HomeMy WebLinkAbout19880222 .... THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA February 22. 1988 Page 1 of -L Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Orientation Session - 1:00 p.m. I. a. Water Treatment Plant b. City Court 2. Roll Call - 2:00 p.m. 3. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 4. Minutes Open bids - oil distributor for Street Department (CIP) Motion and vote to open bids; motion and vote to refer 5. bids to staff for review and a recommendation to be sub- mitted at next week's meeting Presentation re municipal/foreign policy - Louise Bowman 6. (5 minutes) Decision - Conditional Use Permit - Recreation Advisory Board Motion and vote 10-19-87; 11-16-87 ; 7. and City-County Planning Staff - allow development of linear 02-16-88 park in R-O, R-2, R-3, R-4, RS-l and PLI zoning districts (old Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way) Continued discussion - request for creation of a special improve- Possible motion and vote 8. ment district for paving, curb and gutter and storm drainage _ Lea Avenue Discussion - draft advertisement and application form for the Possible motion and vote 9. ad hoc committee to develop a sign ordinance . .. ~ THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGE N D A February 22, 1988 Page -2- of -2- Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Discussion - Commissioner attendance at the Elected Officials 10. Workshop to be held at Montana State University on March 16-18, 1988 Claims Motion and vote to approve and authorize payment II. Discussion - FYI Items 12. Orientation Session (continued) 13. c. Finance Motion and vote to authorize Mayor to sign budget 02-08-88; 02-16-88 amendments 14. Recess 15. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. Public hearing - Master Plan Amendment - Life Link International Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 16. for William J. Novak - change land use designation from Limited Highway Commercial to Light Industry (35-acre tract in the N~, Section 17, T2S, R5E, MPM (west of Gooch Hill Road on US 191) Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn 17.