HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout001 - Appendix A - Vicinity Map001 - Turnrow Prelim Plat Narrative002 - Appendix B - Proposed Land Use Diagram003 - Appendix C - Block Frontage Diagram003.01 - Appendix C.1 - Pedestrain Fronting Open Space Diagram003.02 - Appendix C.2 - Pedestrain Pathway Exhibit004 - Appendix D - Parks Master Plan PH1005 - Appendix E - Enviornmental Assesment006 - Appendix F - Green Plan007 - Appendix G - CCRs008 - Appendix H - Articles of Incorporation009 - Appendix I - Bylaws010 - Appendix J - Design Manual011 - Appendix K - Traffic Impact Study011.01 - Appendix K.2 - Westlake Section Approval011.02 Appendix K.3 - ROW Easement locations (Phase1)011.03 - Appendix K.4 - MDT-PreliminaryDesignAcceptance011.04 - Appendix K.5 - Letter on Speed Limit011.05 - Appendix K.6 - TrafficSignalWarrantAnalysisLetter011.06 - Appendix K.7 - MDT-ApprovalLetter012 - Appendix L.1 - Wetland Delineation Report013 - Appendix L.2- Environmental Report Wildlife014 - Appendix L.3 - FWP Request for Comment014.01 - Appendix L.4 - Environmental Response Memo014.02 - Appendix L.5 - Weed Management Plan Submittal014.03 - Appendix L.5 - Swale memo014.04 - Appendix L.6 - TerrAquatic Wildlife Memo Responses014.05 - Appendix L.7 - TerrAquatic Approval Letter015 - Appendix M - FloodHazardEvaluation(Phase1)015.01 - Appendix M.1 SurfaceWaterDescriptionMemo016 - Appendix N - Water Design Report017 - Appendix O - Wastewater Design Report017.01 - Appendix O.2 - Block 1 Force Main Location018 - Appendix P - Stormwater Design Report019 - Appendix Q - Geotechnical_PreliminaryReport020 - Appendix Q.2 - Geotechnical_PavementSections021 - Appendix R - Concurrent Construction Request Letter021.01 Appendix R.2 - CC Infrastructure Phasing022 - Appendix S - Request Exempt Well Letter DNRC022.01 - Appendix S.2 - DNRC Exempt Well Letter023 - Appendix T.1 - Weed Management Letter024 - Appendix T.2 - Weed Management Application025 - Appendix U - Irrigation Facilities Notification Letter026 - Appendix U.2 - BozemanDevelopmentLLC027 - Appendix U.3 - FarmersCanalNotice028 - Appendix V.1 - ExistingTrailEase_2791403029 - Appendix V.2 - ExistingGasEasement_BK100_P359030 - Appendix V.3 - Davis-PublicStreet&UtilityEasement_2791402031 - Appendix V.4 - MDT_Easement_FM143_P643032 - Appendix V.5 - MDT_Easement_FM143_P640033 - Appendix V.6 - MDT_Easement_FM143_P646033.01 - Appendix V.7 - Turnrow_CattailCreekEasement033.02 - Appendix V.8 - BusterGulchEasement034 - Appendix W.1 - WarrantyDeed_2736653035 - Appendix W.2 - WarrantyDeed_2736654035.01 - Appendix X.1 - IrrigationPipelineRouting-DMS036 - Appendix X - WaterRights-Correspondence&Attachments036.02 - Appendix X.2 - IrrigationNotificationDirective036.03 - Appendix X.3 - SandSDavisLLC Notice036.04 - Appendix X.4 - Bartimco - PropertiesLLC-Notice036.05 - Appendix X.5 - TerrySchaplowNotice036.06 - Appendix X.6 -WestlakeFamilyFarmLLC037 - Appendix Y - Adjacent Neighbor Easement Request037 - N1 - Turnrow037.01 - Appendix Z - Non-Municipal Facilities Letters037.02 -Appendix AA - DRAFT Payback Agreement Multi-use Path037.03 - Appendix BB -Block1UtilConfiguration037.04 - Appendix CC - CattailCreek-EstimatedLimitsofConstruction037.05 - Appendix DD - EstimatedWetlandsImpacts-CattailCreek037.06 - Appendix EE - 906-DavisLaneTaper037.07 - Appendix FF - ROW Option Agreement038 - Turnrow Adjoiners List039 - Notification Letter040 - Concurrent Constructions and Off Site Improvements Signed041 - Concurrent Constructions and Off Site Improvements Signed043 - PP FormNWE station 3-29-24