HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-16 Allison, Marketplace at Blackmore - Public Comment June 15, 2016 Mrs. Cyndy Andrus and Ms.Alicia Kennedy Liaisons to Design Review Committee Bozeman, MT RE:preliminary plans for The Marketplace at Blackmore Bend 1324 E. Main St. Dear Commissioner Andrus and Ms. Kennedy, My name is Evette Allison and I am an 8 year resident of the Marwyn-Lindley Neighborhood. I attended our annual neighborhood meeting in October of 2015 when, as a group,we heard from Don Cape about this East Main St. development. I've been active with our committee to gather consensus about our neighborhood's concerns and how it may affect us. I am writing to express my personal concerns with the preliminary plan. To begin with, I am very pleased that Heeb's is expanding and staying on the east side of town to serve residents. The improvements that are proposed in the entire development will make this end of Main Street a much nicer place to do business and to frequent. My first concern is the possible increased traffic through our neighborhood, if the only entrance/exit to the Marketplace from Highland is at E. Curtis Street. Matt Kelly, from our neighborhood, attended the May 19th Planning Review Committee meeting and from what was said,the city was leaning toward this option. The preliminary drawings show a right in/right out of the parking lot north of the E. Curtis Street intersection. There is also an entrance from Main Street into the Marketplace some distance from the intersection at Highland. Yet it is my understanding that these entrances/exits will not be on the final plan, funneling traffic through only 2 exits. I am concerned that frustrated drivers will turn left onto E. Curtis (even if illegally) to avoid congestion, hoping to zip around traffic lights. We already have significant congestion from E. Curtis to Main Street and there are likely a few already cutting through.Additionally, traffic may find it easy to avoid the intersection at Main and Highland by peeling off early onto Cypress, following it south to E. Curtis and then to Highland. As a neighborhood,we want to be proactive in preventing excessive increased traffic. What would the city put in place to deter through-traffic on our streets? i a What are the city's plans to address this intersection and the bottle neck as Highland meets E. Main?There is a day care and Montessori school right on Highland.Are there plans to address safe traffic flow past these two businesses? Is the city looking at all related traffic issues for both the Blackmore Bend development and further developments along Highland? My second concern is also related to pedestrian and bike safety. In keeping with Bozeman's livability and encouraging alternative transportation, I'm concerned about planning for pedestrian and bike crossings as Highland is developed. Heeb's and the other businesses will be frequented by families on foot from the softball complex,walkers, runners and visitors from the Lindley Center and park, and Streamline riders.Again E. Curtis will be a highly used location to access the Marketplace. As traffic increases, how can people safely cross Highland? My final concern is how the viewshed of residents is impacted by the Marketplace at Blackmore Bend. In my opinion the layout looks stark and glaring from the preliminary drawing. How will the area be landscaped to soften the viewshed and meet Sec. 38.17.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which states :"The setbackfrom any entryway corridor roadway right of way shall be landscaped, including the screening or buffering ofparking areas, through the use of berms, depressed parking, native landscape materials surrounding and within parking areas, or other means in order to preserve the area's natural views. "? E We are island neighborhood with development rapidly occurring on 2 sides of us.We are committed to working with the city to preserve the quality and safety of neighborhood and the many recreational uses of this area. I feel we can find and implement good solutions for our neighborhood and the businesses at the Marketplace at Blackmore Bend. Commissioner Andrus and Ms. Kennedy, thank you for your time and attention to my concerns. f Respectfully, Evette Allison 1010 E. Babcock St. Bozeman, MT 59715 406-570-3523 RE.preliminary plans for The Marketplace at Blackmore Bend 1324 E. Main St. cc: Brian Krueger, Dept. of Community Development Shawn Kohtz, City Engineering Office Bozeman Design Review Committee Commission Liaison Cyndy Andrus (Staff Liaison Alicia Kennedy) Bozeman Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Chairperson, Ralph Zimmer Bozeman Planning Board Commission Liaison: Chris Mehl i I i i I I