HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout04-12-23 Public Comment - J. & M. Murphy - Fireworks in the city04-12-23 Public Comment - M. Clark - Fireworks ban04-12-23 Public Comment - P. Hainsworth - Fireworks Ban in Bozeman04-13-23 Public Comment - J. Tretter - Fireworks04-13-23 Public Comment - K. & B. Rydell - Please ban the use of fireworks within the city04-16-23 Public Comment - J. Montagne - Fireworks04-17-23 Public Comment - D. Upton - Proposed Fireworks Ban in the City of Bozeman04-17-23 Public Comment - J. Madden - Fireworks - I am in favor of the proposal to ban04-17-23 Public Comment - K. Wohlers - Oppose Fireworks Ban04-17-23 Public Comment - P. Straub - Fireworks04-18-23 Public Comment - C. Herrick - Fireworks ban04-18-23 Public Comment - E. Allen - Support of Firework Ban04-18-23 Public Comment - H. McFadden - Fireworks04-18-23 Public Comment - J. Cartwright - Fireworks ban04-18-23 Public Comment - K. Franks - tonight's meeting (04.18.23)04-18-23 Public Comment - L. Barnard - FIREWORKS!04-18-23 Public Comment - M. Cormer - I oppose Banning Fireworks Proposed Ordinance #213404-18-23 Public Comment - M. Thompson - Please ban fireworks in Bozeman04-18-23 Public Comment - N. Filbin - Fireworks ban supported04-18-23 Public Comment - P. Koehler - Tonight's meeting04-18-23 Public Comment - P. Olliff - Proposed Fireworks Ban in City of Bozeman04-18-23 Public Comment - S. Held - in support of banning fireworks within city limits04-18-23 Public Comment - T. Carter - Fireworks ban -- SUPPORT04-18-23 Public Comment - T. Moe - Fireworks Ban04-19-23 Public Comment - A. Schumacher - Ban Fireworks04-19-23 Public Comment - H. Stanley - Fireworks Ban04-20-23 Public Comment - C. Eiholzer - Support for home fireworks ban04-20-23 Public Comment - J. Olsen - Fireworks Ban05-03-23 Public Comment - T. Sims - Fireworks ban in the city06-29-23 Public Comment - A. O'Neill - Disagreement with Ordinance 213407-05-23 Public Comment - M. Van Vuren - Fireworks07-06-23 Pulic commenmt - H. McFadden - Fireworks07-31-23 Public Comment - L. Ceremsak - ]Just wanted you to know...(Fireworks ban)07-31-23 Public Comment - M. Sadowski thank you!(Fireworks ban)07-31-23 Public Comment - M. Smith - Comment on fireworks ban