HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-16 City Commission Minutes srt�r=-- THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,June 13, 2016 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Manor-Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present CityStaff Present: Chris Kukulski City Manager; Greg Sullivan City Attorney; Robin Crou h City Clerk Y g g Y Y, g Y k c A. 06:00:18 PM Call to Order—6:00 PM -Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting at 6:OOP.M. G B. 06:00:26 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:01:50 PM Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:02:00 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) Aga 2. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Change Order 1 for Stiff Professional Building Remodel (Winn) ®g.p 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Construction Agreement with NorthWestern Energy for Power Pole Replacement in Story Mill Community Park(Poissant) �ba 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Leland Consulting Group to Update the 2009 Economic Development Plan for the City of Bozeman (Fontenot) f`—a 5. Resolution 4694 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Work Directives 1 through 6, Story Mill Landfill Soil Vaper Extraction/Landfill Gas Project(Hixson) -a 6. North Park Industrial Tax Increment Finance District Update (Fontenot) —g`a 7. South Bozeman Technology District Update (Fontenot) _a Page 1 of 9 June 13,2106 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes 8. Approve an All Alcoholic Beverages License for Midtown Tavern of Bozeman, Montana to Sell Alcohol at 726 North 7th Avenue (Rosenberry) ®a 06:02:18 PM City Manager overview of Consent Items. City Manager Kukulski gave an overview of each Consent Item as listed. 06:03:57 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment for Consent Items DI-D8. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. 06:04:14 PM Vote on the Motion to approve Consent Items 1-8 as submitted. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve E. 06:04:40 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened general public comment. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. F. 06:05:31 PM Special Presentation 06:05:40 PM Jessica Johnson, Neighborhood Coordinator—Good Neighbor Committee Jessica Johnson updated the City Commission on the Good Neighbor Committee, a Town/Gown collaboration between the City of Bozeman and Montana State University. She discussed membership, upcoming seminars and webinars, Good Neighbor door hangers, the Walk This Way event, party registration, and the Student Leadership Advisory Board. 06:13:49 PM Questions/Discussion Cr. Pomeroy commented that it is a great idea for students to be able to contact police. Cr. Krauss commented that when the students come back in the fall,we need to invite ASMSU for a meeting. G. 06:15:14 PM Action Items Page 2 of 8 June 13,2105 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes 1. 06:15:28 PM Tourism Business Improvement District Board Fiscal Year 2017 Workplan and Budget (Schliem/Fontenot) 17LL - 06:15:59 PM Daryl Schliem, Presentation Daryl Schliem, Executive Director of the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce, presented the Tourism Development Division marketing budget, including target markets, demographics, Gallatin County expenditures, Montana gross lodging tax revenue,opportunities, overall goals,the Only in Bozeman campaign, Instagram pictures they have received,air service and passenger count,American Airlines arrival in Bozeman and its cooperative ad campaign,visitmt.com personalized flight banners, pursuing additional direct flights,the Gallatin Valley Tournament Committee, the TBID FY17 budget, and challenges and opportunities. 06:34:25 PM Questions of Presenter Deputy Mayor Andrus asked how many hotel rooms Bozeman currently has, as well as the economic impact of the tournament committee. Presenter responded. Cr. Mehl asked what the rollover is, as well as a potential convention center. Presenter responded that they just paid off their current line of credit. Presenter responded that a convention center is still one of his interests. Cr. Pomeroy asked if Mr. Schliem had any recommendations for encouraging Air BNB owners to register for a business license. Presenter responded. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked where the legal and accounting budget from last year was.The presenter responded the audit is almost over so it wasn't anticipated this year. Mayor Taylor asked for further clarification about the bed tax. Presenter responded in detail. He also asked for further clarification about what the City receives back. i as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. No motion is required. �dver 2. 06:46:54 PM Downtown Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2017 Workplan and Budget (Naumann) a 06:47:03 PM Chris Naumann, Presentation Chris Naumann, Executive Director of the Downtown Bozeman Association, presented on the Downtown BID membership, assessment, and programs, including the maintenance program,graffiti removal program,flower basket program, holiday decoration program, tree replacement program, and streetlamp banner program. 06:52:56 PM Questions of Presenter Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification for some budget discrepancies in his presentation.The presenter clarified that compared to last year, some expenditures are expected to increase. Cr. Mehl asked if there are any changes in trends from last year. Presenter responded that graffiti is one Page 3 of 8 June 13,2106 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes of those areas. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked if there was an increase in maintenance of the parking garage. Presenter responded. No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. 3. 07:00:57 PM Downtown Tax Increment Finance District Fiscal Year 2017 Workplan and Budget(Naumann) '4- 07:01:07 PM Chris Naumann, Presentation Chris Naumann, Executive Director of the Downtown Bozeman Association, presented on the Downtown TIF and its mission, citizen advisory board membership,funding, programs including the Bridger Park Garage,the Downtown Fiber Network implementation, public parking improvements, Residential Incentive Program, Hotel Incentive Program, explosion impact fee mitigation, Downtown Bozeman Partnership,streetscape improvement programs,Technical Assistance Grants, Downtown Improvement Plan update, intersection cable anchor infrastructure, and parking data collection. 07:10:42 PM Questions Deputy Mayor Andrus asked why the streetscape budget increased. Presenter responded regarding future work.She also asked about the increase in the Resident Incentive Program. Presenter responded that more incentives were needed as well as expanded parameters. No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. 07:14:33 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment on Al-A3. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. 4. 07:15:06 PM Midtown Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2017 Workplan and Budget (Fine) 07:15:21 PM David Fine,Staff Presentation Economic Development Specialist David Fine presented on the FY 2016 Annual Report for the Midtown Urban Renewal District.The district expanded,the Urban Renewal Plan was updated, zoning was streamlined, and Phase 2 of the Lighting and Sidewalks project was completed, 7 Technical Assistance Grants were distributed, and 3 Rehabilitation Grants were distributed. Discussed was FY17 infrastructure investment, incentive programs(revised and new), and special projects. 07:26:44 PM Questions Cr. Mehl asked for further clarification on the node concept, including timeline and size of project. Staff Page 4 of 8 June 13,2106 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes responded in detail. He also asked about the parking study budget and timeline in relation to the node concept.Staff responded in detail, discussion followed. Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification on budget discrepancies. Staff responded he distributed a memo in explanation. Cr. Krauss asked if parking was one of the originally identified blighted conditions in the 2006 report, and the need for the parking study. Staff responded he will consider future recommendations based on Commission feedback. He also asked why the park master plan is so expensive.Staff responded in detail regarding cost savings. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked for further clarification as to expectations of data collection from the parking study, considering the current parking study draft. Staff responded. Mayor Taylor asked about the BMX master plan budget.Staff responded. 07:51:17 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 07:51:33 PM Nolan Campbell, Public Comment Mr. Campbell discussed the hindrance that parking can cause. Clarity on the issue will help make 71h a better place; he asked for clear vision, since there is great opportunity at N. 7tn 07:53:47 PM Discussion Cr. Mehl stated that he supports the project, but wants further discussion to drive other decisions and scope. Mr. Fine asked for a recommendation of a better way to gain this parking data responsibly. Discussion followed. 08:00:00 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor closed public comment. i No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. 5. 08:00:11 PM Northeast Urban Renewal Board Fiscal Year 2017 Workplan and Budget (Noble/Fontenot) ®a 08:00:23 PM Tom Noble, Presentation Tom Noble, Chair of the Northeast Urban Renewal Board, presented on the district's FY17 workplan and budget.They have planned streetscapes, developed trails and parks, and this year they decided to bond for street improvement and other projects. 08:04:02 PM Questions/Comments for Presenter Cr. Mehl asked for a timeframe for the quiet zone study and Peach/Tamarack work. Presenter responded in detail. Page 5 of 8 June 13,2106 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes Deputy Mayor Andrus stated she was pleased to see the public art component.Staff provided further detail. Mayor Taylor stated he was pleased to see progress in this area. 08:08:02 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. 08:08:30 PM Break Mayor Taylor called for a break until 8:15 PM. 08:17:34 PM Meeting Called Back to Order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order at 8:17 PM. 6. 08:17:51 PM Resolution 4692 Amending Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Budget to Include Additional Appropriations of $32,000 from the Community Housing Fund for Reach, Inc. Housing Project (Rosenberry) -ry� 08:18:16 PM Anna Rosenberry,Staff Presentation Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry presented the need for the amendment with the formal budget resolution.The Commission approved this project in October,there were not specific allocations made during the FY16 budget process. 08:19:31 PM Questions Deputy Mayor Andrus asked procedurally why the City was doing this.Staff responded in detail. 08:23:38 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. 08:23:50 PM Motion that having reviewed public comment and all the information presented, I hereby move to approve Commission Resolution No.4692, amending the Fiscal Year 2016 annual budget to include additional appropriations of$32,000 from the Community Housing Fund for Reach, Inc. Housing Project. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Page 6 of 8 t June 13,2105 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes 08:24:23 PM Discussion Cr. Pomeroy stated that this fund was stated purposefully for this reason and she supports the motion. Cr. Mehl also supported the motion. Cr. Krauss stated that Reach's work has been successful, and that this makes sense. He further explained this process in the budget policy. Mayor Taylor stated that he appreciated having a rough idea of where this money could be spent. 08:28:35 PM Vote on the motion that having reviewed public comment and all the information presented, I hereby move to approve Commission Resolution No. 4692, amending the Fiscal Year 2016 annual budget to include additional appropriations of$32,000 from the Community Housing Fund for i Reach, Inc. Housing Project. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve I 7. 08:28:50 PM Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Work Session- Updated Information for Community Housing Fund (Rosenberry) —�G= 08:29:03 PM Anna Rosenberry,Staff Presentation Director Rosenberry briefly discussed why this item was brought before the Commission. 08:29:50 PM Questions of Staff Cr. Mehl asked if this money was different than the money used to staff CAHAB. City Manager Kukulski and Community Development Director Wendy Thomas responded. He also asked about unit estimates and the purchasing of property for affordable housing. Director Thomas responded. Mayor Taylor asked for further clarification on the unit calculation. Director Thomas responded. City Attorney Greg Sullivan clarified the ordinance. 08:40:01 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 1 08:40:12 PM Tracy Menuez- HRDC, Public Comment Ms. Menuez asked for clarification on the ordinance. Mayor Taylor responded regarding the number of units and timeline. City Attorney Sullivan confirmed. Ms. Menuez thanked CAHAB for their support and their discussions, specifically looking at affordable Page 7 of 8 June 13,2106 Draft Bozeman City Commission Minutes land. 08:42:22 PM Kevin Thane, Public Comment CAHAB has been looking at affordable land.There are lots of options, so he strongly encouraged the Commissions' approval of this budget item. 08:43:49 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor closed public comment. No motion is required.Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. H. 08:44:06 PM FYI/Discussion 1. Mayor Taylor reminded the Commission that the start time is 5:00 PM next Monday 2. City Manager Chris Kukulski discussed the public kickoff of the Strategic Plan Kickoff meeting as well as participation in Art Walk. He pointed the public towards the City's website to find more information and a survey to participate in. 3. Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn informed the Commission that the old armory will begin renovations tomorrow for the Etha project. I, 08:47:25 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:47 PM. may. fCarson Taylor Mayor ATTEST: 1-3 ,. "5 n CfpOkh, MPA a — ®City Clerk .1 3 P.R:EPARED BY: Rob' rough, MPA City Clerk Approved on: Page 8 of 8