HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-16 City Commission Minutes BOz. � k _ f a`�'�r CO. THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, June 06,2016 I Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present MaVor-Carson TaVlor: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present DeputV Mayor-CVnthia Andrus: Present Commissioner- I-Ho PomeroV: Present : Staff present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney, Greg Sullivan and Deputy City j Clerk, Pearl Michalson. A. 06:00:26 PM Call to Order—6:00 PM - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse �f Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:OOPM. w I B. 06:01:13 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence f. C. 06:01:29 PM Changes to the Agenda I Mayor Taylor asked if there were changes to the agenda,the city manager stated that there were changes to the agenda; action item 2 would be a continuance. c D. 06:02:50 PM Consent I I. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) t� 2. Approve the Little Tree Minor Subdivision Final Plat Application 15556 (WerBell) E 3. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Findings of Fact and Order for the Lot 12 Gallatin Center Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application Number 16076 (Thomas) O ra June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes . . . 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Memorandum of Understanding with Montana State University for South University District Utility Easements (Woolard) a 5. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Fiscal Year 2017 Montana State University (MSU)Fire Service Agreement(Waldo) t<- 6. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Notice of Award to Award the Contract for the 2016 Seal Coat Improvements to Knife River Belgrade in the Amount of $324,203.40 (Kerr) 1%a 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Encroachment Permits from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) for the Downtown North 7th Conduit Project (Fine) 114C= 8. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the First Addendum to the Professional Services Agreement with Arrowleaf Landscaping, LLC for Lawn Maintenance and Grounds Services at the Story Mansion (White) %�z 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Professional Services Agreement with Vision Technology Solutions,LLC. for Web Services (Rosenberry) to 10. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment Number 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for the Oak Street Improvements Project (Murray) �a 06:03:08 PM The City Manger gave a brief overview of consent items 1-10 06:03:27 PM Public Comment Mayor opened public comment There was no public comment Public comment was closed. 06:03:37 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-10 as submitted. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve E. 06:04:12 PM Public Comment 06:04:27 PM Mayor Taylor opened public comment Page 2 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes There was no public comment Public Comment was closed. F. 06:05:10 PM Action Items 1. Public Hearing on Petition by Cannery District Partners LLC,to Discontinue Various Streets and Alleys In and Adjacent to Blocks 1, 2 and 3, Imes Addition, and Adoption of Resolution 4690 A Resolution of Intent to Discontinue Said Streets and Alleys (Kerr) a 06:05:42 PM Staff presentation Andrew Kerr, Engineer gave a brief presentation on the cannery site and talked about the decisions made to these proposed right away specifically on oalc street and North Montana. 06:10:04 PM Questions Staff Cr. Mehl asked about the benefits of this easement and what happens when the right of way is vacated Cr. Pomeroy asked why the city had to prepare the plat and cost for filing. 06:11:24 PM Applicant Presentation The applicant did not have anything to present. 06:11:34 PM Questions for Applicant Mayor Taylor asked if there were questions for the applicant There were no questions for the applicant Questions were closed. 06:11:42 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment There was no public comment Public comment was closed. 06:11:49 PM Motion that having conducted a public hearing and considered public comment,I move to adopt the findings provided in the staff memorandum and approve the petition by Cannery District Partners,LLC, to discontinue the streets and alleys in and adjacent to Blocks 1, 2 and 3 of the Imes Addition as shown on Exhibit A of Resolution 4690 and adopt Resolution 4690, a Resolution of Intent to discontinue the street and alley rights-of-way and request staff bring back a final resolution to discontinue these rights-of-way. I Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Page 3 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes 06:12:08 PM Discussion Cr. Mehl stated that this was part of what was discussed when it was first brought before the commission.There was no objection to the conditions and this project would be supported. Mayor Taylor stated that this development would be better to have it work for the development than old plats that no longer work. 06:13:50 PM 2. 06:13:52 PM A Conditional Use Permit(CUP)Application to Allow the Sales of Alcohol for on-premise Consumption in the Bozeman Hotel Addressed at 321 East Main Street in Existing Bar and Restaurant Spaces on the First Floor and Basement Levels and the Expansion of the Serving Area of Pub 317 into the Space Formerly Occupied by Sobys(Quasi-judicial) (Boughan) to 06:14:40 PM Staff Presentation Danielle Martin stated that the applicant requested more time to prepare this item. 06:15:14 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment There was no public comment Public comment was closed. 06:15:20 PM Motion to continue the main motion and action item to a later date. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Consider the motion: Having reviewed and eensidered the applieation materials-,p eomment, and all the infermation presented, 1 hereby adopt the finding-s presented in the soqff, repertfor applieation 1608 4 and move to approve the Conditional U-se Permit with eonditions- .a ubje t t all r rigi rr le e a 06:16:01 PM Vote to continue the main motion and action item to a later date. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Page 4 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes 3. 06:16:10 PM Fiscal Year 2017(FY17)Budget Work Session General Fund and Community Development Fund(Rosenberry) tR- 06:17:22 PM Staff presentation Financial Services Administrator Anna Rosenberry talked about the estimates given in the health insurance benefit that needed to be adjusted. Feedback on adjustments was requested. 06:22:34 PM Questions for staff Mayor Taylor asked if there were questions for staff. There were no questions for staff. Questions for staff were closed. 06:23:43 PM Staff presentation continued Planned spending was discussed, specifically the current budget year versus the pervious year and changes per capital.The amounts mirror what was in the budget document.The city commission budget was discussed as well as all the line items such as administrative services,facilities management, Personnel, capital projects, police department and fire department. Recreation budget, and Community Services were also discussed. 06:38:34 PM Questions for Staff Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about differences in the proposed fund from last year and this year. After looking at levy's the ending and beginning balances were asked about. Clarification on these changes, and what that would mean in the future was asked about. Revenues, mills and property taxes were also inquired about.The ending fund balance was discussed as well. 06:41:34 PM Staff Response Financial Director Anna Rosenberry stated that solid information about what was available was received at the end of FY15 was received and analyzed and an explanation about how the budget was generally assessed was discussed in detail for all the balances'. FY16 Adopted budget did not have actual results of FY15 as Budgeted in that report.The true financial results were reflected in the FY15 budget however actual results and information for FY16 won't be available until next fall.Assuming full revenues utilizing last year's number was how the budget had been estimated. Levying less could happen once looking at everything fund by fund. Reserve levels were also discussed with the commission well as the effect on property taxes was discussed in detail. 06:53:48 PM General Questions Continued Cr. Krauss asked about the ending budget once it had been budgeted and the difference between that and the actual fiscal year data. Page 5 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes Cr. Pomeroy asked about FY17 revenue budget and estimated expenditures and why the differences existed to which staff stated that the general fund was estimated to have more money then what was forecast City Manager Chris Kukulski stated that we always come ending the year exceeding the minimum level for the reserve. Balancing those items in the general fund the expenditures would exceed the Cr. Krauss stated that the spending down and maxing out the levy and wanted to know if that was accurate to which staff stated yes. 07:00:25 PM City Commission Fund Discussion Cr. Krauss asked about clarification of the commission budget Mayor Taylor asked about the operation cost for the commission and what those changes were which was discussed by staff. Cr. Krauss Expenditures by division was asked about and explained by staff. Cr. Mehl asked for clarification of the cost out of the City Manager's Office, 07:05:44 PM City Attorney Office Cr. Mehl asked about the attorney's office revocations and how the money was calculated as reduced as well as requests for hearings and domestic cases which was discussed with the city attorney in detail. 07:09:58 PM Administrative Services Cr. Krauss asked about the admin services and what the changes in the costs were and why there were differences to which the financial services director responded in detail. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about the human resources generalist position which was discussed in detail by the Human Resources manager, Bethany Jorgenson. The number of people that are currently being managed by the human resources department was asked and discussed as well. Cr. Pomeroy asked if HR could handle one more year with the three people that they have. Cr. Krauss asked about IT services and its budget. 07:21:34 PM Facilities Management Cr. Krauss asked about on boarding a new facilities manager to which the assistant city manager Chuck Winn discussed in detail.The increase in operations was asked about and discussed as well for clarification purposes. Cr. Mehl asked about patrol vehicles in the police budget to which Chief Crawford responded in detail. Hiring and salaries were also asked about and discussed by the Administrator Director,Anna Rosenberry. Mayor Taylor asked about animal control shelter fees which were discussed in detail. 07:35:02 PM Fire Department Mayor Taylor asked why the operations budget when up to which fire chief Waldo responded in detail. Cr. Krauss asked when a citizen call comes in from the elder community, how would the fire department respond which was responded by staff. Page 6 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes Cr. Mehl asked about EMS calls and good intent calls. 07:38:42 PM Cemetery Cr. Krauss asked about salary and benefit increases Mayor Taylor asked if we were still contributing to the perpetual care fund as well as fees. Cr. Mehl asked about the veteran's cemetery, specifically what was next and how long it would take. Cr. Krauss asked about a minimum point and what would happen if we only had a certain amount of money for the cemetery to which staff responded in detail. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the increase in FY17 compared to the year before to which staff also responded. 07:50:03 PM break Mayor Taylor called for a 10min break. 08:02:16 PM Meeting back in session 08:02:35 PM Parks Cr. Krauss asked about actively accepting the maintenance costs and weed issues to which staff responded in detail. Irrigation control systems and managing the system was discussed for park improvements. 08:08:00 PM Library Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about the book mobile and how it would work. Susan Gregory the Library Director discussed the project in detail. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the money that was raised for the library fund.Staff was also discussed in detail by staff in the current fiscal year out to FY18 Cr. Mehl asked about the route of the mobile library operation and also asked about the cuts that were discussed with the city. Utilizing a capital, depreciation and special revenue fund was discussed as well. A web design for the library was also discussed. Cr. Krauss asked if there were some adjustments that could be made in the Library salary with the people they had already. 08:26:31 PM Recreation Cr. Krauss asked about the 36%change in the finances which the recreation and parks director, Mitch Overton responded to those changes and requests in the budget. Management was discussed as well as increasing safety and swim teams. Hours in the swim center was discussed. Cr. Krauss talked about ways that we could increase and warrant the money being requested to be put to use in the swim center Mayor Taylor asked about raising fees and the cost to run the swim center. Page 7 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes 08:42:49 PM Comm Services Cr. Krauss asked about the operating cost in community services. Brit Fontenot,the Director of Economic Development talked about what the division has accomplished. Sustainability and what local businesses have done to reduce costs was discussed as well as the services that were being worked on in FY17. Cr. Mehl asked about what was reduced from the Economic Development Budget. Differences between the FY16 an FY17 Budget was asked. 08:49:25 PM Non Departmental Cr. Krauss asked about health insurance increase of 500k and an explanation of that raise. Cr. Mehl asked about the City Band which was discussed in detail my the city manager. 08:53:36 PM Streets Mayor Taylor asked about the streets cost and how it was calculated which was discussed with staff. 08:57:55 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment There was no public comment Public comment was closed. 08:59:50 PM Community Development Fund Staff gave a brief overview about the planning and community development fund.A breakdown of the application fees as and restricted cash accounts, budget surplus and deficit as well as the working capital was also discussed by staff before questions were asked by the commission. 09:04:02 PM Questions* Cr. Pomeroy asked about operational costs, specifically reasons why the operation costs have increased. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked about restrictions. Cr. Krauss asked about the conservation overlay district and asked if we had a planning levy which staff responded that we did. Chris Sanders talked about the long range planning fee. Cr. Mehl asked about how much money had been coming into the funds and for how long Wendy Thomas explained the technology fee as well as long range planning and what the needs of the long term staffing would be. Cr. Mehl asked about the UDC and fiscal flexibility. Clarification of the anticipated spent revenue on the growth policy update was given by Community Services Director,Wendy Thomas. Mayor Taylor asked why there was an increase in a historic preservation officer salary. 09:21:30 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment Page 8 of 10 i a June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes There was no public comment Public Comment was closed. 09:21:40 PM General Discussion Cr. Pomeroy stated that she would like to approve the budget as it was but would like to see a 2% overall cut from the FY17 budget. Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that she would like to see where we are today and how that may match to what has already been spent to this point. Cr. Krauss asked if this was a maximum budget he was not comfortable with it going toward the voters. He also stated that some of the numbers that he was looking at some of the personnel that were being asked for and felt that he was unsure if the tax base would support the increases. Concerns about the maxed out budget was discussed as well as general fund transfer, taxable values was also discussed in detail . Cr. Mehl asked about a cut memo and talked about the typical city resident total cost and would like to get the increase down to fewer than 5%. Mayor Taylor talked about the needs of the tax payer specifically property taxes. Predictions was discussed and would be willing to look at things that might be cut in the short term and the long term. At a minimum would like to know what citizens would not be getting that would or would not be helpful for them. Cr. Krauss stated that at some point we would have to look at the tax base when making these decisions. Prioritizing what the city is doing was important.Taxable value was also discussed. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked for clarification on the proposed cuts from staff which Cr. Mehl clarified. City Manager, Chris Kukulski gave a brief overview of the expectations that the commission would like to see before the next commission meeting in regards to cutting the budget. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the amount of the 2%that would need to be cut. c Motion: No Motion is required. Advertised as Action Item so that Commissioners may direct staff as necessary. G. 09:55:47 PM FYI/Discussion Meeting this week 3 public meetings for parking Strategic plan at the high school Start the meeting on the 20th at S m H. 09:57:30 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor Adjourned the meeting at 9:57P.M. Page 9 of 10 June 6, 2016 City Commission Minutes IICjrson Taylor B O, 'lylayor O �( d r Q. in "pg 4 q C Clerk PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk Approved on: Page 10 of 10