000.00 Swim pools--admissions and other fees 137,000.00 Senior center rental 2,000.00 Publication sales 2,000.00 I Broad Valleys Federation of Libraries Overhead fee 12,000.00 412,880.00 Fines and Forfeitures City Court $ 270,000.00 Library 5,200.00 275,200.00 Other Reimbursements from sprinkling districts 15,000.00 Transfer from other funds 74,000.00 Investment income 80,000.00 Gas tax apportionment 331,478.00 MSU fire protection 70,000.00 Miscellaneous revenue 5,000.00 Donations -- Snow removal 5,000.00 Plat review fees -- 580,478.00 Sub-total $1,702,085.00 $2,037,952.00 $3,740,037.00 Carry-over from FY 1985-86 $ -- Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 75,000.00 75,000.00 Total All-Purpose General Fund $1,702,085.00 $2,112,952.00 $3,815,037.00 I Police Retirement $ 62,429.00 $ 12,571. 00 $ 75,000.00 Employees Health/Medical Insurance $ 173,681.00 $ 46,319.00 $ 220,000.00 Public Employees Retirement System $ 83,072.00 $ 9,200.00 $ 92, 272. 00 Firefighters' Unified Retirement $ 53,803.00 $ 16,197.00 $ 70,000.00 ORDINANCE NO. 1218 1 !) I{ CITY NON-CITY PROPERTY PROPERTY TAX TAX TOTAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES City-County Planning $ 45,000.00 $ 82,593.00 $ 127,593.00 Intergovernmental Supply $ $ 330,386.00 $ 330,386.00 I Intergov't Vehicle Maintenance $ $ 46,205.00 $ 46,205.00 Comprehensive Insurance $ 122,741. 00 $ 17,259.00 $ 140,000.00 Local Gov't Study Commission $ -- $ -- $ -- Recreation Facil. Gen. Oblig. Bonds $ 55,750.00 $ 8,300.00 $ 64,050.00 Senior Center Gen. Oblig. Bonds $ 37,200.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 42,600.00 Library Gen. Oblig. Bonds $ 117,280.00 $ 28,595.00 $ 145,875.00 Fire Truck $ 150,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 175,000.00 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Operations User fees $1,600,000.00 Interest income 90,000.00 Rents and royalties 1,800.00 Refunds and reimbursements -- $1,691,800.00 I Sewer Operations User fees $ 775,000.00 Interest income 68,000.00 Refunds and reimbursements -- $ 843,000.00 Garbage Operations Landfill fees $ 200,000.00 Disposal permits 200.00 Collection assessments 330,000.00 Interest income 28,000.00 Rents and royalties 2,000.00 Assessment penalties 4,000.00 $ 564,200.00 GRAND TOTAL REVENUES--ALL FUNDS $2,603,041. 00 $5,839,977.00 $8,443,018.00 Percent of total estimate 30.8% 69.2% 100.0% Section 3 That this ordinance, after being duly considered, upon public notification, ~t a public hearing held on the 18th day of August 1986, shall not be finally passed until ten (10) days after the final publication of this ordinance. Section 4 I That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its final passage. Section 5 That should it be found by any court of competent jurisdiction that any section, clause, portion, sentence, word, or phrase of this ordinance is deemed to be contrary to any existing law or regulation, that in this instance, it is the intent of the City Commission of the City of ORDINANCE NO. 1218 15[, "-,j Bozeman, Montana, that all other portions, sections, words, clauses, phrases, or paragraphs of this document shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 1987. PROVISIONALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF I BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, at its meeting held on the 4th day of August 1986. JUDITH A. MATHRE Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the City Commission FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, at its meeting held on the 15th day of September 1986. JUDITH A. MATHRE Mayor ATTEST: I ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the City Commission State of Montana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1218 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 18th day of September 1986, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 27th day of October 1986. Clerk of the City Commission I ORDINANCE NO. 1218